I've been sitting here watching CNN for most of the evening checking out the voting results in hoping my candidate will win. The more I watch, the more I begin to grow annoyed by the Bush propaganda being slung left and right. Everything from spinning rumors, to giving "knowing" looks everytime they say they can't reach a Kerry campaign member.

Let's face it, most of the news organizations are Republican owned, and are notoriously fronts for their news and their agenda. Seriously, if I have to sit here and listen to them refering to Bush as the election winner and giving the camera a cheeky grin, I'm going to puke. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that" Is one of the most horrible lines in the fact they've been trying to influence undecided voters ALL DAY LONG.

To HELL with you CNN!

P.S. I have first hand proof Tayre is a closet George W supporter.