View Full Version : Policing of ;lnet

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07-17-2013, 01:15 AM
We're really policing and banning people on ;lnet now over the ;merchant thing?

The coolest thing about GS is ;go2 and ;lnet. The best thing about ;lnet is that you could say and talk about anything you want, with no repercussions. Since when do we take this so seriously? I mean come on, who gives a damn if someone sells something on ;merchant or ;lnet? Besides Rozy that is?

I've donated to Tillmen before because I loved Lich in GS. The fact that it's being "policed" over something so miniscule makes me question if I'll ever donate in the future. In fact, I'm done openly speaking on ;lnet. I'll privately communicate with those I need to speak with.

07-17-2013, 01:21 AM
We're really policing and banning people on ;lnet now over the ;merchant thing?

The coolest thing about GS is ;go2 and ;lnet. The best thing about ;lnet is that you could say and talk about anything you want, with no repercussions. Since when do we take this so seriously? I mean come on, who gives a damn if someone sells something on ;merchant or ;lnet? Besides Rozy that is?

I've donated to Tillmen before because I loved Lich in GS. The fact that it's being "policed" over something so miniscule makes me question if I'll ever donate in the future. In fact, I'm done openly speaking on ;lnet. I'll privately communicate with those I need to speak with.

I'd give you rep if I could. You can talk about anything mundane at all on there, from the sexually depraved to the generally depraved to what someone is eating for dinner - but advertising an item you're selling somehow crosses the line? Give me a break.

07-17-2013, 01:24 AM
I never found the selling annoying. It could have done with less of the "is aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee from the pc around" shit. I mean go fucking message them on the fucking pc.

07-17-2013, 01:27 AM
What's this all about now? I hardly ever have lnet chat on, what's happening exactly? Being people banned? For selling stuff?

07-17-2013, 01:56 AM
I'm confused. What's the argument for not separating merchant chat and general chat?

07-17-2013, 02:04 AM
A buddy of mine was banned from ;lnet over cracking a joke towards one the ;lnet cops earlier tonight. It came as a shock to both of us that you could be banned over such a thing. Me personally, I always thought of ;lnet as the Wild Wild West.

After some negotiating my friend was unbanned after an hour. Guess it comes as a surprise we have to mind our tongues on ;lnet.

07-17-2013, 02:05 AM
I'm confused. What's the argument for not separating merchant chat and general chat?

I'm also confused. What's the big deal either way?

07-17-2013, 02:08 AM
The moderating reminds me more and more of psinet.. which isn't a good thing.

07-17-2013, 02:08 AM
I'm confused. What's the argument for not separating merchant chat and general chat?

I like to be able to untune from the stupid bullshit on lnet from time to time when it's annoying and still be able to see if something I'm interested in is for sale.

Thus far the only argument I have seen is "but I DON'T WANNA!"

07-17-2013, 02:11 AM
I like to be able to untune from the stupid bullshit on lnet from time to time when it's annoying and still be able to see if something I'm interested in is for sale.

Thus far the only argument I have seen is "but I DON'T WANNA!"

I agree with you, the only stipulation is that there are a lot of people on Lnet who aren't tuned to Merchant who might see your item and want to buy it.

Merchant should be merchant, Lnet should be Lnet but I don't see the need for rules for Lnet - and if there are, this is a stupid place to start.

07-17-2013, 02:14 AM
I agree with you, the only stipulation is that there are a lot of people on Lnet who aren't tuned to Merchant who might see your item and want to buy it.

Are there, though?

LNet 149 General chat. No selling.
Merchant 129 selling of goods

07-17-2013, 02:17 AM
Are there, though?

LNet 149 General chat. No selling.
Merchant 129 selling of goods

Still 20, but I'll concede it's not as much as I thought.

Police on! I rarely tune to lnet anyway.

07-17-2013, 02:21 AM
It's not actually 20. ;who lnet ;who merchant only count the Prime players. There are actually more Prime people on Merchant than LNet. And no one from Shattered, Platinum, or DragonRealms sells crap on LNet, so we're only talking about Prime players.

07-17-2013, 02:22 AM
The moderating reminds me more and more of psinet.. which isn't a good thing.

Anyone is free to create a channel and moderate it and assign moderators.

07-17-2013, 02:23 AM
It's not actually 20. ;who lnet ;who merchant only count the Prime players. There are actually more Prime people on Merchant than LNet. And no one from Shattered, Platinum, or DragonRealms sells crap on LNet, so we're only talking about Prime players.

I see that, it's dead even. Looks like largely the same players, as well.

07-17-2013, 02:25 AM
I remember someone mentioning this to me on IM. Putting mods on there really isn't a good idea. PsiNet had a bunch of mods, and that didn't work there either, it all turned into a group of buddies that would silence or ban people for making them upset for any number of dumb reasons... Zimzum was a mod on PsiNet, for example. I don't really see a reason for having a mod. I could understand a little if the purpose was to make the main channel PG13 or whatever, but from what I've gathered that isn't the purpose.

07-17-2013, 02:26 AM
I personally find it a little annoying. Not to the point (unless someone was spamming, obviously and then i'd just ignore them) that i'd care about them being banned for it but really...dick and fart jokes are for lnet, sell on merchant.

07-17-2013, 02:28 AM
Really stupid idea. People talk about all sorts of lurid and perverse shit and I post once that I'm selling an item and some twat Rozy threatens me with a ban. Fuck that.

07-17-2013, 02:30 AM
That doesn't happen if you post that you're selling an item...on the merchant channel.

07-17-2013, 02:34 AM
Really stupid idea. People talk about all sorts of lurid and perverse shit and I post once that I'm selling an item and some twat Rozy threatens me with a ban. Fuck that.

Yeah but, isn't that the point? We're having a perfectly legitimate stream of consciousness discussion about something wholesome like forced sodomy or having sex with a celebrity or the zombie apocalypse and then the flow get's all fucked up by you selling shit! (i kid)

and i dunno about anyone else but i saved things said in merchant so i could pick through it after a hunt for things i might want. as opposed to lnet that just got lost to the ether of scrollback.

07-17-2013, 02:37 AM
Yeah, but less people will see me selling your mom on there.

Somebody obviously hasn't been paying attention. MORE people would see you trying to sell my mom, dumbass.

07-17-2013, 02:43 AM
PsiNet had a bunch of mods, and that didn't work there either, it all turned into a group of buddies that would silence or ban people for making them upset for any number of dumb reasons...

It doesn't make much sense to worry about how bad it theoretically might get. When I rewrote the server, I made it so you could create your own channels so I didn't have to deal with this sort of thing. If you don't like the way a channel is being moderated, you can create your own and moderate (or not moderate it) however you like. If no one cares to join your new channel, perhaps everyone isn't as outraged as they appear.

07-17-2013, 02:45 AM
It doesn't make much sense to worry about how bad it theoretically might get. When I rewrote the server, I made it so you could create your own channels so I didn't have to deal with this sort of thing. If you don't like the way a channel is being moderated, you can create your own and moderate (or not moderate it) however you like. If no one cares to join your new channel, perhaps everyone isn't as outraged as they appear.

PsiNet had the exact same thing. The main channel is, and always will be, the most populous one. That is specifically what is being discussed.

Whatever man, your thing. I'd hate to see it go to complete shit like PsiNet's chat did though. Becareful.

07-17-2013, 02:46 AM
I don't know all the details of PsiNet, but I thought creating channels was very restricted over there.

07-17-2013, 02:46 AM
That doesn't happen if you post that you're selling an item...on the merchant channel.

;lnet is cool because there is a no moderation. Or at least there wasn't until recently. I'm talking about ;lnet, not a custom channel. The channel that everyone sees and everyone uses.

You have PK mentioning that he was threatened with a ban for selling on ;lnet by Rozy and you have my buddy who was fucking around on ;lnet and was banned. He said that she was going to ban him forever but he somehow convinced her to reduce it to an hour. That's very kind Rozy. We are talking serious business here.

For some reason there are multiple people out there who come to me when they want something said on the PC or on the officials. I can't explain it. I don't mind speaking for others however.

I don't want to cause a problem for Tillmen. I love Lich, I really do. I think we all know it is one of the best, if not the best, features of GS today. I've donated in the past because I feel his work should be compensated. But I feel the moderation of ;lnet in any form is a step in the wrong direction. Especially when you have trigger happy moderators. Yes Rozy, the finger is being pointed at you. It's ;lnet we're talking about. Not the elementary school library where the children of our nation can be corrupted.

07-17-2013, 02:47 AM
I don't know all the details of PsiNet, but I thought creating channels was very restricted over there.

Nah, you could do it at will and mod, password, etc them. Jamus would delete excess unused ones though.

07-17-2013, 02:47 AM
Somebody obviously hasn't been paying attention. MORE people would see you trying to sell my mom, dumbass.

Point remains. What the fuck difference does it make? Someone's penis or anal joke is followed by someone advertising their wares. OH NO!!!

07-17-2013, 02:49 AM
;lnet is cool because there is a no moderation. Or at least there wasn't until recently. I'm talking about ;lnet, not a custom channel. The channel that everyone sees and everyone uses.

The LNet channel has had moderators for at least the last 5 years.

07-17-2013, 02:49 AM
The LNet channel has had moderators for at least the last 5 years.

Then they were perfect. The best moderator is unseen.

07-17-2013, 02:53 AM
Point remains. What the fuck difference does it make? Someone's penis or anal joke is followed by someone advertising their wares. OH NO!!!

What if people don't want to see somebody advertising their wares followed by someone's penis or anal joke? Just fuck them, they don't deserve to see merchant activity?

I forgot to add my unnecessary personal insult. You downsy son of a bitch!

07-17-2013, 02:54 AM
The LNet channel has had moderators for at least the last 5 years.

I've heard of thieves being banned, yes. Nothing more than that though.

There may have been moderators but you wouldn't know they were there. It's ;lnet, there is nothing to moderate.

;lnet is the place you can go while playing GS to avoid all of the rules put in place by Simu. I'm talking profanity, OOC, vulgarity, etc.

07-17-2013, 02:56 AM
So... why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?

07-17-2013, 02:57 AM
What if people don't want to see somebody advertising their wares followed by someone's penis or anal joke? Just fuck them, they don't deserve to see merchant activity?

I forgot to add my unnecessary personal insult. You downsy son of a bitch!

You're right. What's said on there is far too important, merchanting must not interfere!

Downsy? That's a new one. I like it.

