View Full Version : CCF Only 50 Tickets!
03-06-2014, 07:55 PM
How much money/silvers would you be willing to pay for a ticket?
03-06-2014, 07:56 PM
Can I just send you boobs instead?
Fool me once...
Jace Solo
03-06-2014, 07:58 PM
Nice work Wyrom. You continue to impress and we can tell you actually care. Sorry I couldn't get in to get my demon hunter axe the services it deserved but there's always next time.
Good luck on the run!
03-06-2014, 07:59 PM
I like wyrom.
03-06-2014, 08:00 PM
Fool me once...
Shame on you.
Fool you twice...shame, SHAME on you.
03-06-2014, 08:00 PM
How much money/silvers would you be willing to pay for a ticket?
I'll give you the deed to my house in Ta'Vaalor. The value will soar in the next few years with some development.
03-06-2014, 08:06 PM
I'll give you the deed to my house in Ta'Vaalor. The value will soar in the next few years with some development.
I don't need any private property. And I'm pretty sure private property is still non-transferable. And if you're talking about premium homes...LOL.
Silvers or dollars, my friend.
03-06-2014, 08:10 PM
I don't need any private property. And I'm pretty sure private property is still non-transferable. And if you're talking about premium homes...LOL.
Silvers or dollars, my friend.
Clearly you don't understand the new concepts of making money in the Gemstone economy, my friend.
03-06-2014, 08:22 PM
Clearly you don't understand the new concepts of making money in the Gemstone economy, my friend.
No ticket for you.
03-06-2014, 08:25 PM
I don't need any private property. And I'm pretty sure private property is still non-transferable. And if you're talking about premium homes...LOL.
Silvers or dollars, my friend.
Would you PLEASE shut the fuck up already? It was entertaining at first but now it's just annoying.
03-06-2014, 08:31 PM
Would you PLEASE shut the fuck up already? It was entertaining at first but now it's just annoying.
Who the hell are you and what did you find so entertaining? We must be reading two different message boards.
03-06-2014, 09:26 PM
Who the hell are you and what did you find so entertaining? We must be reading two different message boards.
So you do know this is not a chat room.....
Between you and alts, you have more posts in 2 weeks than I have done in years.
03-06-2014, 09:31 PM
So you do know this is not a chat room.....
Between you and alts, you have more posts in 2 weeks than I have done in years.
Son, what are you smoking?
03-10-2014, 05:17 PM
I just got notice from the office that a player has (willingly) cancelled their ticket to give someone else a shot.
Instead of putting it in the Box Office, I'd like to see what you guys think.
I'd like to run an auction for the ticket, or a high-priced raffle. You will only be winning the opportunity to purchase the event ticket. Just like the original raffle. But I can understand that this ticket will have a higher "street" value.
Let your opinion be known, I'll be doing something Wednesday night for it.
~Wyrom, SGM
03-10-2014, 05:56 PM
I just got notice from the office that a player has (willingly) cancelled their ticket to give someone else a shot.
Instead of putting it in the Box Office, I'd like to see what you guys think.
I'd like to run an auction for the ticket, or a high-priced raffle. You will only be winning the opportunity to purchase the event ticket. Just like the original raffle. But I can understand that this ticket will have a higher "street" value.
Let your opinion be known, I'll be doing something Wednesday night for it.
~Wyrom, SGM
Hold a fart contest.
03-11-2014, 01:31 PM
Updated service chart/schedule
03-11-2014, 02:50 PM
Epic Lightning isn't something we'll be offering.
But if you do not want the defender service, since it's the last tier 4 service in our almost done schedule, you can grab Epic Deepening instead (during the Defender time).
~Wyrom, SGM
03-11-2014, 05:56 PM
You got a ticket, Allereli?
03-11-2014, 06:47 PM
You got a ticket, Allereli?
nope, I'm making deals like most of us
I just got notice from the office that a player has (willingly) cancelled their ticket to give someone else a shot.
Instead of putting it in the Box Office, I'd like to see what you guys think.
