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They are being threatened. I have a right to a free press, for example. I have a right to functional justice system. This man is threatening both. (Plus a whole host of other rights that are tangential to this conversation but not tangential to millions of lives)
Is he advocating for violence? No (though he has egged on violent reactions to the press during his campaign events- so let's not let him off of the hook so fast on this one). Is violence a reasonably predictable byproduct of his constant attacks and the framing of the press as the enemy? Yeah actually it is. And once- just once- it would be great if he (or any of you all) would hold him accountable for that. He's not a six year-old child. He's the President of the United States, and not all of us are looking to sink our standards below the gutter.
But, honestly, as far as his "frustrations with the press"...Astray, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the press have been right.
When the Press reported about Michael Flynn's improper foreign contacts and lied to the FBI- Trump accused them of peddling fake news. They were right.
When the Press reported about the dozens of meetings his campaign had with Russian government officials and cutouts? They were right
When the Press reported that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation? They were right.
When the Press reported that Trump had business dealings with Russia during the campaign? They were right.
When the Press reported that the Trump Foundation had been engaging in shady self-dealing and was in gross violation of the law? They were right.
When the Press reported that the top Trump campaign officials (including Trump's son and son-in-law) met with the Russians to get dirt on Clinton? They were right.
When the Press reported that Trump DID know about the Stormy Daniels payments, and that they violated Federal law? They were right.
When the Press reported that Russia had meddled in our elections? They were right.
When the Press reported that Kushner had met with the head of the Russian bank to set up a backdoor channel? They were right.
When the Press reported that Carter Page was a Russian spy, and that his FISA warrant was approved properly? They were right.
When the Press reported that Manafort had been in contact with someone from Russian Intelligence through the whole campaign? They were right.
I could go on for LITERALLY hundreds of examples here. And every single time Trump accused the Press of peddling fake news.
So let's just get one thing straight. The Press was reporting real news. Trump was the one pushing fake news.
So your concerns over accountability are grossly misdirected here. And it's time to own up to that fact.