View Full Version : Overtime

12-18-2014, 09:02 PM
Overtime pay is to the middle class what the minimum wage is to low-wage workers. In 1975, more than 65 percent of salaried American workers earned time-and-a-half pay for every hour worked over 40 hours a week, but by 2013, that number had dropped to less than 11 percent. That’s because the income threshold at which employers are required to pay overtime has been allowed to erode to only $23,660 a year, less than the poverty line for a family of four. The 89 percent of salaried workers who now earn over that threshold can be forced to work unlimited overtime hours for no additional pay at all.

And according to a recent Gallup poll, that’s exactly what’s happening. Salaried Americans now report working an average of 47 hours a week—18 percent report working more than 60 hours per week. If it feels like you’re working more hours for less money than your parents did a generation ago, it’s probably because you are.

But it doesn’t have to be this way: President Obama could raise the overtime threshold to $69,000—enough to cover the same 65 percent of salaried workers that it covered 40 years ago—and with no prior congressional approval. Because unlike the minimum wage, the overtime threshold is set through the Department of Labor’s existing regulatory authority.

More... (http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/labor/227441-give-americans-the-overtime-pay-theyve-earned)

Obama has been looking at raising the threshold above $23,660, which was set in 1975. I think it's too soon to raise it again, and most Republicans in Congress will agree with me.

12-18-2014, 09:17 PM
You know, I really don't know how I feel about this.

One.. I think if you work overtime, you should be paid for it. Then again... you took a job as a SALARIED worker... so you kinda knew you were going to get shafted at times.

As someone that was salaried at 24k a year back in 1998... I worked closer to 50 hours a week, and more like 70 during the holidays. Yeah, I would have liked more money... but I knew what I was getting myself into.. also I was allowed to take a month off to go visit a friend.

I think 69k is a bit high myself tho. Not sure where I would put it.. but 69k would be more then "middle class" to me. It's certainly higher then a mid level supervisor, and now approaching management. I mean, 69k a year is effectively 33.17 per hour.

12-18-2014, 09:36 PM
You know, I really don't know how I feel about this.

One.. I think if you work overtime, you should be paid for it. Then again... you took a job as a SALARIED worker... so you kinda knew you were going to get shafted at times.

As someone that was salaried at 24k a year back in 1998... I worked closer to 50 hours a week, and more like 70 during the holidays. Yeah, I would have liked more money... but I knew what I was getting myself into.. also I was allowed to take a month off to go visit a friend.

I think 69k is a bit high myself tho. Not sure where I would put it.. but 69k would be more then "middle class" to me. It's certainly higher then a mid level supervisor, and now approaching management. I mean, 69k a year is effectively 33.17 per hour.

The 69k figure definitely depends on where you live. After 6 months in the academy, a new LAPD officer makes 60k, for instance. A Shreveport police officer, at that same point, would be making 33k a year. (I like using police salaries as a baseline to compare cost of living.)

12-18-2014, 09:38 PM
I don't care for the new overtime rules. I get it first but then he has to get a turn unless I do the froofrananny... heck, soccer gets along with no overtime at all! The way is clear.

12-18-2014, 10:31 PM
The 69k figure definitely depends on where you live. After 6 months in the academy, a new LAPD officer makes 60k, for instance. A Shreveport police officer, at that same point, would be making 33k a year. (I like using police salaries as a baseline to compare cost of living.)

Well, unless the fed puts in rules based on cost of living then, they shouldn't have flat based rules now should they? Yeah, it costs more to live in NYC, LA etc etc compared to bumblefuck Idaho. Thing is tho.. people choose to live where they live.

Not to mention the fact that... if they DID put it at 69k a year.. that would really fuck over some cities/states. Imagine all the public sector salaried people.

Also.. in this day and age.. who takes a salaried job that basically pays less then 11.50 an hour? If you do, you are a moron.

12-19-2014, 04:32 PM
I think this is long overdue. Regarding the argument that you knew what you were getting into when you took the job, the bigger, related problem is that companies don't exist in a vacuum. When laws change allowing companies to pay workers less, (and the list of those exempt from overtime laws has been expanded a few times), you kind of have to do it to stay competitive. It's not a question of "if you don't like it leave" when everyone in your industry has downgraded wages in order to remain competitive.

This happened in my industry. When I started in architecture in 1990, quite a few firms had pensions and many paid overtime. Both of those were phased out over time, and pensions were replaced with 401k's and overtime was either paid at base rate or not at all. And this in a professional industry that requires a significant investment in education, training, and demonstration of ability to do the job.

06-30-2015, 10:33 PM
Remember that time I told you Obama was going to change the overtime rules -- long before you heard it anywhere else? Well, it's happening.

This week, I'll head to Wisconsin to discuss my plan to extend overtime protections to nearly 5 million workers in 2016, covering all salaried workers making up to about $50,400 next year. That's good for workers who want fair pay, and it's good for business owners who are already paying their employees what they deserve -- since those who are doing right by their employees are undercut by competitors who aren't.