I'd like to run an auction for the ticket, or a high-priced raffle. You will only be winning the opportunity to purchase the event ticket. Just like the original raffle. But I can understand that this ticket will have a higher "street" value.
Let your opinion be known, I'll be doing something Wednesday night for it.
~Wyrom, SGM
Dhairn's Mstrike Challenge for the ticket!
I'd be good with a high priced raffle, kind of iffy on an auction personally.
03-11-2014, 08:38 PM
One last option.
We randomly select a name from the remaining pool of names that already participated in the Premium raffle. There would be no other raffle. There would be no other interaction.
You have a few hours to respond to this before we figure out what we're doing.
~Wyrom, SGM
03-11-2014, 08:43 PM
One last option.
We randomly select a name from the remaining pool of names that already participated in the Premium raffle. There would be no other raffle. There would be no other interaction.
You have a few hours to respond to this before we figure out what we're doing.
~Wyrom, SGM
That sounds like the most fair option.
03-11-2014, 08:55 PM
They should hold a big game of Gem of Fate. The winner gets the ticket.
One last option.
We randomly select a name from the remaining pool of names that already participated in the Premium raffle. There would be no other raffle. There would be no other interaction.
You have a few hours to respond to this before we figure out what we're doing.
~Wyrom, SGM
I dig it.
03-12-2014, 07:29 PM
I dig it.
It's been decided already.
03-14-2014, 11:40 PM
We'll be doing 3 auction and 7 raffle/spin. Plan accordingly.
~Wyrom, SGM
03-18-2014, 02:23 PM
Silver Costs and Surcharges on 03/18/2014 02:03 PM EDT
I know I tried to say stop thinking about limitations and pricing so much. But since it keeps being put under the microscope, the pricing chart will have some slight additions.
Base Cost
Enchant Pricing
+0 15000 silvers
+5 30000 silvers
+10 60000 silvers
+12 75000 silvers
+15 120000 silvers
+20 240000 silvers
+25 500000 silvers
+30 1500000 silvers
+35 3000000 silvers
+40 6000000 silvers
+45 12000000 silvers
+50 24000000 silvers
Property Pricing
Weighting (includes bane levels) 100000 silvers (per level)
Padding 100000 silvers (per level)
Sighting 100000 silvers (per level)
TD 100000 silvers (per plus)
Defender 50000 silvers (per plus)
Resistance 50000 silvers (per 5%, vulnerability not counted)
Flares 250000 silvers (flat)
Fusion 1000000 silvers (flat)
Combat Scripts 1000000 silvers (flat)
Permabless or Undead Bane (does not count special properties of bane or flaring of permabless) 1000000 silvers (flat)
Miscellaneous Surcharge (for anything else that is just odd about the item that doesn't fit anything else) 1000000 (flat)
So for some examples.
Some 10x fusion HCP full plate with 20% resistance would be 24m (enchant) +1m (padding) +1m (fusion) + 200k (resistance) for a final price of 26.2m.
Some 10x fusion HCP robes with 20% resistance would be 24m (enchant) +1m (padding) +1m (fusion) + 200k (resistance) for a final price of 26.2m. Pointing this out for the AsG concerns.
A 6x katana with Erithian scripts and undead bane with +16 weighting would be 1.5m (enchant) +1m undead bane (undead hitting ability) + 1.6m undead bane (weighting) + 1m (weighting of a katana) for a final cost of 5.1m.
Everything Else
Services that don't have combat properties or are a pre-made item will just be the cost of the raffle or auction. If spinning is chosen as a selection method, the merchant may have a small base fee.
~Wyrom, SGM
There you go, absolute prices.
03-18-2014, 02:45 PM
Why does that sound like he's punishing people for continually asking about limitations?
I mean there was a bunch of confusion and annoyance over items getting denied, overpriced etc during RTCF.
03-18-2014, 02:50 PM
ugh, that just screwed up my financial planning
03-18-2014, 02:50 PM
Why does that sound like he's punishing people for continually asking about limitations?
