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Thread: Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)

  1. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post
    If by popular vote you mean Congress... North of the Ohio River slavery was prohibited by Federal law for new territories.
    There's also the fact that Lincoln only won 40% of the popular vote, though he was the only 'anti-slavery' person on the ballot. (2 Democrats and a third party ran against the Republican party)
    yours truly,

    PC's resident nihilist

  2. #342


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Because we're not going to rewrite history because of your feelings. The North did not go to war with the south to free the slaves. Period. End of discussion. Just because you so badly want it to be true does not make it true.
    Dude, why do you insist on being the biggest buzzkill of all eternity?

    But seriously. Thats some dumb shit you just spewed out. I know you don't like me, I know people in this community don't like me, but to say stupid shit just to contradict me is stupid shit.

  3. #343


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Dude, why do you insist on being the biggest buzzkill of all eternity?
    Again, we're not going to rewrite history because your feelings. If that makes me a "buzzkill" then so be it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    I know you don't like me, I know people in this community don't like me
    I don't not like you, I don't think anyone on here really "dislikes" you, we just think you say stupid shit because it's true.

    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    but to say stupid shit just to contradict me is stupid shit.
    Please quote for me some historians (actual historians, not SJW wannabe historians) who say the north went to war with the south to free the slaves.
    Last edited by Tgo01; 06-01-2017 at 08:50 PM.

  4. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Dude, why do you insist on being the biggest buzzkill of all eternity?

    But seriously. Thats some dumb shit you just spewed out. I know you don't like me, I know people in this community don't like me, but to say stupid shit just to contradict me is stupid shit.
    The north went to war to preserve the union, the south went to war to preserve slavery. That is what everyone is saying. Do you agree?

  5. #345


    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post
    If by popular vote you mean Congress... North of the Ohio River slavery was prohibited by Federal law for new territories.
    North of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi. This law had no bearing whatsoever on California, Oregon, Kansas...
    Quote Originally Posted by tyrant-201
    There's also the fact that Lincoln only won 40% of the popular vote, though he was the only 'anti-slavery' person on the ballot. (2 Democrats and a third party ran against the Republican party)
    Of course he only won 40% of the vote, he wasn't even on the ballot in what would become the Confederacy. Nobody's claiming most of America was anti-slavery, just that most of the North was.
    Last edited by Latrinsorm; 06-01-2017 at 09:11 PM.
    Hasta pronto, porque la vida no termina aqui...
    America, stop pushing. I know what I'm doing.

  6. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Dude, why do you insist on being the biggest buzzkill of all eternity?

    But seriously. Thats some dumb shit you just spewed out. I know you don't like me, I know people in this community don't like me, but to say stupid shit just to contradict me is stupid shit.
    Not a historian, but taken from Reddit as a great answer to the question at hand:

    "The single most important reason that the North went to war in 1861 is this: the South started it.

    On December 31, 1836, South Carolina passed a law that stated, in part:
    Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

    Fort Sumter and other fortifications around Charleston Harbor were legally United States territory, regardless of the legality of South Carolina's secession. Anderson and his garrison had an absolute legal right to be there.

    At the same time, it was intolerable to the Confederates that the Federal government retain a fort in the middle of one of the South's most important harbors. Confederate agents were sent to Washington to negotiate for the surrender of the fort, but Lincoln refused to meet with them because he did not recognize the Confederacy as a foreign power, and opening negotiations with representatives of the Confederate government would likely be considered a recognition of their legitimacy internationally.

    At this point, both sides knew that war was basically inevitable. There was still some hope that there could be a negotiated settlement - Lincoln hoped that the sentiment for secession was not as widespread as it really was, and that some compromise could be reached that would bring the seceded states back into the government, while Davis hoped that Lincoln would back down and consent to the separation. There was essentially zero chance of either of those things happening, so both sides were trying to ensure that when the war started, they wouldn't be the one who started it.

    Finally, Lincoln decided to resupply the fort - but only with provisions, not men, arms or ammunition. He notified the governor of South Carolina - his agents making it clear that it was merely a formal notification from the President to the Governor of one of the United States - a courtesy, not a negotiation. This put the ball in the Confederates' court.

    They could allow the provisions to arrive, but that would extend the status quo, which was intolerable to the South, indefinitely. Or they could attack the fort, and take the blame for starting the war. They chose the latter. They didn't really have much choice.

    For Northerners, this changed the equation. It was no longer a question of whether or not they should go to war to preserve the Union - they were at war now. The question was whether to surrender or accept the war that had already begun. Much like public opinion after Pearl Harbor, there was no longer any question that the country needed to go to war."
    yours truly,

    PC's resident nihilist

  7. #347


    Quote Originally Posted by Tgo01 View Post
    Again, we're not going to rewrite history because your feelings. If that makes me a "buzzkill" then so be it.

    I don't not like you, I don't think anyone on here really "dislikes" you, we just think you say stupid shit because it's true.

    Please quote for me some historians (actual historians, not SJW wannabe historians) who say the north went to war with the south to free the slaves.
    Quote Originally Posted by drauz View Post
    The north went to war to preserve the union, the south went to war to preserve slavery. That is what everyone is saying. Do you agree?
    Then why was the Emancipation Proclamation enforced?

  8. #348


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Then why was the Emancipation Proclamation enforced?
    You mean almost three years into the civil war? But the north went to war to begin with to free the slaves?

    You mean the proclamation that only applied to states that had seceded and did not include parts that the Union had already captured?

    The proclamation that would only go into effect if the Union won?

    The proclamation that ended up freeing no one?

    Yeah, sure sounds like it was all about freeing slaves!
    Last edited by Tgo01; 06-01-2017 at 09:30 PM.

  9. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latrinsorm View Post
    North of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi. This law had no bearing whatsoever on California, Oregon, Kansas...

  10. #350


    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    Then why was the Emancipation Proclamation enforced?
    Holy fuck.

    Seriously.. it's like you keep feeling the need to prove you are a gigantic retard.

    Newsflash: We know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Besides, Republicans also block abstinence and contraceptives anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Seran-the Current Retard Champion View Post
    Regulating firearms to keep them out of the hands of criminals, the unhinged, etc. meets the first test of the 2nd amendment, 'well-regulated'.

    Quote Originally Posted by SHAFT View Post
    You show me a video of me typing that and Ill admit it. (This was the excuse he came up with when he was called out for a really stupid post)
    Quote Originally Posted by Back View Post
    3 million more popular votes. I'd say the numbers speak for themselves. Gerrymandering won for Trump.

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