That's right, you can't.
That's right, you can't.
Are these those crossbows that always take 3-sec to cock? Seems a bit cheap for them to be that.
EDIT: So I went ahead and bought one to test, definitely not 3-sec to cock, also I used ;zesty on it and didn't see any scripts (I did this on a character with no ranged training if it matters).
>look my crossbow
A fine example of gnomish ingenuity and workmanship, this heavy siege crossbow displays curved glaes arms extending outward from the stock and is capped at the front with a glaes stirrup. Large oval cams of glaes are wrapped in the bowstring that stretches across a network of silver gears set amid either arm and into the interior of the crossbow. Aligned atop the stock are a pair of smoky crystal lenses serving as sights, with a small trigger extending from the underside of the weapon.
Examining the crossbow you see that it is cocked and not loaded.
You see nothing unusual.
>analyze my crossbow
You analyze your heavy siege crossbow and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the heavy siege crossbow for you.
Last edited by Dugoar; 05-02-2015 at 08:56 AM.
Anyone know abut this?
a dark mahogany kit with diamond-patterned pressed metal filigree | 5000 | Tier 2 unlocked gambling kit w/ special games
Id love to know exactly what it does... but im not paying 5k to test it, hah
Actually, Illy's wagons are usually posted at 751, not 37, just FYI.
Code:[Ta'Illistim, Postern Gate - 751] Peace descends outside the gate, as the high walls of the city block most of the sound emanating from within. Barely visible above the top of the crenellated wall are the windows and high turrets of BriarStone Keep, its lapis-tiled roofs glinting in the sunlight. A small trail winds towards the mountainside. You also see a stately curtained wagon, a grey-haired coachman, a small trail and the postern gate. Obvious paths: none
Last edited by Soulance; 05-02-2015 at 02:26 PM.
Wyrom: Crux already died for our sins.SEND[Kenstrom] Behold Dark Cruxophim, Blood Reaver and Weaver of Shadows, eater of Rooks, corruptor of orphans, flayer of flesh...but won't read a letter from some dying woman's diary, haha.--Order of the Shadow--Thadston says, "Stand down Baron, and your men. Or I swear to Koar, Liabo, Lornon, Cruxophim, I will release your daughter and watch her die right here."
Stormyrain evenly asks, "Did you just make Cruxophim a god?"
Wyrom: Crux already died for our sins.SEND[Kenstrom] Behold Dark Cruxophim, Blood Reaver and Weaver of Shadows, eater of Rooks, corruptor of orphans, flayer of flesh...but won't read a letter from some dying woman's diary, haha.--Order of the Shadow--Thadston says, "Stand down Baron, and your men. Or I swear to Koar, Liabo, Lornon, Cruxophim, I will release your daughter and watch her die right here."
Stormyrain evenly asks, "Did you just make Cruxophim a god?"
In the Mar and Scar -
The spidersilk cloak is also weight reducing:
a gold-trimmed blue spidersilk greatcloak - Unlocked ClimateWare (not feature hiding), 25% weight reducing
So I asked on the officials:
>analyze my crossbowOriginally Posted by GSIV Wyrom
You analyze your ruic light crossbow and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
-------------------MECHANICAL CROSSBOWS-------------------------
| These crossbows are of gnomish craftsmanship, and very |
| intricate. Any alteration should be along with this theme. |
| |
| Bows should have a wooden stock, metallic gears and arms |
| with a crystal lenses for sights. |
| |
| If altering these, you may ONLY change the base 15/15/15 |
| and the settings below. |
| |
| It is currently a locked, off the shelf version. |
| It currently can only be loaded with up to 1 bolt. |
| You have access to: WEAR and REMOVE. |
Metal Gears = bronze
Metal Cams = bronze
Metal Arms/Stirrup = steel
Crystal Sights = clear
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the ruic light crossbow for you.
>wear crossbow
You sling your ruic light crossbow over your shoulder, its steel arms folding up neatly to its sides.
>rem crossbow
You unsling a gear-covered ruic light crossbow off from over your shoulder, its steel arms unfolding neatly to the sound of whirring gears.
Also they are probably 4x:
>touch cry
You touch the crystal with one hand, your heavy arbalest in the other hand. Tiny sparks of brilliant golden light dance across your arbalest. A green beam shoots up from your heavy arbalest toward the ceiling.
Last edited by Dugoar; 05-03-2015 at 12:41 PM.
they're 4x, i bought one of each on the last run. News about the multiple loading thing but, looks like they're just normal shitty crossbows with a wear/remove script off the shelf. If xerria can't unlock them it doesn't make a lot of difference but, neat i guess in case wyrom brings around whatever merchants can unlock them ever.
Mithrilschlong, 2015-03-10 to slightly later on 2015-03-10. You will not be forgotten!
usable Meteor Swarm, late 2020-12-30 to early 2020-12-31. You will also not be forgotten!