I mean there was a bunch of confusion and annoyance over items getting denied, overpriced etc during RTCF.
Hey, just be glad he didn't triple the price like he said.
03-18-2014, 02:59 PM
Hey, just be glad he didn't triple the price like he said.
I just think it's ridiculous to penalize people for trying to properly prepare for the event. Things were OK'd prior to RTCF and then denied during the festival, prices were ridiculously high for certain things... I mean it's understandable people are concerned.
03-18-2014, 03:03 PM
I just think it's ridiculous to penalize people for trying to properly prepare for the event. Things were OK'd prior to RTCF and then denied during the festival, prices were ridiculously high for certain things... I mean it's understandable people are concerned.Look, you can't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's not like you're paying for this festival...
...I'm being informed that you actually paid $200 a piece for this festival? Yowza.
03-18-2014, 03:03 PM
I'm ok with them making this a silver drain so whatever, i'm just happy they took ASG out of the picture. Because that shit was stupid.
03-18-2014, 03:35 PM
I'm ok with them making this a silver drain so whatever, i'm just happy they took ASG out of the picture. Because that shit was stupid.
More then that. I was quoted 96 mill to enchant chain from 8-9x that had MCP at RTCF.
Now it would be 14 mill. That's almost 7x less.
Actually the only people sorta screwed this time around are robe and leather users, since base prices are seemingly higher.
03-18-2014, 03:47 PM
Dammit people, he said it was a flat rate and no one believed him. Now we have this surcharge bullshit.
03-18-2014, 04:01 PM
Its similar to how people complained about the RPAs and now they arent anywhere near as common...
03-18-2014, 04:08 PM
Buncha bitchy sons of...
03-18-2014, 04:35 PM
Still a bargain.
03-18-2014, 04:45 PM
fun with krakiipedia table formatting today. I hate how it's hidden on the GSGuide page
03-18-2014, 04:46 PM
Still a bargain.
A thousand times this.
It's also very clear how much the service will cost. Not sure why people are upset by this. Even with something as incredible as 30 points of padding, it's a difference of 3 mil.
03-18-2014, 04:51 PM
Still a bargain.
I'm not complaining about the silver cost, I'm happy about that. I'm annoyed that asking for clarity resulted in an additional surcharge.
03-18-2014, 04:51 PM
Hey Wyorm, Stop reading our boards!
And yeah, this is still a huge bargain for most people and gear.
Item| Service| Price
4x Brigandine| Plain to HCP| 500k
7x Brigandine| Plain to HCP| 7.7m
9x Brigandine| Plain to HCP| 18.25m
10x Brigandine| Plain to HCP| 60m
4x Brigandine| HCP to MCP| 1m
7x Brigandine| HCP to MCP| 12m
9x Brigandine| HCP to MCP| 31m
10x Brigandine| HCP to MCP| 90m
4x Brigandine| MCP to ECP| 2.7m
7x Brigandine| MCP to ECP| 27.3m
9x Brigandine| MCP to ECP| 61m
10x Brigandine| MCP to ECP| 211m*
*This service would be outside the realm of standard approval, and would require additional approval.
Please note, I used brigandine because it's the middle grounds armor. Lighter will be less, heavier will be more.
Just look at those RTCF Prices, compared to the new Pricing. 10x Plain brig to HCP was 60 mill. NOW.. 25 Mill. 10x HCP to MCP.. was 90, now 26. 10x MCP to ECP... 211 and wouldn't have done it, now 27 mill, and likely will do it.
So how can people really complain about the surcharges? All in ALL, the prices will be much lower this time the RTCF.
03-18-2014, 05:31 PM
So how can people really complain about the surcharges? All in ALL, the prices will be much lower this time the RTCF.
How can we complain about them? Because it was initially stated that there weren't going to be any and because a bunch of people couldn't understand that they changed it to have a bunch of surcharges. If this was just a matter of clearing things up the same exact chart could have been used with 0 silver values for everything and the entire point would have gotten across with keeping the initial flat rate.
