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Tsk Tsk
03-03-2014, 01:52 PM
From the officals...

Hey everyone, we will be having a finale in Coraesine Field. This run will be an extremely high-end ticket event. We'll only be selling 50 tickets at a higher price point. There will be 250 services, broken up into 5 tiers. Each player who goes will be limited to 1 win per tier. Meaning any one person can walk away with a total of 5 services. The service list has been cleaned up, and I will be revealing that later today. A single item will be limited to only one service of the same time. For example, once an item is enchanted, it cannot be enchanted again at this event. But it could have weighting or flares. There will be no consolation prizes for this event.

We will attempt to use a "lottery system" which will basically be an in-game raffle ticket. Those who win that raffle will have a chance to buy tickets. We will explain more on this very soon. The alternative is selling all the tickets, with the captcha, in one single batch.

The dates for this event are weekend only.

Prime: March 28th - 30th.
Platinum: April 4th - 6th.

Shattered will not be having this run, as there was little demand for the original run.

The wisp quest will be unavailable due to the storyline plot that has occurred and what has already occurred. Some shops from the original run will be unavailable. Inventory will not be refreshed. The event is solely revolving around the services. We will have each service scheduled, similar to the original CCF in 2009. More details will be available soon on this as well.

~Wyrom, SGM

Tier 1

Pure Coraesine Quantity: 1
Spirit/Soul Glove (ranged only) Quantity: 1
Ethereal String Quantity: 1
Duping Quiver Quantity: 1
Hidden Bracer Quantity: 1
Chrism Holder (Greater, +2 Spirit Recovery) Quantity: 2
Impure Coraesine Quantity: 3
Self Mana (List similar to the X/day from RtCF) Quantity: 5
DB Enchanting/Creation (+5) Quantity: 5
Undead Bane (+8 or flares) Quantity: 5
Weight Reducing Quantity: 5
X/Day Rune Tattoos (List similar to the rune tattoos from RtCF) Quantity: 5
Enhancive Spell Knowledge (Spells 606, 211, 1606, 513, 1612) Quantity: 5
Voln Armor (Tier 4) Quantity: 10

Tier 2

Padding (+10) Quantity: 10
Weighting (+10) Quantity: 10
Sighting (+10) Quantity: 10
TD (+10) Quantity: 10
Pick-a-Bane (+12 or flares) Quantity: 10

Tier 3

Enchant (+5) Quantity: 50

Tier 4

Defender (+10) Quantity: 10
Resistance (+30) Quantity: 15
Epic Deepening Quantity: 25

Tier 5

Add flares (Increase potency of mana/acuity, or add rare flares to weapons, armor, and shields) Quantity: 50

03-03-2014, 02:01 PM
This should be interesting. I like that they changed up the ticket distribution method.

03-03-2014, 02:02 PM
Woot! Silver prices just jumped up 10 fold :D

Dammit! I just sold 100 million not too long ago and just paid 18.5 mil for a fixstat potion :(

03-03-2014, 02:03 PM
This should be interesting. I like that they changed up the ticket distribution method.

I am just glad they are open to trying different things out.

03-03-2014, 02:03 PM
I will be totally happy if it's an in game raffle, even if I dont get a ticket.

03-03-2014, 02:18 PM
inb4 $1000 per ticket.

03-03-2014, 02:21 PM
Nah.. they will only charge 999.95. They don't like round numbers.

03-03-2014, 02:43 PM
Odd that they're doing this again so soon. Guessing around $100/ticket. Only 50 tickets seems crazy to me. Also crazy-short notice. Sounds like someone is trying to meet a performance goal.

03-03-2014, 02:44 PM
Odd that they're doing this again so soon.

Milk that cash cow!

03-03-2014, 02:48 PM
Odd that they're doing this again so soon. Guessing around $100/ticket. Only 50 tickets seems crazy to me. Also crazy-short notice. Sounds like someone is trying to meet a performance goal.

I was thinking it would be more than $100 due to only 50 tickets being offered. $5000.00 income seems a bit light for an event. Guess we'll see.

03-03-2014, 02:49 PM
Odd that they're doing this again so soon. Guessing around $100/ticket. Only 50 tickets seems crazy to me. Also crazy-short notice. Sounds like someone is trying to meet a performance goal.

I would guess they need money for something else. Because let's face it. Every fest sells out. (not counting EG). So unless they had a huge rash of premium cancellations, they can't be in the red.

Maybe they need extra funds to get that flying dragon thing going.

03-03-2014, 02:54 PM
Could be that. Maybe it's naive of me to think that product managers have financial incentives to meet certain revenue targets, and are more than willing to proclaim to the GMs "we need an event, stat!"

03-03-2014, 03:03 PM
I would guess they need money for something else. Because let's face it. Every fest sells out. (not counting EG). So unless they had a huge rash of premium cancellations, they can't be in the red.

Maybe they need extra funds to get that flying dragon thing going.

God knows it's not coming back into GS development.

03-03-2014, 03:07 PM
God knows it's not coming back into GS development.

That's not true. they could always hire a full time programer.



Ok.. I tried to keep a straight face... didn't happen.

03-03-2014, 03:08 PM
They could be like... Buying extra locker space increases your chances *wink* *wink*

03-03-2014, 03:10 PM
I'm guessing $150-$200 to be honest. The fact that they are saying "an extremely high-end ticket event" denotes a sense that its going to be at least twice the price of RTCF (IMO). I hope they present the price early, you know people are going to buy tickets for the raffle, turn around and not want to pay the price for the ticket itself.

Johnny Five
03-03-2014, 03:20 PM
People will just sell the use of their characters.

03-03-2014, 03:22 PM
I'm interested in seeing the prizes/tiers and the price of the tickets. I am wondering if they can get 250.00 a ticket if they will run this again in a few months or something similar with the tier system. I really suck at winning raffles but I will give it a go if the price isn't outrageous.

Would be bad to have all the services you really want in one or two tiers and nothing you want in the others. It also seems very sudden to me, since there was no hint and it would be less than 30 days until the actual event itself. But seeing as he has the tiers already done they might have been mulling over the idea for awhile now.

03-03-2014, 03:25 PM
Odd that they're doing this again so soon. Guessing around $100/ticket. Only 50 tickets seems crazy to me. Also crazy-short notice. Sounds like someone is trying to meet a performance goal.

DoE probably needs an emergency cash infusion.

03-03-2014, 03:28 PM
DoE probably needs an emergency cash infusion.

Or SOMEONE who shall remain unnamed has to buy a few extra kilos.

03-03-2014, 03:33 PM
DoE probably needs an emergency cash infusion.

The Department of Energy is funded by Simu?!

Everything suddenly makes sense.

03-03-2014, 03:34 PM
The Department of Energy is funded by Simu?!

Everything suddenly makes sense.

Dunces on Ecstacy?

03-03-2014, 03:35 PM
I wonder if premies will have a higher chance at winning the raffles.

03-03-2014, 03:41 PM
I wonder if premies will have a higher chance at winning the raffles.


03-03-2014, 03:45 PM
And of course I will be out of the country on and island with no cell or internet service.

03-03-2014, 03:54 PM
And of course I will be out of the country on and island with no cell or internet service.

I think I'd rather be out of the country, that way I could tell myself that I am not going because I'm somewhere without internet and cell service rather than I just couldn't get one of the precious 50 tickets! I hope the island is someplace nice, like Bora Bora.

03-03-2014, 03:55 PM
And of course I will be out of the country on and island with no cell or internet service.

If I won a ticket, I would trade it for your trip.

03-03-2014, 04:05 PM
If I won a ticket, I would trade it for your trip.

^^^ this, only you'd also have to finish my class projects for me.

03-03-2014, 04:13 PM

03-03-2014, 04:24 PM

The Cessation of Coraesine Field - Ticket Prices, Raffle/Lottery, and Service List on 03/03/2014 04:22 PM EST
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The pricing for this special run will be much higher than the original run. That is so we can pay specific attention to everyone who comes and make sure we offer them a selection of services that everyone should be happy to walk away from. Plus the service list is being run a lot differently.

Prime: $199.99
Platinum: $149.99 (This price is after discount)

The raffle/lottery will be held in game, the the Isle of Four Winds. It will draw at 10pm ET on Wednesday the 5th. I will try to get that raffle table set up tonight. It will likely be a single raffle table. All normal raffle rules will apply (you must be in game, single win per account, a silver buy in). Winners do not need to be present to claim their ticket, but DO need to be in game to win. Price for the raffle will be cheap, likely just a 1000 silvers. Winning the raffle will sign your winning account up to the event (we will set this up, all you need to do is win, and we'll do the rest). The billing system will attempt to process the charges for ticket three times (once each day). Should the charges not take to your billing method, the ticket will become available for anyone to purchase in the box office after 4 business days. So pay close attention a few days after the tickets are populated in the box office. The raffle will ONLY be available on the Isle of Four Winds, somewhere on Mist Harbor. The exact location will be announced. This ticketing system will only be applied to Prime. Platinum will be able to purchase tickets like a normal event.