07-17-2013, 02:57 AM
So... why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?

Because my sales require copious amounts of herpes jokes.

07-17-2013, 03:02 AM
So... why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?

You seem comfortable with someone like Rozy throwing the ban-hammer around. Alright.

When a player logs into GS and Lich loads up, I suggest a list of rules being put forth. Also, we should label the moderators. Someone like Rozy should have a label to warn people she is not to be trifled with. What if a new player comes back after a period of time of being away and decided to throw an attitude at Rozy over this new ;merchant thing? Said new player might be banned right? That's not fair, how did they know that Rozy takes something like this so seriously? We can't expect everyone to magically know the rules. GS is a world FULL of magic, but it doesn't exist in the real world! Nope!

So please, let's let everyone know the new rules of ;lnet and who the policing will be done by. I mean, when I'm doing 120 MPH on the freeway, I know to look for the California Highway Patrol!

07-17-2013, 03:02 AM
Because my sales require copious amounts of herpes jokes.

I thought you quit?

07-17-2013, 03:02 AM
I'm talking about ;lnet, not a custom channel. The channel that everyone sees and everyone uses.

There are actually more Prime people on Merchant than LNet.


07-17-2013, 03:03 AM
I thought you quit?


07-17-2013, 03:07 AM
Make me a moderator, Tillmen. I'll straighten these bozos out.

07-17-2013, 03:10 AM

[LNet]-GSIV:Tenlaar: "I'd actually get Rozy to ban his character so he can't just figure out how to get it going."
[LNet]-GSIV:Ninurta: "yeah, this game was designed to keep people playing for as long as possible"
[LNet]-GSIV:Blaago: "Probably a good idea."
[LNet]-GSIV:Ninurta: "it shows sometimes, and turns me off"
[LNet]-GSIV:Bjarn: "thats every game from the 80s"
[LNet]-GSIV:Mordanthe: "well, it was timed and pay by the hour"
[LNet]-GSIV:Blaago: "For those of you who had prodigy... what was the name of that game with the maze?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Jaofindel: "madmaze?"
[LNet]-GSIV:Tottianna: "thats kinda creepy -- Off in the distance, the eerie wailing from a pair of loons calling back and forth haunts the night air."
[LNet]-GSIV:Blaago: "hank you."
[LNet]-GSIV:Blaago: "+t"
[LNet]-GSIV:Ostan: "I racked up a $300 phone bill one month when I was like 12 or 13 calling an out of state BBS. Fuck you L.O.R.D."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jaofindel: "wow Id forgotten about that"
[LNet]-GSIV:Bjarn: "i think it means ducks not lunatics"
[LNet]-GSIV:Calael: "does anyone run into new people playing gs?"

Ok, you see the [LNet]? To me that stands as the ;lnet channel. When I log into GS that's generally what I see people communicating through. I don't know shit about programming, coding, Ruby, whatever. But I do know that I see more ;lnet than ;merchant, ;prime, anything else.

Oh look! I see you in there Tenlaar. Glad to see you're being constructive!

07-17-2013, 03:12 AM
but rozy and crew can talk about their cock farms on Lnet

Some of you don't seem to be understanding my position. I approve of the merchant channel BECAUSE I can get away from stupid shit like talking about cock farms and attention seeking buttsluts and still see merchanting. I have offered no opinion on lnet chat in general, I just like to be able to tune it out sometimes and not miss sales.

07-17-2013, 03:14 AM
But I do know that I see more ;lnet than ;merchant, ;prime, anything else.

Holy shit, you mean people just talk more often than they post sales? YOU DIDN'T SAY THAT, IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!

You, sir, have now earned the missing derp.

07-17-2013, 03:16 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Tenlaar: "I'd actually get Rozy to ban his character so he can't just figure out how to get it going."


07-17-2013, 03:18 AM


07-17-2013, 03:19 AM
That really was a wonderful job of starting the clip after what I was replying to so that it was completely out of context and looks like I was talking about banning somebody, wasn't it?

07-17-2013, 03:20 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Tenlaar: "I'd actually get Rozy to ban his character so he can't just figure out how to get it going."


What're you gonna do? I did like how he states he didn't give an opinion on ;lnet, then I posted his opinion that was clearly stated on ;lnet.

I'm not going to argue with strangers on the internet. I guess this is the new world we live in though. Beware people, beware the unseen police force of Lich! Be wary of what you say and where you say it!

07-17-2013, 03:21 AM
[LNet]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "I started playing 17 years ago and i leave and come back all the time. I cant ever stay away to long. My 12 year old wants to play now"
[LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "GS ate my lawnmowing money back then"
[LNet]-GSIV:Bergmund: "Haha Derg"
[LNet]-GSIV:Blaago: "Just don't let your 12 year old on lnet..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jeril: "lol Nya"
[LNet]-GSIV:Nyatherra: "I have no intention of doing so"
[LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "I think the worse was like $140 combined AOL/phone bill"
[LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "which is nothing compared to a lot of people"
[LNet]-You: "I'd actually get Rozy to ban his character so he can't just figure out how to get it going."

07-17-2013, 03:22 AM
....I just like to be able to tune it out sometimes and not miss sales.

07-17-2013, 03:23 AM

Did I listen to the entire song? Yes, yes I did.

07-17-2013, 03:25 AM
I think we're missing a larger point, aside from the "Who gives a fuck if people sell on Lnet."

Who really uses Lich as a main avenue to sell/buy things?

07-17-2013, 03:27 AM
I think we're missing a larger point, aside from the "Who gives a fuck if people sell on Lnet."

Who really uses Lich as a main avenue to sell/buy things?

It's used to talk about BS, with the occasional WTB or WTS thrown in.

My main point is is that it's a scary world we live in when you have someone like Rozy wielding the Lich ban-hammer. Good luck folks.

07-17-2013, 03:28 AM

07-17-2013, 03:31 AM
Did I listen to the entire song? Yes, yes I did.

Well I would certainly hope so! Who wouldn't want to listen to that masterpiece.

07-17-2013, 03:35 AM

That guy probably.

07-17-2013, 04:43 AM
So let me get this straight...

Raping children and sodomizing old people is allowed. But the mod draws the line at selling items. And then bans people who don't take them seriously? LOL...

Also, I've never heard of the merchant channel. In fact i think advertised once or twice on lnet. I think the greater problem that Shaft is getting at is that Rozy is being a bitch. If this person is pissing people off on LNET, and that is the only reason why some people play anymore, you might be losing players to said twattage.

07-17-2013, 08:03 AM
I think Rozy being a Mod is the worst thing that has happened to LNet. She threatens people with bans for arguing with her and I think it is really childish when racial slurs, rape, and all sorts of other topics are run of the mill. Either move everything offensive off LNet or allow it all. But people like IW using racial slurs just for attention is a lot more annoying to me than Thondalar selling his wares once an hour.

07-17-2013, 08:13 AM
I never found the selling annoying. It could have done with less of the "is aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee from the pc around" shit. I mean go fucking message them on the fucking pc.

If only there were a thread where you could list your characters out so people wouldn't need to search for you via PC name...


I aint even mad bro.

07-17-2013, 08:16 AM
I never found the selling annoying. It could have done with less of the "is aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd, eee from the pc around" shit. I mean go fucking message them on the fucking pc.

Many times people don't provide character details and when you send them a message on the PC their log in light is off yet they are playing the game. Last night this happened to me. Ricer posted stuff for sale, showed offline here, but was in game so I could pick up an item.

In general, folks just need to be better about providing details on how to contact them. Maybe putting their character name in their sig like --Buckwheet on lnet.

Can we please get a "need a spellup" channel while we are bitching about this? I am tired of seeing the "paying Xk" or "need guards" or "who is casting X on FWI/WL". Stop cluttering my shit yo!

07-17-2013, 09:10 AM
It could be self-policed. For the same reasons rogues are "encouraged" to pick and disarm boxes at the docks/in the tower, whatever. There aren't any rules written down, it's just an accepted, unwritten rule. I don't know that a moderator is really needed, if people kindly point buyers/sellers to the merchant channel, eventually people will get it.

07-17-2013, 09:35 AM
Would you kindly merchant on the merchant channel? Anyone? Bioshock reference? ok :Foreveralone:

I think it's a bit ironic, that the bit that's attempting to be moderated on the lnet channel for Gemstone 4 is likely the most in-game related activity of merchanting. That's like saying no talking about gemstone in Lnet, or making rules forbidding the discussion around fight club while they're trying to expand operations into project mayhem. If anything, Gemstone related activities including: merchanting, services announcements/request (picking, spells), rescue requests, and general events should be the only things allowed in the Lnet Channel, and everything else should be taken to an opted-in OOC channel.

It's just horribly inconsistent, and kinda facepalm-worthy. Rozy himself puts tinyurl links to things that should only exist in Tisket's dreams/nightmares, and yet me having a general interjecting in a conversation to highlight the 7x enhancive longbow with +3 STR and +3 DEX that I'm selling for only 12m is suddenly an egregious sin against humanity... while Rozy's continues to try to pimp underage children within the policies.

I understand Tillmen's argument of the channel structure, and I can support that... but to try to justify the channel structure with the diminished playerbase and the line in the sand on rules being mismatched, dotted, and unstraight as PK's sexuality.

I get that some things like merchanting annoy people... But I think I can speak for the greater playerbase when I can say to get over it. Yangh's dozen Majin-Bu forms annoy the crap out of me in lnet... but I'm not going to cry about it, ask for a moderator to squelch him until the end of the cosmos, I'll either politely tell him to "STFU, nobody has ever loved you, and your mother just puts on a front to keep you as a tax deduction"... But usually it ends at that. If it goes beyond it, we're all granted the magical power of ;lnet ignore... it's like a personal Moderating system!

To run to a Mod, or try to be actively policed, is very high school drama-y. It's something that was expected 10 years ago in the psinet age when we were all younger, and may have been more necessary. But some of the player base is more mature to handle it now. And those immature IW type people just widely get ignored, or Jeril just tells them to STFU the second they say anything, so we all know to ignore 'em.

Lnet's success has been attributed to it's open sourceness. Putting in Moderators and restrictions is very Microsoft.

07-17-2013, 09:59 AM
I personally don't want ;lnet to turn 99% into merchandising and 1% into conversation. There's a merchant channel that everyone is on as well, so it's not like you are not reaching people.

There is a rule: Don't merchant on the regular channel. Doesn't seem that difficult to follow.

