You may worship Putin, but he would be 'eewwwww'
I'm not a Christian so I'm not a hypocrite by living here and being patriotic.
Yup, that's racist. Is he talking about how Obama won't hang with him while Obama's President of the USA?let see... "Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me," Wright told Virginia newspaper The Daily Press when asked if he still spoke with Obama. "I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office."
Maybe you think that is spot on... here is a question... do you see ANY racism in his statement?
If you answer no.. well that is to be expected. If you answer Yes, welcome to the first time you have ever had your eyes open. lost me here. This is more of your Us Vs. Them bullshit?Then again... I forgot.. it's "thought provoking" or "Spot on" when a black person or a Liberal is racist.
Ya you're bias is showing. Anytime you say stupid shit like "OH YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE IT'S ANTI OBAMA" you're losing your argument. For one thing you're making an assumption. You don't even really know how I feel politically. I'm labelled as a liberal by you all, but I don't think that's the case. Being as objective as possible I'd say that I'm center left. What happens here is that the right wingers are SO far right they think moderates are commie liberals.
No, I'm really not.
It's in this very thread. All Republicans have been labeled as Putin lovers because they think he's tougher than Obama.
BAM! Republicans are automatically the bad guy because they aren't saying what a great leader (LOL!) Obama is.
Then you come along and actually say the racist bullshit Wright spouted from his pulpit is spot on! SPOT ON! But wait, it makes sense because he used to be Obama's preacher, right? I mean what other possible reason could you have for actually agreeing with the shit that man said?
Dude. Just no. Dude. Stop. Dude. Please?
Nothing wrong with being a dirty liberal if those are your political leanings and that's the way your values happen to fall. But come on. Don't give me this that you're center. I haven't seen you say one negative thing about Obama.
You either agree with everything the man does and say or you're afraid of being labeled a racist if you disagree with the man. Choose one. It has to be one or the other.
Always Being Right is an axiom cognitive distortion. People with this faulty thinking process will go to great lengths to prove they are right at all times. They will become irritated and even irate if someone confronts them with facts that contradict them. Being wrong at any level is not acceptable to them and they will demonstrate high anxiety from the inner turmoil if challenged.
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.
Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.
Facts? That's pretty rich coming from you. Ninja never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like and PB just calls everyone a libtard. It's no accident that both of you compare Soviet style communism Obama and think you've made an obvious point.