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Oh stop it. Yes a privately owned company can shut you down for pretty much any reason it wants. But let's not pretend YouTube and Simu is even remotely the same thing.
Simutronics is a company focused on providing us with a gaming experience where people roleplay they are halflings and elves living in a mythical land where we battle dragons and shit, of course no one is going to defend someone talking about politics in this game or even on the forums.
YouTube on the other hand is specifically for people to express themselves. That's like the whole damn point of YouTube. They even have a category dedicated to people discussing politics.
Now if Alex Jones was actually posting a lot of racist shit and was endangering children's lives then yeah, go ahead and get rid of his ass. But let's get real, I'm sure these examples have been blown way out of proportion because certain segments of the society (like cwolff and pk) would like nothing more than for Alex Jones to lose this channel and big tech companies are scared of people like this for some reason so they are looking for a reason to get rid of his YouTube channel.
I would also have to see these "racist" videos in context. Is it more on the Roseanne side of things where he made a dumb joke, or more on that racist NYT editor side of things where he actually referred to brown people as groveling goblins who should live underground?