07-17-2013, 10:23 AM
Without the rule, there's little reason not to merchant in ;lnet. I can't stand ;lnet chatter (sexist, racist, homophobic, abusive, inane -- this is the "more mature" player base?), so I never tune it. I therefore wholeheartedly support the segregation of marketing into ;merchant, since it means I'm missing out on fewer gems submerged in the ;lnet cesspool.

I'd be even happier to see all that shit reserved for an ;ooc or ;oog channel, as Whirlin suggests above, but I don't see that ever happening.

07-17-2013, 10:43 AM
I'm glad to hear that HarmNone came back and is moderating ;lnet instead of the PC now. I moderated myself off lnet years ago because it's the fucking Mos Eisley of Gemstone.

07-17-2013, 10:46 AM
People are always going to talk where there are the most people... If you force everyone to tune over to Merchant to do things in game related, all you're gonna do is have Merchant be the new Lnet. Take a look at the shitshow of WOW's Global Trade chat.

07-17-2013, 11:17 AM
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. People are going to bitch about anything and everything if it doesn't play out how they think it should.

The mod sounds like a douche though, if you can't separate your mod duties from your personal squabbles you shouldn't be a mod.

07-17-2013, 11:19 AM
People are always going to talk where there are the most people... If you force everyone to tune over to Merchant to do things in game related, all you're gonna do is have Merchant be the new Lnet. Take a look at the shitshow of WOW's Global Trade chat.

Merchant is default on, isn't it?

Also, isn't this always been the rule?

lnet is already scrolling like mad some days.. add to it merchandising and it'll be unreadable.

I'm glad to hear that HarmNone came back and is moderating ;lnet instead of the PC now. I moderated myself off lnet years ago because it's the fucking Mos Eisley of Gemstone.

I feel like I should relinquish my nerd card for having to google "Mos Eisley". This should be in the frowny thread. :(

07-17-2013, 11:21 AM
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. People are going to bitch about anything and everything if it doesn't play out how they think it should.

The mod sounds like a douche though, if you can't separate your mod duties from your personal squabbles you shouldn't be a mod.

Oh please.. like you have ANY ROOM TO TALK!!!

Latest Infractions Received (0 point(s) total)

04-08-2011 01:30 PM
AnticorRifling (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?25-AnticorRifling)

Expired: When Someone Fabricates Stories About You... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?60869-When-Someone-Fabricates-Stories-About-You&p=1265518#post1265518)
Inappropriate Language


07-17-2013, 11:27 AM
Oh please.. like you have ANY ROOM TO TALK!!!

Latest Infractions Received (0 point(s) total)

04-08-2011 01:30 PM
AnticorRifling (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?25-AnticorRifling)

Expired: When Someone Fabricates Stories About You... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?60869-When-Someone-Fabricates-Stories-About-You&p=1265518#post1265518)
Inappropriate Language


If you delete the post that the infraction is made against, it may remove the infraction... works for negative rep, because rep is serious business.

07-17-2013, 11:32 AM
I think Whirlin makes some good points. Seems kind of silly to want to separate one part of GS related information while keeping the rest of GS related stuff mixed in with all of the overly OOC shit that people use lnet for.

Was merchanting really causing that much scroll? I turned lnet off because most of the time it was just useless scroll about stupid shit, 99% of the time not even remotely interesting.

07-17-2013, 11:56 AM
Also, I've never heard of the merchant channel. In fact i think advertised once or twice on lnet. I think the greater problem that Shaft is getting at is that Rozy is being a bitch. If this person is pissing people off on LNET, and that is the only reason why some people play anymore, you might be losing players to said twattage.

You cut right to the core of me Haldrik.

07-17-2013, 11:58 AM
adding Rozy to ignores or squelches shouldn't be hard for anyone

07-17-2013, 12:06 PM
adding Rozy to ignores or squelches shouldn't be hard for anyone

What good would that do? That's like saying if we just squelch all gamemasters then they can't bust us for afk scripting.

07-17-2013, 12:08 PM
What good would that do? That's like saying if we just squelch all gamemasters then they can't bust us for afk scripting.

you don't have to listen to her whining. don't sell on LNET and you should have no interaction with her, the no selling is Tillmen's rule, you should respect it.

07-17-2013, 12:13 PM
you don't have to listen to her whining. don't sell on LNET and you should have no interaction with her

Please. I'm not even on lnet and I don't know this Rozy person and I can already tell this is bullshit.

I would be shocked if Rozy is JUST causing problems with people who are selling shit on the lnet channel. He/she/whatever is a moderator of a channel with upwards of 200+ people on it, Rozy is probably making sure everyone knows s/he is in charge.

07-17-2013, 12:13 PM

Please. I'm not even on lnet and I don't know this Rozy person and I can already tell this is bullshit.

I would be shocked if Rozy is JUST causing problems with people who are selling shit on the lnet channel. He/she/whatever is a moderator of a channel with upwards of 200+ people on it, Rozy is probably making sure everyone knows s/he is in charge.

She\he\it pretty much responds to everything people are talking about from what I have seen. Even with wrong information. Today it was that 1000 arrows, bundled in groups of 100, would be over your item limit. Its like she/he/it is a mentor trying to help everyone out by linking Krakiipedia as if lnet is the default "welcome to gemstone" chat channel.

07-17-2013, 12:19 PM
Please. I'm not even on lnet and I don't know this Rozy person and I can already tell this is bullshit.

I would be shocked if Rozy is JUST causing problems with people who are selling shit on the lnet channel. He/she/whatever is a moderator of a channel with upwards of 200+ people on it, Rozy is probably making sure everyone knows s/he is in charge.

Tillmen himself defaulted all prime players to the merchant channel recently, while before only a handful (maybe 50 or so) were on it. I don't know who Rozy is or why she is a moderator, but she was given moderator powers. Just grow up and respect the one fucking rule and there will be no problem with anyone having to moderate.

07-17-2013, 12:22 PM
Just grow up and respect the one fucking rule and there will be no problem with anyone having to moderate.

Relax. If I didn't know any better I would think you were Rozy.

07-17-2013, 12:24 PM
Relax. If I didn't know any better I would think you were Rozy.

you relax. fucking whiny bitches

07-17-2013, 12:24 PM

07-17-2013, 12:24 PM
Relax. If I didn't know any better I would think you were Rozy.

I find Rozy very friendly and pleasant to be around, she is in my house. Havent seen her say anything misleading on lnet.

07-17-2013, 12:28 PM
you relax. fucking whiny bitches

Don't tell me to relax after I have told you to relax!

07-17-2013, 12:29 PM
You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Timmie echo in your mind:
"I just want 1000 arrows"

>You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Rozy echo in your mind:
"Can't carry them all!"

>You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Rozy echo in your mind:
"Item limits."

>You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Rozy echo in your mind:
"500 items on your person per character"

>You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Timmie echo in your mind:
"the power of bundling!"

>You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Rozy echo in your mind:
"That I haven't tested, but I think it still stands, 500 items."

Maybe Rozy should play more because she knows less than someone who bought their ranged character.

07-17-2013, 12:30 PM
I find Rozy very friendly and pleasant to be around, she is in my house.

Took me a minute to realize you meant an in game house :p

I didn't mean to imply Rozy isn't friendly or pleasant, just that Allereli seems to be taking this personally.

07-17-2013, 12:31 PM
Took me a minute to realize you meant an in game house :p

I didn't mean to imply Rozy isn't friendly or pleasant, just that Allereli seems to be taking this personally.

I hate whining when solutions are simple. this shouldn't be hard. don't sell on lnet. Rozy won't be annoying. you can ignore her. problem solved.

07-17-2013, 12:39 PM
Its like this when I log in on a character who doesn't have Rozy on ignore trying to put her on ignore.


Can you mass add ignore to be default? I suppose I should just write a script and add it to global favs.

07-17-2013, 12:39 PM
I hate whining when solutions are simple. this shouldn't be hard. don't sell on lnet. Rozy won't be annoying. you can ignore her. problem solved.

HEY! Stop whining about our whining! I hate people who whine about other people whining. Just let us whine in peace.

07-17-2013, 12:40 PM
HEY! Stop whining about our whining! I hate people who whine about other people whining. Just let us whine in peace.

Yeah! You can put us on ignore on the PC!

07-17-2013, 12:40 PM
All we are saying...is give whining a chance...

07-17-2013, 12:43 PM
All we are saying...is give whining a chance...

Call in the "We are the world" producers. We need a song.

07-17-2013, 12:45 PM
replace "I want the sweets" with "I want to sell on LNET"


07-17-2013, 12:47 PM
Hey now, I don't sell anything on lnet. I just find Rozy annoying as fuck. Lets be clear about that.

07-17-2013, 12:52 PM
How am I supposed to NOT sell my bow when people are talking about arrows in Lnet?

Things that are OK in Lnet ALL THE TIME ALWAYS:

Links to obscene pictures
Hardcore pr0n discussion
Links to pr0n
Whatever shit Rozy links
Looking for *** from PC spam
Loralaii's constant requests for sodomy
Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Political shit-flinging
Racial Jokes
Racial Profiling
ePeen discussions
Sexist belittling of women
Giving bad advice to newbies
Asking questions that could be answered with a LMGTFY
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Gib's talk about Hockey.
Talk about Code... There's a Code channel for that!
Leloo's play by play of Reality TV
Everyone giving a play-by-play about Trueblood and/or Game of Thrones
Leloo's personal hygiene polls.
Rozy spamming "Take it to merchant"
Huch spamming NO 4 times... he may have been being raped.
Trolling anyone but Rozy
"Nigger talk" - Buckwheet.... whatever that is.


Advertising Sales in Lnet.
Psystahldar saying 4 different lines of text across 63 seconds.
Trolling Rozy
Changing Scripts

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTeCFkPwyL00lh_IwROnd_tqqDn88pc O7CFFIhG408RXcAOr5I7A

07-17-2013, 12:55 PM
Don't forget Gib and Hockey need to be added to that list.

Whirlin, we already have one know-it-all on lnet. Rozy. You need to STFU and sell that awesome bow on the Merchant channel and ignore Rozy so that when she says you CAN'T have a 10x ranged AS adder because a 5x bow and 5x arrows only equal 5x on lnet, you can't correct her and then tout your superior 7x bow.

07-17-2013, 12:57 PM
LOL you done with that guide yet?