And here are the services:

Tier 1
Pure Coraesine 1
Spirit/Soul Glove 1
Ethereal String 1
Duping Quiver 1
Hidden Bracer 1
Chrism Holder (Greater, +2 Spirit Recovery) 2
Impure Coraesine 3
Self Mana (List similar to the X/day from RtCF) 5
DB Enchanting/Creation (+5) 5
Undead Bane (+8 or flares) 5
Weight Reducing 5
X/Day Rune Tattoos (List similar to the rune tattoos from RtCF) 5
Enhancive Spell Knowledge (Spells 606, 211, 1606, 513, 1612) 5
Voln Armor (Tier 4) 10

Tier 2
Padding (+10) 10
Weighting (+10) 10
Sighting (+10) 10
TD (+10) 10
Pick-a-Bane (+12 or flares) 10

Tier 3
Enchant (+5) 50

Tier 4
Defender (+10) 10
Resistance (+30) 15
Epic Deepening 25

Tier 5
Add flares (Increase potency of mana/acuity, or add rare flares to weapons, armor, and shields) 50

03-03-2014, 04:29 PM
I stand corrected. Only premie will have the chance for the raffle.

03-03-2014, 04:29 PM
200 huh... well.. everyone will get an enchant.

03-03-2014, 04:34 PM
Did anyone ask if they are going to charge the stupid price structure for padding like they did for RtCF?

03-03-2014, 04:36 PM
Did anyone ask if they are going to charge the stupid price structure for padding like they did for RtCF?

Likely they will increase the silver cost. Likely by over 2.5x.

03-03-2014, 04:37 PM
I just don't understand the logic. Here is a spirit bow..for free. Here is heavy padding that costs you 200m. It must be to just offset the cost of giving someone else a spirit bow!

03-03-2014, 04:39 PM
199.99 prime

03-03-2014, 04:39 PM
Whoa, whats the cost? I didn't know about all of that.... and here I was about to upgrade my account to premie for a chance to win and fork over $200.

03-03-2014, 04:45 PM
Basically.. if you wear plate.. you are fucked if you are trying to get 8x or higher worked on above HCP.

03-03-2014, 04:48 PM
If I won a ticket, I would trade it for your trip.

You would have to give me a ticket for each of my accounts plus 200 mil per account before I'd trade away my dive trip to turneffe atoll. (Ambergris cay Belize).

Johnny Five
03-03-2014, 04:49 PM
People will still buy tickets regardless of the fact. If you charge it and they buy it why not. Next cost. 400$.

03-03-2014, 04:51 PM
I just don't understand the logic. Here is a spirit bow..for free. Here is heavy padding that costs you 200m. It must be to just offset the cost of giving someone else a spirit bow!

Spirit Bow might be auction again. But yes, I agree. The pricing structure was ludicrous.

03-03-2014, 04:53 PM

Re: The Cessation of Coraesine Field - Ticket Prices, Raffle/Lottery, and Service List on 03/03/2014 04:50 PM EST
Links-arrows 4565
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Don't worry about item limitations. They are in place, but it's at a very high end where very few items will be touching it. If something reaches it, we'll discuss options at the event itself where we can get it to you. I don't want to hash that out over the forums, because everything will vary way too much.

Silver pricing will be more so how flares cost. Price is determined by final enchant.

+0 15000 silvers
+5 30000 silvers
+10 60000 silvers
+12 75000 silvers
+15 120000 silvers
+20 240000 silvers
+25 500000 silvers
+30 1500000 silvers
+35 3000000 silvers
+40 6000000 silvers
+45 12000000 silvers
+50 24000000 silvers

This doesn't include services that are auctioned or raffle prices. Auctions will be the winning bid plus the silver cost. This is to level a complaint that arose during the original run.

I asked if it was sale for all ASG or what. Cause I doubt padding 10x plate will only be 24 mill.

03-03-2014, 05:01 PM
Oooo tickets.

03-03-2014, 05:03 PM
Oooo tickets.

Lol. You have to come back dude, if nothing else than to win all 50 tickets and don't use them and don't sell them.

03-03-2014, 05:11 PM
Want to buy; Sighting & Enchant slot.

Because yeah... I'm gonna get THAT started right now.

Johnny Five
03-03-2014, 05:13 PM
If no one bought a ticket do you think they would actually lower the price?

03-03-2014, 05:17 PM
So, Whatley woke up this morning and said, "I need $17,500."

03-03-2014, 05:17 PM
If no one bought a ticket do you think they would actually lower the price?

People are going to buy tickets. I predict that the lottery for the chance to buy a ticket will have at least 100 tickets in the barrel.

Probably 150.

03-03-2014, 05:20 PM
People are going to buy tickets. I predict that the lottery for the chance to buy a ticket will have at least 100 tickets in the barrel.

Probably 150.

200. Minimum.

03-03-2014, 05:20 PM
probably 400+

Johnny Five
03-03-2014, 05:20 PM
People are going to buy tickets. I predict that the lottery for the chance to buy a ticket will have at least 100 tickets in the barrel.

Probably 150.

This is... unfortunately the sad truth.

03-03-2014, 05:24 PM
probably 400+

I wouldn't have guessed that high, but I have definitely been wrong before. Admittedly I was thinking around 200 different *people*. I don't really know how many people use multiple accounts (although I think it is a lot), or how many accounts some people use.

03-03-2014, 05:26 PM
probably 400+

Not sure on 400. Maybe.. At least if it hits 400 we will be able to better determine how many premie accounts there are.

03-03-2014, 05:26 PM
I wouldn't have guessed that high, but I have definitely been wrong before. But admittedly, I was thinking around 200 different *people*. I don't really know how many people use multiple accounts (although I think it is a lot), or how many accounts some people use.

If they let people upgrade to premium and win I am betting you will see several either new accounts or upgrades for the chance to win. So they will profit even more.

03-03-2014, 05:27 PM
I wouldn't have guessed that high, but I have definitely been wrong before. Admittedly I was thinking around 200 different *people*. I don't really know how many people use multiple accounts (although I think it is a lot), or how many accounts some people use.

LOL.. the raffle will likely crash GS.

03-03-2014, 05:28 PM
If they let people upgrade to premium and win I am betting you will see several either new accounts or upgrades for the chance to win. So they will profit even more.

I didn't think of that - excellent point.

03-03-2014, 05:32 PM
we've seen 200+ tickets on what are nearly useless items this is a chance at epic level items, I can see a TON of people buying multiple tickets

03-03-2014, 05:33 PM
I am pretty torn on if I want to attempt to go or not. Without knowing what is an auction and what is just a raffle/spinner. You could go and not win anything but the enchant.

So is the enchant worth 22m entry fee+the silver charge.

we've seen 200+ tickets on what are nearly useless items this is a chance at epic level items, I can see a TON of people buying multiple tickets

We don't know yet what is just a "win". If all those top items that are singletons are auction you better come prepared with a big checkbook.

The recent raffles for decent items have also been located in the general populace area.

03-03-2014, 05:34 PM
we've seen 200+ tickets on what are nearly useless items this is a chance at epic level items, I can see a TON of people buying multiple tickets

Well yeah. Anyone with multiple Premie accounts will buy a ticket with each account to up their chances. I just don't see 400 premie accounts. Tho I could be wrong.

300 Maybe. I'd laugh if someone had 10 accounts and won 10 tickets... and 9 bounced.

03-03-2014, 05:35 PM
Gemstone is such an expensive addiction.

What other game do you spend this much cash on!

03-03-2014, 05:35 PM
Well yeah. Anyone with multiple Premie accounts will buy a ticket with each account to up their chances. I just don't see 400 premie accounts. Tho I could be wrong.

300 Maybe. I'd laugh if someone had 10 accounts and won 10 tickets... and 9 bounced.

I would be entering with my five premium accounts if I could find five things that would be cheaper to enchant for the max(maybe?) price of 46m compared to premium points.

03-03-2014, 05:43 PM
I am pretty torn on if I want to attempt to go or not. Without knowing what is an auction and what is just a raffle/spinner. You could go and not win anything but the enchant.

So is the enchant worth 22m entry fee+the silver charge.

well, you WILL win 1 item from each tier... it's just you could get the dodo prize in tier 1.

Tier 2 and tier 4 are not bad either.

Tier 1.. has 9 non transferable items. about 1/5th.

I'd say only 10 items in tier 1 hat may not be worth the cost... Weight reducing and Db creation/enchanting.

03-03-2014, 05:59 PM
DB sells at 30-35 million per enchant how is that not worth 200 bucks?

03-03-2014, 05:59 PM
DB sells at 30-35 million per enchant how is that not worth 200 bucks?

I didn't get that for my DB ring. I wish I did though!

03-03-2014, 06:00 PM
ring is a sort of bad slot for DB as is bracelet, most DB are in much less useful slots

03-03-2014, 06:02 PM
You figure worst case scenario, for 200 bucks + whatever the service charge is, you walk away with:

weight reducing (or one of the non-transferable spell knowledge things, if you think that's "less" of a win)
+10 td on something (i guess that's the "worst", that whole tier is pretty solid)
+5 enchant
+10 defender
rare flares on something

not bad for 22m

I kind of like this idea of "omg you get everything for more RL monies", but it'd be nice if you know...they did this FIRST and then limited players/accounts/characters that went to the uber premium out of going to the "normal" event. It seems their goals with the last couple of events was trying to spread the wealth a little, which is a good idea for the game i think. They just need to commit to it, or you know...just do this and make an extra 20 grand for essentially nothing. That's also an option.

03-03-2014, 06:04 PM
My guess is 199.99 or 249.99.

03-03-2014, 06:07 PM
DB sells at 30-35 million per enchant how is that not worth 200 bucks?

1x db sells for 30 mill?

