So you're for Putin!!1111!
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Maybe you just don't give a shit about american body bags.
I do.
Oh, I think the region should go to Russia as well. I think they should pay for it though. Honestly, it never should have been given to the Ukraine in the first place, and if the Soviet Union had never fallen, it wouldn't have mattered.
I agree with you. Hell I think we all do. The problem I see is that we don't have a choice anymore. We've put ourselves out there as the World's police. If we step back the people who fill that vacuum aren't going to thank us. This is give an inch lose a mile. IMO, once you fight to be the big dog, you better stay there. If we go isolationist for a while then decide to flex our muscles later it'll be a full on war.
Instead of a million thousandaires, we should send a thousand millionaires...
Why do people think we haven't benefited from being the "world's police"?
How different would the world be today if we just told Japan they better play nice from now on and we'll leave them alone as long as they leave us alone after they bombed Pearl Harbor and we continued on our merry way with our isolationist policy?
Latrin, run some numbers. How different would the world be today? Would the US be in a better position or a worse position? Would everyday American lives be better or worse?
I don't think the thing with the Japanese was being the world police. That was us being attacked by a nation using conventional forces.
Eh, not really. Banana Wars is a great example. As far as with Japan, yeah, we kinda fucked with them a bunch. Americans flew donated planes for the Chinese against them. We cut off trade with them. It put Japan into a vice grip. They were forced to either chill the fuck out or attack us. They chose the latter.
Maybe. SK is a strong partner, you're right. I'm just angry that korea was a forgotten war and it set the stage for the rest of the publicly ignored wars that followed vietnam. War is a serious matter, and I value the military institution. I see the recent actions as being careless with the lives of american for reasons that fall short of their worth.
I was also able to stay drunk there for 35 days straight when I went there for a military exercise.
Yeah my bad. The Dems showered Obama with Love for failing to do what he said he would, having his secretary of state make a "joke" about a possible solution, and then Having Putin put it together.
The "repubs" just gave Putin credit for doing what Obama couldn't. Not that it matters, because Syria hasn't met any of the deadlines yet at all. It was basically a Bullshit offer anyway.
Aren't we about to pass some deadline for the use of force in the Crimea?
2am or 5 am. Yep. 42,000 troops in Crimea now with 150k on the borders. Rough estimation.
I was in Crimea(pronounced Kreme) about two weeks ago, visiting my wife's family and I recently in Kharkov, Kiev and Odessa. Everyone in Ukraine speaks Russian, except when with just family.
No one is being persecuted for language or anything else. Russians consider Ukrainians like brothers, and vice versa
About this so called pro Russian Crimea, which is also false. They have held past referendums to leave Ukraine that failed, and failed big 60-40 or some shit. 20% are Tatars that hate Russia and about 40% are Ukrainians, the rest are pro Russians. Most Ukraine's want nothing to do with Russia. Everything outside of Moscow/St Petersburg, is like third world trash in Russia, and all Russians and Ukrainians know this. The majority of Ukrainians feel like they have a better future with more EU integration.
Okay, not really.
Pro-Russian troops fired warning shots at around 300 Ukrainian soldiers protesting at a military airfield in the Crimea, as Secretary of State John Kerry was on his way to Kiev in an expression of support for Ukraine's sovereignty.
About a dozen Russian soldiers at the Belbek air base stood guarding the airfield and warned the Ukrainians on Tuesday, who were marching unarmed, not to approach. They fired several warning shots into the air and said they would shoot the Ukrainians if they continued to march toward them.
The shots were apparently the first fired since pro-Russian troops -- estimated by Ukrainian authorities to be 16,000 strong --tightened their grip on the Crimea Peninsula over the weekend.
Early on Tuesday, Vladimir Putin's spokesman told Russian news agencies that the Russian president ordered troops participating in military exercises in western Russia near the Ukraine border to return to their permanent bases. The order was issued almost a week after Russia began massive exercises involving most military units in western Russia, stoking fears that the Kremlin might use the troops to seize territory in pro-Russian areas of eastern Ukraine.
Looks like Putin may be softening his stance a little though.
So, if you call someone a visionary and a master strategist in describing what he's done, you love him?
Sounds like they are just describing the type of person he is. I don't watch it, so if you have some source material, I'd be interested in seeing/reading it.