More... (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/barack-obama/a-hard-days-work-deserves-a-fair-days-pay_b_7691922.html)

Because this is an executive action that does not require Congressional approval, the next president could change it if he or she wants to.

07-01-2015, 08:20 AM
Heck, I am all for this!

This mean Military personnel only have to work 40 hours a week now? Or does it mean we'll all get paid 1.5x after 40 hours? $$$$$$$$.

People complain and always want more. Unless it's a group they think doesn't deserve/need more. But if you think about it, Military personnel are salaried. And per the line of thinking above.. are being grossly underpaid, because they are not getting 1.5x pay after 40 hours of work a week.

07-01-2015, 08:59 AM
Heck, I am all for this!

This mean Military personnel only have to work 40 hours a week now? Or does it mean we'll all get paid 1.5x after 40 hours? $$$$$$$$.

People complain and always want more. Unless it's a group they think doesn't deserve/need more. But if you think about it, Military personnel are salaried. And per the line of thinking above.. are being grossly underpaid, because they are not getting 1.5x pay after 40 hours of work a week.

Depending on how you count their hours, they don't even get minimum wage. How do you count the hours of someone on active duty in a hot zone?

07-01-2015, 09:19 AM
First 40 hours of the week; standard pay.
The next 128 hours; 1.5x pay.

Or just quadruple their monthly pay, should work out to about 1.5x.

07-01-2015, 09:28 AM
Most government employees aren't paid overtime. Like a lot of police departments, they're paid in what's called comp-time. Comp-time is paid at 1 for 1, which means an hour of time off for and hour of work past your normal 40 hour week/8 or 10 hour day. This is bullshit and just another way the government, whether it be state or federal is getting over. How can you enforce time and a half, when you're screwing over your employees with 1 for 1 comp time?

07-01-2015, 09:37 AM
Most government employees aren't paid overtime. Like a lot of police departments, they're paid in what's called comp-time. Comp-time is paid at 1 for 1, which means an hour of time off for and hour of work past your normal 40 hour week/8 or 10 hour day. This is bullshit and just another way the government, whether it be state or federal is getting over. How can you enforce time and a half, when you're screwing over your employees with 1 for 1 comp time?

Whenever I've applied and accepted a position, I'm told ahead of time what I am paid, how many hours I will work and what my compensation is after that normal amount of hours. I then make a decision whether or not to get into an agreement with that company.

If I don't like it, I don't accept the position.

07-01-2015, 09:59 AM
Whenever I've applied and accepted a position, I'm told ahead of time what I am paid, how many hours I will work and what my compensation is after that normal amount of hours. I then make a decision whether or not to get into an agreement with that company.

If I don't like it, I don't accept the position.

Good for you?

07-01-2015, 10:07 AM
Good for you?

It's not rocket science. My 19 year old kid did this.. for the first time in her life.

Why is it so hard for you to do something this monumentally simple?

Maybe take your mommy on your next interview to help?

07-01-2015, 10:09 AM
This practice will weed out lazy workers as well as stingy employers.

07-01-2015, 10:13 AM
It's not rocket science. My 19 year old kid did this.. for the first time in her life.

Why is it so hard for you to do something this monumentally simple?

Maybe take your mommy on your next interview to help?

You are so right in this, the government should be able to enforce overtime on everyone but themselves. My bad.

07-01-2015, 10:26 AM
You are so right in this

This is a given.

the government should be able to enforce overtime on everyone but themselves.

If overtime is important to you, I wouldn't apply for a government job.

If a union is important to you, I also wouldn't apply for a government job.

My bad.


07-01-2015, 10:29 AM
If the currency hadn't inflated, this wouldn't be an issue because $23,660 would still be worth $23,660 and it wouldn't need updated. All of our fiscal problems return to fiat currency. Inflation, otherwise known as theft from the poor, is why we have to keep raising the minimum wage, updating overtime numbers, retooling the tax code, etc... But please, don't let me interrupt this opportunity for R's and D's to bash each other over their proposed ways to keep our ever inflating currency on life support at the expense of the poor. USA USA USA!

07-01-2015, 10:30 AM
Really great reply. Absolutely no thought put into it at all. Good job buddy.

07-01-2015, 10:32 AM
Really great reply. Absolutely no thought put into it at all. Good job buddy.

I agree. Apology accepted though.


07-01-2015, 10:38 AM
You're all dumbasses. Give me all your money and don't worry about it. I'll give you a liveable weekly allowance.

07-01-2015, 10:40 AM
You're all dumbasses. Give me all your money and don't worry about it. I'll give you a liveable weekly allowance.


07-01-2015, 10:50 AM
I agree. Apology accepted though.


You're truly a moron. And you totally fail as a conservative.

07-01-2015, 10:59 AM
You're truly a moron. And you totally fail as a conservative.


07-01-2015, 11:07 AM

I'll give you the last word on this...the word is irony. Please look it up, then look in the mirror...that face peering back at you, is irony.