03-18-2014, 05:36 PM
How can we complain about them? Because it was initially stated that there weren't going to be any and because a bunch of people couldn't understand that they changed it to have a bunch of surcharges. If this was just a matter of clearing things up the same exact chart could have been used with 0 silver values for everything and the entire point would have gotten across with keeping the initial flat rate.
To be fair, it's mostly that TRAINERTWO guy on the officials, whoever that is. The guy just needs to shut his trap 9 out of 10 times he posts. Question after question after rage after question...enough already. So I blame him. You should too.
03-18-2014, 05:51 PM
To be fair, it's mostly that TRAINERTWO guy on the officials, whoever that is. The guy just needs to shut his trap 9 out of 10 times he posts. Question after question after rage after question...enough already. So I blame him. You should too.
I blame him as well. Guy is a Jerk.
03-18-2014, 05:59 PM
Wyrom should know who it is and take their surcharges and refund the rest. Fuck that guy.
03-18-2014, 09:13 PM
I blame him as well. Guy is a Jerk.
LOL, I haven't posted red rep in awhile.. but this one was just to funny.
Thread: CCF Only 50 Tickets!
Shut the fuck up, fuckface. We're all allowed to express our opinion and ask questions. This may be a surprise to you, but that is the very essence of forums. If you are blaming one guy, then you really don't know how the world turns. Get edumacated.
Wonder if they know I am trainertwo on the officials.
03-18-2014, 10:56 PM
now with color coded by tier, sortable service chart
what are the two options besides T4 voln armor? haven't seen much about it and I can't dig anymore for posts
03-18-2014, 11:02 PM
The Cessation of Coraesine Field (CCF) was a ticketed event held March 28-30, 2014 for Prime and April 4-6 for Platinum. It was limited to 50 tickets distributed via raffle on Mist Harbor and tickets cost $199.99 for Prime and $149.99 for Platinum. Each ticket allowed the attendee to one service (or item) each from five different tiers, for a total of five services (or items) per attendee.
Awesome, Allereli. Sounds very lawyerly, too, especially the last sentence.
03-18-2014, 11:10 PM
what are the two options besides T4 voln armor? haven't seen much about it and I can't dig anymore for posts
You can choose adding entanglement flares to bolas or nets, or choose major elemental flares
03-18-2014, 11:20 PM
major elemental flares
anyone have an example? real description?
03-18-2014, 11:28 PM
anyone have an example? real description?
I'm working on updating the script to work with UCS gloves and runestaves. Flare options are lightning, air/steam, fire, ice, and earth/impact. I might add in gravity/vacuum. Because... FANTASY RPGS! - Wyrom
And here is a log of someone's wepaon flaring:
03-18-2014, 11:34 PM
- Wyrom
And here is a log of someone's wepaon flaring:
thanks, so basically a bunch of action scripts and double the usual elemental flaring? I need to understand the basics before I write a page for it, unless someone else wants to.
03-19-2014, 12:01 AM
Actually, I wouldn't mind me a runestaff with greater elemental flares..
03-19-2014, 12:04 AM
Actually, I wouldn't mind me a runestaff with greater elemental flares..
it would be pretty sweet, but I don't know if it's Tier 1 worthy. I'd rather have voln armor.
03-19-2014, 12:54 AM
it would be pretty sweet, but I don't know if it's Tier 1 worthy. I'd rather have voln armor.
Well, not in Voln myself. So no need for that. And no, not tier 1 worthy. But still nice.
03-19-2014, 02:08 AM
Greater flares would be fun with TWC. Not quite coaraseine fun though, but still fun.
03-19-2014, 02:42 AM
Greater flares would be fun with TWC. Not quite coaraseine fun though, but still fun.
Trying to decide if Greater flares would be better then a bard sonic tho.
Quick advice needed.
Trying to plan out what to use services on if I get lucky enough on some:
Undead bane: 7x grapple, bubble, ensorcelled falch or 10x ironwright flaring broadsword?