03-03-2014, 06:08 PM
You figure worst case scenario, for 200 bucks + whatever the service charge is, you walk away with:

weight reducing (or one of the non-transferable spell knowledge things, if you think that's "less" of a win)
+10 td on something (i guess that's the "worst", that whole tier is pretty solid)
+5 enchant
+10 defender
rare flares on something

not bad for 22m

I kind of like this idea of "omg you get everything for more RL monies", but it'd be nice if you know...they did this FIRST and then limited players/accounts/characters that went to the uber premium out of going to the "normal" event. It seems their goals with the last couple of events was trying to spread the wealth a little, which is a good idea for the game i think. They just need to commit to it, or you know...just do this and make an extra 20 grand for essentially nothing. That's also an option.

If before, it was going to be 200m + $75 to add 10 points of padding to my 10x plate. If they had said hrm..we can't do it unless you pay us 24m and $200. Who would have said no to that deal?

Dropping a $2000 service down to a $300 service? Just do all paid for services and put silvers in the simucoin store at $10 per or something.

03-03-2014, 06:09 PM
My guess is 199.99 or 249.99.

little late. They said 199.99... tho discount should apply.

03-03-2014, 06:15 PM
If before, it was going to be 200m + $75 to add 10 points of padding to my 10x plate. If they had said hrm..we can't do it unless you pay us 24m and $200. Who would have said no to that deal?

Dropping a $2000 service down to a $300 service? Just do all paid for services and put silvers in the simucoin store at $10 per or something.

That was so fucking ludicrous. "hey you, yeah you with the class that depends on armor use....FUCK YOU."

even off the fucking shelf pricing is ridiculous for plate...every god damn merchant,4x plain leather, like what...80k? full plate? 850k. Because Get fucked, this imaginary metal is a precious commodity.

It would really ruin my immersion if armors were priced comparably.

03-03-2014, 06:15 PM
You figure worst case scenario, for 200 bucks + whatever the service charge is, you walk away with:

weight reducing (or one of the non-transferable spell knowledge things, if you think that's "less" of a win)
+10 td on something (i guess that's the "worst", that whole tier is pretty solid)
+5 enchant
+10 defender
rare flares on something

not bad for 22m

I kind of like this idea of "omg you get everything for more RL monies", but it'd be nice if you know...they did this FIRST and then limited players/accounts/characters that went to the uber premium out of going to the "normal" event. It seems their goals with the last couple of events was trying to spread the wealth a little, which is a good idea for the game i think. They just need to commit to it, or you know...just do this and make an extra 20 grand for essentially nothing. That's also an option.

Spell knowledge items are transferable.. it's the rune tattoos that are not.

03-03-2014, 06:46 PM
That was so fucking ludicrous. "hey you, yeah you with the class that depends on armor use....FUCK YOU."

even off the fucking shelf pricing is ridiculous for plate...every god damn merchant,4x plain leather, like what...80k? full plate? 850k. Because Get fucked, this imaginary metal is a precious commodity.

It would really ruin my immersion if armors were priced comparably.


03-03-2014, 06:49 PM
Gemstone is such an expensive addiction.

What other game do you spend this much cash on!

Magic: the Addiction

03-03-2014, 07:04 PM
The duping quiver, that wasn't in the other field events was it?

03-03-2014, 07:18 PM
The duping quiver, that wasn't in the other field events was it?


03-03-2014, 07:35 PM
Magic: the Addiction

I want a graded Juzam Djinn really bad. I don't even play Magic anymore and I want one.

03-03-2014, 07:44 PM
looking at magic prices it depresses me what I sold my cards for

03-03-2014, 07:55 PM
looking at magic prices it depresses me what I sold my cards for

Your telling me. I have a signed copy of a beta timewalk. 2 beta Black lotuses 3 other time walks, 2 time twisters, 1 of each mox, about 50 dual lands. And that was just the power 9. All mine were in near mint/mint condition, since I never used them in a deck. They guys I played with allowed us to use proxies.

To think i sold everything I owned.. (I stopped playing when 4th came out) for like 950 bucks.

03-03-2014, 08:44 PM
Your telling me. I have a signed copy of a beta timewalk. 2 beta Black lotuses 3 other time walks, 2 time twisters, 1 of each mox, about 50 dual lands. And that was just the power 9. All mine were in near mint/mint condition, since I never used them in a deck. They guys I played with allowed us to use proxies.

To think i sold everything I owned.. (I stopped playing when 4th came out) for like 950 bucks.

Man, just reading that makes me sad... and wish that I had been the one to buy them.

03-03-2014, 08:51 PM
Man, just reading that makes me sad... and wish that I had been the one to buy them.

My favorite deck of all time is still my Eureka/Kismet/Stasis deck with a bird of paradise with instill energy.

It used to make people cry...

03-03-2014, 09:02 PM
My favorite deck of all time is still my Eureka/Kismet/Stasis deck with a bird of paradise with instill energy.

It used to make people cry...

pffff. anyone can making annoying shit with old cards. I was playing a bunch during the original Magic Online beta testing (when cards were freeeee suckah), this was around the Invasion block. I killed 3 people in one turn with this:


One of the best gaming moments of my life. For how incredibly ridiculous that deck was, it comboed pretty damn consistently by turn 7-8 (which, is an eternity if you're playing seriously, but given the fact it was completely for giggles and shits...)

Sylvan Dreams
03-03-2014, 09:15 PM
The pricing for this special run will be much higher than the original run. That is so we can pay specific attention to everyone who comes and make sure we offer them a selection of services that everyone should be happy to walk away from. Plus the service list is being run a lot differently.

Prime: $199.99
Platinum: $149.99 (This price is after discount)

The raffle/lottery will be held in game, the the Isle of Four Winds. It will draw at 10pm ET on Wednesday the 5th. I will try to get that raffle table set up tonight. It will likely be a single raffle table. All normal raffle rules will apply (you must be in game, single win per account, a silver buy in). Winners do not need to be present to claim their ticket, but DO need to be in game to win. Price for the raffle will be cheap, likely just a 1000 silvers. Winning the raffle will sign your winning account up to the event (we will set this up, all you need to do is win, and we'll do the rest). The billing system will attempt to process the charges for ticket three times (once each day). Should the charges not take to your billing method, the ticket will become available for anyone to purchase in the box office after 4 business days. So pay close attention a few days after the tickets are populated in the box office. The raffle will ONLY be available on the Isle of Four Winds, somewhere on Mist Harbor. The exact location will be announced. This ticketing system will only be applied to Prime. Platinum will be able to purchase tickets like a normal event.

And here are the services:
Tier 1
Pure Coraesine 1
Spirit/Soul Glove 1
Ethereal String 1
Duping Quiver 1
Hidden Bracer 1
Chrism Holder (Greater, +2 Spirit Recovery) 2
Impure Coraesine 3
Self Mana (List similar to the X/day from RtCF) 5
DB Enchanting/Creation (+5) 5
Undead Bane (+8 or flares) 5
Weight Reducing 5
X/Day Rune Tattoos (List similar to the rune tattoos from RtCF) 5
Enhancive Spell Knowledge (Spells 606, 211, 1606, 513, 1612) 5
Voln Armor (Tier 4) 10

Tier 2

Padding (+10) 10
Weighting (+10) 10
Sighting (+10) 10
TD (+10) 10
Pick-a-Bane (+12 or flares) 10

Tier 3

Enchant (+5) 50

Tier 4

Defender (+10) 10
Resistance (+30) 15
Epic Deepening 25

Tier 5

Add flares (Increase potency of mana/acuity, or add rare flares to weapons, armor, and shields) 50

~Wyrom, SGM

This message was originally posted in Quests/Sagas/Events, Coraesine Field. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


03-03-2014, 09:49 PM
At these paid events... You can enchant anything, correct? Even something that has weighting/padding/sighting? Or does it follow the standard enchanting rules?

03-03-2014, 09:51 PM
At these paid events... You can enchant anything, correct? Even something that has weighting/padding/sighting? Or does it follow the standard enchanting rules?

pretty much anything can be enchanted for a price.

03-03-2014, 10:48 PM
And the raffle for tickets is up.

Sylvan Dreams
03-03-2014, 10:48 PM
When does it draw?

03-03-2014, 10:52 PM
When does it draw?

I have to double check myself but my friend said it was 10pm eastern on Wednesday. On the path towards the lighthouse.

03-03-2014, 10:53 PM
From the officials. Coraesine, Bane and Weight Reducing Containers from Tamuz

Here's my plan for these distributions:

The single PURE coraesine will be auctioned off. The three IMPURE coraesine will be raffled/spun for. Both styles of coraesine are attuned to the winner. These are Tier 1 wins.

Weight reducing containers will be at 50% (half weight) for this run. 2 will be auctioned off, 3 will be raffled/spun for. If you have a container that already has this treatment, it will be bumped up to 50%. Not 75%. First person to ask gets an amazing new double weight container! These are Tier 1 wins.

Undead Banes will also follow the 2 auctioned, 3 raffled/spun for model. This will provide either flares or 8 points of weighting. These are Tier 1 wins.

Other Banes will cover everything but Undead. 3 will be auctioned, 7 will be raffled/spun for. You can choose from: Orc, Giant, Troll, Magical Critters, Tritons, Extrplanar, Krolvin, Grimswarm, Bandits, or Roltons. These will provide either flares or 12 points of weighting. These are Tier 3 wins.

Extraplanar includes: Ithzir, Vvrael, raving lunatics, n'ecares, vaespilon, earth elementals, water elementals, fire elementals, ice elementals, fallen crusaders, soul siphons, infernal lichs, cerebralites, rift crawlers, and fetish masters. Oh, and ki-lins too!

