Tweets from Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. Ha!
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.JPGDeputy Prime Minister of Russia2.JPG
Tweets from Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. Ha!
Deputy Prime Minister of Russia.JPGDeputy Prime Minister of Russia2.JPG
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.
Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.
It's already been posted.
I'd love to see where he got his "60% of the country thinks it's literally true".
I didn't even think 60% of the country was Christian anymore.
Hell, even the film company has said that the movie isn't the bible story. But it's just that a Story.
Stories are supposed to tell a message, not be literally true.
Like when big Liberals tell little liberals that they are right and conservatives are all racist and bigots. It's not true, it's just a story they tell them to get a message across.
The people telling us to argue are the real problem.