It sounds like English is like your 2nd language and you simply don't understand the nuances of it very well.
And just now the White House has announced a $1 billion aid package for the Ukraine.
Bitching is more important than consistency.
Frankly, I think Detroit is getting what it deserves.
I just think it's stupid that we give BILLIONS a year to other countries.. then bitch that we are not spending enough on Infrastructure here at home. Maybe don't give other people money before we take care of ourselves.
Because Libertarians are all about helping people.
More on topic:
As anyone knows, Vladimir Putin would never dare invade another country if a strong manly Republican U.S. President were in office, which is why Putin didn’t dare to invade Georgia’s breakaway republics in 2008, because he so feared George W. Bush.
And Obama climbs another rung in the pantheon of greatest U.S. presidents of all time.
I assume the mainstream conservative media will be commending Obama today, right?
We guaranteed $1B in loans. We didn't lend them $1B; although the likelihood we pay on that guarantee is high.
We threatened sanctions. Putin's response? If we sanction Russia, he will sell U.S. Treasury bonds. American capital markets response? Up 2%.
Obama deserves another Nobel Peace Prize for his heroic leadership through this crisis. Can you imagine what blowhards like Mitt Romney would have gotten us into?
Welcome to the Ukraine.
Russia has military bases outside of the Crimea bordering the Black Sea. My understanding is that the Russian naval bases in the Crimea are actually *small than those on Russian soil*.
Also, the 'rest Tatar or indigenous people' ? You can thank Russian genocide policies for that. I was unsurprised when I read multiple report of Tatar 'self-defense groups' attempting to return government buildings to Ukrainian control. Tatars *hate* Russia ... a sentiment that is shared to an extent in the Baltics and Poland.
And then there was this...
MOSCOW -- Russia said it had successfully test-fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) on Tuesday, with tensions high over its seizure of control in the Crimea and its threat to send more forces to its neighbor Ukraine.
A Pentagon official told CBS News that the U.S. detected the launch of the Russian ICBM near the border of Russia and Kazakhstan. Notifications were made ahead of time in accordance with normal procedures. The official said the launch is viewed as non-threatening and is not connected to what is going on in Crimea.
It is unclear exactly what kind of ICBM was launched and how long ago the U.S. was notified about the test.
The state-run news agency RIA cited Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Yegorov as saying the Strategic Rocket Forces launched an RS-12M Topol missile from the southerly Astrakhan region near the Caspian Sea and the dummy warhead hit its target at a proving ground in Kazakhstan.
Continued at...
Damnit I'm a nerd. I looked at the bottom part of that picture and instantly said to myself "If you took out 2 big circles and added 4 small ones that would be the back end of an imperial destroyer.
I personally believe in being the world's police, therefore there's a 100% chance this universe is the best of all possible outcomes. 110%! Statistics are lies, 40% of all people know that.Putin's softening on the peninsula? Shouldn't have pissed off America, we make all kinds of drugs for that.Quote:
Originally Posted by Gelston
Wealth makes peace, peace makes wealth; the Marshall Plan worked. Detroit is in much, much, much, much, much, much, much better shape than Ukraine. Global warming has prevented the ice floes needed for those maple syrup loving Canadians to skate down enough battalions for a credible invasion.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jarvan
They're launching Broadway stars at us? They DARE?Quote:
Originally Posted by NinjasLeadTheWay
Free Speech is alive and well in glorious mother Russia.
Admittedly I've not been active in this folder for years. Maybe I'm just unfamiliar with the cast of characters these days. But I've got to know, is Ninja a troll or is he just an idiot?
Ninja is Back's Alt. muwahahhaha
(I can feel my name being cast into the fiery hells.)
Vladimir Putin nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Considering Obama won though I guess we can't really laugh too much :/
Holy shit! I just finished reading that article, I just read the first paragraph when I posted:
Good ol' HuffPost. I'm not a fan of Limbaugh or anything either but come on, are we really putting him up there with the likes of Stalin and Hitler?Quote:
In order to secure a spot on the list, essentially all that's required is for a group or individual who falls under the broad criteria set by the Nobel Committee to formally submit your name and good deeds. The committee then selects from these nominations, but takes no responsibility for the pool of candidates they choose from. This process has resulted in some truly terrible people being proposed over the years, including but not limited to: Joseph Stalin (twice), Adolf Hitler (as a protest), and Rush Limbaugh.