Magical Critters includes: ice elementals, water elementals, earth elementals, glacei, stone sentinels, many types of golems, dark vorteces, pyrothags, stone mastifs, csetairi, vor'tax, caedera, cyclops, wood sprites, mezics, fenghai, krynches, dhu goleras, shrickhen, moulis, lich qyn'arj, storm griffins, constructs, and rift crawlers.

Orcs/Trolls/Giants covers their Grimswarm varieties as well. Grimswarm covers essentially any critter that has "Grimswarm" in its name, but not other hated foes.

Bane Flare options: Fire, disintegration, disruption, unbalance, grapple, ice, electricity, impact, acid, vacuum, plasma, steam.

03-03-2014, 11:00 PM
Lich go2 room 16400

[Lighthouse Path]
A somewhat unsullied brass anchor adorned with barnacles hangs from a sturdy rolaren stand. Wooden planks attached to the anchor form directional signs pointing northwest and west. The lighthouse can be seen on the top of the hill to the northwest. You also see AN IMPORTANT CCF RAFFLE SIGN and a raffle table with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
>l in barr
There are 22 tickets in the ticket barrel.
>read sign

Purchasing a Ticket:

When purchasing a raffle ticket, you are winning the opportunity to purchase a ticket to the Cessation of Coraesine Field festival, which is priced at $199.99. You do not need to do anything more after winning to purchase a ticket, our billing system will do the rest. If your billing method rejects the payment after 3 attempts, your chance to purchase a ticket will be forfeit and your ticket will then be available in the box office for purchase.

It is important to check the email you have set up through play.net forwarding if we need to contact you for anything else!

In the event that you win, you are agreeing to the $199.99 ticket price by entering this raffle.

In Game Availability:

After purchasing a raffle ticket, you do not need to be available at the time of the drawing to win, but you MUST be in game to have a chance to win. It is your responsibility to check the raffle table for winners, as it will be cleaned up soon after the drawing.
>l at tick
Winning this raffle will prevent you (and your entire account) from winning any other MAJOR raffles for the duration of this event.
The raffle is for "A chance to purchase a ticket to the Cessation of Coraesine Field event. See the sign for details!".
The tickets sell for 1000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 47 hours and 0 minutes for 50 winners.

03-03-2014, 11:03 PM
They should sell each ticket for a million silvers not a 1000 :O

03-03-2014, 11:11 PM
I want to know how they plan on giving out the string... and I guess that replaced the make a returner slot?

03-03-2014, 11:19 PM
So... Is it too late for me to upgrade my account to premie? o.O

03-03-2014, 11:49 PM
No, it's not too late. Tickets don't draw until Wednesday.

03-04-2014, 12:06 AM
So since someone else put it out there, I'll jump on the bandwagon. I'm interested in buying a TD slot and maybe a pick a bane spot.

03-04-2014, 12:45 AM
What are people willing to pay for various slots? Might as well start putting some numbers out there....

03-04-2014, 06:14 AM
if I am lucky enough to get a ticket, there is only one thing I want, it's tier 1. I could USE stuff from the other tiers, but I would likely trade my spots in those. Specially with how pricing is and limitation factors. I don't have much gear that SHOULD be used.

03-04-2014, 06:31 AM
Even the impure coraesine is attuned? That's weird...

03-04-2014, 06:48 AM
Even the impure coraesine is attuned? That's weird...

Nope, was last time. Impure right now is closer to what old pure was like. Double flares and such. Difference is a haste ability, and possible tornado flares.

Since Coraesine is the one and pretty much only thing I want. I am happy with it being all attuned. Less likely people will be going for it.

03-04-2014, 10:31 AM
69 tickets in the barrel as I write this post.

03-04-2014, 10:36 AM
69 tickets in the barrel as I write this post.

Fleurs hasn't bought her 128 tickets yet.

03-04-2014, 10:38 AM
Nope, was last time. Impure right now is closer to what old pure was like. Double flares and such. Difference is a haste ability, and possible tornado flares.

Since Coraesine is the one and pretty much only thing I want. I am happy with it being all attuned. Less likely people will be going for it.

When's the last time they released unattuned coraesine?

03-04-2014, 10:53 AM
Better schedule another CCF.

03-04-2014, 10:55 AM
When's the last time they released unattuned coraesine?

DM Maze. There was a longsword, Great Axe, and hammer I believe released in it. All impure, and unattuned.

Then Tamuz took over the script and changed some basic things... like no axes.

Tsk Tsk
03-04-2014, 11:30 AM
I haven't even recovered from RTCF. I don't think I could even afford to enchant any of my stuff with the guaranteed enchant.

03-04-2014, 11:39 AM
Seeking to trade 20m for $200 GoA. PM Please.

03-04-2014, 11:40 AM
Xplanar bane on 10x mcw perfect lance, yes please.

03-04-2014, 11:43 AM
Xplanar bane on 10x mcw perfect lance, yes please.

Shit, 9x 3 slot fusion HCW lance.... yup.

03-04-2014, 11:44 AM
extra enchant and more weighting on 7x perfect HCW T5 ensorcelled blink greatsword? Sure, sign me up.

03-04-2014, 11:45 AM
Shit, 9x 3 slot fusion HCW lance.... yup.

What do you have that thing at right now? Glad to see it being made absurd.

03-04-2014, 11:45 AM
And then Fleurs gets 49 tickets.

03-04-2014, 12:05 PM
How much were the tickets last time? 50 bucks? So Simu managed to get the same amount of money as last time with only putting in a quarter of the work?

Hey I'm not knocking Simu! That's the American dream right there pal. And free labor to boot?!

No seriously, who gets all of the money Simu makes? They have like, what, 8 paid employees?

03-04-2014, 12:14 PM
How much were the tickets last time? 50 bucks? So Simu managed to get the same amount of money as last time with only putting in a quarter of the work?

Hey I'm not knocking Simu! That's the American dream right there pal. And free labor to boot?!

No seriously, who gets all of the money Simu makes? They have like, what, 8 paid employees?

it was 75 before discount. 100 tickets.

so they made say 7500 (tho it was less due to discount)

This time 199.99 and 50 tickets.

so 10k.

03-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Oh they only sold 100 last time? I thought it was 200?

03-04-2014, 12:18 PM
Oh they only sold 100 last time? I thought it was 200?

100 per run. well.. 101. But 1 was given away.

03-04-2014, 12:42 PM
How much were the tickets last time? 50 bucks? So Simu managed to get the same amount of money as last time with only putting in a quarter of the work?

Hey I'm not knocking Simu! That's the American dream right there pal. And free labor to boot?!

No seriously, who gets all of the money Simu makes? They have like, what, 8 paid employees?

Tickets to last year were $74.95 and guaranteed and limited to 1 major service. These are $200 and you are pretty much guaranteed 5 major services. Yes it's a lot of money, but I can't argue that you won't get your bang for your buck.

While being a money grab, a lot of people did complain that they never got the opportunity to go to the 2013 editions and now get a fair shot.

03-04-2014, 12:58 PM
I wonder how many people will upgrade their accounts for a chance? We are insane aren't we for hoping we get a chance to pay $200.00 for a ticket for text stuff. LOL

03-04-2014, 01:53 PM
think about all the people who are going to be willing to pay $40 just for a chance at going

Johnny Five
03-04-2014, 01:59 PM
It's just for bragging rights really. Anything you would ever REALLY need in this game you could buy it all for under a million silvers. 4x armor/weapon/shield, backpack cloak sack satchel.. But you know gotta get blingy!

03-04-2014, 02:17 PM
It's just for bragging rights really. Anything you would ever REALLY need in this game you could buy it all for under a million silvers. 4x armor/weapon/shield, backpack cloak sack satchel.. But you know gotta get blingy!

Shhh! What are you trying to do here? We don't want to hear truth like that!

Seriously though, your statement is largely correct for those who hunt in groups. If you hunt alone, I would argue you need more than basic gear in the more difficult areas. Spellburst areas in particular would be hard for many players with only basic gear.

03-04-2014, 02:19 PM
I pick up GS bling for the same reason other men drive porsches; it's a fucking chick magnet.

03-04-2014, 02:27 PM
I thought men drove porsches cause they have a small penis?

03-04-2014, 02:29 PM
I haven't even recovered from RTCF. I don't think I could even afford to enchant any of my stuff with the guaranteed enchant.

Summed it up in a nutshell for me.. Love the raffle idea but only have 10% of the bank balance I had at RTCF.

Johnny Five
03-04-2014, 02:30 PM
Shhh! What are you trying to do here? We don't want to hear truth like that!

Seriously though, your statement is largely correct for those who hunt in groups. If you hunt alone, I would argue you need more than basic gear in the more difficult areas. Spellburst areas in particular would be hard for many players with only basic gear.

I hunt the temple with a 4x runestaff and 6x double. Never had an issue besides the occasional super lame drowning.

03-04-2014, 03:04 PM
I hunt the temple with a 4x runestaff and 6x double. Never had an issue besides the occasional super lame drowning.

I don't think 6x doubles counts as basic gear. If it does, I won't even admit to what equipment I use :).

03-04-2014, 05:36 PM
Sighting on 03/04/2014 05:32 PM EST
Links-arrows 4660
Reply Reply
Weighting and sighting will be combined. You can choose which you want. So the quantity is 20, split between the two.


20 shots at weighting now.

03-04-2014, 05:49 PM
Good change.

03-04-2014, 05:50 PM
wow, that is sweet!