07-17-2013, 12:59 PM
LOL you done with that guide yet?
Yeah, it's done... I sent it to a few people for review, but I decided not to post it... I also signed up to Gib's newletters on why not to bother helping people like you.

07-17-2013, 01:02 PM
Yeah, it's done... I sent it to a few people for review, but I decided not to post it... I also signed up to Gib's newletters on why not to bother helping people like you.

cool. congrats on finishing it. lol what? you've got issues, man

07-17-2013, 01:06 PM
Just grow up and respect the one fucking rule and there will be no problem with anyone having to moderate.

you relax. fucking whiny bitches

I hate whining when solutions are simple. this shouldn't be hard. don't sell on lnet. Rozy won't be annoying. you can ignore her. problem solved.

replace "I want the sweets" with "I want to sell on LNET"


you've got issues, man


07-17-2013, 01:18 PM
I'm glad I brought this up. Can we get a designated channel for talking about rape? How about a jeril channel? Oooooooo, I know! Lets have a designated sexual harassment channel!

07-17-2013, 01:20 PM
Policing lnet is ridiculous. Is it perfect as is? Nah. But once you open that censorship/moderation door, you begin to jeopardize the fundamental awesomeness of lnet itself. Keep it simple by just stopping people from spamming (which I never see anyway) and leave it at that imo.

07-17-2013, 01:31 PM
I don't think anyone should be banned but how hard is it to stick to the merchant channel? I like seeing information about items for sale personally, but many don't. The people that will actually buy shit are tuned to ;merchant anyway for the most part. I keep it tuned anyway.

That being said I've started untuning lnet for most of my new alts. Its made the game a bit more fun to be able to concentrate on the ingame stuff. I still keep my main on lnet though since I usually log him in when I want to screw around without hunting much so I'm much more in the mood for unfiltered interweb moronacy. And believe me, when I'm on lnet I'm as much of a fucking moron as anyone else. :)

The idea of a crystal amulet "rp" style moderated lich channel that's game wide is actually sort of appealing though. Hmmm. Oh and by that I mean a new channel that people can join, not talking about ;lnet.

07-17-2013, 01:35 PM
[LNet]-GSIV:Geros: "y'all ever been in the shower with a guy? and you see the soap suds roll down the crack of his ass. and you just wanna...you..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "O.o"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Geros: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFMWNgDO7ZU"
[LNet]-GSIV:Rozy: "FFS, Huch."

Not the first spamming incident today by that person. Rozy please do your job and ban them.

07-17-2013, 01:43 PM
Boy, for someone who claims to dislike whining, Allereli is sure doing a metric shit ton of it.

07-17-2013, 01:48 PM
Oh please.. like you have ANY ROOM TO TALK!!!

Latest Infractions Received (0 point(s) total)

04-08-2011 01:30 PM
AnticorRifling (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?25-AnticorRifling)

Expired: When Someone Fabricates Stories About You... (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?60869-When-Someone-Fabricates-Stories-About-You&p=1265518#post1265518)
Inappropriate Language


I've corrected this by giving you a new infraction.

07-17-2013, 01:52 PM
^ Best post so far!

07-17-2013, 01:56 PM
I would personally like a channel that was basically just like the ESP in gemstone, but not restricted by realm. I tune to ;lnet but rarely respond or comment. The only reason I have not untuned yet is because of the sometimes I may have a game related question or know the answer to a game related question. I personally wish there was a channel that covered these things.

Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Giving bad or good advice to newbies
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Asking game related questions
Selling items

Basically all things GS including OOC GS talk such as "YOU ARE NOW LEVEL XX! or stat questions.

P.S. It annoys the hell out of me when I'm standing next to your character in game and ask a question that you can't be bothered to respond to because you are too busy chatting on ;lnet about your last BJ (Not that I have anything against BJs).

07-17-2013, 01:56 PM
I've corrected this by giving you a new infraction.

Anticor for ;lnet mod!

07-17-2013, 01:58 PM
I've corrected this by giving you a new infraction.


When you look back at why you were removed as an Administrator, I do hope you reply because it's MY fault and not some lame ass excuse like Tsa`ah came up with.


07-17-2013, 02:03 PM
I would personally like a channel that was basically just like the ESP in gemstone, but not restricted by realm. I tune to ;lnet but rarely respond or comment. The only reason I have not untuned yet is because of the sometimes I may have a game related question or know the answer to a game related question. I personally wish there was a channel that covered these things.

Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Giving bad or good advice to newbies
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Asking game related questions
Selling items

Basically all things GS including OOC GS talk such as "YOU ARE NOW LEVEL XX! or stat questions.

P.S. It annoys the hell out of me when I'm standing next to your character in game and ask a question that you can't be bothered to respond to because you are too busy chatting on ;lnet about your last BJ (Not that I have anything against BJs).

Create a channel and you can do that and enforce it.

07-17-2013, 02:09 PM
Create a channel and you can do that and enforce it.

It amuses me when people offer this a solution. Because it's not. People are not going to leave the default lnet channel for anything. Suggesting otherwise is crazytalk.

07-17-2013, 02:12 PM
Create a channel and you can do that and enforce it.

the overall issue here is showing respect for Tillmen's wishes as the LNET programmer. it doesn't have to make sense to you, that's the way he wants it. Maybe the man likes buttsex talk. If it ruined the channel for you, you can start another channel, post whatever it is here, and run it however you want.

It amuses me when people offer this a solution. Because it's not. People are not going to leave the default lnet channel for anything. Suggesting otherwise is crazytalk.

because TUNE [CHANNEL] is so hard

also, you can change your default ;chat channel so ;chat goes to something other than LNET

07-17-2013, 02:12 PM
It amuses me when people offer this a solution. Because it's not. People are not going to leave the default lnet channel for anything. Suggesting otherwise is crazytalk.

Many people might not leave, but I know there's plenty of people like mysel fwho don't normally tune to lnet who would tune to an active GS related chat.

07-17-2013, 02:20 PM
the overall issue here is showing respect for Tillmen's wishes as the LNET programmer. it doesn't have to make sense to you, that's the way he wants it. Maybe the man likes buttsex talk. If it ruined the channel for you, you can start another channel, post whatever it is here, and run it however you want.

WTF are you talking about? She wanted specific things and I told her how to do it. It has shit to do with moderation of the main channel or Tillmen's wishes.

Also, it may BE Tillmen's wishes, but we have the complete right to complain. He has the right to not listen. People who donated him money have the right to stop too.

It amuses me when people offer this a solution. Because it's not. People are not going to leave the default lnet channel for anything. Suggesting otherwise is crazytalk.

And plenty of people DO leave the LNet channel for other channels. I was in like 6 other channels.

07-17-2013, 02:22 PM
WTF are you talking about? She wanted specific things and I told her how to do it. It has shit to do with moderation of the main channel or Tillmen's wishes.

And plenty of people DO leave the LNet channel for other channels. I was in like 6 other channels.

The suggestion was to create a new LNET channel to get away from the mods. Not some private channel with two people so you can cyber.

07-17-2013, 02:24 PM
The suggestion was to create a new LNET channel to get away from the mods. Not some private channel with two people so you can cyber.

You CAN do that.

I was responding to Allereli's tireless whining about some random shit. You can create a publicly visible channel and add a description next to it that lists what it is about.

07-17-2013, 02:28 PM
I don't know all the details of PsiNet, but I thought creating channels was very restricted over there.
because TUNE [CHANNEL] is so hardWhat we are observing is the distinction between opt-in vs. opt-out. It turns out people will make different decisions depending on which direction you offer the choice in, even though the choices themselves are the same.

Another interesting and possibly relevant sociological phenomenon is critical mass, or the tipping point. PSINet had as many subscribers (so to speak) as LNet, but now it has basically none. The change is only sudden and obvious in retrospect, in the moment everything seems eternal, and that eternality is stifling to change.
Without the rule, there's little reason not to merchant in ;lnet. I can't stand ;lnet chatter (sexist, racist, homophobic, abusive, inane -- this is the "more mature" player base?), so I never tune it. I therefore wholeheartedly support the segregation of marketing into ;merchant, since it means I'm missing out on fewer gems submerged in the ;lnet cesspool.If you (and people like you) only tune to ;merchant, the invisible hand will move sellors there. They must pursue the most demand to sell at the highest prices. We demand it.
When you look back at why you were removed as an Administrator, I do hope you reply because it's MY fault and not some lame ass excuse like Tsa`ah came up with.Tsa`ah was never an Administrator, or is that the excuse you have in mind?

07-17-2013, 02:38 PM
I kind of figured this thread was going to turn into the mess that it is, but I hoped to get some good information out of it anyway.

So, let me see if I can sum up the arguments.

Selling should be allowed on the LNet channel becuase...

1. There are more people on the LNet channel, but not really.

2. You have to ban everything else if you ban selling.

3. The LNet channel had no moderation until recently, but not really.

4. The LNet channel should have no rules, because Simu has rules.

5. Something that hasn't happened might happen.

6. Sellings things is less offensive than the rest of LNet chat.

7. Selling Prime items should be done on the general chat channel for all game instances instead of a channel made for the Prime game instance, because it's game related.

There should be no moderation of any type because...

1. Moderation makes LNet more like PsiNet.

2. People don't like Rozy.

3. The player base is mature enough that no moderation is needed.

Selling should be separated from the LNet channel because...

1. People want to be able to buy and sell without being subjected to the pure wholesome content of the LNet channel.

2. People want to be subjected to the pure wholesome content of the LNet channel without being distracted by repetitive advertisements that are in no way ever related to the conversation being held.

In summation, um.. nothing. If you have a specific instance that shows that Rozy shouldn't be a moderator, send me a log of it by e-mail or private message or something and I'll look at it. I don't want to; I'd rather be programming, but I'll look at it.

07-17-2013, 02:41 PM
What I would advise you to do is to go with three channels.

Default channel - anything goes
Rozy channel - no selling allowed
Merchant channel - only selling allowed

Start everyone in default, see how people move. I think you would find the results instructive.

07-17-2013, 02:42 PM
What I would advise you to do is to go with three channels.

Default channel - anything goes
Rozy channel - no selling allowed
Merchant channel - only selling allowed

Start everyone in default, see how people move. I think you would find the results instructive.

That's actually a good idea. From Latrinsorm; who knew?

07-17-2013, 02:43 PM
Just to make things more complicated, the LNet channel is now opt-in. Hah!

07-17-2013, 02:44 PM
Even a blind squirrel is bound to find a nut once and awhile.

