Tucker Carlson and his guest freaking out about some liberals saying gingerbread people instead of gingerbread man cookies.
"They're clearly men!"
North America's four major rail networks — Norfolk Southern, CSX, Union Pacific and Canadian National — all own lines that were built and operated with slave labor.
Okay? 90% of the nation's, as a whole, was built by Chinese labor. I'm not saying some slaves didn't lay some track, but the vast, vast, vast, by far majority was Chinese laborers. Especially as most track was laid after the Civil War ended.
Congrats on being retarded and posting the first google result you found though.
Last edited by Gelston; 12-20-2018 at 02:45 PM.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Last edited by Methais; 12-20-2018 at 03:00 PM.