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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. #431


    Quote Originally Posted by Warriorbird View Post
    You're a Republican and a soldier. Do you support assisting nutty Muslim terrorists against a repressive dictator or not? Personally, I'd like to see Russia not get a free pass to becoming Nazi Germany 2.0 but I don't see Obama's policies as any different at all from our most recent Republican's policies.

    Personally, the best move would be tapping the Strategic Oil Reserve to lower prices but no President of either party would do it because we're scared of OPEC. If Obama was smart, he'd get OPEC on board because a number of them dislike Russia too and they could appreciate some strategic deals with a desperate Ukraine.
    Quote Originally Posted by NinjasLeadTheWay View Post
    I don't think I'm a republican. And after the whole Beslan thing, I don't blame Russia at all for any response. And I agree with the opec statement. "But we're exporting more now than we ever have."
    Is this what you're talking about?

    The Obama administration plans to sell 5 million barrels, or less than 1 percent of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, calling the move a test of the petrol distribution system. The last time this happened was in August 1990 before the first Gulf War. ... The government rejected a connection with the turmoil in Ukraine or other geopolitical events.

  2. #432


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Is this what you're talking about?
    It's a warning shot. An actual move would be far greater.

  3. #433


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Is this what you're talking about?
    Dems have said numerous times that we're exporting more of our oil than ever before. It's one of those silly lines used while protesting the whole Keystone Pipeline thing. I do find it interesting that this treaty with Ukraine from back in the 1990's means NATO should technically have troops on the ground backing up Ukraine and now we're seeing sanctions on 11 people? If I was Putin, I'd almost be encouraged to continue down the path I was on. And yeah, I caught the whole "reduced the USA to ash," thing, good times.

    Vault Boy.jpg
    "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.

    Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.

  4. #434


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    LOL, first reports are in with exit polls in Crimea...

    93% want to Join Russia... 7% what independence... apparently NO ONE wants to stay with Ukraine.

    Yeah, this is totally believable.
    The option of staying with Ukraine was not on the referendum.

    It was only (A) independent & (B) join Russia

  5. #435


    Quote Originally Posted by NinjasLeadTheWay View Post
    Dems have said numerous times that we're exporting more of our oil than ever before. It's one of those silly lines used while protesting the whole Keystone Pipeline thing. I do find it interesting that this treaty with Ukraine from back in the 1990's means NATO should technically have troops on the ground backing up Ukraine and now we're seeing sanctions on 11 people? If I was Putin, I'd almost be encouraged to continue down the path I was on. And yeah, I caught the whole "reduced the USA to ash," thing, good times.
    I don't understand your point. Are we becoming a net exporter of fossil fuels? Is it sustainable? How does it fit into our goals for energy independence? Are these the questions you're raising and how does it play into the situation in the Ukraine?

  6. #436


    Quote Originally Posted by Atlanteax View Post
    The option of staying with Ukraine was not on the referendum.

    It was only (A) independent & (B) join Russia
    Well, that accounts for the 100% tally.

  7. #437


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    I don't understand your point. Are we becoming a net exporter of fossil fuels? Is it sustainable? How does it fit into our goals for energy independence? Are these the questions you're raising and how does it play into the situation in the Ukraine?

  8. #438


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    I don't understand your point. Are we becoming a net exporter of fossil fuels? Is it sustainable? How does it fit into our goals for energy independence? Are these the questions you're raising and how does it play into the situation in the Ukraine?
    Quote Originally Posted by Warriorbird View Post
    You're a Republican and a soldier. Do you support assisting nutty Muslim terrorists against a repressive dictator or not? Personally, I'd like to see Russia not get a free pass to becoming Nazi Germany 2.0 but I don't see Obama's policies as any different at all from our most recent Republican's policies.

    Personally, the best move would be tapping the Strategic Oil Reserve to lower prices but no President of either party would do it because we're scared of OPEC. If Obama was smart, he'd get OPEC on board because a number of them dislike Russia too and they could appreciate some strategic deals with a desperate Ukraine.

    I was responding to this.
    "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.

    Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.

  9. #439


    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an order to recognize Crimea as a sovereign and independent state, RT reported March 17.
    So looks like Russia is going to stop just short of out-right annexing Crimea ... and is recognizing independence along the lines of the two breakaway regions in Georgia where Russian troops are.

  10. #440
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    No, I believe that is a step towards annexing it. They aren't annexing Ukraine territory, they are annexing a sovereign state that decided to join them.
    Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam

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