Attachment 6232
Paratroopers first, obviously.
Now armor is moving across the border.
Woo hoo!
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Attachment 6232
Paratroopers first, obviously.
Now armor is moving across the border.
Woo hoo!
BBC has unconfirmed reports of paratroopers. But it is probably true considering Obama is about to make a press statement.
Wouldn't surprise me if they did. They know we have a jackass in office who won't do anything about it.
Remember when we had Russia on the ropes with our missile defense shield in Europe? Remember Obama was elected and within months he scraped those plans and pushed a button to "reset" our relations?
Obama! Obama! Obama!
I can see Obama's press statement now.
"Russia invaded Ukraine? I first heard about it on the news!"
I don't see anything about it on Twitter.
And they don't post thumbnails all the time.
Your move, Ninjas.
Not seeing anything... Where do you see this?
Obama reads the PC!
Hi Mr President!
Tension in the Crimea grew tonight as the Russian government finally confirmed it had sent soldiers into the troubled region.
Ukraine’s interim leadership denounced the “armed *intervention” on its *southern territory – a key strategic area where Russia’s Black Sea naval fleet is still based.
Moscow insisted its soldiers were on a mission to “protect Black Sea Fleet’s positions”.
Its foreign ministry also said in a statement that its troop movements were “in full accordance with the foundation Russian-Ukrainian *agreement on the Black Sea fleet”.
Reports claimed 2,000 Russian soldiers had landed in the region, while armed militia carrying Russian flags earlier seized the international airport near the Crimean capital Simferopol and a *military base close to Sevastopol.
On February 28, the Russian Foreign Ministry held a meeting with Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Russian Federation R.M.Nimchinskim, which was assigned to the response note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the proposal Ukrainian Party in connection with the events in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to hold urgent bilateral consultations under Article 7 Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on 31 May 1997.
In a note to the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the Russian side considers events in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, as a result of internal political processes in Ukraine last time, and in this context does not see the need to conduct the proposed Ukrainian Party urgent bilateral consultations.
Ukrainian Party had also been assigned to the Russian Foreign Ministry response note regarding movement of armored Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, associated with the need to ensure the protection of locations of the Black Sea Fleet in Ukraine, what is happening in full accordance with the basic Russian-Ukrainian agreements on the Black Sea Fleet.
Bad translation, but you can get the jist. Russia is saying they are doing this in accordance with an earlier agreement to lease the port for their naval fleet. Note, they also consider Crimea to be an autonomous state, much like they did for those regions during the invasion of Georgia.
“After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama’s reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russia’s Putin to invade Ukraine next.” - Sarah Palin, 22 October, 2008.
She knew. She saw it coming from her house.
Airborne reindeer are all dead because Liberals killed Christmas.
I think she sucks.
There used to be more raging liberals until Obama got elected, and did whatever the hell he wanted to do that was just as bad as that other guy we hated. A good number of them have since slipped into the jaded territory of all politicians will say anything to get elected. We've all been there, every generation has been fooled.
/I'm going to go listen to some Who now.
Obama had to say something. But it's really not our business. Shit going on over there is older than our county. I do feel terribly for the people of Ukraine.
I wanna see time travelling Andrew Jackson v Putin.
If we're going back in time, Lincoln could mop up on Putin. He's got that long reach.
Lincoln ain't going to do shit. Vladdy will shoot a double leg and it's over. I bet honest Abe could throw in some serious grapevines though. Ya, maybe Abe's got a chance. He'd have to outsmart him though. I can't believe Lincoln had the kind of knock out punch you need for Putin.
Thatcher would fuck him up too.
I do love how you NEVER can answer anything when it looks bad for you or your God Obama.
So Obama interferes in Syria and Libya and that's ok. But we shouldn't interfere in Ukraine... and the best you got is freedom of speech?
You really do fail at this Back, you really do.
From now on, every response to anything you post from me is going to be "Freedom of Speech". Apparently, I can't fault that.
Yeah, I get it. You and Jarvan, who both did not bother to vote, will find nothing Obama does positive. If Obama started world war three, like you are saying he should, you'd be calling him the devil for doing so. He can't win in your eyes no matter what he does and you did not even bother to get up off your lazy entitled asses to use a privilege that fewer people in this world enjoy.
I don't think he should start WW3, but I don't think he should stand by idly. Ideally, the EU should take the lead on all of this.
Personally, I think the Ukraine should sell the Crimean region back to Russia.
He said that he stood with the international community in rejecting these actions.
At this point, yeah, selling Crimea back to Russia seems like an all around good compromise. I know nothing about the long history of the region. I suspect Russia just wants Crimea for strategic reasons.