Voln Tier 4: 8x HCP Double Leathers (currently Voln Tier 1) or 5x HCP Brig?
Padding: 8x HCP Double leathers (Voln) or 6x T5, CM Enhancive, re/active void flaring aug chain?
Assuming Dauntless for TK if he's lucky enough for self-knowledge?
Assuming Self Control for self-mana?
Rune Tattoo for TK? I have no idea, what are the thoughts here?
Enchanting: Was going to sell the spot, but options are the 8x Doubles mentioned above, the 7x falch mentioned above, or that's about it that seems worth it?
Any other recommendations are welcome! Thanks.
03-19-2014, 10:46 AM
Quick advice needed.
Trying to plan out what to use services on if I get lucky enough on some:
Undead bane: 7x grapple, bubble, ensorcelled falch or 10x ironwright flaring broadsword?
Voln Tier 4: 8x HCP Double Leathers (currently Voln Tier 1) or 5x HCP Brig?
Padding: 8x HCP Double leathers (Voln) or 6x T5, CM Enhancive, re/active void flaring aug chain?
Assuming Dauntless for TK if he's lucky enough for self-knowledge?
Assuming Self Control for self-mana?
Rune Tattoo for TK? I have no idea, what are the thoughts here?
Enchanting: Was going to sell the spot, but options are the 8x Doubles mentioned above, the 7x falch mentioned above, or that's about it that seems worth it?
Any other recommendations are welcome! Thanks.
Tough choice on the undead bane, I'd probably go with the 7x as I'm not as big of a fan as others on ironwright
Voln you have to throw it on the 8x HCP, may be some time before you can go over that 70 point cap they put in place for voln again.
As for padding I think you have to pad the 8x, but even so didn't think you could have padded and flaring armor, so pretty sure the chain is out.
I'd agree with the other choices, no clue on the rune tattoo, haven't even looked at the list.
As for the enchanting, if you'd lower the MB a little I'd bid (assuming you don't have a 30m MB already)
03-19-2014, 10:49 AM
Wyrom listened to reason (or whining according to some of you)
pretty charts:
Enchant Pricing (in silvers)
+0 10,000
+5 20,000
+10 40,000
+12 50,000
+15 80,000
+20 160,000
+25 350,000
+30 750,000
+35 1,500,000
+40 3,000,000
+45 8,000,000
+50 16,000,000
Property Pricing (in silvers)
Weighting (includes bane levels) 50,000 per level
Padding 50,000 per level
Sighting 50,000 per level
TD 50,000 per plus
Defender 20,000 per plus
Ensorcell 20,000 per tier
Resistance 25,000 per 5%
(vulnerability not counted)
Flares 100,000 (flat)
Fusion 1,000,000 (flat)
Combat Scripts 1,000,000 (flat)
Permabless or Undead Bane (does not count
special properties of bane or flaring of permabless) 1,000,000 (flat)
Miscellaneous Surcharge (for anything else that is
just odd about the item that doesn't fit anything else) 500,000 (flat)
03-19-2014, 10:50 AM
Quick advice needed.
Trying to plan out what to use services on if I get lucky enough on some:
Undead bane: 7x grapple, bubble, ensorcelled falch or 10x ironwright flaring broadsword?
Voln Tier 4: 8x HCP Double Leathers (currently Voln Tier 1) or 5x HCP Brig?
Padding: 8x HCP Double leathers (Voln) or 6x T5, CM Enhancive, re/active void flaring aug chain?
Assuming Dauntless for TK if he's lucky enough for self-knowledge?
Assuming Self Control for self-mana?
Rune Tattoo for TK? I have no idea, what are the thoughts here?
Enchanting: Was going to sell the spot, but options are the 8x Doubles mentioned above, the 7x falch mentioned above, or that's about it that seems worth it?
Any other recommendations are welcome! Thanks.