07-17-2013, 02:45 PM
That's actually a good idea. From Latrinsorm; who knew?

He's not just a pretty face.

07-17-2013, 02:47 PM
Just an FYI Parkbandit reported me and I gave him another infraction for insulting a former member and misusing the report function.

07-17-2013, 02:47 PM
:heart: for everyone!

07-17-2013, 02:47 PM
Just to make things more complicated, the LNet channel is now opt-in. Hah!

So now I need to script in to tune to it every time I log in or what?

07-17-2013, 02:48 PM
So now I need to script in to tune to it every time I log in or what?

No. You need to script it to tune every time you create a new character.

07-17-2013, 02:50 PM
No. You need to script it to tune every time you create a new character.

I will just add it to the ignore rozy global I guess.

07-17-2013, 02:53 PM
Changing it to opt-in really doesn't provide a solution to the underlying moderation / merchanting discussion. If anything, it just stifles the growth of Lnet and the ability for people to be aware of lich features.

07-17-2013, 02:53 PM
So now I need to script in to tune to it every time I log in or what?


07-17-2013, 02:54 PM

You must have missed the thread where we posted character names...

07-17-2013, 02:55 PM
How about another choice, a moderated channel that keeps to in game chat only. It could be either rp crystal amulet style or ooc for game related stuff or both, but all of the political/racial/sexual/outside world stuff is moderated. I might prefer the more ooc is okay style as long as its game related questions. Maybe I'll just make one myself and see if anyone bites.

Its not that I'm a prude, but I've come to realize that I prefer my gaming without the intrusion of the real world and its many flavors of internet cranks (myself included). I like opting in to lnet when I feel like bullshitting, but as someone stated it does feel like I'm missing something when I have it untuned because I learn new game mechanic stuff there all the time as well as being able to help people with their questions. And it can be fun for what it is at times.

It would have to be sort of iron fisted moderated channel though and that would mean alot of work for mods. Probably would need a good number of them as well. There would be the usual number of people that would see it as a captive audience for punch to the face consequence free douchebaggery, ie the "internet".

07-17-2013, 02:56 PM
A channel that is moderated and for game chat only...wouldn't that be the amunet?

07-17-2013, 02:57 PM
Changing it to opt-in really doesn't provide a solution to the underlying moderation / merchanting discussion. If anything, it just stifles the growth of Lnet and the ability for people to be aware of lich features.

I didn't do it to provide a solution. I did it to complicate things.

07-17-2013, 02:58 PM
How about another choice, a moderated channel that keeps to in game chat only. It could be either rp crystal amulet style or ooc for game related stuff or both, but all of the political/racial/sexual/outside world stuff is moderated. I might prefer the more ooc is okay style as long as its game related questions. Maybe I'll just make one myself and see if anyone bites.

I already made a channel about a week ago for game related questions, it's called PlayerHelp. I just haven't bothered telling people about it yet because people are annoying. But I guess now I have.

07-17-2013, 02:58 PM
A channel that is moderated and for game chat only...wouldn't that be the amunet?

Crystal amulets don't grow on trees!

07-17-2013, 02:58 PM
I didn't do it to provide a solution. I did it to complicate things.

Now add a captcha to tune in.

07-17-2013, 02:58 PM
Just to make things more complicated, the LNet channel is now opt-in. Hah!

Actually, that is a great idea. I don't know how many times I've heard people say "I'd use LNet but the chat is so disgusting and I don't want to see that"... After I told them they could untune they would be very happy.

07-17-2013, 03:02 PM
A channel that is moderated and for game chat only...wouldn't that be the amunet?

Yes, but its not world wide in Prime and it also doesn't allow for ooc game question type stuff with numbers and things. That's what I think might be best instead of a strictly in character rp style channel, which I agree the amunet is probably best at instead of a lich chat channel. Sorry but I tend to sort of stream of consciousness style my posts instead of thinking up what I want to write beforehand. :)

07-17-2013, 03:06 PM
I guess to make something like it or Playerhelp to work you'd have to make it an opt out in order to attract enough critical mass of users.

07-17-2013, 03:08 PM
I didn't do it to provide a solution. I did it to complicate things.

Well, lets see if I can one-up you.

Looking for a script that will ;chat a message in EVERY Lich channel you can tune to.

07-17-2013, 03:11 PM
I guess to make something like it or Playerhelp to work you'd have to make it an opt out in order to attract enough critical mass of users.

You could join the channel. Tell your friends who would be interested in a strictly troll-free channel for game questions/advice. Ask them to tell their friends. I am the only mod right now, but I would be fine with adding a few more over time.

07-17-2013, 03:13 PM
Well, lets see if I can one-up you.

Looking for a script that will ;chat a message in EVERY Lich channel you can tune to.

Rozy will perm ban you.

07-17-2013, 03:14 PM
Rozy will perm ban you.

I don't see why... As long as I'm not merchanting in lnet. I mean... that's the only rule.

07-17-2013, 03:15 PM
There wasn't a lot of selling to begin with on Lnet. If someone got annoying, everyone yelled at the seller and they stopped. I don't see the need for Rozy moderating at all. Especially how she does it.

edit: The fact Tillmen had to force people to tun to the merchant channel kind of speaks to how most people/nobody pays much attention to channels other than the main one unless it's a specific channel (House/RP/etc).

07-17-2013, 03:18 PM
I usually don't post my anonymous rep, because rep is too srs, but I've been drinking so...

In response to my post: "So... why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?"

I get this neg rep: "Because Rozy, if she is your moderator, has conversations about her vagina, posts pornography.. which is fine i get it.. we are all adults.. but to ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?"

Now.. this anonymous person brings up a point, and this dismisses it himself, which reduces the sentence to: "Because ... to ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?"

Now, lets examine this in sequence..

Me: Why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?

Anonymous: Because! To ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?

Thank you anonymous neg rep. You've been exactly has helpful as the first neg rep I ever recieved, which read: "Neg rep hah!"

07-17-2013, 03:19 PM
Huh, I didn't even realize this thread existed 'till just now.

As moderator of the merchant channel I'm declaring war on the Lnet channel. I'm inviting everyone grossed out by Lnet or annoyed by Rozy's antics to come join me.

07-17-2013, 03:21 PM
As moderator of the merchant channel I'm declaring war on the Lnet channel. I'm inviting everyone grossed out by Lnet or annoyed by Rozy's antics to come join me.

That completely removes the good part of the merchant channel, which is avoiding the stupid shit on lnet and still being able to see sales.

07-17-2013, 03:22 PM
I usually don't post my anonymous rep, because rep is too srs, but I've been drinking so...

In response to my post: "So... why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?"

I get this neg rep: "Because Rozy, if she is your moderator, has conversations about her vagina, posts pornography.. which is fine i get it.. we are all adults.. but to ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?"

Now.. this anonymous person brings up a point, and this dismisses it himself, which reduces the sentence to: "Because ... to ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?"

Now, lets examine this in sequence..

Me: Why can't the unmoderated channel be the place you can go to avoid all the rules?

Anonymous: Because! To ban someone who is selling a maul and is not spamming lnet?

Thank you anonymous neg rep. You've been exactly has helpful as the first neg rep I ever recieved, which read: "Neg rep hah!"

I Just got this..

Thread: Policing of ;lnet
except since now everyone is forced onto Merchant, there should be no issue about selling on it

You couldn't say that in the thread?

07-17-2013, 03:23 PM
There is a place to post your response to reputation comments...and this is not it. I am reporting you and asking Anticor to give you an infraction.

This is for everything BUT responding to rep.


07-17-2013, 03:26 PM
There is a place to post your response to reputation comments...and this is not it. I am reporting you and asking Anticor to give you an infraction.

This is for everything BUT responding to rep.


You're just asking to be given an infraction on your own because commenting on my comment about rep is infraction-worthy too.

Just like I'm sure talking about someone selling something, on Lnet, is a bannable offense.

07-17-2013, 03:27 PM
You're just asking to be given an infraction on your own because commenting on my comment about rep is infraction-worthy too.

Just like I'm sure talking about someone selling something, on Lnet, is a bannable offense.

So what does quoting your comment about my comment about your comment on rep do for me? Lets find out.

07-17-2013, 03:28 PM
You're just asking to be given an infraction on your own because commenting on my comment about rep is infraction-worthy too.

Just like I'm sure talking about someone selling something, on Lnet, is a bannable offense.

I'm sure it's a testable theory we can find out. I'll be the guinea pig!

07-17-2013, 03:28 PM
There is a place to post your response to reputation comments...and this is not it. I am reporting you and asking Anticor to give you an infraction.

This is for everything BUT responding to rep.


But I want to respond to reputation comments here damnit!

07-17-2013, 03:30 PM
;tune respond to reptuation

07-17-2013, 03:33 PM
[LNet]-You: "Poloneus is selling a 7x MCW falchion here. http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?83783-MCW-falchion Good luck and happy bidding!"

No ban hammer :(

07-17-2013, 03:35 PM
[LNet]-You: "Poloneus is selling a 7x MCW falchion here. http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?83783-MCW-falchion Good luck and happy bidding!"

No ban hammer :(

Wait.. what? Seriously? You broke the rules on purpose? Is this to prove the argument that everyone is mature enough that no moderators are needed to enforce the rules?

07-17-2013, 03:36 PM
[LNet]-You: "Poloneus is selling a 7x MCW falchion here. http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?83783-MCW-falchion Good luck and happy bidding!"

No ban hammer :(

Rofl. What if Poloneus got banned instead?

07-17-2013, 03:36 PM
Fuckin' nihilists, dude.

07-17-2013, 03:40 PM
Wow. Got some ungrateful motherfuckers around here. Dude writes the best add-on in GS history, puts it out for free, asks people for a little common courtesy, and he gets shit on like this? You'll be lucky if he doesn't pull the plug.

07-17-2013, 03:45 PM
Wow. Got some ungrateful motherfuckers around here. Dude writes the best add-on in GS history, puts it out for free, asks people for a little common courtesy, and he gets shit on like this? You'll be lucky if he doesn't pull the plug.

Is he Rozy?

07-17-2013, 03:45 PM
Wow. Got some ungrateful motherfuckers around here. Dude writes the best add-on in GS history, puts it out for free, asks people for a little common courtesy, and he gets shit on like this? You'll be lucky if he doesn't pull the plug.

I don't feel like you have a solid grasp on the situation.