We're not going to do shit. We may talk tough but we're not going to war over the relationship between Russia and the Ukraine.
Well holy shit! Obama said he rejected Russia's move?
I hereby take back every unkind word I ever said about Obama. This man...this King among mere in front of cameras and said he rejected Russia's move.
Man. Words...they...they fail me.
Can we vote Obama to be president for life?
On a side note.. I actually commended Obama when he told Syria that chemical weapons were a "red Line" they could not cross.
It's just that when they used them 1 time.. and he did nothing, then a second and he did nothing..
THAT'S when I called him a fucktard.
also.. "Freedom of Speech".
Yeah.. we shouldn't have worried about the poor saps in Germany getting gassed as well.
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
If gassing people is not evil....
And yes, I think we should have done something more then "Maybe take away your chemical weapons". We bombed Libya on the "chance" he could possibly maybe kill 10-30k people. BUT.. Obama lets 120k people die in Syria. How exactly can you defend that?
Because there's a dozen other places we SHOULD have gone to if we wanted to make the world a better place. You don't like taxes, or taking care of our own people, but you want to send our military to die in foreign wars. Can't have it both ways.
Would you like us to bring every single troop home, and wash our hands of the rest of the world? Let Iran get Nukes and attack Israel, let North Korea invade south Korea? let a new Stalin kill 40 million people?
Are you ok with knowing that we could stop 10,000 people from dying in a chemical gas attack? Or does it not matter because it happens somewhere else?
So we shouldn't care if say.. Iran executes every Christian in it's country... I mean... it doesn't matter, it isn't US after all.
As to where does it end. It doesn't, ever really.
"eternal vigilance is the price we pay for liberty" Thomas Jefferson.
As to who asked us to do this... the people crying out for help.
You could look at it in a smaller way. The US is your family. The rest of the world is strangers.
If you see someone getting beaten to a pulp in an alley, and they cry out to you for help, and you have the ability to help them... do you just ignore it and think, "well, it isn't one of my family members".
It's a choice. It's always a choice. And the wars we've waged recently haven't been moral, but political and economic. I'd love a country that actually had the balls to stand up and defend the weak. But that's not America. Barring that, I want us to stop engaging in bullshit police actions as an empire.
I like to argue with strangers on the Internet!!!!!!!!
First, alien invasion.
Putin's War in Crimea Could Soon Spread to Eastern Ukraine And nobody—not the U.S., not NATO—can stop himGood read to understand Putin's mindset.Quote:
Vladimir Putin has asked the Federation Council—the upper chamber of Russia's dummy parliament—to authorize the use of force not just in Crimea, but "on Ukraine's territory until the socio-political situation is normalized." And though American spies and the Washington Post categorically ruled this out just days ago, this was not entirely unexpected. The situation is changing rapidly, but here are some initial thoughts.
I don't think it's very geopolitically helpful to call Russians "dummies".
So they want to recall their ambassador too? That is never a good sign before a military build up.Quote:
Ukraine's acting president announced that he has put the country's armed forces on high alert after the Russian parliament unanimously voted to grant President Vladimir Putin permission to mobilize the country's military in Ukraine.
Oleksandr Turchynov said Saturday he had also ordered increased security at nuclear power plants, airports and other strategic infrastructure, because of the threat of "potential aggression."
The Russian parliament unanimously voted Saturday to grant President Vladimir Putin permission to mobilize the country's military in Ukraine and asked that the country's ambassador in Washington be recalled after earlier statements by President Obama.
Putin said that the mobilization is needed to protect ethnic Russians and the personnel of a Russian military base in Ukraine's strategic region of Crimea. But the request came a day after Obama warned Moscow that "there will be costs" if it intervenes militarily in Ukraine.
All aboard the Ukraine Hype Train - Choo Choo!!!
I wonder if Obama is slapping his forehead right now and thinking "Gee...maybe all of those leaders who hated Bush just hated him because they hated America and not because Bush was an ass."
Obama tried to cozy up with Hugo Chavez; that blew up in his face. He tried to cozy up with Russia; that blew up in his face.
I'm sure I'm missing a few leaders here and there he kissed the ass of thinking "I'm not Bush! Everything is great over here now!"
It's sad.. but no one respects us, or fears us anymore.
They are all like.. pfft.. America won't do anything.
To be fair no matter when this happened Russia wouldn't give a fuck about any American saber rattling. The Ukraine(especially the Crimean peninsula) has been historically far too important to Russia to let it go without a fight...Napoleon, hitler and the charge of the light brigade weren't enough to wrestle it out of Russian control.