My advice is to focus on the things you will use. Do you have characters who use weapons enough to spend t1 on undead bane? If not, skip it or sell it. Etc. These are opportunities that won't likely come up again anytime soon, so either focus on the gear you use, or pass, or trade or sell to raise coins to buy that one extra slot you really do want.
03-19-2014, 10:55 AM
Wyrom listened to reason (or whining according to some of you)
pretty charts:
Enchant Pricing (in silvers)
+0 10,000
+5 20,000
+10 40,000
+12 50,000
+15 80,000
+20 160,000
+25 350,000
+30 750,000
+35 1,500,000
+40 3,000,000
+45 8,000,000
+50 16,000,000
btw, since you're reading this. Hi!
03-19-2014, 10:59 AM
btw, since you're reading this. Hi!
I want to know about enchanting a negative enchanted weapon or negative weighted weapon. Cmon Wyrom!
03-19-2014, 11:03 AM
btw, since you're reading this. Hi!
there are those 0x badger armors from DM
03-19-2014, 11:42 AM
lots of ungrateful people willing to bend over to Simu's crazy surcharges. Sorry, I wasn't up for an silver ass-rape in addition to the monetary one I received in order to just have the chance at buying a ticket.
03-19-2014, 12:29 PM
Quick advice needed.
Trying to plan out what to use services on if I get lucky enough on some:
Undead bane: 7x grapple, bubble, ensorcelled falch or 10x ironwright flaring broadsword?
Voln Tier 4: 8x HCP Double Leathers (currently Voln Tier 1) or 5x HCP Brig?
Padding: 8x HCP Double leathers (Voln) or 6x T5, CM Enhancive, re/active void flaring aug chain?
Assuming Dauntless for TK if he's lucky enough for self-knowledge?
Assuming Self Control for self-mana?
Rune Tattoo for TK? I have no idea, what are the thoughts here?
Enchanting: Was going to sell the spot, but options are the 8x Doubles mentioned above, the 7x falch mentioned above, or that's about it that seems worth it?
Any other recommendations are welcome! Thanks.
I dont think you can undead bane an ensorcelled weapon. I know you can't ensorcell an undead one. Someone was turned down at EG for it. Maybe I am wrong tho.
<<I dont think you can undead bane an ensorcelled weapon. I know you can't ensorcell an undead one. Someone was turned down at EG for it. Maybe I am wrong tho.>>
Hmm from that handy chart Keois posted it looked like they took different slots. Maybe it's mechanically allowed but wasn't for balance reasons previously? Hmm. That'll dictate quite a bit!
03-19-2014, 12:58 PM
<<I dont think you can undead bane an ensorcelled weapon. I know you can't ensorcell an undead one. Someone was turned down at EG for it. Maybe I am wrong tho.>>
Hmm from that handy chart Keois posted it looked like they took different slots. Maybe it's mechanically allowed but wasn't for balance reasons previously? Hmm. That'll dictate quite a bit!
I think it's something to do with holiness and ensorcelling or some such. hell, look at Voln armor. It can technically have Ensorcelling mechanically speaking, they just wont allow it.
03-19-2014, 01:01 PM
<<I dont think you can undead bane an ensorcelled weapon. I know you can't ensorcell an undead one. Someone was turned down at EG for it. Maybe I am wrong tho.>>
Hmm from that handy chart Keois posted it looked like they took different slots. Maybe it's mechanically allowed but wasn't for balance reasons previously? Hmm. That'll dictate quite a bit!
I got an undead bane knuckle-blade ensorcelled
03-19-2014, 04:34 PM
lots of ungrateful people willing to bend over to Simu's crazy surcharges. Sorry, I wasn't up for an silver ass-rape in addition to the monetary one I received in order to just have the chance at buying a ticket.
I'm pretty sure it's not rape if you are willing. No one forced anyone to buy a ticket.
Everyone knows going to events like these is going to cost you silvers in game too. Also while seeing all the surcharges kinda sucks, the overall silver prices pale in comparison to the cost of things done at the previous RTCF runs.
