Someone asked Ted Cruz if he agreed that Trump could pardon himself. Cruz was silent for 18 seconds before responding, saying he wasn't familiar with that area of the law and couldn't answer. This is despite having written a 50+ page article on Obama's supposed abuse of power with pardons and having it published in a Harvard journal of law and public policy last April. The spinelessness of the Trump supporters never ceases to amaze me.
Ted Cruz is a vampire lord.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Last edited by Gelston; 06-05-2018 at 08:19 AM.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
Republicans are shitting their pants that some zealots will attempt an ACA repeal this Summer. The last thing they need going into midterms is to 1) take away people's health insurance 2) lose the fight attempting to take it away and 3) remind all Americans how popular ACA really is. White House officials scoffed at the prospect of an actual Obamacare-repeal revival, saying that they can’t fathom depleting political capital on a project with virtually no chance of passage this close to the midterm elections. One West Wing official called it a “suicide” mission. A senior administration official said that the issue wasn’t being taken seriously inside the building because the president’s team has concluded “the votes aren’t there.”
With Trump and his aides eager to avoid revisiting one of their biggest legislative humiliations, the likelihood of Obamacare repeal and replace actually getting another hearing is incredibly remote. But that hasn’t stopped some in the party from fretting that the issue remains a political tripwire. In leadership circles, there is an emerging fear that those floating the idea of taking another whack at Obamacare repeal and replace are setting up a lose-lose situation in which GOP lawmakers look either feckless for ducking the issue or impotent for again failing to successfully pass it.
“All these people out there not responsible for elected real-life senators don’t seem to realize there are consequences for failed votes,” said one top Senate GOP aide. “We experienced them last summer. I don't understand why we would want to have that again.”
Or, as one top Democratic aide put it: “I can't believe they would be so stupid. That said, they often surprise me with how stupid they are.”
I wouldn't call 49% popular.