Originally Posted by
One would need to disengage completely from reality in order to even attempt to understand the mental gymnastics going on with this outrage.
That's adorable.

I keep trying to tell you people.
Everything you agree with now was a matter of contention in the past.
That's just a fact.
Ergo, everything that's a matter of contention now will be universally acclaimed on one side or the other in the future.
Check it out with or without Brule (, Doctor Steve).
Think about it. Think. Think about it.
You can't stop the river as it rushes to the sea. You can try to stop the hands of time, but you know it just can't be.
You can make your peace with it, or you can grow continually disaffected as time goes on and progress continues. Those are literally your only two choices.
Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.