07-01-2015, 11:43 AM
I'll give you the last word on this...the word is irony. Please look it up, then look in the mirror...that face peering back at you, is irony.

So.. you don't understand how a job interview works.. are completely confused by the definition of "irony"... and don't get the complicated concept of "giving the last word".

This day keeps getting better and better.

Thank you!

07-01-2015, 12:03 PM
So.. you don't understand how a job interview works.. are completely confused by the definition of "irony"... and don't get the complicated concept of "giving the last word".

This day keeps getting better and better.

Thank you!

No, I completely get it. This whole mess started about overtime for workers, I pointed out that the government doesn't give overtime, but instead, gives comp-time at a reduced rate and that that was bullshit. You decided to form a personal crusade.

07-01-2015, 12:16 PM
No, I completely get it. This whole mess started about overtime for workers, I pointed out that the government doesn't give overtime, but instead, gives comp-time at a reduced rate and that that was bullshit. You decided to form a personal crusade.

So, the interview process for a government job is different than every other job? They don't tell you this ahead of time.. before you agree to their terms?

We should do something about this!

07-01-2015, 12:22 PM
So, the interview process for a government job is different than every other job? They don't tell you this ahead of time.. before you agree to their terms?

We should do something about this!

Again...you're showing your ignorance. Do you know what a Title 32 employee is? Do you know that, in order to keep their job, they're required to spend 25 years in military service AND be 55 years of age? This is YOUR government. I ask of you to look at Title 32, which is what's called a military technician and decide for yourself.

So, let's have all of our Military Techs go civilian. Or, for that matter, all those poor, dumb bastards in the military apply for jobs in the "real world".

07-01-2015, 12:30 PM
Again...you're showing your ignorance. Do you know what a Title 32 employee is? Do you know that, in order to keep their job, they're required to spend 25 years in military service AND be 55 years of age? This is YOUR government. I ask of you to look at Title 32, which is what's called a military technician and decide for yourself.

So, let's have all of our Military Techs go civilian. Or, for that matter, all those poor, dumb bastards in the military apply for jobs in the "real world".

I'm not sure what your point is, but I'm pretty sure I agree with you.

07-01-2015, 12:38 PM
Again...you're showing your ignorance. Do you know what a Title 32 employee is? Do you know that, in order to keep their job, they're required to spend 25 years in military service AND be 55 years of age? This is YOUR government. I ask of you to look at Title 32, which is what's called a military technician and decide for yourself.

So, let's have all of our Military Techs go civilian. Or, for that matter, all those poor, dumb bastards in the military apply for jobs in the "real world".

Did you know that if you apply to some companies, you have to agree to a full background check, credit check AND they spy on your Internet usage during work hours on their computers?


07-01-2015, 12:44 PM
Did you know that if you apply to some companies, you have to agree to a full background check, credit check AND they spy on your Internet usage during work hours on their computers?


OK...done here....you're a total idiot. You wave your "Annoy a Liberal" flag and still don't see how leftist you're sounding.

07-01-2015, 12:46 PM
OK...done here....you're a total idiot. You wave your "Annoy a Liberal" flag and still don't see how leftist you're sounding.

Self responsibility is another concept that is foreign to you I see...

Sorry you were so annoyed.

No I'm not

07-01-2015, 12:50 PM
Self responsibility is another concept that is foreign to you I see...

Sorry you were so annoyed.

No I'm not

You're fucking right. 26 years in the military and I'm not self-responsible. I'm irresponsible for thinking that maybe...just maybe I should have the same rights as civilians after that.

07-01-2015, 12:55 PM
You're fucking right. 26 years in the military and I'm not self-responsible. I'm irresponsible for thinking that maybe...just maybe I should have the same rights as civilians after that.

Wait, what? You're in the military 26 years and you're just now realizing this? At some point you had to have said, "You know, I've been in for x number of years and am considering this as a career. I think I'll look into that and see if it's something I might like." Right? Were you deceived in some way?

eta: The irony of you having given your life and trust in service to the government for 26 years and then complaining about how said government is oppressive and generally bad, and then you using the word "irony" but not in reference to yourself, is nearly more than I can bear.

07-01-2015, 01:00 PM
Wait, what? You're in the military 26 years and you're just now realizing this? At some point you had to have said, "You know, I've been in for x number of years and am considering this as a career. I think I'll look into that and see if it's something I might like." Right? Were you deceived in some way?

No. There's no deception involved. I like what I do. What I don't like is some pissant telling me that "an interview" can change the world. It simply doesn't work that way.

07-01-2015, 01:04 PM
No. There's no deception involved. I like what I do. What I don't like is some pissant telling me that "an interview" can change the world. It simply doesn't work that way.

I don't think he said that. I think he's just implying that if you don't like it, go work somewhere else. Maybe, I don't know. I have a hard time following the logic of 90% of people on here.

07-01-2015, 01:08 PM
I don't think he said that. I think he's just implying that if you don't like it, go work somewhere else. Maybe, I don't know. I have a hard time following the logic of 90% of people on here.