03-04-2014, 05:52 PM
Actually.. just reread it.. and I don't think it means 20 people can pick weighting. I think it means there will be 10 weighting and 10 sighting, and if you are the 11th picked, and the first 10 took weighting, you get sighting.

03-04-2014, 05:56 PM
Sighting is only a ranged weapon (I assume just bows) attribute, correct?

03-04-2014, 05:57 PM
Sighting is only a ranged weapon (I assume just bows) attribute, correct?


03-04-2014, 06:02 PM
Hmm, makes it a bit of a gamble then depending on how all of the services for that tier are distributed.

03-04-2014, 06:07 PM
I don't use bows, so I definitely do not want a sighting slot. But if push comes to shove, I do have a 4x bow in one of my lockers (it was a digging prize). I guess I could have it sighted and sell it here.

03-04-2014, 06:09 PM
We had 10 weighting spots. We had 10 sighting spots. We now have 20 weighting or sighting spots. Winner picks which they rather have. Just remember, merchants. Sephwir bows are worth more than fel-hafters (this part is a joke).


03-04-2014, 06:36 PM
Yeah, so either or. His original post didn't exactly convey that.

03-04-2014, 06:45 PM
I hunt the temple with a 4x runestaff and 6x double. Never had an issue besides the occasional super lame drowning.And a 10x HCW shoulders worn laser.

03-04-2014, 07:15 PM
I have one of them. I could use undead bane on it though.

03-04-2014, 09:00 PM
121 tickets in the barrel now.

03-04-2014, 10:07 PM

Wyrom from the officials:

Hey everyone, an interesting situation was presented to me this afternoon. So after speaking with PM Solomon, we wanted to let you know that after the raffle draws, we will be reviewing the winning accounts. This validation will check to see if the winning accounts are "a throw away" account. You're allowed to upgrade to Premium for a chance at the raffle, but we'll be taking some extra steps afterward to ensure no one is trying to take advantage of the lottery system format.

I'll let you know tomorrow if anything comes up that we need to address further.

03-04-2014, 10:17 PM
Good idea.

03-04-2014, 10:20 PM
>buy ticket
You hand 1000 silvers over, take your ticket, write your name on it then drop it in the raffle barrel.
>l in bar
There are 133 tickets in the ticket barrel.

03-04-2014, 11:02 PM

Wyrom from the officials:

Hey everyone, an interesting situation was presented to me this afternoon. So after speaking with PM Solomon, we wanted to let you know that after the raffle draws, we will be reviewing the winning accounts. This validation will check to see if the winning accounts are "a throw away" account. You're allowed to upgrade to Premium for a chance at the raffle, but we'll be taking some extra steps afterward to ensure no one is trying to take advantage of the lottery system format.

I'll let you know tomorrow if anything comes up that we need to address further.

Bravo. They're listening to their customers and having some balls while doing it. Hopefully they execute properly.

03-04-2014, 11:06 PM
I wonder what they consider a "throw away" account.

03-04-2014, 11:08 PM
I wonder what they consider a "throw away" account.

One created for the purpose of securing a ticket to this event.

03-04-2014, 11:20 PM
One created for the purpose of securing a ticket to this event.

I should rephrase my question.

I wonder how they are going to determine which accounts are throw away accounts.

I guess accounts less than a week old with just a level 0 character on it.

03-04-2014, 11:31 PM
Probably also going to look suspiciously at accounts that are longstanding, but inactive, only activated just for this.

03-04-2014, 11:36 PM
Probably also going to look suspiciously at accounts that are longstanding, but inactive, only activated just for this.

That would be a hell of a way to welcome back possible returning players :/

03-04-2014, 11:46 PM
That would be a hell of a way to welcome back possible returning players :/

True. OTOH, would not be the first time SIMU had shot itself in the foot, although they seem to be getting better lately.

03-04-2014, 11:55 PM
I should rephrase my question.

I wonder how they are going to determine which accounts are throw away accounts.

I guess accounts less than a week old with just a level 0 character on it.

Yeah. I run 2 accounts. If I created a new one and my lvl zero is buying a ticket, that's a red flag.

If someone reopens an account after x+ years and he's got multiple lvl'd characters, you kinda have to let him go.

03-05-2014, 02:03 AM
Yeah. I run 2 accounts. If I created a new one and my lvl zero is buying a ticket, that's a red flag.

If someone reopens an account after x+ years and he's got multiple lvl'd characters, you kinda have to let him go.

I don't think any long standing account would have to worry. The way they phrased it specifically, "throw away" implies yes...newly created and I'm guessing with the same billing contact/typical source IP/machine (haven't bothered to check how aggressively simu cookie tracks) as another customer. So, if you're trying to game the system, make sure to sign up with a friends credit card and use a proxy. Then you can just claim you're a new player and this wondrous event finally convinced you to pull the trigger.

03-05-2014, 03:52 AM
I don't think any long standing account would have to worry. The way they phrased it specifically, "throw away" implies yes...newly created and I'm guessing with the same billing contact/typical source IP/machine (haven't bothered to check how aggressively simu cookie tracks) as another customer. So, if you're trying to game the system, make sure to sign up with a friends credit card and use a proxy. Then you can just claim you're a new player and this wondrous event finally convinced you to pull the trigger.

Because the first thing I do when I start a new game is sign up for the $200 dollar event on the $35 dollar a month plan for a text based game. I really wonder what activity they saw happening that made them announce this.

03-05-2014, 04:33 AM
Plausible deniability! Also....it's not really that unheard of. When Neverwinter Online (https://register.perfectworld.com/nw_splash) released they had a super duper extra special collectors edition that included the game, the usual MMO collector's edition in game things like vanity pet, etc. a bunch of the RL currency to buy shit in game, and a special armored spider mount. Only place you could get the mount, at the time, and those fucking things were EVERYWHERE at release.

Never underestimate how much disposable income the gaming populace at large has.

03-05-2014, 04:35 AM
Because the first thing I do when I start a new game is sign up for the $200 dollar event on the $35 dollar a month plan for a text based game. I really wonder what activity they saw happening that made them announce this.

I would think it's likely that someone gave them an idea or two as to what unscrupulous people could or would do to gain an edge in getting tickets. Also, looking at an earlier post of his, he said he thought that when you went Premie it prorated it for the month, and if you canceled it still charged you for the whole month. So maybe he found out something else. Who knows. It's not like he is going to say, it would expose a big loophole likely.

03-05-2014, 10:05 AM
From Wyrom:
Reply Reply
Okay. The schedule isn't complete. And I'm not sure it will be before the raffle. I apologize for that. But, I'm going to make some calls on some services right now. Mostly the ones that people are probably trying to plan their weekend about.

Since the spirit bow was auction only at RtCF. I'm going to cut some archers a break. This will be raffled. It will be placed through a portal that requires ranged training. How much will not be disclosed. The same will be done for the ethereal string, but thrown training will be used there. Both of these will pop on Friday night at some time.

The hidden bracer will be spun, like RtCF, but the requirement of perception ranks will be lowered. This will be on Sunday morning.

The duping quiver will be auctioned. No times yet established.

Other services may be auctioned, but since there are more than 1 of the rest, they will definitely be split either between auction, spinning, raffle, or some other means.

Self mana item creation, the spell haste is not on the list. It slipped my mind that it was on the X/Day list. Rune tattoos can have haste though. They just can't have empathic focus. There are some detailed lists on GSGuide.net. Review them. No times yet established.

Sunday night, before we close up. A few wisps/amulets, climate wear garments, pirate harnesses/bandoliers, gambling kits, gory weapons, and pelt bags will be spun off. Everything fully unlocked, but stock descriptions. If you have an item and wish it to just be unlocked, that can be arranged. These aren't part of the tiered give aways. Just some reverse door prizes. Stuff that was given out during the prize tickets last year that never made it out!

03-05-2014, 10:10 AM
I hope it isnt something stupid like 202 ranks. Yet at the same time.. most people will fixskills to ranged or thrown for a chance at a super payday.

In the future, they should work on a function that allows the door to the raffle use skills as of a certain date (like yesterday in this case) to determine entrance. capped warrior with a fixskills and a fixskills potion.. and they could enter both.

That being said, generally.. items like this CAN be char defining items.. and a person very well may want to make their warrior a bow user. it really is a fine line. BUT considering all the others have been auctions.... I am just glad this is a straight up raffle. Like I said, I just hope it isn't limited to capped people.. or even near capped. I'd say 80 ranks of Ranged would be a good base.

03-05-2014, 10:19 AM
I also think it would be cool if there were more prizes tailored to your character. But because that has never been, some people build their character based on what gear is available to them. I am not that upset because I probably won't get a ticket, in addition to previously expecting the bow to be auctioned, however, I would fixskill to ranged if I somehow did win. Honestly the prize I think I want the most (other than spell knowledge) is an impure coraesine shortsword, then I would fix skill from pole arms to TWC. Regardless, good luck to everyone tonight!

03-05-2014, 10:22 AM
The only thing I want is Coraesine. Would make my TWC bard.

03-05-2014, 10:25 AM
I would think it's likely that someone gave them an idea or two as to what unscrupulous people could or would do to gain an edge in getting tickets. Also, looking at an earlier post of his, he said he thought that when you went Premie it prorated it for the month, and if you canceled it still charged you for the whole month. So maybe he found out something else. Who knows. It's not like he is going to say, it would expose a big loophole likely.

We want you to confirm that you are subscribing to GemStone IV Premium. In addition to the standard monthly subscription price of $14.95, your account will be billed an additional $25.00. Both subscriptions are billed monthly.