07-17-2013, 03:47 PM

Nathala Crane
07-17-2013, 03:47 PM
I don't even know who Rozy is. Must be one of the many wonderful things I'm missing due to being habitually ;untuned from Mos Eisley Cantina Chat.

07-17-2013, 03:48 PM
I appreciate everything Tillmen does. Everyone who receives a paycheck from Simu should personally thank him everyday because I wouldn't even play GS if it wasn't for Lich, I'm sure there are a lot of others out there like me too.

Don't pull the plug on us Tillmen! We can change!

07-17-2013, 03:52 PM

How long have you been waiting for a situation to use that line with that Avatar that you've had forever?

07-17-2013, 03:54 PM
How long have you been waiting for a situation to use that line with that Avatar that you've had forever?

It's been on my mind for awhile. Along with "I didn't lie face down in the MUCK"

07-17-2013, 03:54 PM
How long have you been waiting for a situation to use that line with that Avatar that you've had forever?

I was thinking the same thing. This thread just got Waltered.

cor aut mors
07-17-2013, 03:55 PM
... This is too much to follow. What's the new rules on LNet or should I not even care?

Nathala Crane
07-17-2013, 03:55 PM
I sure as hell wouldn't be playing GS if it weren't for Lich.

07-17-2013, 03:56 PM
... This is too much to follow. What's the new rules on LNet or should I not even care?

Don't cross rozy, you will lose.

07-17-2013, 04:02 PM
I am pretty sure Rozy uses bath salts. She will eat your face after she sends some dirty picture to you.

Pumpkin Queen
07-17-2013, 07:11 PM
How am I supposed to NOT sell my bow when people are talking about arrows in Lnet?

Things that are OK in Lnet ALL THE TIME ALWAYS:

Links to obscene pictures
Hardcore pr0n discussion
Links to pr0n
Whatever shit Rozy links
Looking for *** from PC spam
Loralaii's constant requests for sodomy
Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Political shit-flinging
Racial Jokes
Racial Profiling
ePeen discussions
Sexist belittling of women
Giving bad advice to newbies
Asking questions that could be answered with a LMGTFY
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Gib's talk about Hockey.
Talk about Code... There's a Code channel for that!


Selling anything... ever.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTeCFkPwyL00lh_IwROnd_tqqDn88pc O7CFFIhG408RXcAOr5I7A

I'm ok, you're ok.

07-17-2013, 09:27 PM
I do not feel like reading all this, but this entire issue came about because the selling on LNet is Rozy's pet peeve, so when she was handed the ModHammer she started this.

Solution: Fire Rozy and pick mods that are more mature

07-17-2013, 10:50 PM
I think we're missing a larger point, aside from the "Who gives a fuck if people sell on Lnet."

Who really uses Lich as a main avenue to sell/buy things?

I do. But I also don't care one way or another about the whole which channel to sell on thing. I'm more concerned about this apparent recent surge in moderation. I think you should have to do something pretty extreme to get banned from LNet, especially considering the crazy shit that's accepted as normal on there, like Huch posting blue waffle links and shit.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not saying Huch should be banned or anything. Quite the opposite. I was using him as an example of what seems to be considered normal on LNet.

07-17-2013, 11:07 PM
I already made a channel about a week ago for game related questions, it's called PlayerHelp. I just haven't bothered telling people about it yet because people are annoying. But I guess now I have.

I would suggest to have one with a more obvious name. I think if you, or someone else who has the time to moderate a channel, created a channel called Elanthia or something similar and designated it for all things IG lots of people would give up the general channel and all the BS on there. PlayerHelp sounds like a newbie channel and I would have to know about it from someone else before I instinctively signed on.

07-17-2013, 11:50 PM
Selling on lnet never bothered me. In this case, the applied solution is MUCH worse than the problem. I think in this case, the solution has caused many more issues than the "problem" ever did. If you disagree with me then I'm going to imagine you slowly sucking on my balls.

07-17-2013, 11:51 PM
Selling on lnet never bothered me. In this case, the applied solution is MUCH worse than the problem. I think in this case, the solution has caused many more issues than the "problem" ever did. If you disagree with me then I'm going to imagine you slowly sucking on my balls.

Rozy has clearly won. She holds the power now.

07-17-2013, 11:57 PM
How am I supposed to NOT sell my bow when people are talking about arrows in Lnet?

Things that are OK in Lnet ALL THE TIME ALWAYS:

Links to obscene pictures
Hardcore pr0n discussion
Links to pr0n
Whatever shit Rozy links
Looking for *** from PC spam
Loralaii's constant requests for sodomy
Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Political shit-flinging
Racial Jokes
Racial Profiling
ePeen discussions
Sexist belittling of women
Giving bad advice to newbies
Asking questions that could be answered with a LMGTFY
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Gib's talk about Hockey.
Talk about Code... There's a Code channel for that!


Selling anything... ever.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTeCFkPwyL00lh_IwROnd_tqqDn88pc O7CFFIhG408RXcAOr5I7A

I feel insulted that my frequent dropping of the f bomb every time I am about to die was not mentioned. And we all know that I die almost as frequently as Dayko.

07-18-2013, 12:04 AM
The solution is simple. Un-mod rozy.

Suppressed Poet
07-18-2013, 12:09 AM
A little bit late to the party but...

I think it is a sad day for freedom when one can't talk about the scientific slap method to measure the ripples of the picture perfect ass, advertise the sale of a smooth stone, or shout a call out to your favorite cyber slut all on the same main lnet channel.

I say police the other ones all you want, but the main loby is like that little square on the college campus where you get to say anything you want.

07-18-2013, 12:31 AM
Perhaps Rozy and/or Tillmen wouldn't mind listing the offenses that will get one banned from Lnet? I just want to be on the safe side. It's a new world we live in these days...

Suppressed Poet
07-18-2013, 12:44 AM
Nobody gets to speak unless you are holding the conch shell. It worked out really well for fat little Piggy.

07-18-2013, 01:58 AM
Who's head is going to be on a stick sharpened at both ends?

07-18-2013, 02:18 AM
Who's head is going to be on a stick sharpened at both ends?


07-18-2013, 02:33 AM
How am I supposed to NOT sell my bow when people are talking about arrows in Lnet?

Things that are OK in Lnet ALL THE TIME ALWAYS:

Links to obscene pictures
Hardcore pr0n discussion
Links to pr0n
Whatever shit Rozy links
Looking for *** from PC spam
Loralaii's constant requests for sodomy
Begging for spellups
Asking for Raises
Requesting Empaths/Clerics/Lockpickers
Political shit-flinging
Racial Jokes
Racial Profiling
ePeen discussions
Sexist belittling of women
Giving bad advice to newbies
Asking questions that could be answered with a LMGTFY
Asking any question that could be solved with ;krakii
Gib's talk about Hockey.
Talk about Code... There's a Code channel for that!


Selling anything... ever.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTeCFkPwyL00lh_IwROnd_tqqDn88pc O7CFFIhG408RXcAOr5I7A

You forgot to include Leloo's real time play by play updates of whatever she's watching on TV, which is usually a bad reality show. :D

The one thing I'm actually surprised gets so much slack is Gib's nigger talk. I can say it in this context because I'm referring to someone else using it, and I don't believe in PC censorship faggotry, like saying "the N word". So take your race card and sodomize yourself with it brutally.

07-18-2013, 02:45 AM
Gibrefecal is such a pathetic loser he had to put me on PC ignore. hahahahaha, I still get a chuckle out of that.

07-18-2013, 02:48 AM
You forgot to include Leloo's real time play by play updates of whatever she's watching on TV

Or public polls as to whether or not she should shave her vagina.

07-18-2013, 03:00 AM
1. No selling (more than 1 advert per hour) on lnet.

REASON: People were spamming the channel with sales. I got quite a few complaints about it before I said anything. Tillmen changed the ;channels listing for lnet to "General chat. No selling.", but I do not personally enforce this more than what I just stated. Other moderators may have different thoughts.

CONSEQUENCES: Ban for 1 hour from Lnet. It's always been what I've handed out, and there has been no negotiation on this.

2. No taking OOC (lnet) conflicts into the game without both parties agreeing.

REASON: Please read the game policy at https://www.play.net/gs4/gamepolicy.asp

CONSEQUENCES: Ban for at least 1 hour depending on severity. Taunting another player that they or the GMs won't be able to do anything about it will result in you losing the ability to abuse that avenue of communication for longer period of time.

3. Spamming the channel.

This one is written into the server code, and I have no control over it. If it's obvious that you weren't trying to disrupt the channel, I'll unban you.


These guidelines were put in place because of a few people abusing the resource that Tillmen has made available to all of us at no cost, and disrupting things enough for me to receive more than 10 complaints from other people. The tired old cliche of "a few bad apples" still holds true.

There have been only 6 instances since May 31 where I banned a person from Lnet for abuse of either of the first two basic guidelines. I have deferred to Tillmen when in question about any of these instances, and will continue to do so.

tl;dr: Don't be a fucking asshole and have some general respect for yourself and others, and things will be just fine.

07-18-2013, 03:00 AM
Or public polls as to whether or not she should shave her vagina.

Did this really happen in a serious manner?

There have been only 6 instances since May 31 where I banned a person from Lnet for abuse of either of the first two basic guidelines

6 instances since May 31 seems like a lot, actually.

Also just my person opinion, but #2 seems pretty gay. I think it should be reversed....no taking your in-game conflicts to LNet. Unless it promises to be amusing.

I've also never witnessed people spamming sales.

Just to be sure I understand though, according to your post, you can still sell on LNet as long as you don't post it more than once per hour?

07-18-2013, 03:04 AM
Did this really happen in a serious manner?


07-18-2013, 03:06 AM

I demand a log be posted, or at least a contextual summary, as well as an explanation why any grown woman isn't turning the carpet into linoleum by default.

<3 Leloo, but damn...

07-18-2013, 03:09 AM
Do people still use linoleum?

Hardwoods, baby, hardwoods!

07-18-2013, 03:14 AM
Do people still use linoleum?

Hardwoods, baby, hardwoods!

The day I see a woman with hardwood is the day I run away faster than a Kenyan running toward the finish line.

How fast can Obama run anyway?

07-18-2013, 03:18 AM
The day I see a woman with hardwood is the day I run away

Who said I was talking about women?!

07-18-2013, 03:19 AM
I heard that Tisket's vagina is leather-bound and smells of rich mahogany.

My shop teacher in high school old me that rich mahogany smells like Tisket's vagina, not the other way around.

