View Full Version : Jeb Bush Defends His Tax Plan on Fox News Sunday

09-27-2015, 08:41 PM
WALLACE: Then there's another complaint, and that is the issue of who benefits. The Tax Foundation says the middle class would see after tax income increase 2.9 percent. But the top 1 percent would get a boost of 11.6 percent.

An analysis of your tax returns for the last six years, which you have released to the public, the last six years indicates that you would save, under your tax plan, $3 million.

Does Jeb Bush need a $3 million tax cut?

BUSH: Look, the benefit of this goes disproportionately to the middle class. If you look at what the middle class pays today compared to what they would pay in our tax plan --

WALLACE: But they get a 2.9 percent increase in after tax income --

BUSH: Because higher income people pay more taxes right now and proportionally, everybody will get a benefit. But proportionally, they'll pay more in with my plan than what they pay today.

WALLACE: Well, I mean forgive me, sir, but -- but 2.9 seems like it's less than 11.6.

BUSH: The simple fact is 1 percent of people pay 40 percent of all the taxes. And so, of course, tax cuts for everybody is going to generate more for people that are paying a lot more. I mean that's just the way it is.

More... (http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2015/09/27/exclusive-interview-with-former-governor-and-2016-candidate-jeb-bush-plus/)

In the paragraphs before the portion quoted above, they got into a discussion about dynamic scoring, which we have discussed before.

Donald Trump will release his tax plan tomorrow. That will change Everything.

09-27-2015, 10:33 PM
Flat Tax!

09-28-2015, 02:39 PM
Consumption tax.

Or a hybrid of the flat tax + consumption tax.

We should all be on board with something like this. Fair across the board. Everyone can go out and make/do/spend whatever they want.. knowing exactly they are giving to the Government.. and knowing what they get to keep.

Everyone just keeps selling the idea of, "well rich people can afford to pay it, so make them".. instead of saying.. "lets give everyone the opportunity to be rich too".

Stop hating on others for what they have and you don't. If we all focused more on what we could do ourselves, to improve our own station in life... instead of worrying about someone elses.. we'd be a lot better off. So long as the government doesn't get in the way.

09-28-2015, 02:47 PM
Consumption tax.

Or a hybrid of the flat tax + consumption tax.

We should all be on board with something like this. Fair across the board. Everyone can go out and make/do/spend whatever they want.. knowing exactly they are giving to the Government.. and knowing what they get to keep.

Everyone just keeps selling the idea of, "well rich people can afford to pay it, so make them".. instead of saying.. "lets give everyone the opportunity to be rich too".

Stop hating on others for what they have and you don't. If we all focused more on what we could do ourselves, to improve our own station in life... instead of worrying about someone elses.. we'd be a lot better off. So long as the government doesn't get in the way.

Are you saying income inequality isn't a major issue?

09-28-2015, 03:01 PM
Are you saying income inequality isn't a major issue?

I'm saying there will always be poor, there will always be middle class, and there will always be rich. At least in a capatilistic society. The further towards Socialism we go.. then you only have the poor.. and the rich.

So if you're against "income inequality".. then you should be wholely capitalistic.

I believe, that Government is there.. to ensure everyone has the same laws applied equally, to ensure people the opportunity to succeed. Does it mean everyone will succeed? No. Some will and some won't. But everyone should have the opportunity to.

That is why the Government, getting out of ALL of our pockets should be the goal for everyone. A hybrid flat tax+consumption tax would do that.. while still ensuring that the rich still pay more than the less rich.

And here's the thing about income inequality... someone will always have more than you. Whether monetarily, emotionally, family, looks, intelligence, etc...

So, are you the one that wants to tear someone down to be on the same level with them? Or build yourself up to reach the level they've obtained?

09-28-2015, 03:13 PM
Someone has a career in the platitudes business ahead of them.

09-28-2015, 03:21 PM
Way to avoid answering my question.

09-28-2015, 03:31 PM
Someone has a career in the platitudes business ahead of them.

So you don't find my ideas thoughtful? I'm hurt Velfi..

I suppose I should just shout.. income inequality! income inequality! income inequality!

Is that platitude better?

Tell me.. instead of a sarcastic comment.. what do you believe in Velfi?

09-28-2015, 03:33 PM
Way to avoid answering my question.

I answered it, you just don't like how I did.

Do you think income inequality is a major issue?

What would you consider income equality?

So you tell me.. if income inequality is so bad.. what do you think income equality looks like?