You mean like in the 40s, when we were attacked on US soil by a foreign military?
Or in the 50s, when China sent over a million soldiers into Korea to fight us?
Or in the 60s, when the Soviet Union openly fought us in Vietnam?
Or in the 70s, when Iran invaded our embassy?
Or in the 80s, when more American soldiers were killed in a day in Beirut than have been killed in the past four years in Iraq?
Or in the 90s, when we demanded that Saddam get out of Kuwait and he flipped us the bird?
Or in the 00s, when... you know what happened in the 00s.
Time to sign up!
Really want to drink some water...huh? Girls?
Ukraine should sell Crimea to Russia.
From what I understand Crimea was already somewhat autonomous.
WASHINGTON — President Obama has authorized a targeted drone strike against Russian President Vladimir Putin following his country’s controversial troop movements into Ukraine’s Crimea, senior administration officials confirmed today.
Putin, 61, was added to the controversial “kill list” on Saturday shortly after speaking with the president in a 90-minute phone call. Following the call, the White House readout indicated that Obama spoke for approximately 30 minutes while Putin laughed continuously for the last 60.
Read more:
Duffleblog troll!
Jason Jones' astonishing long form exposé of the conditions in Sochi(ish) included Putin's long form birth certificate. Too bad you watch too much lame stream media to see it. Too bad.
I got as far as the 1:30 mark.
Really? It's not an invasion if Russia is just protecting their interests?
Well shit if that's all it takes to be considered not an invasion then I guess technically any country could "invade" in other country whenever they want.
Does that program air in the U.S.?
Damn. It's like Radio Free Comrades. Station Identification should be KFSB.
RT, previously known as Russia Today, is an international multilingual Russian-based television network. It is registered as an autonomous nonprofit organization[2][3] funded by the federal budget of Russia through the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.[4][5]
Something funny I ready, well, not funny for Ukrainians if they go to war... The Russians, during the invasion of Georgia, couldn't use precision guided munitions, due to the US blacking out the GPS in the region. Since then, the Russians have beefed up their GLONASS (Russian controlled GPS alternative) so as not to have to rely on US controlled GPS anymore.
Their air force would likely get hampered though. The one thing the Georgians had was the ability to shoot down Russian air assets. They would have taken down loads more if they hadn't abandoned a lot of their SAM sites. Oh yeah, they purchased those assets from the Ukraine.
I'd say it'd be more like Mexico invading the Southwest US to protect Mexican citizens.
Russia has given Ukraine until 5 am tonight, tomorrow morning, to surrender. I can barely contain my excitement.
I hope Snowden feels like a complete ass right now.
"I left that totalitarian regime known as the US because they were recording phone records! I came to the wonderful place known as Russia where the worst the government does is openly persecute gays and invades neighboring countries on a whim!"
Obama and Kerry negotiated 2 more hours.
lmao! Is that true or you just fucking with us?
Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany told Mr. Obama by telephone on Sunday that after speaking with Mr. Putin she was not sure he was in touch with reality, people briefed on the call said. “In another world,” she said.
Merkel is just wasting the president's time. Like Obama didn't already know the details of her phone conversation with Putin.
If Putin keeps this up, Barack Obama will have to show him who's boss by taking another vacation.
I'd hate to see a Russia/Ukraine War interrupt Kerry's windsurfing or Obama's golf game.
Does anyone proof his statements? I don't know how much more contradiction he can dish out.Quote:
Obama said that Russia's military moves in Crimea violated international law, adding that "no country has a right to send in troops to another country unprovoked."
You can't post that, it's racist.
And so is this:
What should Obama do about Ukraine?
According to you, nothing. He should just sit back and take the shaft up his ass.
As far as me? There isn't much he CAN do, but he isn't doing any of the things he could do.
Impose sanctions. Kick Russia out of the G8. Call for a vote on the security council.. which Russia and China will veto. (they veto anything)
Maybe ask Ukraine Pm if he wants NATO troops.. or UN troops to come in to "monitor" the situation.
Offer Ukraine a spot in NATO again. That would be a huge "FUCK YOU" to Russia.
On a side note.. I DID like the Russian statement that the PM of Crimea ASKED Russia to send troops.
That would be like if the Jan Brewer asked Mexico to send troops into AZ to protect the Mexican people in AZ. Not something she has the power to do.
You know what? You need to get your preconceptions about people, not just me, out of your head and speak for your fucking self.
Do you not pay attention to "news"? Thats all been done yester-fucking-day. If not two-fucking-days ago.
If you were the POTUS what would you suggest?
I think it's a good thing that Obama is not a belligerent asshole. Measured response. Look up Russian/Ukranian history.