03-19-2014, 04:40 PM
I'm pretty sure it's not rape if you are willing. No one forced anyone to buy a ticket.
Everyone knows going to events like these is going to cost you silvers in game too. Also while seeing all the surcharges kinda sucks, the overall silver prices pale in comparison to the cost of things done at the previous RTCF runs.
the point was I believe it was stated around the time of announcement that due to the ticket price, the additional in game silver costs would not be as high. Then a chart was issued with the cost based on enchantment and it was said that the enchantment was the ONLY charge. Then everyone started posting items and asking specific questions, then the surcharge chart was released and the cost of one of my items quintupled, and almost doubled on the other. That, Sir, is an involuntary silver ass-raping. And luckily reason prevailed and charges are back down. (for the two items they went from 3.5 mil to 8 mil to 4.1 mil)
And I lived happily ever after.
The end.
(I'm going to submit that story as my next custom lore song.)
03-19-2014, 06:14 PM
I wish they'd had this pricing at RtCF, the winners of the tickets for this are essentially being handed a fortune for their $200 bucks.
As for undead bane, I've had a couple ensorcelled but I dunno if already having an ensorcel could block undead bane being added ... I doubt it though. I think permabless is incompatible with ensorcel, that may be what people are remembering.
03-19-2014, 06:37 PM
the point was I believe it was stated around the time of announcement that due to the ticket price, the additional in game silver costs would not be as high. Then a chart was issued with the cost based on enchantment and it was said that the enchantment was the ONLY charge. Then everyone started posting items and asking specific questions, then the surcharge chart was released and the cost of one of my items quintupled, and almost doubled on the other. That, Sir, is an involuntary silver ass-raping. And luckily reason prevailed and charges are back down. (for the two items they went from 3.5 mil to 8 mil to 4.1 mil)
And I lived happily ever after.
The end.
(I'm going to submit that story as my next custom lore song.)
Actually.. Wyrom's post didn't say that it was the ONLY charge. He did state after that there wasn't a difference for ASG. Which was always everyone's big problem. Your item going from 3.5 mill to OMG!!! 8 mill is nothing compared to someone being charged 250 mill to pad or enchant unmaxed plate armor last time.
And the only way your item could have quintupled, was if it was low end to begin with. No matter how you sliced it, the pre change in prices was still insanely cheap compared to every other fest I have been to. My armor would have cost 26.2 mill to pad. I was quoted 96 mill at RtCF.. and it's LEATHER.
03-19-2014, 06:38 PM
I wish they'd had this pricing at RtCF, the winners of the tickets for this are essentially being handed a fortune for their $200 bucks.
As for undead bane, I've had a couple ensorcelled but I dunno if already having an ensorcel could block undead bane being added ... I doubt it though. I think permabless is incompatible with ensorcel, that may be what people are remembering.
All I know is someone tried to get an undeadbane weapon ensorcelled at EG, and was turned down due to it having bane.
03-20-2014, 04:15 PM
I'm not sure if someone mentioned in this thread regarding the silvers market (maybe it was on lnet) but Wyrom just confirmed on the officials there will be no big auction at EG this year. So feel free to jack up those auction bids at CCF. :)
03-22-2014, 10:41 PM
He said there'd be no auction at EG because, if we did another auction, it would be its own event.
He also said, last year, he was planning on a Legendary Items-type event this year. No word if it's actually happening.
03-22-2014, 10:42 PM
does this not qualify as a legendary items event though?
03-22-2014, 11:34 PM
He said there'd be no auction at EG because, if we did another auction, it would be its own event.
He also said, last year, he was planning on a Legendary Items-type event this year. No word if it's actually happening.
Of course it would be a separate event. Another five years from now they'll have an auction as one event and actually receiving the item as another. Both paid!
03-23-2014, 12:35 AM
Of course it would be a separate event. Another five years from now they'll have an auction as one event and actually receiving the item as another. Both paid!
And then you'll have to pay to use it too.
03-23-2014, 12:53 AM
And then you'll have to pay to use it too.