A one-time pro-rated charge of $9.82 will also be applied, for a total charge of $49.77 for your first month only

03-05-2014, 10:39 AM
We want you to confirm that you are subscribing to GemStone IV Premium. In addition to the standard monthly subscription price of $14.95, your account will be billed an additional $25.00. Both subscriptions are billed monthly.

A one-time pro-rated charge of $9.82 will also be applied, for a total charge of $49.77 for your first month only

Ahh.. BUT when does it charge? The exact moment you click subscribe?

Nevermind.. you had a basic account already. My comment was in regards to brand new basic accounts that were opened and made premium just to enter the raffle.

As for yours, it shows that it won't charge you anything extra till next billing cycle. I wonder what will happen tho if you lower it before hand. hmm..

But for new accounts.. the question becomes when does it bill, that exact moment, or later that night.

03-05-2014, 10:42 AM
No idea. Billing would know. I just was confirming that it does pro-rate. Why would it matter? It asks you to confirm your choice twice so I doubt they would let you just "not pay".

03-05-2014, 10:44 AM
No idea. Billing would know. I just was confirming that it does pro-rate. Why would it matter? It asks you to confirm your choice twice so I doubt they would let you just "not pay".

Well... if you downgrade BEFORE it charges you.. you would at most pay only 9.82. Maybe less.

03-05-2014, 10:45 AM
Well... if you downgrade BEFORE it charges you.. you would at most pay only 9.82. Maybe less.

I am positive they would hit you for the pro-ration. Chris in billing has always said, when you cancel premium, "Your premium subscription will remain active until X date." or something like that when you remove premium.

Besides we know Solomon is going to be looking at stuff like that I guess.

03-05-2014, 10:51 AM
I am positive they would hit you for the pro-ration. Chris in billing has always said, when you cancel premium, "Your premium subscription will remain active until X date." or something like that when you remove premium.

Besides we know Solomon is going to be looking at stuff like that I guess.

Very true. Just saying I am sure people have ways around things if they want. Which is why it's a good thing they will be looking for throw away accounts.

03-05-2014, 11:09 AM
But for new accounts.. the question becomes when does it bill, that exact moment, or later that night.

If you upgrade a trial account to premium, it bills the moment you upgrade. If you do it to an existing account, it pro-rates and bills on the next scheduled billing cycle.

03-05-2014, 11:15 AM
If you upgrade a trial account to premium, it bills the moment you upgrade. If you do it to an existing account, it pro-rates and bills on the next scheduled billing cycle.

Well that answers that, tho I would think there must still be a way around it all. I am sure the smart people of the PC can think of something.

03-05-2014, 11:19 AM
I doubt they'll be targeting people who upgraded an existing account for a chance at the raffle, and returned to a prime subscription they regularly play after. Unless they specify, it's all just guessing. History would tell us they're decisions are not always bound by our sense of logic.

Throw away accounts, to me, would be new accounts being created for entrance in the raffle owned by players of other accounts. Not difficult to circumvent if you have a friend willing to be a proxy for the transactions. I hope they would be looking into who starts handing these level 0-10 characters great items for nothing.

03-05-2014, 11:21 AM
I purchased a raffle ticket. Can someone post the names of raffle winners please when announced, as I have absolutely no intention of waking up at 3am to find out if I'm one of the 50...yeah, I know I'll find out if I am billed but would be nice to find out before.

Will just find some quiet nook and stay logged in ...hopefully. :)

03-05-2014, 11:27 AM
I doubt they'll be targeting people who upgraded an existing account for a chance at the raffle, and returned to a prime subscription they regularly play after. Unless they specify, it's all just guessing.

Given that Wyrom specifically said it is okay to upgrade just for a chance at a ticket, I think it will be okay...

03-05-2014, 11:29 AM
Given that Wyrom specifically said it is okay to upgrade just for a chance at a ticket, I think it will be okay...

Why wouldn't they want like 100 accounts to upgrade for an extra grand or more?

03-05-2014, 11:30 AM
Given that Wyrom specifically said it is okay to upgrade just for a chance at a ticket, I think it will be okay...

You're correct. I had forgotten this line from his post:

You're allowed to upgrade to Premium for a chance at the raffle, but we'll be taking some extra steps afterward to ensure no one is trying to take advantage of the lottery system format.

03-05-2014, 11:31 AM
Given that Wyrom specifically said it is okay to upgrade just for a chance at a ticket, I think it will be okay...

Yeah, I do this regularly for ticketed events then immediately cancel. Never had an issue.

03-05-2014, 11:40 AM
You're correct. I had forgotten this line from his post:

In before someone else does...

Offering to pay for your "proration" charge if you turn over your account to me for the event! kkthx!

03-05-2014, 11:43 AM
In before someone else does...

Offering to pay for your "proration" charge if you turn over your account to me for the event! kkthx!

Any speculation on what account access for this event will go for? We all know it's going to happen.

Johnny Five
03-05-2014, 11:52 AM
And a 10x HCW shoulders worn laser.

HAHA I bout died reading this at the office.

03-05-2014, 11:54 AM
Any speculation on what account access for this event will go for? We all know it's going to happen.

No idea. Because it depends who wins.

03-05-2014, 11:56 AM
Personally...I think they should have a tiered system based on how many years an account has been premium.

Tier 1 would be those that are 5+ Premium subscription years only
Tier 2 would be 3-4 years of Premium subscription
Tier 3 would be 1-2 years
Tier 4 would be anything less than 12 months of consecutive Premium subscription

The value of services and monetary cost would be in line with the years spent as a Premium customer.


03-05-2014, 12:00 PM
Personally...I think they should have a tiered system based on how many years an account has been premium.

Tier 1 would be those that are 5+ Premium subscription years only
Tier 2 would be 3-4 years of Premium subscription
Tier 3 would be 1-2 years
Tier 4 would be anything less than 12 months of consecutive Premium subscription

The value of services and monetary cost would be in line with the years spent as a Premium customer.


Fine for something like an auction. But not really doable for an event like this.

03-05-2014, 12:03 PM
It's doable. It's whether or not Simu would invest the time and effort to do something like that.

03-05-2014, 12:14 PM
It's doable. It's whether or not Simu would invest the time and effort to do something like that.

The tiers involved are for services. Not access to the event.

Which means that they couldn't really plan anything until AFTER tickets are sold. Frankly.. telling someone that only played for 1 year "Sorry, you can't get weighting or padding" is down right stupid. Would be a GREAT way to ensure they don't pay for another year as well.

Now I don't have a problem with long term subscribers getting a bonus or extra work (My one account is 12 years active, other is 7) But I would restrict it to MAYBE extra shops at a fest, or maybe extra merchant work. At most a special tent or door for a god auction. (Promise anyone?)

03-05-2014, 12:17 PM
Any speculation on what account access for this event will go for? We all know it's going to happen.

I figure add up the going rate for each level of service, and then add a small amount as a premium.

The range in tiers makes it a bit hard.. but...

ET - 25 mill (at least thats what they went for last time, this time maybe more)
Padding/Weighting - maybe 30-40 Mill
Flares.. 5 mill. Maybe.
Epic deepening - say 10 mill
tier 1... unknown But say maybe 30 mill. (I still think the weight reducing is prob the low end item in that tier... self chargers went for what, 50 after RTCF?)

added up.. 100 mill or so. Going rate of silver.. maybe 1 grand.

Purely speculation mind you.

03-05-2014, 12:23 PM
Personally...I think they should have a tiered system based on how many years an account has been premium.

Tier 1 would be those that are 5+ Premium subscription years only
Tier 2 would be 3-4 years of Premium subscription
Tier 3 would be 1-2 years
Tier 4 would be anything less than 12 months of consecutive Premium subscription

The value of services and monetary cost would be in line with the years spent as a Premium customer.


I'm not sure how this would fit this event. Having a paid access event levels the field for anyone's "rights" to try for any service at the event. You all pay the same to get in, you all have the same chance at services. The tiers function to cap what any 1 person can walk away with.

There are already rewards for duration of premium subscription. Access to a volume of premium exclusive raffles/services/events already happens on the Isle.

EDIT: I could understand something along the lines of 1 raffle ticket per year of active Premium. It wouldn't really matter to me. But, given the uproar about equal chances to access to the event last time, I'm happy they addressed the ticket distribution this time around.

03-05-2014, 12:27 PM
I just wanna know when coins are gonna spike in price again.

03-05-2014, 12:28 PM
I just wanna know when coins are gonna spike in price again.

10:51 PM EST.

or already, depending how you look at it.

Look at all the WTB threads... and zero new sell threads.

03-05-2014, 01:08 PM
That would be a hell of a way to welcome back possible returning players :/Come on, Terry, this is Solomon we're talking about. Would he really do something like that?

03-05-2014, 01:24 PM
From Wyrom:
Reply Reply
Okay. The schedule isn't complete. And I'm not sure it will be before the raffle. I apologize for that. But, I'm going to make some calls on some services right now. Mostly the ones that people are probably trying to plan their weekend about.

Since the spirit bow was auction only at RtCF. I'm going to cut some archers a break. This will be raffled. It will be placed through a portal that requires ranged training. How much will not be disclosed. The same will be done for the ethereal string, but thrown training will be used there. Both of these will pop on Friday night at some time.

The hidden bracer will be spun, like RtCF, but the requirement of perception ranks will be lowered. This will be on Sunday morning.

The duping quiver will be auctioned. No times yet established.

