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Thread: Quitting GS

  1. #61


    Sucks to see you go, TGO. I didn't always agree with your opinions or methods, but you did some great things for the community and I can't disagree with that. I wish you the best of luck.

    Same thing for Whirlin, we don't see eye to eye on things and you can kind be a jerk but you're usually a pretty cool guy and it sounds like you really got the shaft there.
    Last edited by Jhynnifer; 12-14-2017 at 08:19 PM.
    You slap Walkar's cheek, hard.
    He continues, "I've decided that I'm not going to let you serve community service, so don't get your hopes up. To this aim, you may either pay the fine of 50000000 silvers plus any other outstanding debts you may owe, or serve a total of 120 minutes of incarceration. You may ANSWER me either FINE or INCARCERATION as your choice. But I digress. Choose quickly, now, lest I hold you in contempt of court for wasting my time."

  2. #62


    Whirlin and Tgo01, out of curiosity, how do you feel about the new Patreon billing structure? Did it impact your decision at all?
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoodtralfeck View Post
    If Gemstone ever does shut down ill be selling the computer and cancelling my internet right after
    ~Rocktar~ you're off the hook. This is now the wildest thing I've ever heard.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  3. #63


    This bums me out but I fully understand the reasoning. The Dreavening channel won’t be the same!

  4. Default

    I don't normally chime in on these sort of threads, but felt so compelled after reading some of the posts here.. Id like to toss out there that you don't have to go balls to the wall playing this game and invest hundreds of dollars each month to really enjoy GS. I've been playing fairly regularly for the last ~15 so years and have done so for the most part with just a single character at time on a standard account. I don't play more than an a hour or two a day, if I'm lucky, and I'v even "quit" a while back once I had my first kid, but in the end I found that I it helped me mellow out the day if I just logged in a do a bounty or two, thus I kept on playing. I tried a premie account for a couple of months but just felt like I wasn't really maxing out its potential to justify the cost so I went back to a standard. I've never really had the time to dive into major paid events, nor really cared to invest the time or money into them. I know alot of the player base finds value and fun in attending them which is great for them, I also love buying up the cool gear later that people obtain from them once I save up the coin.
    I have a great deal of respect for you Dreaven, for bringing an "outside the box" sort of service to the game and sparking some of the community feel that GS used to have back in the day. I offer that that you consider just staying connected to the community and try out the laid back approach, you don't have to pay hundreds of bucks a month and invest all your time to enjoy this game.. just sayin. Regardless what you decide, thank you for what you brought to GS!

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by chowell View Post
    I don't normally chime in on these sort of threads, but felt so compelled after reading some of the posts here.. Id like to toss out there that you don't have to go balls to the wall playing this game and invest hundreds of dollars each month to really enjoy GS. I've been playing fairly regularly for the last ~15 so years and have done so for the most part with just a single character at time on a standard account. I don't play more than an a hour or two a day, if I'm lucky, and I'v even "quit" a while back once I had my first kid, but in the end I found that I it helped me mellow out the day if I just logged in a do a bounty or two, thus I kept on playing. I tried a premie account for a couple of months but just felt like I wasn't really maxing out its potential to justify the cost so I went back to a standard. I've never really had the time to dive into major paid events, nor really cared to invest the time or money into them. I know alot of the player base finds value and fun in attending them which is great for them, I also love buying up the cool gear later that people obtain from them once I save up the coin.
    I have a great deal of respect for you Dreaven, for bringing an "outside the box" sort of service to the game and sparking some of the community feel that GS used to have back in the day. I offer that that you consider just staying connected to the community and try out the laid back approach, you don't have to pay hundreds of bucks a month and invest all your time to enjoy this game.. just sayin. Regardless what you decide, thank you for what you brought to GS!
    I don't think he'd beable to help himself. He'd have one account and then think "well, two isn't so bad." And it'd snowball from there until he ends up exactly how he is right now.

  6. Default

    I'm sorry to see you both you go, Tgo01 and Whirlin. Your reasons for leaving are completely valid and I can't blame either of you for deciding quit. I think that everything you've both done has made a positive impact on the GS community and it the game isn't going to be the same without you. So, thanks for everything and I wish you both the best!
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  7. #67


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    I don't think he'd beable to help himself. He'd have one account and then think "well, two isn't so bad." And it'd snowball from there until he ends up exactly how he is right now.
    Just like when Klaive said he was gonna stop sucking dick.
    Discord: 3PiecesOfToast
    [Private]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "Until this moment i forgot that i changed your name to Biff Muffbanger on Lnet"
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I am a retard. I'm disabled. I'm poor. I'm black. I'm gay. I'm transgender. I'm a woman. I'm diagnosed with cancer. I'm a human being.
    Quote Originally Posted by time4fun View Post
    So here's the deal- I am just horrible

  8. #68
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    I just saw the new star wars movie.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathbringer View Post
    I just saw the new shart wars movie.
    You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.

  10. Default

    Sorry to see you go Dreaven, you made my time here infinitely easier and more enjoyable. I enjoyed the banter in chat and seeing folks who I'd otherwise not run into very often at the Wayside. I really appreciated all you did for everyone. Sorry to see you go too, Whirlin. I remember two years ago I PMd you before I created my first character. I hate seeing people like you two go, folks who provide awesome services for the community. I wouldn't have made it so far so fast, without frustration, if it hadn't been for the guides and the spells.

    I think the thing that makes me saddest is hearing so many folks are quitting for reasons other than roleplaying- which is the sole reason I play the game. Whether the GM run stories or player-driven RP, that's what always made this game special to me, and brought me back after 20 years of being gone. I can't imagine paying for the game without engaging in that aspect of play. It's the reason I'd be willing to fork over what are in comparison exorbitant fees for something like GS to games like EQ, WOW, ES, etc... If it's just about the grind and items and silver, I just fail to see the point. You're just a pile of numbers and text descriptions, not truly a part of another world. I wish you'd taken more time to be a part of that, Dreaven, even if it only kept one character around.

    You'll be missed.


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