Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
This does not disprove the fact that those tariffs would hurt the average American economically. The pres even said so himself.

I'm glad they found a solution. Ironically we can thank president Sheinbaum for keeping the price of avocados and tequila from going up.
Tariffs were what brought her to the negotiating table because she knew that would hurt Mexico way more than it would hurt the US. That was literally Trump's objective, and now Mexico is sending 10k troops to their border to lock shit down, and tariffs are paused as a result while they work out a deal that will likely be beneficial for both countries.

Why is this so monumentally difficult for you to wrap your head around instead of always being like HuRrRrRrR hUrRrRrRrR tArIfFs ArE gOiNg To RuIn TeH eCoNoMy!!!!i!i!i!i!i!i!111

Loosen up that scarf some it's fucking with the circulation to your brain. For 947238903 years now.