I figured if stance affects success rate then it makes sense to track success rate based on stance as well instead of just offensive/not offensive because the latter doesn't tell us much other than...y'know...offensive/not offensive.
So I have started my tracking all over again with better and improved tracking! YAY!
aivren gizzard success rates:
Successes|Fails|Total|Percent chance of success
Offensive|Kneeling: 21|10|31|(67.742%)
Offensive|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Advance|Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Advance|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Forward|Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Forward|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Neutral|Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Neutral|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Guarded|Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Guarded|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Defensive|Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Defensive|Not Kneeling: 0 (0%)
Total Attempts: 31
I haven't heard of the open hand thing helping before, that's a new one on me so I didn't account for it in my script but this character always has a shield out when skinning so at least it will be consistent results.
Everyone should download the script skinme and post their results up! Just in case make sure to note whether or not you have an open hand when skinning when posting results. Also probably a good idea to remain wound free, at least with the hand/arm you skin with.
If you already have skinme be sure to download the latest version, run it and then type "skinme reset" to reset your stats so you're properly tracking the new stats.