Other services may be auctioned, but since there are more than 1 of the rest, they will definitely be split either between auction, spinning, raffle, or some other means.

Self mana item creation, the spell haste is not on the list. It slipped my mind that it was on the X/Day list. Rune tattoos can have haste though. They just can't have empathic focus. There are some detailed lists on GSGuide.net. Review them. No times yet established.

Sunday night, before we close up. A few wisps/amulets, climate wear garments, pirate harnesses/bandoliers, gambling kits, gory weapons, and pelt bags will be spun off. Everything fully unlocked, but stock descriptions. If you have an item and wish it to just be unlocked, that can be arranged. These aren't part of the tiered give aways. Just some reverse door prizes. Stuff that was given out during the prize tickets last year that never made it out!

Man a one in 50 (or even better if most are going for corasine) chance at a spirit bow is pretty good. I think, and I believe most agree, the duping quiver is the better archery item even if it doesn't have the wow factor. Neither can be disarmed but a duping quiver doesn't start draining stats in use and allows you to still play around with your bows enchant/ensorcell/sighting levels as well as playing around with the arrows.

What do the hidden bracers do?

03-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Man a one in 50 (or even better if most are going for corasine) chance at a spirit bow is pretty good. I think, and I believe most agree, the duping quiver is the better archery item even if it doesn't have the wow factor. Neither can be disarmed but a duping quiver doesn't start draining stats in use and allows you to still play around with your bows enchant/ensorcell/sighting levels as well as playing around with the arrows.

What do the hidden bracers do?

Is that the gun bracer?

03-05-2014, 01:46 PM
Man a one in 50 (or even better if most are going for corasine) chance at a spirit bow is pretty good. I think, and I believe most agree, the duping quiver is the better archery item even if it doesn't have the wow factor. Neither can be disarmed but a duping quiver doesn't start draining stats in use and allows you to still play around with your bows enchant/ensorcell/sighting levels as well as playing around with the arrows.

What do the hidden bracers do?

You're going to have to have a pretty good amount of ranged skills to even enter the spirit bow raffle. So it'll be even less than 1 in 50.

The hidden bracer is the bracer that shoots projectiles. Pretty sweet item too. Wish it hit PC's though.

03-05-2014, 02:29 PM
Man a one in 50 (or even better if most are going for corasine) chance at a spirit bow is pretty good. I think, and I believe most agree, the duping quiver is the better archery item even if it doesn't have the wow factor. Neither can be disarmed but a duping quiver doesn't start draining stats in use and allows you to still play around with your bows enchant/ensorcell/sighting levels as well as playing around with the arrows.

What do the hidden bracers do?

I doubt most are going for the Coraesine.

03-05-2014, 03:12 PM
And for the "Red Reppers"...NO, the account I entered the raffle with would have been Tier 3....yeesh.

"Let me guess, you'd be tier 1? Its shocking how I knew that! Self serving idiot"--- Rage much, bro?

03-05-2014, 03:26 PM
You're going to have to have a pretty good amount of ranged skills to even enter the spirit bow raffle. So it'll be even less than 1 in 50.

The hidden bracer is the bracer that shoots projectiles. Pretty sweet item too. Wish it hit PC's though.

They really should change those to hit PC's. It should be no different than attacking a PC with any other weapon. Same rules should apply.

03-05-2014, 03:42 PM
They really should change those to hit PC's. It should be no different than attacking a PC with any other weapon. Same rules should apply.

Agreed. You're so wise Kerl.

03-05-2014, 03:57 PM
I figure add up the going rate for each level of service, and then add a small amount as a premium.

The range in tiers makes it a bit hard.. but...

ET - 25 mill (at least thats what they went for last time, this time maybe more)
Padding/Weighting - maybe 30-40 Mill
Flares.. 5 mill. Maybe.
Epic deepening - say 10 mill
tier 1... unknown But say maybe 30 mill. (I still think the weight reducing is prob the low end item in that tier... self chargers went for what, 50 after RTCF?)

added up.. 100 mill or so. Going rate of silver.. maybe 1 grand.

Purely speculation mind you.

Wow. I personally don't share account info with anyone for any reason, but I can see how someone might be tempted. Sheesh.

03-05-2014, 03:59 PM
Wow. I personally don't share account info with anyone for any reason, but I can see how someone might be tempted. Sheesh.

some of my figures may be low, or very low, depending how "No Limitations" they really go.

On a side note...

Anyone wana take bets on a crash tonight?

03-05-2014, 04:03 PM
some of my figures may be low, or very low, depending how "No Limitations" they really go.

On a side note...

Anyone wana take bets on a crash tonight?

Ill bet 1m on no crash.

03-05-2014, 04:05 PM
Ill bet 1m on no crash.

I won't bet but you don't need to be present just in game. Unlike the raffles that caused the crash. Those were must be present.

03-05-2014, 04:06 PM
I won't bet but you don't need to be present just in game. Unlike the raffles that caused the crash. Those were must be present.

Let's be real though, a lot of people will be there to see who wins. It'll be packed room.

03-05-2014, 04:08 PM
Wow. I personally don't share account info with anyone for any reason, but I can see how someone might be tempted. Sheesh.

Sharing account info is really stupid. Don't we have enough examples to prove that by now?

03-05-2014, 04:23 PM
Sharing account info is really stupid. Don't we have enough examples to prove that by now?

Since the ticket is assigned to the account, and the accounts all have to be premium, after you win just transfer your most valuable assets off the premium account to a new one and back again once the event is over. I mean $40 is nothing if you can sell the ticket for $1000!

03-05-2014, 04:55 PM
Let's be real though, a lot of people will be there to see who wins. It'll be packed room.

Artificial spike in my demographics! Bastards!

03-05-2014, 05:11 PM
I think they should limit access to tiers based on Character Index Number :)

03-05-2014, 05:16 PM
Let's be real though, a lot of people will be there to see who wins. It'll be packed room.

They already have the room set up so you can't do most verbs in it (grin etc) so hopefully even with a lot of people there it won't be too bad.

03-05-2014, 05:25 PM
Someone is waaaaay too tender and doesn't understand what an opinion is. Keep repping bro...

03-05-2014, 06:57 PM
I think they should limit access to tiers based on Character Index Number :)

Works for me. Really, really, really works for me :)

Jace Solo
03-05-2014, 07:15 PM
Character Index Number? Is that when the character was created?

03-05-2014, 08:24 PM
227 tickets in the barrel, and you know there will be more before the drawing. Definitely not a highly probable thing even if you have several tickets in the barrel. Good luck all.

03-05-2014, 09:48 PM
Active Players: 515

Wow! Haven't seen that many players on at once in a while.

Simu should just hold an event like this every month but limit it to 25 tickets per event. We could hit 1000 players active in less than a year!

03-05-2014, 09:57 PM
227 tickets in the barrel, and you know there will be more before the drawing. Definitely not a highly probable thing even if you have several tickets in the barrel. Good luck all.

288 tickets - 3 minutes to go.

03-05-2014, 10:09 PM
Winning this raffle will prevent you (and your entire account) from winning any other MAJOR raffles for the duration of this event.
The raffle is for "A chance to purchase a ticket to the Cessation of Coraesine Field event. See the sign for details!".
The tickets sell for 1000 silvers each.
The drawing has been held with the following winner(s):

03-05-2014, 10:10 PM
How many of those characters belong to Fleurs?

Tsk Tsk
03-05-2014, 10:11 PM
How many of those characters belong to Fleurs?

All of them.

03-05-2014, 10:14 PM
All of them.

and so do you.

Tsk Tsk
03-05-2014, 10:17 PM
and so do you.


03-05-2014, 10:21 PM

belong to fluers. Duh.

03-05-2014, 11:20 PM
Sweet! Looking forward to this :)

03-06-2014, 01:20 AM
Haha. Second to last. Typical. Just woke up. Thanks for posting the list

03-06-2014, 01:39 AM
Ok who do I send my money to for the duping quiver? Will you take an Aprilla in exchange?

Jace Solo
03-06-2014, 01:53 AM
Haha. Second to last. Typical. Just woke up. Thanks for posting the list

At least your in *grumble*

03-06-2014, 06:17 AM
Next thing you know, tickets for the Resurrected Waverunner will be selling for $500 each.

03-06-2014, 07:50 AM
Well damn. I wish I'd gotten a ticket to this once in a lifetime event. But I guess there's always next time, maybe if I wait a few months.

03-06-2014, 08:00 AM
Well damn. I wish I'd gotten a ticket to this once in a lifetime event. But I guess there's always next time, maybe if I wait a few months.

Someone may always sell slots.. or access. Don't give up hope. Hell.. a ticket could get refunded.

03-06-2014, 08:48 AM
Someone may always sell slots.. or access. Don't give up hope. Hell.. a ticket could get refunded.

Well, they have already started charging accounts, so in three days we shall see.

03-06-2014, 08:55 AM
Well, they have already started charging accounts, so in three days we shall see.

Wont see till monday. No one is there to put tickets up for sale on the weekend.

03-06-2014, 09:02 AM
I think they said four billing days. They don't bill on the weekends either unless they changed it due to that one guy playing for free by re-opening his account just on the weekends with a pre-paid credit card that never had any money on it.

03-06-2014, 09:12 AM
I think they said four billing days. They don't bill on the weekends either unless they changed it due to that one guy playing for free by re-opening his account just on the weekends with a pre-paid credit card that never had any money on it.

Honestly not sure myself. But either way, won't be till at least Monday.

03-06-2014, 12:44 PM
...aaaand premium subscription cancelled.

