This was awkward.
I wish I were making this up but some of those on the left are losing their minds today because Melania wore a jacket that said "I really don't care, do you?" today. They are saying this proves Melania is a white supremacist and that she doesn't care about minorities.
Yes, people. This is real. This is happening right now in real time. This is not a test, you can tell it's not a test because of all the laughter going on.
Last edited by Methais; 06-21-2018 at 04:01 PM.
No official word but the theory is the media was going to focus on her wardrobe no matter what she wore so she's trolling them.
I think it's kind of a stretch to suggest the message has anything to do with the detention facilities.
If she wore one of her high priced outfits the narrative would be "Melania visits poor, downtrodden children ripped from their mothers while sporting an expensive dress."
If she wore an inexpensive dress the narrative would be "Melania dressing like trash to visit children. Is she saying these children are also trash?"
It's why I believe the going theory. No matter what the media was going to focus on her clothing and make up whatever narrative they wanted to spin.
I'm pretty sure that actually happened before.
The point is to know who you're visiting and what the message your clothing conveys (especially if it's literally written on the back). She's a fashion model, you'd think she would understand that. I'm not angry about it, I just raised one eyebrow slightly when I read about it.
You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.
The optics might not be good but that's a far cry from this proves the entire Trump administration is filled with white supremacists.
This is the left's problem these days. They can't just say "What an idiot to wear something like that on her visit to a detention center." They have to go 10 steps further and suggest Nazis are alive and well and residing at the White House and be sure to devote an entire day's worth of news to this "story."