I agree...what started out as a simple over time issue escalated.

07-01-2015, 01:10 PM
You're fucking right. 26 years in the military and I'm not self-responsible. I'm irresponsible for thinking that maybe...just maybe I should have the same rights as civilians after that.

So.. 26 years in the military and you are JUST now realizing that some things are different when you work for the government rather than the private sector?


07-01-2015, 01:13 PM
I don't think he said that. I think he's just implying that if you don't like it, go work somewhere else. Maybe, I don't know. I have a hard time following the logic of 90% of people on here.

OR... if you don't like the benefits of a job, don't agree to the terms in the first place.

It's really that fucking simple.


07-01-2015, 01:20 PM
OR... if you don't like the benefits of a job, don't agree to the terms in the first place.

It's really that fucking simple.


Support the troops...Asshole...

07-01-2015, 01:22 PM
It's so fucking simple that your fat ass can sit behind a computer and talk shit...that's right..I give you that right...

07-01-2015, 01:23 PM
Support the troops...Asshole...

You think you get a free pass on this type of epic stupidity just because you are in the military?



07-01-2015, 01:25 PM
Nope, I think your ass owes me some overtime for protecting your freedom to talk shit....ya bitch

07-01-2015, 01:26 PM
go fucking annoy congress with that

07-01-2015, 01:27 PM
It's so fucking simple that your fat ass can sit behind a computer and talk shit...that's right..I give you that right...

It's people like you who give the military a bad name.

You honestly believe that you are above reproach JUST because you served.

Dude. Just stop.

You've been extremely entertaining today.. but now it's just getting sad.

07-01-2015, 01:28 PM
Nope, I think your ass owes me some overtime for protecting your freedom to talk shit....ya bitch

go fucking annoy congress with that

I just can't take the chance of you realizing how utterly stupid you sound and decide to edit these epic posts.

It's a very, very tiny chance.. but still...

07-01-2015, 01:30 PM
It's people like you who give the military a bad name.

You honestly believe that you are above reproach JUST because you served.

Dude. Just stop.

You've been extremely entertaining today.. but now it's just getting sad.

Again...you're a moron...I serve because I want to. Not for jerk offs like you. Enjoy our 1st Amendment rights

07-01-2015, 01:37 PM
It's so fucking simple that your fat ass can sit behind a computer and talk shit...that's right..I give you that right...

Nope, I think your ass owes me some overtime for protecting your freedom to talk shit....ya bitch

Again...you're a moron...I serve because I want to. Not for jerk offs like you. Enjoy our 1st Amendment rights

Okay, I don't agree with you at all now. You serving our government has ensured only tyranny. Good job. You did nothing to protect mine or anyone else's liberty. You helped ensure that the liberty takers (your employer) maintained power. Nothing more. Well, I guess you may be responsible for the deaths of innocents, but that's hardly anything to hang one's hat upon. Time for you to take a look in the mirror because you're part of the problem, not the solution. You complain, but tacitly accept. Just like a good slave should. You're good at your job, I'll give you that. Oh, and the troops suck. Mercenaries; hired guns one and all.

07-01-2015, 01:38 PM
Again...you're a moron...I serve because I want to. Not for jerk offs like you. Enjoy our 1st Amendment rights




07-01-2015, 01:43 PM
Okay, I don't agree with you at all now. You serving our government has ensured only tyranny. Good job. You did nothing to protect mine or anyone else's liberty. You helped ensure that the liberty takers (your employer) maintained power. Nothing more. Well, I guess you may be responsible for the deaths of innocents, but that's hardly anything to hang one's hat upon. Time for you to take a look in the mirror because you're part of the problem, not the solution. You complain, but tacitly accept. Just like a good slave should. You're good at your job, I'll give you that. Oh, and the troops suck. Mercenaries; hired guns one and all.

wow....just wow. I hang my hat on the thought that I've done good. Calling me a slave is just out of the galaxy bad. Maybe, just maybe we should all stand down and let the civilians deal with ISIS and Al Qeada? Would that work for you guys?

07-01-2015, 01:45 PM
wow....just wow. I hang my hat on the thought that I've done good. Calling me a slave is just out of the galaxy bad. Maybe, just maybe we should all stand down and let the civilians deal with ISIS and Al Quada? Would that work for you guys?

He is trolling you hardcore.

07-01-2015, 01:46 PM
wow....just wow. I hang my hat on the thought that I've done good. Calling me a slave is just out of the galaxy bad. Maybe, just maybe we should all stand down and let the civilians deal with ISIS and Al Qeada? Would that work for you guys?

Dude.. he's just trolling you.

I'm so embarrassed for you today.

