View Full Version : Fuck Greenpeace

12-20-2014, 02:35 PM
It sucks that these issues are championed by dimwits who can't help but chew their own tail. Half-baked stunts like this are why no one takes Greenpeace seriously. I mean really... you couldn't put this next to a fucking oil refinery or something? And don't get me started on PETA.


"Drone Footage Shows Extent of Damage From Greenpeace Stunt at Nazca Lines

By Kayla Ruble
December 17, 2014 | 11:23 am

Greenpeace angered the Peruvian government last week when some of its activists trekked through Peru's ancient Nazca Lines — a UNESCO World Heritage site — to stage a publicity stunt timed to coincide with UN climate change talks being held in the South American nation's capital of Lima. The stunt resulted in calls for legal action, and officials have since released new drone footage showing the extent of damage caused at the site."

12-20-2014, 03:11 PM
They're idiots. Greenpeace, PETA, ELF and their ilk can go choke on a granola bar.

12-20-2014, 03:16 PM
Someone introduce photoshop to these idiots.

12-20-2014, 03:19 PM
This was already hashed out here...

Greenpeace apparently vandalized the Nasca Lines

the eco-terrorists at work:

the aftermath of their message:

'Proof' not photo-shopped:

Eco-terrorists =( The Greenparty in Germany worked to get nuclear power 'banned' only to watch Germany have to build 20 coal-powered plants for energy generation...

But yeah.

12-20-2014, 03:47 PM
A few dozen activists saying let's travel to someplace warm and have a circle jerk. Nothing to see here. I do kind of wonder if they used donated funds or their own funds.

12-20-2014, 03:49 PM
And don't get me started on PETA.

Something we can agree on.

Greenpeace are morons, but PETA is truly an evil organization.

12-20-2014, 04:39 PM
Fuck the apology, fuck the wanting to make amends, the shitbags won't turn over the people responable and yet they want to make amends. I hope the cost of restoration and bad press absolutely decimate these fucks.

Back when they got seal hunting banned, the overpopulation of seals caused the decimation of shore birds, lobster and oyster beds and a disease outbreak among seals. Just one of many short sighted things they have been behind fucking up.

The only thing I could ever get behind them in supporting was the work to stop whaling.

And yes, PETA is a very evil and dangerous organization with the goal of destroying the American Beef Industry. You don't see them operating elsewhere hardly at all.