Last edited by Taernath; 03-17-2014 at 06:46 PM.
You had better pay your guild dues before you forget. You are 113 months behind.
People say this stuff all the time and it's always wrong. We didn't have The Balls to get into WWII until we got attacked. We had to use the Lusitania sinking to get into WWI. We faked Gulf of Tonkin to muster the will to get into Vietnam heavily. Remember the Maine? I don't but I heard about it. Guess what. We faked that shit too just to try to rile up the citizens to go to war with Spain. No, we have a long history of having no balls (as you say) which is why we've always needed something to push us into a fight.
We're also not a nation of pussies on a more personal level. Look at all these young people we had fighting in places like Fallujah. No one can say that those kids were all pussified because they got a participation trophy for little league football.
So what you are saying that if in our country there were protests over how horrible the country was being run, and Obama decided to step down even though he was democratically elected, any new Government would be a fraud?
I think what Ukraine should do now, since it's obvious they lost Crimea, is block it off. Cut off water, power, roads, shipping, flights, trains, and bridges to Crimea. Tell them, well fuck you all, if you are Russian, ask Russia for that stuff. Revoke their passports and bar them from entering Ukraine for life.
I'm saying nature abhors a vacuum.
That seems a neighborly thing to do, why don't you suggest it to them.
We don't need to invade Ukraine. Hell, they didn't fight when Russia invaded them. We can just show up. (sarcasm)
As for Iran, Personally, I just wish we could put a forcefield around the ENTIRE middle east, or figure a way to send that entire area into another dimension. Nothing we do there will ever be right, period. 99% of Iran could rise up and try to overthrow Iranian government, begging for our help. We would help, and then 5 years later they would burn our flag and say how evil we are. It's just their nature.
Other then that, we need to stop Iran from getting Nukes. Period. If that takes a war, then I think that would be a good thing. No Sane person can ever think Iran having nukes could be a good thing.