07-01-2015, 01:46 PM
Okay, I don't agree with you at all now. You serving our government has ensured only tyranny. Good job. You did nothing to protect mine or anyone else's liberty. You helped ensure that the liberty takers (your employer) maintained power. Nothing more. Well, I guess you may be responsible for the deaths of innocents, but that's hardly anything to hang one's hat upon. Time for you to take a look in the mirror because you're part of the problem, not the solution. You complain, but tacitly accept. Just like a good slave should. You're good at your job, I'll give you that. Oh, and the troops suck. Mercenaries; hired guns one and all.

Please go to Afghanistan with that attitude.

07-01-2015, 01:52 PM
Please go to Afghanistan with that attitude.
Just ignore him.

07-01-2015, 01:54 PM
There are plenty of humanitarian groups that work with the Afghans, so if you're interested, I'm sure the tribals would be more than willing to NOT decapitate you as an American.

07-01-2015, 01:54 PM
Or just let him troll you more.

07-01-2015, 01:55 PM
Just ignore him.

Some people want to be trolled.

07-01-2015, 01:55 PM
He is trolling you hardcore.

Wow...and you've been there. Please call me out as a liar then?

07-01-2015, 01:56 PM
Some people want to be trolled.

Shut up Hilldog lover.

07-01-2015, 01:56 PM
There are plenty of humanitarian groups that work with the Afghans, so if you're interested, I'm sure the tribals would be more than willing to NOT decapitate you as an American.


07-01-2015, 01:56 PM
Wow...and you've been there. Please call me out as a liar then?

I was telling you to ignore Wrath and that he was trolling you...

07-01-2015, 01:57 PM
wow....just wow. I hang my hat on the thought that I've done good. Calling me a slave is just out of the galaxy bad. Maybe, just maybe we should all stand down and let the civilians deal with ISIS and Al Qeada? Would that work for you guys?

Of course you think you've done good. Your employers tell you that. Majority of the blind public worships you for what you do. Me? I see it for what it is: You're a pawn of the MIC, blindly and stupidly doing everything they tell you to do without questioning. One day the order will come to turn those guns on U.S. citizens (oh wait, it has already) and mindless zombies like yourself will be the first to pull the trigger. Disgusting. You're just as bad as ISIS and Al Qeada and you don't even realize it because we package it differently here.

07-01-2015, 01:57 PM
I was telling you to ignore Wrath and that he was trolling you...

My bad....I lost context in a few minutes

07-01-2015, 01:59 PM
Shut up Hilldog lover.

What's a hilldog?

07-01-2015, 01:59 PM
Wow...and you've been there. Please call me out as a liar then?


07-01-2015, 02:00 PM
Of course you think you've done good. Your employers tell you that. Majority of the blind public worships you for what you do. Me? I see it for what it is: You're a pawn of the MIC, blindly and stupidly doing everything they tell you to do without questioning. One day the order will come to turn those guns on U.S. citizens (oh wait, it has already) and mindless zombies like yourself will be the first to pull the trigger. Disgusting.

I truly laugh at this with our current POTUS. I would definitely lay down my arms in the face of a government take over. I believe in the Constitution above all else. Troll away.

07-01-2015, 02:01 PM
What's a hilldog?

Hillary Clinton

07-01-2015, 02:05 PM
I truly laugh at this with our current POTUS. I would definitely lay down my arms in the face of a government take over. I believe in the Constitution above all else. Troll away.

Yeah, so does Obama. He studied Constitutional law. He'll profess the same as you, but we know better, don't we? And he's your boss...do the math there, guy. Although I guess if you were capable of that, this conversation wouldn't have ever happened because you'd have left military service. Admit it.

07-01-2015, 02:06 PM
Hillary Clinton

Oh. Probably not. I don't see anyone I like running and I'm not doing a 'lesser of two evils' again.


07-01-2015, 02:07 PM
Oh. Probably not. I don't see anyone I like running and I'm not doing a 'lesser of two evils' again.


Good for you. Both parties are bought and paid for.

07-01-2015, 02:08 PM
Yeah, so does Obama. He studied Constitutional law. He'll profess the same as you, but we know better, don't we? And he's your boss...do the math there, guy. Although I guess if you were capable of that, this conversation wouldn't have ever happened because you'd have left military service. Admit it.

I've never killed in 26 years. I see myself as a protector of your freedoms. I would never do what I do not feel is right.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

07-01-2015, 02:09 PM
What's a hilldog?


07-01-2015, 02:09 PM
I've never killed in 26 years. I see myself as a protector of your freedoms. I would never do what I do not feel is right.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

All evidence to the contrary.

07-01-2015, 02:13 PM
All evidence to the contrary.

Evidence to what? That you're talking smack? That you enjoy the freedoms that lives have brought you? Not from the war on terrorism...but from the beginning of our great country. I know politicians are shit...I know that wars are shit...but in the least...there are good men and women that have died from the inception of our nation that you, I, and all that live and love here should be thankful to.

07-01-2015, 02:20 PM
Oh. Probably not. I don't see anyone I like running and I'm not doing a 'lesser of two evils' again.


Why choose the lesser evil? Vote Cthulhu.

