Besides the obvious ones or "OMG AMERICA IS THE REAL LOSER TONIGHT" maybe some winners and losers you might not think about


Drudge Report - In the Trump camp from the very beginning.
Sean Hannity - He hopped aboard pretty quick.
Alec Baldwin - He will have a 4 year contract on SNL if he wants it.


National Review - Never Trumpers.. how'd that work out?
Bush family - GTFO, though I don't blame them for all the shitty things Donald said about them.
Paul Ryan - Not sure he survives as the Speaker
Kasich - He looked like a little bitch before... now even worse.
Crows - There are a bunch on plates all over the country. Eat up bitches!
538 - I think at 3AM, they finally hit their prediction correctly. Well done Nate Silver!
Trump - The bubble created by keeping interest rates so low is about to burst. He will be blamed for it.
Obama - Peace out Obamacare and legacy. One of the worst Presidents for his party.. he got himself elected, but lost so many seats for his Party.