07-18-2013, 03:21 AM
Who said I was talking about women?!

I'll be waiting for you in my driveway. Naked.

07-18-2013, 03:22 AM
What does mahogany smell like anyway?

07-18-2013, 03:24 AM
Sniff your fingers after you masturbate and find out.

07-18-2013, 03:26 AM
Selling 35+ charge small statues 50k. 35+ charge heavy quartz orbs 25k. 25+ charge blue crystals 10k. Full chrisms 20k.


07-18-2013, 03:26 AM
You were supposed to say, "Diana Ross"

Man, I really AM old.

07-18-2013, 03:28 AM
If someone doesn't get that reference...just shoot me, okay?

07-18-2013, 03:28 AM
I'm pretty sure Diana Ross doesn't shave her vagina.

My phone originally auto corrected this to say:

I'm pretty sure Diana Ross doesn't rebate her vagina.

Take it away Morgan Freeman!

EDIT: What's the deal with Asian porn having gigantic bushes everywhere?

07-18-2013, 03:29 AM
I had to google who that was :/

07-18-2013, 03:29 AM

07-18-2013, 03:30 AM
I hate everyone.

Good night.

07-18-2013, 03:40 AM
I just wasted a bunch of time investigating every mod command Rozy has used. Apparently, this thread was started because of this:

2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "Selling 20m in silver. $15 per" (23:06:07)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "No, I won't go to merchant" (23:06:47)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Rozy: "Sell em on the ;merchant channel." (23:06:48)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "fuck off" (23:06:50)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "preemptive strike!" (23:07:10)

Make sure to notice that Psystahldar said he wouldn't go to the merchant channel before being told to go to the merchant channel. This isn't a case of poor unsuspecting person gets banned for not knowing the rules. Also, no one talked Rozy out of a permanent ban. The ban was put in place with a 1 hour timer, and it was removed automatically after an hour.

The rest of the logs removed all doubt about Rozy. I'm no longer interested in hearing any concerns about Rozy being a moderator. If you have a problem with Rozy, I'm going to assume it's because you don't have the full story, or you're worried about something that might happen but hasn't happened yet, or you're an asshole.

I'm pissed off I didn't get any real programming done today.

07-18-2013, 03:43 AM
Shaft is a huge pussy.

07-18-2013, 04:14 AM
This is bullshit. FREE SHAFT!

07-18-2013, 04:20 AM
Poor Tillmen. Is he getting trolled?

07-18-2013, 04:24 AM
I agree with you, the only stipulation is that there are a lot of people on Lnet who aren't tuned to Merchant who might see your item and want to buy it.

I'd suggest anyone wanting to purchase things to tune to the damn merchant channel then. Color the sumbitch differently and you'll actually have a much more noticeable method of seeing the merchant stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the lnet policing (haven't been around much lately anyway, so it hasn't had any effect on me), but I think it would benefit everyone involved in buying and selling stuff to actually use a dedicated channel rather than trying to have your message noticed in the general lnet chatter.

edit: Jesus Christ... 21 pages. Some serious butthurt up in here!

07-18-2013, 04:28 AM
I'd suggest anyone wanting to purchase things to tune to the damn merchant channel then. Color the sumbitch differently and you'll actually have a much more noticeable method of seeing the merchant stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the lnet policing (haven't been around much lately anyway, so it hasn't had any effect on me), but I think it would benefit everyone involved in buying and selling stuff to actually use a dedicated channel rather than trying to have your message noticed in the general lnet chatter.

edit: Jesus Christ... 21 pages. Some serious butthurt up in here!

I'm done with the fucking whining. DONE! Whiners have been put on notice.

07-18-2013, 04:37 AM
Can we please get a "need a spellup" channel while we are bitching about this? I am tired of seeing the "paying Xk" or "need guards" or "who is casting X on FWI/WL". Stop cluttering my shit yo!

You fuckin Primers need to set things up like we have it in Shattered. No more spell requests or sales. Ever.

07-18-2013, 04:48 AM
People are always going to talk where there are the most people... If you force everyone to tune over to Merchant to do things in game related, all you're gonna do is have Merchant be the new Lnet. Take a look at the shitshow of WOW's Global Trade chat.

Dude... Warcraft has a fucking auction house. People don't use chat or websites to sell shit. With Warcraft, you have one global channel. With LNet, you have as many as you want. They're all global.

;alias add global /m = ;chat on merchant

Problem solved. You can now easily chat on ;merchant whether you're tuned to and chatting on lnet or not. Why do you think people will just bleed over into merchant? That's fuckin ridiculous.

The mod sounds like a douche though, if you can't separate your mod duties from your personal squabbles you shouldn't be a mod.

This. With my not paying much attention to GS related stuff lately, I dunno what it has been about, but more than once I've seen people complain about Rozy being a mod.

07-18-2013, 04:52 AM
I think Whirlin makes some good points. Seems kind of silly to want to separate one part of GS related information while keeping the rest of GS related stuff mixed in with all of the overly OOC shit that people use lnet for.

Was merchanting really causing that much scroll? I turned lnet off because most of the time it was just useless scroll about stupid shit, 99% of the time not even remotely interesting.

Soooo... wouldn't restricting sales to a sales channel be more useful for someone like you? I'm seeing a lot of people say they tune out of/don't care for lnet, but don't want separate merchant channels. Does not compute.

07-18-2013, 04:55 AM
Soooo... wouldn't restricting sales to a sales channel be more useful for someone like you? I'm seeing a lot of people say they tune out of/don't care for lnet, but don't want separate merchant channels. Does not compute.

I don't use the merchant channel either so none of this really effects me.

07-18-2013, 05:01 AM
It amuses me when people offer this a solution. Because it's not. People are not going to leave the default lnet channel for anything. Suggesting otherwise is crazytalk.

Hey, there's this awesome new feature you can try out. It doesn't have a name, but basically it lets you be in several channels. All. At. Once... I know. It's mind blowing, but possible.

;who Razorfang
[server]: "GSF:Razorfang is tuned to the following channels: LNet, Shattered, jerk, code"

ZOMG how does I doos it?!

I don't use the merchant channel either so none of this really effects me.

Fine, be that way!

Oh, I forgot. Fuck all you assholes for making me waste my time with this thread!

07-18-2013, 07:56 AM

1. No selling (more than 1 advert per hour) on lnet.

REASON: People were spamming the channel with sales. I got quite a few complaints about it before I said anything. Tillmen changed the ;channels listing for lnet to "General chat. No selling.", but I do not personally enforce this more than what I just stated. Other moderators may have different thoughts.

CONSEQUENCES: Ban for 1 hour from Lnet. It's always been what I've handed out, and there has been no negotiation on this.

2. No taking OOC (lnet) conflicts into the game without both parties agreeing.

REASON: Please read the game policy at https://www.play.net/gs4/gamepolicy.asp

CONSEQUENCES: Ban for at least 1 hour depending on severity. Taunting another player that they or the GMs won't be able to do anything about it will result in you losing the ability to abuse that avenue of communication for longer period of time.

3. Spamming the channel.

This one is written into the server code, and I have no control over it. If it's obvious that you weren't trying to disrupt the channel, I'll unban you.


These guidelines were put in place because of a few people abusing the resource that Tillmen has made available to all of us at no cost, and disrupting things enough for me to receive more than 10 complaints from other people. The tired old cliche of "a few bad apples" still holds true.

There have been only 6 instances since May 31 where I banned a person from Lnet for abuse of either of the first two basic guidelines. I have deferred to Tillmen when in question about any of these instances, and will continue to do so.

tl;dr: Don't be a fucking asshole and have some general respect for yourself and others, and things will be just fine.

07-18-2013, 08:00 AM
Welcome to Psinet version 2.0, complete with shitty mods.

07-18-2013, 08:02 AM
I demand a log be posted, or at least a contextual summary, as well as an explanation why any grown woman isn't turning the carpet into linoleum by default.

<3 Leloo, but damn...

Basically she gets on LNet roughly twice a week and either really has never interacted with someone of the opposite sex, or pretends to be clueless for the attention.

-So it all started when she ran off her GS boyfriend and had this emotional breakdown of asking for Spert on LNet for a couple weeks.

-Then she started claiming she never took the relation with spert serious, cause it is a video game. (I REALLY hope she meant this and wasn't just playing off her previous sad hunt for him.)

-Then she claimed she has some rich sugar daddy that replaced spert

-Currently she acts as if this is the first real male she has had a relation ship with
- Has had a poll about shaving her vag
- Had a poll about whether she should stay at his house and not put out because her water heater broke and flooded her place
- Had a poll about how soon the guy can see her without makeup on

-At this point I am willing to pay Spert to come back, I enjoyed it more when she did not talk on LNet

07-18-2013, 08:06 AM
People were spamming the channel with sales. I got quite a few complaints about it before I said anything.

Can I just ask why neither you or Tillmen brought up the concern with the greater community if this was going on before just changing things that had a certain perception for such a long time?

There are quite a few "complaints" about you, and others, and the materials they publish to LNET. Why are you not forcing that behavior into the non moderated channels?

Also, the log that Tillmen shows doesn't prove or disprove anything. By Rozy's own admission you can advertise one time per hour. If it was shown they tried to sell the silvers before that snippet then it would make sense.

But "take it to merchant" should only be out there if they are doing it more than one time per hour. No?

07-18-2013, 08:12 AM
I just wasted a bunch of time investigating every mod command Rozy has used. Apparently, this thread was started because of this:

2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "Selling 20m in silver. $15 per" (23:06:07)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "No, I won't go to merchant" (23:06:47)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Rozy: "Sell em on the ;merchant channel." (23:06:48)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "fuck off" (23:06:50)
2013-07-16-5.log:[LNet]-GSIV:Psystahldar: "preemptive strike!" (23:07:10)

Make sure to notice that Psystahldar said he wouldn't go to the merchant channel before being told to go to the merchant channel. This isn't a case of poor unsuspecting person gets banned for not knowing the rules. Also, no one talked Rozy out of a permanent ban. The ban was put in place with a 1 hour timer, and it was removed automatically after an hour.

The rest of the logs removed all doubt about Rozy. I'm no longer interested in hearing any concerns about Rozy being a moderator. If you have a problem with Rozy, I'm going to assume it's because you don't have the full story, or you're worried about something that might happen but hasn't happened yet, or you're an asshole.

I'm pissed off I didn't get any real programming done today.

