Do you know what brinkmanship means? He said nice "brinkmanship" move, which it was.
Come on, Back. Recognizing that Putin is a smart dick does not mean one is in love with Putin.
If you're getting tired of people saying what great moves Putin is making perhaps you should instead counter with all of the great moves Obama is making about the situation in Ukraine.
We'll wait here.
I thought you quit this thread Back.
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam
I find it odd whenever a Liberal shows any disapproval of Vladimir Putin, who was at one time a member of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union. Is it because he has a higher approval rating in Russia than Obama has here? Or because Forbe's named him the most powerful man in the world. Or because he's been successful where Obama has not? Or because He was essentially a spy and you guys all got stuck with a feckless community organizer?
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.
Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.
Putin sure as fuck doesn't give a shit what people think haha.
Last edited by Johnny Five; 03-13-2014 at 05:44 PM.
I don't use Lich. If you want to do business with me, contact me via PM, IG, or on AIM. Or maybe use smoke signals. Don't like it, get off of my lawn.
If you'd like to explain your approval of Putin in your own words I'm listening. This isn't the first time I've heard someone from the United States seemingly speak approvingly of Putin on this issue and I'd really like to understand where that comes from. Your words, not anyone else on these boards, or in the media, your words.