The nonpartisan New America Foundation, which has attempted to keep a running tally, says drone strikes under both presidents (Bush and Obama) have killed between 258 and 307 civilians in Pakistan, and between 66 and 68 in Yemen. Those numbers may seem small, but each victim was a human being who posed no threat to the United States or its interests — in some cases a child who was here one minute, full of laughter and life’s promise, and gone the next.
And the link from Human Rights Watch:
Just admit it, Back. Obama could personally go and shoot kids in the next mass murder and you'd still be a fan of his and probably blame guns and racists and republicans and the Bible and Creationists and Zionists and Bankers.
Wait.. we invited Ukraine back to NATO yesterday? Man.. I am really behind on news. I could have sworn that was YEARS ago.
I didn't know we put sanctions on Russia. I didn't know we kicked them out of the G8. I didn't know we had a security council vote. I didn't know we asked if they wanted UN or NATO troops.
(HINT - We didn't do ANY OF those YET)
I think I already answered your question. learn to read Back.
OK, that was harsher than I would want to be.
Do you guys think Obama will kick Putin's ass as badly as he kicked Osama's?
Call for a vote on the security council.. which Russia and China will veto. (they veto anything)
Not "monitors", but "observers".Quote:
Maybe ask Ukraine Pm if he wants NATO troops.. or UN troops to come in to "monitor" the situation.
To my knowledge that has not been done yet, so logically you would give Obama an 80% or B- so far, right?Quote:
Offer Ukraine a spot in NATO again. That would be a huge "FUCK YOU" to Russia.
lets see.. Not kicked out of G8. So no didn't do that. Just said it's in question.
Council Met, no vote held. So nope. Not that either.
US AMBASSADOR called for observers.... Hmmm... Nope.
Sorry. All fails.
As for Back and his Sanctions... this STARTED what.. 3 days ago? Also, Sanctions have to be approved by Congress. Congress hasn't been in session yet to impose Sanctions. Sorry Back. You failed this one.
The republicans in congress are too lazy to bother coming into work to sanction Russia.
Fuck this.
Russian stocks are getting killed. It hurts us too, but we can weather this much better and it doesn't hurt us nearly as much.
Almost $60 billion evaporated from Russia’s stock market on Monday as global investors were spooked by Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Crimea and the West explores economic sanctions.
Russia’s MICEX index plummeted as much as 13% in response to the fast-moving Ukrainian situation, which has pitted Moscow against the West in a crisis reminiscent of the Cold War.
Financial pain was quickly felt by Russian investors as the ruble tumbled 2% against the U.S. dollar, forcing the country’s central bank to dramatically increase interest rates by 1.5 percentage points to 7%.
Stocks are getting killed but the ruble is getting destroyed
He diversified his portfolio motherfucka.
This is one of the instances I'd think economic warfare could be carried out rather handily by tapping the strategic oil reserves.*
*I would make more money if this happened.
Doesn't look like most of Western Europe will be supporting full economic Sanctions. Germany is also against Russia being kicked from the G8.
Embargo on!...wait no what about the Latkas?!
Back, just stop. You're asking for other people to be a leader when we all know damn fucking well that no matter what Obama does it will just so happen be the "right" thing we should have done according to you.
What do YOU think Obama should do? Or are you waiting for him to act so you can say "Wow! What a great leader! Exactly what I would have done!"
Seems like some people on this board are more fans of oppression and Putin than what our founders thought we should be,
Some real fucking entitled dumb asses.
I think we should give economic and military support (weapons/technology) to the Ukraine. Impose trade sanctions with Russia, as well as ending any military exercises we had scheduled with them, and freeze Russian Government assets under US control. We should also disallow them use of the US controlled GPS system and possibly black out large sections of Russia. They have a competing system, but it will require them to spend more.
Where has anyone said they were in favor of Putin? And where are you getting this word "entitled" from?
You're the one suggesting we do nothing and you're getting angry at those who think we should do something yet other people are the fans of Putin?
Sounds to me like you're the fan of Putin.
Admit it, Back. You have a picture of his oiled pecs as your computer wall paper.
I wonder how much we could freeze when it comes to their assets. Financially we could cripple them. It'd hurt us, U.S. corporations are investing heavily into Russia, but I can't believe that their economy can weather too big a storm.
The American right loves Putin. It's been odd really. They're calling him a visionary, master strategist and shit like that on Fox. In our Syria thread folks expressed a lot of love for that guy too. IMO, the guys just a dictator who's losing control of something important. If he was that smart he'd not have let it get to this point.
This thread? I'm not hearing it yet.
Fuck this shit. I'm done arguing with morons.