SWTOR already does this. If you're not a Subscriber level then you have to get an Artifact Equipment Authorization in order to use Artifact level gear... Won't be too fun if this hits GS. I can see it now, Prime subscribers having to get monthly permits to use gear over 4x or some such.
03-23-2014, 12:57 AM
And then you'll have to pay to use it too.
No, they would charge you to put it away and take it out.
You make more that way.
and if you DON'T put it away, it kills you.
03-23-2014, 04:22 AM
And then you'll have to pay to use it too.
it'll be a monthly surcharge on your account to recharge it.
03-26-2014, 03:10 AM
does this not qualify as a legendary items event though?
To me, the gear CCF will generate will probably be more powerful than most items that are every auctioned; but, his "Legendary Items" push seemed designed around creating scripted items that were reminiscent of famous fantasy items. Like the crate whistle, or the steel weapons. I don't know for sure, we'll have to see. Perhaps, between CCF and EG, time's run out, or maybe it's a surprise in store.
03-26-2014, 05:51 PM
Open AIM blast chat:
update: changed to greedy mofos, which was started last year
03-26-2014, 07:42 PM
item stripping on FWI tomorrow at 8:30 pm xMW4wbHE3dmYyMjJvNmtsdGF1cGEwMXNAZw&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1&t=AKUaPma6TLMHDd7rkizbQxKLML0l61WIBqkkhVzsR4ISeQkb XcqLpLq7w1JuvKsrc-AXciCyUwqW&sf=true&output=xml
03-26-2014, 07:49 PM
item stripping on FWI tomorrow at 8:30 pm xMW4wbHE3dmYyMjJvNmtsdGF1cGEwMXNAZw&ctz=America/New_York&pli=1&t=AKUaPma6TLMHDd7rkizbQxKLML0l61WIBqkkhVzsR4ISeQkb XcqLpLq7w1JuvKsrc-AXciCyUwqW&sf=true&output=xml
That's a smart, well thought out idea. Simple too.
03-26-2014, 08:28 PM
Too bad you can't get scripts stripped though, I know its not normally a problem but it would suck to be blocked for getting a disarm returning/blink/splitting/etc service on your favorite item because you couldn't get a zest script removed.
03-26-2014, 11:15 PM
Too bad you can't get scripts stripped though, I know its not normally a problem but it would suck to be blocked for getting a disarm returning/blink/splitting/etc service on your favorite item because you couldn't get a zest script removed.
My example on the officials was fluff scripts preventing you from getting T-4 voln scripts on your armor. I think Wyrom implied he would try to work with us on those types of things.
03-26-2014, 11:25 PM
Oh right, yeah Voln script conflicts would be much more common ... though dang I can't believe the non CCF restrictions even on T1.
03-26-2014, 11:39 PM
Too bad you can't get scripts stripped though, I know its not normally a problem but it would suck to be blocked for getting a disarm returning/blink/splitting/etc service on your favorite item because you couldn't get a zest script removed.
From officials:
What about non-functional scripts? Can you at least strip those? As much as I love the scripts, I'd hate to be turned down for the Voln script on my armor because it has some very nice (but fluff) messaging. Script removal has been fairly available, but this event has arrived on very short notice. -Me
Fluff, as long as not ingrained into the item in some way, can likely be stripped. Anything we strip though will need to be altered to say it's striped. Striping stripped stripes. -Wyrom
Anyone with access mind putting up a list of the shop names from the event? Thx
03-29-2014, 12:31 PM
Same shops as last time. Just go to the RtCF list on gsguide.
Ok thanks. I had just thought Wyrom had said some shops wouldn't be there because they were used in other events. I know the fusion guy is there but is there also the off the shelf fusion stuff?
03-29-2014, 01:18 PM
Ok thanks. I had just thought Wyrom had said some shops wouldn't be there because they were used in other events. I know the fusion guy is there but is there also the off the shelf fusion stuff?
yes, in blackworks, I had someone confirm it was open
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