07-01-2015, 02:28 PM
Evidence to what? That you're talking smack? That you enjoy the freedoms that lives have brought you? Not from the war on terrorism...but from the beginning of our great country. I know politicians are shit...I know that wars are shit...but in the least...there are good men and women that have died from the inception of our nation that you, I, and all that live and love here should be thankful to.

So you serve shit. At least you can admit that much. Maybe, just maybe, one day you'll stop.

07-01-2015, 02:33 PM
So you serve shit. At least you can admit that much. Maybe, just maybe, one day you'll stop.

And you sir, serve nothing for the greater good but yourself. Way to go.

07-01-2015, 02:42 PM
The sad part of all this is, that given the choice of an Islamic fundamentalist and you, Wrath, I'd still choose you.

07-01-2015, 02:49 PM
And you sir, serve nothing for the greater good but yourself. Way to go.

You have no way of knowing what I serve...well, except for nsa...I guess you do know.

07-01-2015, 02:50 PM
The sad part of all this is, that given the choice of an Islamic fundamentalist and you, Wrath, I'd still choose you.

For now.

07-01-2015, 02:54 PM
For now.

No. You basically know right from wrong, good from bad. This is the basis of good government. Were that to change, then my opinion would change. I don't fault your beliefs, even if I don't agree.

07-01-2015, 03:18 PM
Not sure why everyone thinks the government does not pay overtime, at least the Federal government. They pay overtime, night differential, Sunday and holiday differentials. The base scale can be found here:


That is the one for Miami, just because I had it saved since that is where I work. The wrinkle about overtime though is that as you progress in steps but stay in the same pay scale, the spread between base pay and overtime gets less and less and on anyone over a GS-12 gets no bonus, it is all straight time that is why most of them just take comp time since it is better for taxes and your state of sanity. A typical week for me is about 45 hours, but I am a non-standard critical employee so I do not punch the clock or fill in the spreadsheet now, like a normal 9-5 one.

07-01-2015, 03:30 PM
Not sure why everyone thinks the government does not pay overtime, at least the Federal government. They pay overtime, night differential, Sunday and holiday differentials. The base scale can be found here:


That is the one for Miami, just because I had it saved since that is where I work. The wrinkle about overtime though is that as you progress in steps but stay in the same pay scale, the spread between base pay and overtime gets less and less and on anyone over a GS-12 gets no bonus, it is all straight time that is why most of them just take comp time since it is better for taxes and your state of sanity. A typical week for me is about 45 hours, but I am a non-standard critical employee so I do not punch the clock or fill in the spreadsheet now, like a normal 9-5 one.

There is only one guy that claimed that government doesn't pay overtime.. and he served in the military and if you even question him, you must be some ISIS lover.

07-01-2015, 03:41 PM
No. You basically know right from wrong, good from bad. This is the basis of good government. Were that to change, then my opinion would change. I don't fault your beliefs, even if I don't agree.

I think what you really mean is that I "basically" conform to your current definition of "right and good", but when your boss "updates" the definition (law) to label me "wrong and bad", you'll put me in a fema camp. Forgive me if I'm not comforted.

07-01-2015, 03:43 PM
Not sure why everyone thinks the government does not pay overtime, at least the Federal government. They pay overtime, night differential, Sunday and holiday differentials. The base scale can be found here:


That is the one for Miami, just because I had it saved since that is where I work. The wrinkle about overtime though is that as you progress in steps but stay in the same pay scale, the spread between base pay and overtime gets less and less and on anyone over a GS-12 gets no bonus, it is all straight time that is why most of them just take comp time since it is better for taxes and your state of sanity. A typical week for me is about 45 hours, but I am a non-standard critical employee so I do not punch the clock or fill in the spreadsheet now, like a normal 9-5 one.

I think he was saying that post military government contractors or some such don't get overtime...?

07-01-2015, 04:34 PM
I can see contractors not getting any, since the pay they are getting is in the contract from the get go.

07-02-2015, 07:46 PM
Yep, contractors are not GS employees, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference though since for all apparent purposes they frequently are doing the exact same job.

07-02-2015, 09:12 PM
Wah, wah, wah.. see how this conversation turned towards the contractors and GS employees.. fuck the actual military personnel. Shameful!

**edit** bit of sarcasm, based in reality.

07-02-2015, 11:07 PM
Wah, wah, wah.. see how this conversation turned towards the contractors and GS employees.. fuck the actual military personnel. Shameful!

**edit** bit of sarcasm, based in reality.

I don't expect overtime for either my school or family business job. I do find it kinda ridiculous if military personnel other than the Coast Guard don't collect it. Police and fire do.

07-02-2015, 11:10 PM
I don't expect overtime for either my school or family business job. I do find it kinda ridiculous if military personnel other than the Coast Guard don't collect it. Police and fire do.

Military don't work on an hourly basis. There is something available for deployments, I forget what it's called, but if your unit is forcibly kept in place a week or so past it's redeployment date you receive what's essentially time-and-a-half. Coupled with hostile fire pay and other things you can make some (relative) bank.

