I'm looking over it on my phone here so maybe I'm missing it, but is there mention of ;zzherbs? Excellent foraging script for those bounty tasks and whatnot.
I'm looking over it on my phone here so maybe I'm missing it, but is there mention of ;zzherbs? Excellent foraging script for those bounty tasks and whatnot.
Last edited by Soulance; 05-14-2015 at 12:08 PM.
Autoforage is on the list. If people state that ;zzherbs is better i'll swap it out.
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They both forage, but their goals are different. autoforage gets you 50 bites total of each healing herb. zzherb gets you how much you say of what you say from where you say, for bounties and such.
Last edited by Tillmen; 05-14-2015 at 08:31 PM.
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Alright. Updated with what I think is a more accurate description.
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;zzherb will get you as much of any forageable item as you say you want. If you don't designate an area you want to forage it from, it will find the closest rooms to get it then return you to the room you started the script in.
;zzherb some calamia fruit 1
will find calamia fruit in the closest room or rooms to you till you get the amount you specified, in the example, I just wanted 1
;zzherb some calamia fruit 1 the Lower Dragonsclaw
will find calamia fruit in the closest room or rooms to you in the specified location till you get the amount you specified, in the example, I just wanted 1
if you get the location name wrong or the exact herb name wrong the script will try to help you.
example of the help it tries to do is:
;zzherb fruit 1
since there is more than one kind of fruit, it will tell you all the types of fruit so that you can use the exact syntax needed
;zzherb some calamia fruit 1 my butt
since my butt is not a valid location, script will tell you all the locations that calamia fruit can be found so that you can use the exact syntax needed.
also will find ranger items and alchemy herbs;
;zzherb stick 1
;zzherb some wiregrass 1
Any good warrior guild scripts that anyone knows of since autowar doesn't work now?
What are the useful guild and artisan skill scripts?
I have alchemy up there, but I might as well make a new section with all the applicable scripts in one section.
So what do people use for the Rogue guild (both combat and lockmastery), Illusion reps, forging, fletching (is sammu the best?), and cobbling?
Last edited by Fallen; 05-28-2015 at 09:31 AM.
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;warrior is pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
I also wrote ;cobble that works pretty well but it doesn't work in every city at the moment, like all of the main land ones I think (Landing, Cysegiar, stuff like that.) One of these days when I'm feeling less lazy I'll update it to make use of room tags so it should work in every town.
;rogue works reasonably well but it was one of my first scripts and isn't as awesome as ;warrior. Still works for most skills though, doesn't work for most lmas tasks and doesn't work for any stun maneuvers tasks because I was already mastered in that when I started writing the script.