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Thread: Bloodriven Village Shops

  1. #171



    July 24th 9pm - August 2nd.
    August 21st - August 28th.

  2. #172


    I bought a realm flaring sanctified eonake lance. Tested in River's Rest I was getting steam flares

  3. Default

    Hm. I got the realm-flaring sledgehammer. Oddly enough, it's lighter than the maul I have currently but won't fit in my weapon displaying backscabbard - wondering if it's because there's a bug or the flare script just doesn't play nice with the backscabbard script.

  4. #174


    item probably takes up multi slots

  5. #175


    realm flaring runestaff flaring fire near solhaven
    GSIV:Jhacen: "raise me you stupid bitch"

    discord: vusit#6092

  6. Default

    In the wooden crate:
    an entwined three-stranded vaalorn rod | Casts 401, 406, and 414 1x a day | (10000)
    a rune-carved fireleaf wand | Casts 611, 511, and 419 1x a day | (10000)
    an entwined iron and bronze rod | Casts 417 and 119 5x a day | (10000)
    an entwined white and green crystal wand | Casts 509 and 606 2x a day | (10000)

    do these wands cast all the spells on it once a day or just one of them 1x per day?

  7. #177


    I don't know, but that strength/phoens strength wand is pretty nice

  8. #178


    The wands cast all of the spells in a single wave. That's why you have a 417/119 wand- the combination causes things to esplode.

    Also got the sanctified realm-flaring morning star-
    FWI: Steam
    Illistim: Acid
    Landing: Vibe?

  9. #179


    Have the realm flaring eonake waraxe and it's flairing acid in Illy.

  10. #180


    is it me or are there no THW in any of the shops?
    Calling you names is fun, because your skin is so thin and your vagina so sandy.

    Check out my Solhaven Shop!
    Fusion Orbs, Flaring 100-arrow Bundles, ICE age stuff, 50-count Gem Jars and more!


    d100(Open): 261
    You forage briefly and manage to find some acantha leaf!

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