What should Obama do about Ukraine?
According to you, nothing. He should just sit back and take the shaft up his ass.
As far as me? There isn't much he CAN do, but he isn't doing any of the things he could do.
Impose sanctions. Kick Russia out of the G8. Call for a vote on the security council.. which Russia and China will veto. (they veto anything)
Maybe ask Ukraine Pm if he wants NATO troops.. or UN troops to come in to "monitor" the situation.
Offer Ukraine a spot in NATO again. That would be a huge "FUCK YOU" to Russia.
On a side note.. I DID like the Russian statement that the PM of Crimea ASKED Russia to send troops.
That would be like if the Jan Brewer asked Mexico to send troops into AZ to protect the Mexican people in AZ. Not something she has the power to do.
You know what? You need to get your preconceptions about people, not just me, out of your head and speak for your fucking self.
Do you not pay attention to "news"? Thats all been done yester-fucking-day. If not two-fucking-days ago.
If you were the POTUS what would you suggest?
Last edited by Back; 03-03-2014 at 04:05 PM.
I think it's a good thing that Obama is not a belligerent asshole. Measured response. Look up Russian/Ukranian history.
The nonpartisan New America Foundation, which has attempted to keep a running tally, says drone strikes under both presidents (Bush and Obama) have killed between 258 and 307 civilians in Pakistan, and between 66 and 68 in Yemen. Those numbers may seem small, but each victim was a human being who posed no threat to the United States or its interests — in some cases a child who was here one minute, full of laughter and life’s promise, and gone the next.
And the link from Human Rights Watch: https://www.hrw.org/topic/counterter...ngs-and-drones
Just admit it, Back. Obama could personally go and shoot kids in the next mass murder and you'd still be a fan of his and probably blame guns and racists and republicans and the Bible and Creationists and Zionists and Bankers.
Last edited by NinjasLeadTheWay; 03-03-2014 at 04:16 PM. Reason: Back is a tool.
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." - Thomas Paine.
Lightning has killed more Americans in the last forty years than terrorism.
Wait.. we invited Ukraine back to NATO yesterday? Man.. I am really behind on news. I could have sworn that was YEARS ago.
I didn't know we put sanctions on Russia. I didn't know we kicked them out of the G8. I didn't know we had a security council vote. I didn't know we asked if they wanted UN or NATO troops.
(HINT - We didn't do ANY OF those YET)
I think I already answered your question. learn to read Back.
OK, that was harsher than I would want to be.
Last edited by Back; 03-03-2014 at 04:42 PM.