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Thread: Bloodriven Village Shops

  1. #181
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Ice Mule Trace


    Quote Originally Posted by Vorpodu View Post
    I don't know, but that strength/phoens strength wand is pretty nice
    It is, isn't it. Nice for invasions, I think you sold me on it. My problem with Phoen's is that I always forget and cast that darn spell when I'm indoors. This is a pretty good price too I think.
    Last edited by everan; 07-28-2015 at 01:37 PM.

    trouble is a friend of mine

  2. #182
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Iowa, unfortunately


    There's the realm flaring eonake and golvern sledgehammers in Rock Solid (both 5x), the Falx in A Mist Opportunity (grapple flares, I think and 5x).

    Quote Originally Posted by elcidcannon View Post
    is it me or are there no THW in any of the shops?

  3. #183


    It's you.

    A massive golvern sledgehammer 2000 5x, realm flaring
    A jet-inset silvery eonake sledgehammer 2500 5x, realm flaring, sanctified
    a serpentine-hilted dark rolaren falx 1000 Fana's "special" weapons
    a slender folded steel no-dachi etched with a ram 160
    a large mithglin tetsubo etched with a small salmon. 250
    a jet-hilted vultite flamberge with a rippled blade 150

  4. #184


    got it....I shoulda noticed the flamberge but the other names threw me off. thanks!
    Calling you names is fun, because your skin is so thin and your vagina so sandy.

    Check out my Solhaven Shop!
    Fusion Orbs, Flaring 100-arrow Bundles, ICE age stuff, 50-count Gem Jars and more!


    d100(Open): 261
    You forage briefly and manage to find some acantha leaf!

  5. Default

    From the official forums:

    We're going to change the angle of how we do this high-end item list. There is no way I can limit item sales in a reasonable way to make all parties happy. I toss them on first, it rewards those that saved, I toss them on last, it opens the playing field to anyone with the time and money. The original scope was 3 certificates this time around, limited to 2 to 5 certificates total, but we're completely changing gears. I realize this is going to be pretty drastic. But due to this, we're going to offer some once in a (Elanthian) life time item opportunities.

    We are going to be offering 13 limited items this time around. We are offering one of each of the following:

    Item or Service Notes
    Blink Weapon .......To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
    Splitter Weapon.........To be added to your own weapon, some restrictions may apply.
    Bandolier Weapon.......Create a new bandolier with a newly created weapon of your choice, some restrictions may apply.
    Undead Bane..........To be added to your weapon, cannot have a bane already.
    Coin Hand........Creation of a new coin hand from any Elanthian race that has a hand.
    Cross-Realm Transportation........Pretty self explanatory.
    A Trio of Enchanting Potions........To create 8x, 9x, and 10x enchants.
    Addition Weighting.......An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
    Addition Padding..........An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
    Addition Sighting..........An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
    Addition TD............An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points.
    Addition Defender...........An addition 10 points, nothing over 40 points. Cannot offset the Zelnorn defender properties.
    Pet Phoenix..........The one that follows you around, attuned to the wearer, needs to be manually set up.

    These will all be auctioned for bloodscrip on the last Sunday. Restricted to 1 per account and 1 service per item. You will need to have all the bloodscrip redeemed at the end of each auction. No exchanged of bloodscrip after the auction will be allowed. Leaving the room will disqualify you. Not having the bloodscrip redeemed shortly after the auction will also disqualify you. If you are disqualified, the person with the next highest bid will win by default. Same rules apply.
    A later post:

    Quick note on the bandolier weapon. The weapon is freshly made, not your own weapon. I don't want you going bananas over that. I said create a new one, but I realize it's not clear after re-reading it.

    Also, these aren't certificates, these are services that need to be redeemed Sunday night.
    Last edited by kcostell; 08-20-2015 at 02:12 AM.

  6. Default


  7. #187



  8. #188
    Join Date
    May 2008


    and bank accounts all across elanthia cried out in anguish.
    This space for sale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    We have to count our blessings that we enjoy freedom of speech without fear of oppression in this county.
    (When you can't answer a question for fear of making you or your savior look bad)

  9. #189
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Iowa, unfortunately


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    and bank accounts all across elanthia cried out in anguish.
    And were suddenly... empty.

  10. #190


    As per Wyrom... Usually we open at 9pm ET, that's our standard event time it seems. But I'll actually be opening Duskruin in the afternoon tomorrow because I have some plans Friday evening. Duskruin will close at 9pm ET. I'll post details about the auction times this weekend.

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