03-06-2014, 12:49 PM
...aaaand premium subscription cancelled.

And stay out! We don't want your kind in FWI!

03-06-2014, 12:55 PM
And stay out! We don't want your kind in FWI!

No no, it's cool. I'm white.

03-06-2014, 02:16 PM
Depending on how horribly the quiver/bow go and I might be selling a T4 voln slot. If anyone's interested in this, let me know. Since the restrictions from RTCF seem to be lowered for this (according to the vague "don't worry about restrictions" posts of Wyrom) then I am going to guess that aside from some ECP 10x full plate with +30 resists you can pretty much put this on anything. I don't want to toss this up for bid because choosing Voln will be a last resort if the other things I want fall through, but at least if you're interested you know there's a chance here!

03-06-2014, 03:06 PM
Thread: CCF Only 50 Tickets!
yeah ok, maybe might be, not auctioning but i might.

Throwing it out there for people who are interested that I'll grab it as a last resort seemed like a nice thought instead of waiting until the last minute when they go out and scrambling to find someone selling You apparently disagree, but the four IMs I've gotten from people interested pretty much says "FU."

03-06-2014, 03:15 PM
I want to give kudos for Simu making this event a LOT more fair than in the past and listening to players opinions.

Also, no rage just throwing this out for chuckles, I have to be the unluckiest person in game. I have yet to ever win a raffle.


03-06-2014, 04:00 PM
Well I didn't win in the raffle. Life is officially unfair.

03-06-2014, 04:10 PM
Not only the raffle work well, it went of without a crash, a double thumbs up for that

03-06-2014, 04:30 PM
Well I didn't win in the raffle. Life is officially unfair.

Now you're not officially glued to your computer for a weekend either.

03-06-2014, 04:42 PM
It's a weird feeling... I'm kind of bummed I'm not getting a chance to go, but at the same time I'm a little relieved. A lot of work and planning on the players part has to go into attending these kind of things if you want to get the most out of the money you spent.

Johnny Five
03-06-2014, 05:01 PM
I want to give kudos for Simu making this event a LOT more fair than in the past and listening to players opinions.

Also, no rage just throwing this out for chuckles, I have to be the unluckiest person in game. I have yet to ever win a raffle.


Glad to know one good kudos in 13 years makes up for 13 years of ass raping. lul.

Simutronics Kudos graph:


03-06-2014, 05:40 PM
Throwing it out there for people who are interested that I'll grab it as a last resort seemed like a nice thought instead of waiting until the last minute when they go out and scrambling to find someone selling You apparently disagree, but the four IMs I've gotten from people interested pretty much says "FU."

Please rewrite this sentence using proper punctuation and grammar.

03-06-2014, 05:46 PM
It's a weird feeling... I'm kind of bummed I'm not getting a chance to go, but at the same time I'm a little relieved. A lot of work and planning on the players part has to go into attending these kind of things if you want to get the most out of the money you spent.

not really on ths one. with so few people and guaranteed 1 service per tier....this is just free* loot

*simus definition

03-06-2014, 05:53 PM
It's a weird feeling... I'm kind of bummed I'm not getting a chance to go, but at the same time I'm a little relieved. A lot of work and planning on the players part has to go into attending these kind of things if you want to get the most out of the money you spent.

Yeah, the work you have to put into this one is picking a couple items to work on, and being in game at the scheduled times they're going to announce. This is nothing like a normal fest when it comes to the run around.

I'd say the most work you'll have to do is selling any slots you don't want.

03-06-2014, 06:04 PM
Please rewrite this sentence using proper punctuation and grammar.

Can I just send you boobs instead?

03-06-2014, 06:55 PM
Without trawling through the myriad of posts for the answer:

1. What is this Tier 4 Defender (+10) Quantity: 10

2: Will standard lightening, deepening, altering services be offered. (If so will be happy to get stuff done for folks not attending, as I own very little that requires any of this type of work these days - no charge beyond what the merchant asks for.)

3. Is a fully unlocked chrism one that retains the gem allowing you to essentially self cast rather than rely on it dropping out and being waved?

4. Is getting plate padding from Expert to anything above that, going to be as expensive as padding was at the last event 180mil if I remember rightly.

Think that all my questions. Simple and no doubt basic.

03-06-2014, 07:06 PM
Without trawling through the myriad of posts for the answer:

1. What is this Tier 4 Defender (+10) Quantity: 10

2: Will standard lightening, deepening, altering services be offered. (If so will be happy to get stuff done for folks not attending, as I own very little that requires any of this type of work these days - no charge beyond what the merchant asks for.)

3. Is a fully unlocked chrism one that retains the gem allowing you to essentially self cast rather than rely on it dropping out and being waved?

4. Is getting plate padding from Expert to anything above that, going to be as expensive as padding was at the last event 180mil if I remember rightly.

Think that all my questions. Simple and no doubt basic.

Ok think I've got the answer to questions 3 & 4

Yes that is what the unlocked chrism holder does and I can't get my armor padded past Expert so cost is irrelevant.


03-06-2014, 07:11 PM
Ok think I've got the answer to questions 3 & 4

Yes that is what the unlocked chrism holder does and I can't get my armor padded past Expert so cost is irrelevant.



>>Could we go over 30 points of weighting or padding ? or is expertly crit weighted still the highest possible?

It's entirely possible to do that. Some factors will come into play, but as I keep saying, try not to worry about it.


So.. as of right now.. it's a maybe leaning toward yes on padding.

03-06-2014, 07:13 PM
[RED]Thread: CCF Only 50 Tickets!
Once in a lifetime isn't another like it in a few months. Derp.

Someone didn't notice my sarcasm font.

03-06-2014, 07:15 PM
Ooo Jarvan. Gonna' have to totally rethink now. Thanks!

03-06-2014, 07:22 PM
Ooo Jarvan. Gonna' have to totally rethink now. Thanks!

Yeah.. I am sitting here contemplating what it is going to be like when the first person asks for padding on +30 padded armor.. and they go.. sure.

Suddenly padding slots will be worth like 75 mill or more.

03-06-2014, 07:29 PM
I don't think they can charge the same service prices (silvers) on this run vs. the previous festival.

I'm just thinking, how could they expect that someone would blindly spend $200 only to find out they couldn't afford 5 very expensive services in a row. There weren't any warnings regarding minimum silvers you should have before buying a ticket... which leads me to believe that folks are going to be pleasantly surprised at the silver cost of these services this time around.

Anyone hear anything official re: service pricing?

03-06-2014, 07:38 PM
Yeah, the work you have to put into this one is picking a couple items to work on, and being in game at the scheduled times they're going to announce. This is nothing like a normal fest when it comes to the run around.

I'd say the most work you'll have to do is selling any slots you don't want.

I guess I was speaking more of my own personal experience, since for me, I would have to go through my entire inventory, find things I want worked on, what work I want done to them, and figuring out what times to be around for the things I want. On top of all this spending 200 dollars, filling out request off forms at work to use some vacation days since I work weekends, and I'm sure a few other things that will come up along the way.

These fests are a significant amount of work and planning regardless of whether you are guaranteed services or not.

03-06-2014, 07:48 PM
>>Could we go over 30 points of weighting or padding ? or is expertly crit weighted still the highest possible?

It's entirely possible to do that. Some factors will come into play, but as I keep saying, try not to worry about it.

~Wyrom, SGM

03-06-2014, 07:50 PM
>>Could we go over 30 points of weighting or padding ? or is expertly crit weighted still the highest possible?

It's entirely possible to do that. Some factors will come into play, but as I keep saying, try not to worry about it.

~Wyrom, SGM

I'm getting the impression this is anything goes. Really wish I would've gotten a ticket.

03-06-2014, 07:51 PM
I can give a little insight. These sort of events take a lot out of staff. It might seem like we can push through several events, but the more we schedule things, the more strain it puts on everyone. Most of us are hobbyists when it comes to GMing. We have jobs and families that come before GS. So you could say we do this in our free time. I have more free time than most right now, so I'm very visible.

There was talk about doing a "super" run of RtCF last summer. But with EG planning, Necropolis monitoring, and a DMC run, it just wasn't in the cards. I took every drop of feedback from RtCF and started formulating a way to make another run work. But there is another factor I had to figure out, which was probably the hardest for me. And that was the story. It might sound cheesy or corny, but I needed to make this work for Elanthia, as well as for players. There needed to be a reason for it all. And it's not because I want you to think you have to "pay to play." I just need to make sure it's less PULL LEVER, GET LOOT. But the game history is something I hold a little higher than pushing out events.

The more tickets we sell, the more things get diluted. When I planned the RtCF runs, the 101 ticket format caused us to get too diluted. And the way our MAJOR system works, it's not easy to keep track of wins when we have a lot of people. So smaller events allow us to make everyone walk away like they got their money's worth. We probably could have done this with only 3 tiers and had more people be able to come, but at the price point, I didn't want too many people to feel they walked away with something they hated. Tier 1 was very tough to balance. Monty Haul is a fear of mine.

We can't open the grounds so that anyone can shop. The grounds are part of the festival, and we have entrance mechanics. We basically use the grounds so we can see our ticket goers. But we have some future plans for some shopping. And fusion. And features. Outside of Coraesine Field.

The raffle system we used for this can definitely be done again for smaller events, but it takes a lot of work. And we'd have to continue using the IFW to keep abuse to a minimum.

Coraesine Field will have a finale this run. Should we do another service-heavy event, it will be at a new, more controlled, venue.

~Wyrom, SGM