That is NOT a bannable offense, by Rozy's rules... this proves Rozy is a shitty mod. There was 1 advertisement in Lnet, at 23:06:07... I fail to see a second one. What I see with the three lines after that are attacks on Rozy's shitty modding ability and Zimmerman-esque sense of authority.

If he was banned for that, yes... Everyone's concerns about how shitty of a person Rozy is are entirely validated.

07-18-2013, 09:00 AM
this thread is still going on? the reality is that the channel was much more pleasant last night during east coast primetime and unless I missed something, Rozy wasn't yelling at anyone like the night before. Everyone sold on the merchant channel where there were more prime players, and absolutely nothing was an issue. Thanks Tillmen!

also, ;tune jerk if you don't like the rules. I didn't set it up, it was on the channel list as no moderation

07-18-2013, 09:27 AM
[server]: "You are banned from this server. Sorry about your luck."

Appears to be a IP ban at that.


Welcome to PsiNet indeed.

07-18-2013, 09:30 AM
Jamus is stealing your passwords!

07-18-2013, 09:46 AM
So we can sell on LNet as long as we don't post it more than once per hour?


[server]: "You are banned from this server. Sorry about your luck."

Appears to be a IP ban at that.


Welcome to PsiNet indeed.

The fuck?

07-18-2013, 09:55 AM
I didn't break any of the rules posted by Rozy so my assumption is that because I was changing my name, changing the game I played, and using names like Rozyposie they have decided that is against some rule also. Even though for months I have changed my name, I just wasn't as obnoxious about it.

And prior to her post I was not aware of any sort of rules surrounding lnet. My infraction would have been prior to her post as well. So I don't really know what their problem is.

Either way it would have been nice for either one of them to actually notify me. But neither one did. I logged in from a dynamic IP address and it seemed to work, but then from one that is static or more static it appears to be an IP ban.

07-18-2013, 10:07 AM
So we can sell on LNet as long as we don't post it more than once per hour?

The fuck?

That was my point... by Rozy's own guidelines, Yes.

However, the quoted log with Psystah... (who I assume is Shaft) does not show two merchanting advertisements in 1 hour. Therefore, I'm not sure on what grounds he was banned. He cannot have been spamming, as Buckwheet posted this snippet of someone who did not get banned:

[LNet]-GSIV:Geros: "y'all ever been in the shower with a guy? and you see the soap suds roll down the crack of his ass. and you just wanna...you..."
[LNet]-GSIV:Jara: "O.o"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Huch: "no"
[LNet]-GSIV:Geros: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFMWNgDO7ZU"
[LNet]-GSIV:Rozy: "FFS, Huch."

Therefore, this leads me to believe there are either more undocumented rules that have never been communicated to Lnet users, or the Moderator is ill suited for her job as moderator of the environment.

This also brings me back to the original discussion of moderation in general. I don't want Tillman to deal with all this shit... 23 pages is already ridiculous. Just leave things unmoderated as they had been for years, and stay away from all of this crap. It's easier to create an unmoderated environment, and leave people to their own devices than to try to find someone who is free of drama to actually do a decent, documented, objective job... Especially when you're trying to select one from this population of people. If you create the environment where people know you're not going to get involved with their personal drama, they'll stop, and/or you can just ignore them.

Or hell, if you want to be awesome, how about this for the one Moderation rule on Lnet:
1) If you approach Tillman to complain about something that happened on Lnet, you will be relentlessly banned forever with no chance of appeal.

No need for moderators, no reason to get involved with those people, done.

07-18-2013, 10:09 AM
I really don't have a dog in this fight, since I almost never sell anything, but wanted to throw my two cents in now that most everyone has vented:

1. This could have easily been stopped before it started, If Tillmen had made a log on message that said merchanting on Lnet was no longer allowed. If you do it you will be banned. EVERYONE would have immediately stopped. No one wants to piss off Tillmen.

2. Rozy brought a lot of this upon herself by all the posturing she did once she held the ban-hammer. Thats easily verified and what really seemed to start this whole mess. I can see how it happened and have to say I might have done the same, hand me a ban-hammer and I might have some fun showing it off too.

Once again, no dog in this fight but this could have been handled differently in my opinion.


07-18-2013, 10:11 AM
Well by my standards Buckwheet what you were doing would have fallen under this by Tillman:

The rest of the logs removed all doubt about Rozy. I'm no longer interested in hearing any concerns about Rozy being a moderator. If you have a problem with Rozy, I'm going to assume it's because you don't have the full story, or you're worried about something that might happen but hasn't happened yet, or you're an asshole.

You would be the asshole, in case you are wondering.

07-18-2013, 10:13 AM
I will be hosting a mod clinic later this month to go over the foundations and fundamentals of proper moderation. Signups will be in the lobby, please have your consent and physical forms filled out and filed before attending.

07-18-2013, 10:22 AM
Well by my standards Buckwheet what you were doing would have fallen under this by Tillman:

The rest of the logs removed all doubt about Rozy. I'm no longer interested in hearing any concerns about Rozy being a moderator. If you have a problem with Rozy, I'm going to assume it's because you don't have the full story, or you're worried about something that might happen but hasn't happened yet, or you're an asshole.

You would be the asshole, in case you are wondering.

Considering that a few pages back in this thread, Rozy specifically stated the merchanting rule on LNet was no more than one post per hour, (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?83814-Policing-of-lnet&p=1569677#post1569677) and then she banned Buckwheet for making less than two merchant posts in the same hour (unless he's cherry picking what he posted, which I seriously doubt), then Rozy contradicted the fuck out of herself. I don't know Rozy enough to have anything personal against her, other than that she keeps trying to say on LNet that I sold Methais and some noob is playing him anytime I incinerate myself on a box or whatever, but she does appear to have a slight case of Emeradan syndrome. Also known as HarmNone, or rookie cop syndrome.


Here's the part I don't get:

1. No selling (more than 1 advert per hour) on lnet.

REASON: People were spamming the channel with sales.

Maybe I just happen to always be logged on at the wrong time, but has anyone witnessed this mythical LNet merchant spam?

I think the best course of action here would be to make me a moderator.

07-18-2013, 10:24 AM
[server]: "You are banned from this server. Sorry about your luck."

Appears to be a IP ban at that.


Welcome to PsiNet indeed.

See what I'm talking about? I wanted to know what would officially get you banned for this reason. Since when can you not troll someone on lnet. It's been happening for years.

07-18-2013, 10:27 AM
See what I'm talking about? I wanted to know what would officially get you banned for this reason. Since when can you not troll someone on lnet. It's been happening for years.

I trolled HarmNone once. She was like...


07-18-2013, 10:37 AM
I will be hosting a mod clinic later this month to go over the foundations and fundamentals of proper moderation. Signups will be in the lobby, please have your consent and physical forms filled out and filed before attending.

If I bring a weinerdog can I get in for free?

07-18-2013, 10:38 AM
So an asshole is a troller, but a person doing nigger talk isn't?

Got it.

07-18-2013, 10:46 AM
Justice for Buckwheet!

Snoopy Dogg
07-18-2013, 10:47 AM
oooo the temptation..

07-18-2013, 10:48 AM
Here you go

;alias add ;breaklnet=;e loop { send_to_script "lnet", "chat FUCK YOU GAYMODS" }

07-18-2013, 10:49 AM
Policing lnet is ridiculous. Is it perfect as is? Nah. But once you open that censorship/moderation door, you begin to jeopardize the fundamental awesomeness of lnet itself. Keep it simple by just stopping people from spamming (which I never see anyway) and leave it at that imo.

This. Moderating it is the single worst idea I've heard in a long time. If someone is spamming that is the only reason for moderation IMO. Lnet should remain a free for all, the default chat should be a free for all. If people want something more refined, let them make channels.

Also, while I've not had any interactions with him/her/it, Rozy seems like a poor mod to me based on the volume of complaints I've seen.

Self policing is far better. If someone is being a douchebag, they can be ignored. If enough people ignore them, they'll find themselves impotent and maybe change behaviors. Or if someone is being a douchebag people will call them out on it and their reputation will suffer. Freedom works.

07-18-2013, 10:52 AM
Honestly if you're looking to clean up Lnet I don't think busting people for merchant msgs is the avenue.

07-18-2013, 10:52 AM
What I would advise you to do is to go with three channels.

Default channel - anything goes
Rozy channel - no selling allowed
Merchant channel - only selling allowed

Start everyone in default, see how people move. I think you would find the results instructive.

Good idea, and if I'm agreeing with Latrine that is earth shattering.

07-18-2013, 10:55 AM
I've given out too much rep to further rep Crb or Ryku...

But, I've kept the list running back from page 10.

Ok versus Infraction Lists

07-18-2013, 10:55 AM
There wasn't a lot of selling to begin with on Lnet. If someone got annoying, everyone yelled at the seller and they stopped. I don't see the need for Rozy moderating at all. Especially how she does it.

edit: The fact Tillmen had to force people to tun to the merchant channel kind of speaks to how most people/nobody pays much attention to channels other than the main one unless it's a specific channel (House/RP/etc).


Snoopy Dogg
07-18-2013, 10:58 AM
tillmen.. save yourself the annoyance of all this and just unmod her. its weird this kinda irritates me, i do not play prime or even tune to lnet.. so this shouldnt bother me, but it does.. alot. im gonna be forced to tune to it just to spam it with selling stuff now. i hope your happy with yourself tillmen!

07-18-2013, 11:13 AM
Good idea, and if I'm agreeing with Latrine that is earth shattering.


07-18-2013, 11:16 AM
The amount of tears being shed could fill an ocean of despair.

Snoopy Dogg
07-18-2013, 11:16 AM

why do they have spoons? is it a steam bath poop? i r confused

07-18-2013, 11:17 AM
I'm sure somewhere deep inside of rozy there is a good moderator in there. But when you cannot seperate emotion from duty, well than, you'll have issues.

07-18-2013, 11:17 AM
why do they have spoons? is it a steam bath poop? i r confused

Before the 3 seashells, there was one spoon.

07-18-2013, 11:19 AM
There are some pretty strong parallels you can make between The Spot / PC, and Psinet / lnet. I'd hate to see lnet turn into another over-moderated Spot/Psinet.

07-18-2013, 11:21 AM

Prince John: Such an unusual name, "Latrine." How did your family come by it?
Latrine: We changed it in the 9th century.
Prince John: You mean you changed it TO "Latrine"?
Latrine: Yeah. Used to be "Shithouse."
Prince John: It's a good change. That's a good change!