
Habeas Corpus? Gone, replaced with indefinite detention upon mere suspicion and now, our government can just kill you. Not to make this a partisan issue, because it most certainly isn't one, but where are all the lefty's who were morally outraged by the actions of the previous occupant of the white house in the name of national security? Speak out. Be consistent. You have first amendment rights to do so. Just remember to move every couple of weeks so a drone strike doesn't kill you and the family next door. Turns out "Give me liberty or give me death" wasn't a bold patriotic statement, it was a dire warning. Lose your liberties, lose your lives, my friends. No doubt this will also be swept under the rug along with the recent demise of Habeas Corpus. Americans just don't care. We claim to be so patriotic, yet when the liberties our men and women fought and died to acquire and protect are taken away by our government, somehow that's viewed as okay. Thoughts?