Because there is only one way to have "income equality".. and that is everyone is the exact same.

I don't want that world.. maybe you do.

09-28-2015, 03:36 PM
Income inequality is where a tiny fraction of the populace controls a majority of the wealth, and yes, I consider it a serious issue. No society is sustainable with such a gross difference.

09-28-2015, 03:46 PM
Income inequality is where a tiny fraction of the populace controls a majority of the wealth, and yes, I consider it a serious issue. No society is sustainable with such a gross difference.

So what do you think it should look like? What %'s do you find fair?

What % of the pie do you need to feel like you're an equal?

And interesting thought.. who do you think controls a majority of the wealth in the US? The Government.

So.. if you do not like income inequality. And think that no society is sustainable with a tiny fraction of the populace (politicians) controlling a majority of the wealth (accrued through taxes)..

Then we actually agree again! You're 100% right. The few in Government SHOULD NOT! be controlling a majority of OUR wealth. I knew we could come to an agreement on this.

09-28-2015, 03:47 PM
So you don't find my ideas thoughtful? I'm hurt Velfi..

I suppose I should just shout.. income inequality! income inequality! income inequality!

Is that platitude better?

Tell me.. instead of a sarcastic comment.. what do you believe in Velfi?

I believe in not wasting my time on the chaff hereabouts. Regrettably, I am not so principled as to avoid plucking the occasional low hanging fruit when the whim strikes me.

09-28-2015, 03:50 PM
I believe in not wasting my time on the chaff hereabouts. Regrettably, I am not so principled as to avoid plucking the occasional low hanging fruit when the whim strikes me.

Such a cliche response. **yawn**

If only your response had any impact.

09-28-2015, 08:52 PM
Consumption tax.

Or a hybrid of the flat tax + consumption tax.

We should all be on board with something like this. Fair across the board. Everyone can go out and make/do/spend whatever they want.. knowing exactly they are giving to the Government.. and knowing what they get to keep.

Everyone just keeps selling the idea of, "well rich people can afford to pay it, so make them".. instead of saying.. "lets give everyone the opportunity to be rich too".

Stop hating on others for what they have and you don't. If we all focused more on what we could do ourselves, to improve our own station in life... instead of worrying about someone elses.. we'd be a lot better off. So long as the government doesn't get in the way.The smart play is "flat tax above $30,000" or some number you feel is appropriate, first proposed on this forum at least by Atlanteax. Then you can fund the government and not disproportionately target poor people - these are two important goals if you want people to agree with you!

09-28-2015, 09:21 PM
The smart play is "flat tax above $30,000" or some number you feel is appropriate, first proposed on this forum at least by Atlanteax. Then you can fund the government and not disproportionately target poor people - these are two important goals if you want people to agree with you!

I'm not trying to get people to agree or disagree.. I'm stating my ideas, and hoping for a discussion, as I'm open to agreeing with others and modifying my views. Hopefully others are as well, hence why it's a discussion.

I like the idea of "flat tax about 30k" or whatever the number is. I'm pretty sure we have some talented mathematicians that could come up with the numbers required. The question then comes, how do we force the Government to live within that % of tax revenue they recieve. The government took in a record number of tax revenue this year, and still want more from everyone. Where does it stop? Most importantly, how do we make it stop.

I like something close to "flat tax for over 30k (single person), 50k (couple)".. 5% consumption tax on necessities (power/food/housing/etc.).. and 20%? 15%? 25% consumption tax on luxury items. Numbers and %s definetly up for debate.

Good point Latrin. Lets keep it going!

09-28-2015, 10:27 PM
I'm not trying to get people to agree or disagree.. I'm stating my ideas, and hoping for a discussion, as I'm open to agreeing with others and modifying my views. Hopefully others are as well, hence why it's a discussion.I'm just letting you know that when you say "We should all be on board with something like this", this is why we aren't.
I like the idea of "flat tax about 30k" or whatever the number is. I'm pretty sure we have some talented mathematicians that could come up with the numbers required. The question then comes, how do we force the Government to live within that % of tax revenue they recieve. The government took in a record number of tax revenue this year, and still want more from everyone. Where does it stop? Most importantly, how do we make it stop.Would it interest you to learn that federal outlays as a % of GDP declined for a fifth straight year in 2014, and are lower than they were in (among other years) 1991, 1985, and 1975?
Good point Latrin. Lets keep it going!Thank Atlanteax! :D