My God HuffPost. Grab hold of reality quick before you're lost forever.
Putin will never win. His campaign ad can't beat Hope and Change.
She goes to the fortune teller to learn who her true love will be.
Every time I vote, which let me tell you, is a lot.
Hillary Clinton Compares Putin's Ukraine Strategy To Adolf Hitler's In Nazi Germany: Report
I hate to agree with Hilary but she's got a point.
I wonder how Back is going to come to terms with this.
It is refreshing to see a politician appropriately refer to a world leader's policies as being similar to Hitler's.
Did you guys know Vladimir Putin is only 5'5"?
More like Vladimir PuTiny!
Attachment 6254
When Putin met Reagan
Hint: It's not the kid.
They voted to join Russia, so guess what Obama.
No, they voted to hold a referendum.
Like that's gonna stop Putin.
This is what happens without energy independence.
The funniest thing about a referendum about if Crimea should join Russia or not.... is that it doesn't mater.
They can't vote to join a different country just like CA can't.
That being said.. Putin will just do whatever he wants, because he knows no one will try to stop him. No one in Europe really cares.. because Ukraine isn't Europe to them. And we won't do anything that could start a new cold war.
I WOULD think it would be ironic if we just suddenly decided to "sell" as in 1$ per, high tech weaponry to Ukraine for them to potentially fight a civil war. I mean.. what could Russia do about it? They love giving weapons to Syria.
Well, the Crimea is the most heavily pro-Russian province in the Ukraine.
So in a sense, Putin will do himself a disservice if Russia annexes Crimea, as it would only encourage the formation of pro-Western governments in Ukraine.
With Crimea in Ukraine, the Western 'faction' in Ukraine had 40-60% control at any given time in the past decade, now it will be more like 55-75%.
So if Putin wants to ensure a 'neutral' Ukraine, he will stop short of annexation and just continue the 'occupation' (ie that Russian strip of land in Moldavia and the break-away Georgian provinces). Nevermind that Crimea is 'poor' and leaving it with Ukraine means that Ukraine is paying the upkeep in subsidies/etc to the population, which would help keep it under Russian financial domination.
Well, legally, they can't do it, realistically.. they can do anything they want. Technically, it won't change anything as the world sees it. EXCEPT that places like Russia and China will just realize that they can Annex anyone they want and have a "referendum" claiming it's ok.
I wouldn't say Antichrist.
How is the Ukraine situation different from other expansions of China and Russia? The way I see it, they don't need some neat new trick to try to grow their borders. Whether it's called a referendum or something else is almost immaterial. They're both gung ho on growth.
Well, I guess it *is* inevitable now...
Ukraine: Many Tatars Are Leaving Crimea, Border Service Says
The State Border Service of Ukraine said March 11 that more and more people are leaving Crimea, especially Crimean Tatars, APA reported.
Nice brinkmanship move by Putin...Quote:
The Kremlin mobilized troops and tanks for new drills close to Ukraine on Thursday, despite an uncharacteristically sharp warning from Germany that Russia itself would suffer "massively" if it didn't back down.
The Russian Defense Ministry's announcement came as diplomats prepared for 11th-hour talks in London on Friday—two days before the breakaway Crimea region is to vote on seceding from Ukraine and joining Russia.
The death toll of a German-Russian war with modern weaponry is unimaginable.
Thanks a lot, Obama.
Angie doesn't give a fuck! She's Germany's Eisenfrau.
Do you know what brinkmanship means? He said nice "brinkmanship" move, which it was.
Come on, Back. Recognizing that Putin is a smart dick does not mean one is in love with Putin.
If you're getting tired of people saying what great moves Putin is making perhaps you should instead counter with all of the great moves Obama is making about the situation in Ukraine.
We'll wait here.
I thought you quit this thread Back.
Well technically he just said he's done arguing with morons so I guess he thinks Atlanteax is a genius so he must agree with Atlanteax that Putin made a nice move.
I take back my earlier comment, Back. You had me going for a minute there.
I find it odd whenever a Liberal shows any disapproval of Vladimir Putin, who was at one time a member of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union. Is it because he has a higher approval rating in Russia than Obama has here? Or because Forbe's named him the most powerful man in the world. Or because he's been successful where Obama has not? Or because He was essentially a spy and you guys all got stuck with a feckless community organizer?
