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Thread: Russia Just Invaded Ukraine

  1. #401


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Flapping your gums at the microphone isn't a freedom the President has.
    Really? That's like all I've seen him do the past couple of years :/

    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Does it really bother you that he plays a couple rounds of golf a week?
    Bothers me as much as it bothered the Democrats when they bitched at Bush doing it. Bush went ahead and quit playing golf while he was president due to the flak.

  2. #402
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    Flapping your gums at the microphone isn't a freedom the President has. I'm glad the Senator is able to. What's with this golf stuff you keep harping on? Does it really bother you that he plays a couple rounds of golf a week?
    LOL. Remember when Bush used to go to his ranch and the Dems bitched about him constantly taking vacations?

    On a side note.. I don't care if the Pres plays golf. Frankly, it's better then him making policies. That being said.. if you combine his campaign time with his golf time... and subtract it from how long he has been president.. He has been president for only like 2 years.
    This space for sale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    We have to count our blessings that we enjoy freedom of speech without fear of oppression in this county.
    (When you can't answer a question for fear of making you or your savior look bad)

  3. #403


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Bothers me as much as it bothered the Democrats when they bitched at Bush doing it. Bush went ahead and quit playing golf while he was president due to the flak.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    LOL. Remember when Bush used to go to his ranch and the Dems bitched about him constantly taking vacations?
    You both know it's bullshit but continue to spew it then wonder why I said "your bias is showing".

  4. #404


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    You both know it's bullshit but continue to spew it then wonder why I said "your bias is showing".
    The truth is bullshit now? Are you on crack dude? :/

  5. #405
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    You both know it's bullshit but continue to spew it then wonder why I said "your bias is showing".
    Are you saying Dems did NOT bitch about Bush "vacationing" and playing golf?

    As for my "Bias" if you didn't know, I hate most politicians. So if hating pretty much all politicians is biased.. you got me.
    Last edited by Jarvan; 03-16-2014 at 03:44 PM.
    This space for sale.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    We have to count our blessings that we enjoy freedom of speech without fear of oppression in this county.
    (When you can't answer a question for fear of making you or your savior look bad)

  6. #406


    Quote Originally Posted by RojoDisco View Post
    Okay. So there is a truce until the 21st. This is a stall on the part of the Russians so that they can attempt to rescue the ruble, find additional investors for Industrial support, evacuate Russian corporate interests from hostile western banks in anticipation of sanctions, get NGO civilians where they are needed and organize GRU response abroad. This conflict might not be over. Things to watch for that will happen simultaneously, not sequentially...Belarusian and Polish troop movements should counter each other. Additional US fleet movements into/near the Black Sea. Statements from India in support of Russia. ANY change from typical Chinese neutrality. Minor clashes near the Bosporus. Impromptu anti-Russia announcements from the Arctic Council. Huge dives in Russian stock (more than we have already seen). And the worst signifiers will be corporate. Largely they are happening right now. The gas companies are canceling meetings with American investors etc, making public statements in support of Russia etc...

    so the 22nd will be popcorn time
    I'm thinking we'll see the BRIC's stick together so I'm not expecting Chinese neutrality. India is on the horns of a dilemma though. I can't believe they are more comfortable throwing in with China and Russia against the USA. Brazil seems to be supporting Russia so far. That's not too surprising. They don't seem all that attached to us.

  7. #407


    Quote Originally Posted by cwolff View Post
    I'm thinking we'll see the BRIC's stick together so I'm not expecting Chinese neutrality. India is on the horns of a dilemma though. I can't believe they are more comfortable throwing in with China and Russia against the USA. Brazil seems to be supporting Russia so far. That's not too surprising. They don't seem all that attached to us.
    Almost as if Obama's apology tour did nothing :O

  8. #408


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarvan View Post
    As for my "Bias" if you didn't know, I hate most politicians. So if hating pretty much all politicians is biased.. you got me.
    This is a weird thing people say. Since you offered: yes, that is the dictionary definition of biased.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01
    Almost as if Obama's apology tour did nothing :O
    Wrong again, Terry. In the President's visit to Brazil he visited the famous Huggy Jesus statue, which with him being a Muslim is obviously a huge affront.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  9. #409


    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    Wrong again
    Hey hey hey! We have never scientifically concluded that I've been wrong even once much less wrong "again." Check your statistics then get back to me.

  10. #410


    Ze new Comical Ali, comrades. This guy should get a job at Fox.

    Moscow (AFP) - A leading anchor on Russian state television on Sunday described Russia as the only country capable of turning the United States into "radioactive ash", in an incendiary comment at the height of tensions over the Crimea referendum.

    Kiselyov made the comment to support his argument that the United States and President Barack Obama were living in fear of Russia led by President Vladimir Putin amid the Ukraine crisis.


    He stood in his studio in front of a gigantic image of a mushroom cloud produced after a nuclear attack, with the words "into radioactive ash".

    "Americans themselves consider Putin to be a stronger leader than Obama," he added, pointing to opinion polls which then popped up on the screen.

    "Why is Obama phoning Putin all the time and talking to him for hours on end?" he asked.

    Kiselyov has earned a reputation as one of Russia's most provocative television news hosts, in particularly with his often blatantly homophobic remarks.

    But he is also hugely influential with his weekly news show broadcast at Sunday evening prime time.

    Putin last year appointed Kiselyov head of the new Russia Today news agency that is to replace the soon to be liquidated RIA Novosti news agency with the aim of better promoting Russia's official position.

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