07-02-2015, 11:15 PM
Warrior as someone who spent 22 years in the Coast Guard I would be interested in hearing why you think that?

It is a military service just like the other 4, we spend maybe even more time away from families than the other services since we do not actually need a war to do our job. We are in the Middle East and have been the entire time. Our operational units deploy more than half the year. I can guarantee you while perhaps not as overtly dangerous as working in a combat zone, the unknown of going onto a ship you know is laden with drugs and how they will respond is enough to give anyone pause. Not to mention, our use of force requirements are far more stringent when conducting law enforcement than those in a combat zone.

07-02-2015, 11:34 PM
Military don't work on an hourly basis. There is something available for deployments, I forget what it's called, but if your unit is forcibly kept in place a week or so past it's redeployment date you receive what's essentially time-and-a-half. Coupled with hostile fire pay and other things you can make some (relative) bank.

I have never heard of anything like that, at least I was never offered anything like that when I was in. There were people who got paid because when their enlistment contract was up, the military told them "sorry, but you are staying in", but that is unrelated to deployments.

Military is straight salary, doesnt matter how much you work. There is no time and a half or any of that, and there shouldnt be.

07-02-2015, 11:38 PM
Amazon pays overtime....double time for the last 2 hours too.

07-02-2015, 11:41 PM
Warrior as someone who spent 22 years in the Coast Guard I would be interested in hearing why you think that?

It is a military service just like the other 4, we spend maybe even more time away from families than the other services since we do not actually need a war to do our job. We are in the Middle East and have been the entire time. Our operational units deploy more than half the year. I can guarantee you while perhaps not as overtly dangerous as working in a combat zone, the unknown of going onto a ship you know is laden with drugs and how they will respond is enough to give anyone pause. Not to mention, our use of force requirements are far more stringent when conducting law enforcement than those in a combat zone.

I thought you got it and they didn't. I'm all for you guys getting it.

Full disclosure: I've had my ass saved by the Coast Guard before.

Military don't work on an hourly basis. There is something available for deployments, I forget what it's called, but if your unit is forcibly kept in place a week or so past it's redeployment date you receive what's essentially time-and-a-half. Coupled with hostile fire pay and other things you can make some (relative) bank.

That's good if this is true. Wouldn't call it quite "overtime" but it's a good thing.

07-03-2015, 12:08 AM
I have never heard of anything like that, at least I was never offered anything like that when I was in. There were people who got paid because when their enlistment contract was up, the military told them "sorry, but you are staying in", but that is unrelated to deployments.

Military is straight salary, doesnt matter how much you work. There is no time and a half or any of that, and there shouldnt be.

What I'm talking about is specific to deployments. We wound up spending 15 months in Iraq instead of the usual 12 because of some training mixup with the NG unit who was supposed to replace us. I was making stoploss pay at the same time, so I made it rain at Green Beans all the time.

07-03-2015, 12:40 AM
What I'm talking about is specific to deployments. We wound up spending 15 months in Iraq instead of the usual 12 because of some training mixup with the NG unit who was supposed to replace us. I was making stoploss pay at the same time, so I made it rain at Green Beans all the time.

If it is a combat zone, you get tax free up to E9 pay (So if you are in officer making over E9 pay only up to that is tax free), imminent danger pay, if you are married you get separation pay. If you were already collecting BAH and/or BAS you continue to collect that. I was told if you are single they are supposed to cut your BAS, but they never did for me.

As far as staying over an allotted time, the Marine Corps JUST started paying an extra 16.50 per day that is over 7 months. If you take leave totaling 10 days during your time of deployment, you are disqualified. I know the Army and the Air Force handle the amount of time differently.

07-03-2015, 12:46 AM
That being said, there is not really overtime in the military. Sometimes you get 7 day field exercises that start on a friday and you don't go home for 7 days. Sometimes you get a 24 hour duty on Christmas day. You don't get paid more for that stuff. It sucks, but it is the nature of the beast.

07-03-2015, 12:49 AM
If it is a combat zone, you get tax free up to E9 pay (So if you are in officer making over E9 pay only up to that is tax free), imminent danger pay, if you are married you get separation pay. If you were already collecting BAH and/or BAS you continue to collect that. I was told if you are single they are supposed to cut your BAS, but they never did for me.

As far as staying over an allotted time, the Marine Corps JUST started paying an extra 16.50 per day that is over 7 months. If you take leave totaling 10 days during your time of deployment, you are disqualified. I know the Army and the Air Force handle the amount of time differently.

As of early last year, USAF wasnt giving anything extra for deployments or extended time, however we never really had those freaking 12-15 month deployments the Marines or Army did. Although I do know some special forces folks would be deployed and get their next deployment orders while still in the sandbox.

Now if you did a 2 year tour in Korea you should qualify for extra pay.

Also dont forget that savings plan...the one that gives 10% return.

