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Thread: Is Trump Resigning?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    A large portion of Congress aren't grownups themselves so who cares who they want to talk too? Oh, right, you and all the other dingbats out there that want to hate the guy because he doesn't act the way you want.
    That would be what is called a temper tantrum.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ~Rocktar~ View Post
    A large portion of Congress aren't grownups themselves so who cares who they want to talk too?
    For one, Vice President Pence. For another, anybody (else) who wants the Republican platform signed into law, a process that requires the cooperation of the Congress and the President.
    Oh, right, you and all the other dingbats out there that want to hate the guy because he doesn't act the way you want.
    The way the President is acting is negative to all Americans across the political spectrum. He's actively working against the Republican Congress, stymying their efforts to repeal Obamacare, pass tax reform, enact infrastructure spending. He's actively fighting a culture war against the left on fronts that nobody on the right even asked for. This isn't a question of decorum, it's a question of doing his job.

    You would rather annoy people than get anything done. Fine. We're a couple schmucks on a message board.

    The President should rather get things done. Or he'll be fired. Simple as that.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    For one, Vice President Pence. For another, anybody (else) who wants the Republican platform signed into law, a process that requires the cooperation of the Congress and the President.The way the President is acting is negative to all Americans across the political spectrum. He's actively working against the Republican Congress, stymying their efforts to repeal Obamacare, pass tax reform, enact infrastructure spending. He's actively fighting a culture war against the left on fronts that nobody on the right even asked for. This isn't a question of decorum, it's a question of doing his job.

    You would rather annoy people than get anything done. Fine. We're a couple schmucks on a message board.

    The President should rather get things done. Or he'll be fired. Simple as that.
    I want him to work against congress. Republicans are "stymying" efforts to repeal Obamacare because they never intended to do so.

    I want him to fight a culture war against the left.

    You just don't get it. You may not agree with the election result but several people elected Trump to do exactly what he is doing.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Fortybox View Post
    I want him to work against congress. Republicans are "stymying" efforts to repeal Obamacare because they never intended to do so.

    I want him to fight a culture war against the left.

    You just don't get it. You may not agree with the election result but several people elected Trump to do exactly what he is doing.
    Oh, okay, then. Good job on him. He'll go down as the biggest disaster in presidential history.
    My current items for sale or trade: Treasures in the Brambles.
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  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    Oh, okay, then. Good job on him. He'll go down as the biggest disaster in presidential history.
    Unlike the Titanic, Trump isn't going down. He's soaring higher than ever just like the Hindenburg.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    Oh, okay, then. Good job on him. He'll go down as the biggest disaster in presidential history.
    Yeah, the left is really good at predictions.

  7. #17


    Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering and the seats up for reelection and so forth, Republicans and even Trump have pretty good shots in the next election. It's not fair or honest, and it's certainly not representative of the actual democratic majority in the U.S., but there it is.
    My current items for sale or trade: Treasures in the Brambles.
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    Unfortunately, due to gerrymandering and the seats up for reelection and so forth, Republicans and even Trump have pretty good shots in the next election. It's not fair or honest, and it's certainly not representative of the actual democratic majority in the U.S., but there it is.
    This fuck is blaming Gerrymandering. I mean, he doesn't want to accept that Trump won places that haven't gone Republican in years, because yeah.. Apparently Gerrymandering. Accept that Hillary was a shit ass candidate.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Gelston View Post
    This fuck is blaming Gerrymandering. I mean, he doesn't want to accept that Trump won places that haven't gone Republican in years, because yeah.. Apparently Gerrymandering. Accept that Hillary was a shit ass candidate.
    There are a bunch of reasons, including that Hillary did not appeal broadly enough, I suppose, but she was still more popular than Trump. You're conveniently forgetting that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes and beat Trump 48% to 46%. The country as a whole absolutely preferred Hillary.
    My current items for sale or trade: Treasures in the Brambles.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by BriarFox View Post
    There are a bunch of reasons, including that Hillary did not appeal broadly enough, I suppose, but she was still more popular than Trump. You're conveniently forgetting that Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes and beat Trump 48% to 46%. The country as a whole absolutely preferred Hillary.
    California preferred Hillary you mean.

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