Putin sure as fuck doesn't give a shit what people think haha.
If you'd like to explain your approval of Putin in your own words I'm listening. This isn't the first time I've heard someone from the United States seemingly speak approvingly of Putin on this issue and I'd really like to understand where that comes from. Your words, not anyone else on these boards, or in the media, your words.
Now after you learn what that word means, tell me how you read approval in his sentence.
It wasn't too long ago that everyone was laughing at an impotent balding middle aged pale white man trying desperately to look macho while riding on a horse without his shirt on. I think what is happening now is that a bunch of impotent balding middle aged pale white men realize how much power Putin has, legitimate or not, and are engaging in some strange identifying hero worship.
I'm prolly going to regret jumping into this hornets nest of a thread, but I think it raises some really interesting questions.
I think it's pretty interesting that Putin is becoming a strong voice in global conservativism. I could be dead wrong, but I think he is saying out lout what a lot of xenophobes in this country have been thinking for a long time...and in a weird way it's kind of refreshing...even from the perspective of someone who couldn't disagree more. I'm sure there are politicians in this country who feel the same way, but cannot express that opinion as candidly because it would be political suicide.
Looking at this stuff really helps put into a more complex context different conceptions of 'freedom' and how that word can mean such different things to different people.
This country is so awesome and complex and the PC is actually helping me learn more about it....weird right?
That's because at the time he was spouting stuff like National pride (and what is wrong with that?) strong military defense, a strong economy, etc etc. He wasn't standing there saying "I want to kill all the jews and take over the world". The Germans had just lost a war, and he told them what they needed to hear. That they were somebody, they were good, they were worthy.
Kinda the opposite we hear about Americans from even other American's nowadays... hell.. Look at Michelle Obama's comment in 2008. 44 years... and that was the first time she was proud of her country. Kinda telling.
I believe in everything Putin does. I love him.
Gelston has a point.
He should have voted for Obama and got a fat paycheck and a phone like the rest of us did.
I'm saying that Rev. Wright said some thought provoking shit and a lot of it was spot on. Good for him and I hope it sparked discussion within his community. The controversy was manufactured for strictly partisan reasons and you're a dipshit if you let your party get in your head like that.
"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America? No, no, no! Not God bless America. God damn America! It's in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating its citizens as less than human!"
"And they will not only attack you if you try to point out what's going on in white America, the U.S. of KKK A."
"They live below the sea level, they live below the level of "Clarence Colon" and "Con-damn-nesia."
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant?! Because the stuff we have done overseas is not brought back into our front yard? Americans chickens are coming home to roost."
Where is all of the Democratic outrage for people saying what a great man Wright is?
Man oh man. Republicans say Putin is an asshole but he's a tough asshole and suddenly all Republicans are in love with Putin according to Democrats.
At the same time Democrats say Wright said some smart and thought provoking shit.
What the fuck is going on here?
Can someone explain this to me? Someone besides Back that is.
whats funny is that anti-Americanism is fundamentally American!
whether you're hating on Obama, or Bush or the Vietnam war or the welfare system.
The dichotomy here is that Putin wishes to eliminate the voices of critical minorities, while in this country we have embraced them as part of the fabric of our nation. Hell, I'm not even saying one is better than the other, their just different philosophies that have played out though history, and will continue to do so in the future.
"God Damn America" is spot on? Why do you live here?
let see... "Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me," Wright told Virginia newspaper The Daily Press when asked if he still spoke with Obama. "I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office."
Maybe you think that is spot on... here is a question... do you see ANY racism in his statement?
If you answer no.. well that is to be expected. If you answer Yes, welcome to the first time you have ever had your eyes open.
Then again... I forgot.. it's "thought provoking" or "Spot on" when a black person or a Liberal is racist.
You may worship Putin, but he would be 'eewwwww'
Man I miss these back peddling days of yours, WB :D
Person A says something on page 35, I respond to something person B said on page 37 that has nothing to do with what person A said, on page 38 WB says "This is in response to what person A said on page 35??!"
I'm not a Christian so I'm not a hypocrite by living here and being patriotic.
Yup, that's racist. Is he talking about how Obama won't hang with him while Obama's President of the USA?Quote:
let see... "Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me," Wright told Virginia newspaper The Daily Press when asked if he still spoke with Obama. "I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office."
