The push on Capitol Hill to rein in China-owned social media network TikTok has set its sights on tech giants Apple and Google.

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-CO, sent a letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Thursday calling on their companies to remove TikTok from their respective app stores, citing concerns about how TikTok handles the data of American users.

"Like most social media networks, TikTok collects vast and sophisticated data from its users," Bennet said. "Unlike most social media networks, TikTok poses a unique concern."

"TikTok's vast influence and aggressive data collection pose a specific threat to U.S. national security because of its parent company's obligations under Chinese law," Bennet added.


I'm not buying it. Who cares if Xi Jinping knows what videos you watch on TikTok? It's hardly more intrusive than the data collection by U.S. companies.