07-03-2015, 12:52 AM
As of early last year, USAF wasnt giving anything extra for deployments or extended time, however we never really had those freaking 12-15 month deployments the Marines or Army did. Although I do know some special forces folks would be deployed and get their next deployment orders while still in the sandbox.

Now if you did a 2 year tour in Korea you should qualify for extra pay.

Also dont forget that savings plan...the one that gives 10% return.

Marines do 7 month deployments. It was higher for individual augmentees. This overage thing is something brand new, that wasn't in place when I was in the Marines. I imagine they put it in since there really aren't expected to be anymore long deployments to Iraq or Afghanistan. I came back from Iraq with 120 grand in the bank though. Oh yeah, reenlistment bonus was tax free too.

07-03-2015, 12:56 AM
Mine was 3 months extended to 4. Tax free + combat duty pay or whatever :lol2:

07-03-2015, 01:17 AM
I wish I had an enlistment bonus. They were giving it to guard and reservists, but not active in my job.

07-03-2015, 01:19 AM
I wish I had an enlistment bonus. They were giving it to guard and reservists, but not active in my job.

Heh, I was just at the right place at the right time. Bonuses that high won't be existing again unless shit gets bad. End of 2006, Marine Corps had 10 grand for anyone reenlisting and the infantry field had an 80 grand on top of that. I looked at the recent bonuses, MarSOC Operators are only hitting in the 40s.

07-03-2015, 05:11 AM
Heh, I was just at the right place at the right time. Bonuses that high won't be existing again unless shit gets bad. End of 2006, Marine Corps had 10 grand for anyone reenlisting and the infantry field had an 80 grand on top of that. I looked at the recent bonuses, MarSOC Operators are only hitting in the 40s.

It's getting harder to find folks dumb enough to serve in our mercenary band. For whatever reason, the bullet sponge murderer jobs are especially difficult to fill, it seems.

07-03-2015, 05:23 AM
Warrior as someone who spent 22 years in the Coast Guard I would be interested in hearing why you think that?

It is a military service just like the other 4, we spend maybe even more time away from families than the other services since we do not actually need a war to do our job. We are in the Middle East and have been the entire time. Our operational units deploy more than half the year. I can guarantee you while perhaps not as overtly dangerous as working in a combat zone, the unknown of going onto a ship you know is laden with drugs and how they will respond is enough to give anyone pause. Not to mention, our use of force requirements are far more stringent when conducting law enforcement than those in a combat zone.

The coast guard? Use of force? LOL didn't know you guys had any force. In the situation you mention, you're putting yourself in danger for the failed drug war? Brilliant. You go ahead and risk your life to stop drugs while the cia brings in more dope than anyone. Good thinking. It's worth it, right?

07-03-2015, 07:13 AM
It's getting harder to find folks dumb enough to serve in our mercenary band. For whatever reason, the bullet sponge murderer jobs are especially difficult to fill, it seems.

Your logic is backwards. Bonuses go down when enough soldiers/sailors are staying in and the military doesn't have to give incentives for retention. We have some rates in the Navy that are overmanned and get $0 re-enlistment bonus.

07-03-2015, 08:34 AM
Your logic is backwards. Bonuses go down when enough soldiers/sailors are staying in and the military doesn't have to give incentives for retention. We have some rates in the Navy that are overmanned and get $0 re-enlistment bonus.

Everything about his logic is backwards, I would not give him a second thought that is why I put him in ignore.

The Coast Guard has some Zone A SRB's and maybe one Zone B right now and as far as I am aware they have never had a Zone C, ever.

I am sure it is the same in the other services, but the CG has the highest retention rate in its history while simultaneously having the best educated workforce in both the enlisted and officer corps. They have taken measures I would have never predicted while I was active duty. It is no longer good enough to be an average performer, they are not allowed to re-enlist. We had a guy who was an excellent performer, but he liked to go out on South Beach and have some fun, but he got an alcohol incident, no legal or NJP just in the wrong place at the wrong time sort of thing and he was booted within 90 days.

07-03-2015, 10:09 AM
Everything about his logic is backwards, I would not give him a second thought that is why I put him in ignore.

The Coast Guard has some Zone A SRB's and maybe one Zone B right now and as far as I am aware they have never had a Zone C, ever.

I am sure it is the same in the other services, but the CG has the highest retention rate in its history while simultaneously having the best educated workforce in both the enlisted and officer corps. They have taken measures I would have never predicted while I was active duty. It is no longer good enough to be an average performer, they are not allowed to re-enlist. We had a guy who was an excellent performer, but he liked to go out on South Beach and have some fun, but he got an alcohol incident, no legal or NJP just in the wrong place at the wrong time sort of thing and he was booted within 90 days.

Ah, so now we're being more selective, keeping only the best ants that follow orders unquestioningly and unwaveringly. This will be especially helpful for our government when it comes time to round up and imprison free thinking american citizens now labeled "homegrown terrorists". Can't have anyone who actually thinks for themselves in there, you know. They might balk, as one should.

Yes, my thinking is backwards. To you, and to people like you.