Maybe you think that is spot on... here is a question... do you see ANY racism in his statement?
If you answer no.. well that is to be expected. If you answer Yes, welcome to the first time you have ever had your eyes open. lost me here. This is more of your Us Vs. Them bullshit?Quote:
Then again... I forgot.. it's "thought provoking" or "Spot on" when a black person or a Liberal is racist.
Ya you're bias is showing. Anytime you say stupid shit like "OH YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT BECAUSE IT'S ANTI OBAMA" you're losing your argument. For one thing you're making an assumption. You don't even really know how I feel politically. I'm labelled as a liberal by you all, but I don't think that's the case. Being as objective as possible I'd say that I'm center left. What happens here is that the right wingers are SO far right they think moderates are commie liberals.
No, I'm really not.
It's in this very thread. All Republicans have been labeled as Putin lovers because they think he's tougher than Obama.
BAM! Republicans are automatically the bad guy because they aren't saying what a great leader (LOL!) Obama is.
Then you come along and actually say the racist bullshit Wright spouted from his pulpit is spot on! SPOT ON! But wait, it makes sense because he used to be Obama's preacher, right? I mean what other possible reason could you have for actually agreeing with the shit that man said?
Dude. Just no. Dude. Stop. Dude. Please?
Nothing wrong with being a dirty liberal if those are your political leanings and that's the way your values happen to fall. But come on. Don't give me this that you're center. I haven't seen you say one negative thing about Obama.
You either agree with everything the man does and say or you're afraid of being labeled a racist if you disagree with the man. Choose one. It has to be one or the other.
Always Being Right is an axiom cognitive distortion. People with this faulty thinking process will go to great lengths to prove they are right at all times. They will become irritated and even irate if someone confronts them with facts that contradict them. Being wrong at any level is not acceptable to them and they will demonstrate high anxiety from the inner turmoil if challenged.
Facts? That's pretty rich coming from you. Ninja never met a conspiracy theory he didn't like and PB just calls everyone a libtard. It's no accident that both of you compare Soviet style communism Obama and think you've made an obvious point.
And you never met a liberal who you didn't deep throat until the bitter end. So I guess we're at an impasse. I love to speculate on the possibilities that you refer to as conspiracy theories. If you were more intelligent you might be able to handle my level of sarcasm. But alas... you're not. You still take everything from this administration as face value and you will be damned if you let facts or truths or any opposite thinking get in your way because you have to win. Attachment 6267
Sounds good. Lets run with that.
With the exception of the Hitler Escaped to Argentina Documents that I recently posted and my speculation on the Malaysian flight Disappearance, because of the freescale semiconductor/Raytheon employees on board. What else am I spewing that's a conspiracy theory?
Source on me calling everyone a libtard?
And you are a liberal.. and most certainly a retard, but I have never, ever called you a libtard.
Intelligence isn't your strong suit.. I get it.. but WB's schtick is making shit up and using unsubstantiated hyperbole. You might want to check to see if he minds you using the only thing he has on this forum.
I haven't read a PB post that wasn't just a string of lame insults in a looooooong time.
In b4 PB calls me a retard.
If you left click on someone's name, and select "View Forum Posts" you would see a "looooooong" time is probably more than 2 days.
Fucking retard
The blasphemous Bosphorus?
So lets see... their goal is the protection of Russian speaking (NOT Russian citizens) people in Crimea... so they now invade a natural Gas plant OUTSIDE Crimea.
Makes TOTAL sense.
LOL, first reports are in with exit polls in Crimea...
93% want to Join Russia... 7% what independence... apparently NO ONE wants to stay with Ukraine.
Yeah, this is totally believable.
I still like the "Maverick"
"Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country,” McCain said. “It’s kleptocracy, it’s corruption. It’s a nation that’s really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy. And so economic sanctions are important. Get some military assistance to Ukrainians, at least so they can defend themselves. Resume the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Look at Moldova and Georgia, both of whom are occupied by Russian troops as we speak, a path toward membership in NATO.”
If only our president had that kind of leadership skills.
Speaking of our president what is he doing about the situation in the Ukraine? I haven't heard anything about it in a while. I'm assuming he's doing golf diplomacy; he figures if he can take one stroke off his golf game Putin will give in.