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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #4241


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    How is this not cwolff? Did he clone himself or something?
    Hey it's everyone favorite NPC fascist! I'd call you a goose-stepper but from your youtube videos it sounds like you get winded standing up, much less marching.

  2. #4242


    "Fascists are never content to merely lie; they must transform their lie into a new reality, and they must persuade people to believe in the unreality they’ve created. And if you get people to do that, you can convince them to do anything."

    -Hannah Arendt

  3. #4243


    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post
    Hey it's everyone favorite NPC fascist! I'd call you a goose-stepper but from your youtube videos it sounds like you get winded standing up, much less marching.
    I wonder if cwolff has logged onto the PC, was about to start posting, but then read some of sellstuff1's posts and was like "Well I see someone is taking over in my absence" and that's why he hasn't been posting lately?

    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post
    "Fascists are never content to merely lie; they must transform their lie into a new reality, and they must persuade people to believe in the unreality they’ve created. And if you get people to do that, you can convince them to do anything."

    -Hannah Arendt
    Right down to the quoting of random people as if that in and of itself is an argument. It's uncanny.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 11-09-2018 at 04:21 AM.

  4. #4244


    Last edited by sellstuff1; 11-09-2018 at 04:23 AM.

  5. #4245


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    I wonder if cwolff has logged onto the PC, was about to start posting, but then read some of sellstuff1's posts and was like "Well I see someone is taking over in my absence" and that's why he hasn't been posting lately?

    Right down to the quoting of random people as if that in and of itself is an argument. It's uncanny.
    Sorry, I can't understand what you're saying when you've got orange clown dick makeup smeared all over your pretty face.

  6. #4246


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Right down to the quoting of random people as if that in and of itself is an argument. It's uncanny.

    Johanna "Hannah" Cohn Arendt was a German philosopher and political theorist. Her many books and articles on topics ranging from totalitarianism to epistemology have had a lasting influence on political theory. Arendt is widely considered one of the most important political philosophers of the twentieth century.

    Yeah definitely a random person and not one of the most important political philosophers of the twentieth century. Oh wait your superiors haven't given you a directive from a think-tank to whataboutism a German philosopher, so you're basically speechless when confronted with evidence of your fascist ideals.
    Last edited by sellstuff1; 11-09-2018 at 04:25 AM.

  7. #4247


    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post

    Johanna "Hannah" Cohn Arendt was a German philosopher and political theorist. Her many books and articles on topics ranging from totalitarianism to epistemology have had a lasting influence on political theory. Arendt is widely considered one of the most important political philosophers of the twentieth century.

    Yeah definitely a random person and not one of the most important political philosophers of the twentieth century. Oh wait your superiors haven't given you a directive from a think-tank to whataboutism a German philosopher, so you're basically speechless when confronted with evidence of your fascist ideals.
    See what I mean? Quoting some random person is "evidence" of his claims. I wonder what would happen it cwolff did come back? Would two cwolffs being in the same place at the same time cause some sort of tear in the fabric of reality and we all cease to exist?

  8. #4248


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    See what I mean? Quoting some random person is "evidence" of his claims. I wonder what would happen it cwolff did come back? Would two cwolffs being in the same place at the same time cause some sort of tear in the fabric of reality and we all cease to exist?
    I wonder what happen when a fascist is publicly executed? Do all the other snowflake fascists scream out in terror, because they're next?

  9. #4249


    Quote Originally Posted by sellstuff1 View Post
    I wonder what happen when a fascist is publicly executed? Do all the other snowflake fascists scream out in terror, because they're next?
    Fantasizing about people dying he doesn't like. Yup, cwolff Part 2 here.

  10. #4250


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Fantasizing about people dying he doesn't like. Yup, cwolff Part 2 here.
    You think you qualify as a person, that's cute. Sorry, NPC. Maybe next year.

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