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07-02-2013, 05:24 PM
Solomon is catching botters as you type that.

07-02-2013, 06:00 PM
Apparently the the tickets to this recent batch will be given back to Wyrom. Let us know when you have returned them.

07-02-2013, 06:04 PM

07-02-2013, 06:06 PM
My passionate posts directed at Wyrom were based on my assumption that it was his fault these things were happening, and this simply wasn't true. Wyrom's not to blame for the botters any more than he's to blame for your hair color. He also wasn't the right person to vent my ire on, as there was nothing he could do about it aside from pass the information on. Now that something has been and is actively being done, I'm not at all upset about it anymore.

07-02-2013, 06:08 PM
3 people were on the list when I pressed butan and I didn't get a ticket.

If -anyone- is on the list when you press the button you're not getting a ticket. You really have to start spamming "sign up" and backspace at like 59:30 until you get one or they sell out.

07-02-2013, 06:14 PM
If -anyone- is on the list when you press the button you're not getting a ticket. You really have to start spamming "sign up" and backspace at like 59:30 until you get one or they sell out.

It is insane that is for sure. One refresh and they are all gone. I am happy to see you got a ticket though.

07-02-2013, 06:16 PM
If -anyone- is on the list when you press the button you're not getting a ticket. You really have to start spamming "sign up" and backspace at like 59:30 until you get one or they sell out.

that's what I was doing

07-02-2013, 06:16 PM
It is insane that is for sure. One refresh and they are all gone. I am happy to see you got a ticket though.

I helped a friend get one today while on a Mac at school. The seconds timer on the mac desktop was the clencher!

07-02-2013, 06:42 PM
So for anyone (I reckon 90% of the forum) who doesn't play but finds this bat-shit situation kind of hilarious, what is the reaction on the official forums/official line on this mess?

07-02-2013, 06:45 PM
Basically what you see here, but amplified by a million.

At least, from what I hear. I don't read the officials.

07-02-2013, 06:45 PM
So for anyone (I reckon 90% of the forum) who doesn't play but finds this bat-shit situation kind of hilarious, what is the reaction on the official forums/official line on this mess?


07-02-2013, 06:54 PM
Actually the officials have been fairly quiet, the last run yeah there was a ton of complaining. This time seems to be Oh I managed to get a ticket! Or Ok so I got this error Or I didn't get a ticket, I saw the screen and when I hit purchase they were gone.

Compared to the last run, the reaction is mellow. However, the last batch is yet to be purchased so ask again in an hour and 7 minutes.

Lord Orbstar
07-02-2013, 08:02 PM
well fuck me. I tried. offering $100. Best I can do.

07-02-2013, 08:02 PM
And the bitching begins...

07-02-2013, 08:03 PM
I got in, #18 this time (Auburnhairpick, ahh comedy characters). I tried a new method this time, I used this clock website ( http://time.is/ ) and put it on my second monitor then as soon as the hour rolled over I clicked purchase. The page was a little laggy coming up and I missed the first click on purchase but still got in.

07-02-2013, 08:05 PM
hell yeah the bitching begins. I'm now 0-8 on getting one of these F'ing tickets. What's the secret on getting through the character selection screen quickly? Literally, the half second movement of the mouse is killing me...

07-02-2013, 08:06 PM
hell yeah the bitching begins. I'm now 0-8 on getting one of these F'ing tickets. What's the secret on getting through the character selection screen quickly? Literally, the half second movement of the mouse is killing me...

Honestly I think ping may be half the battle here. Where do you live, who is your ISP?


07-02-2013, 08:07 PM
I got one using the Methias MethodTM. Thanks Methias!

07-02-2013, 08:07 PM
Not selecting a character is the secret to getting through it quicker. That's the dirty little secret. It doesn't matter who you pick, that's why you don't recognize half the names on there.

07-02-2013, 08:07 PM
I got server 500 and did Methais' chrome trick with delete instead of firefox and that worked way better. read his post just a few up.

Thanks Methais!

Also, who the hell is Bodazapha? You need to send me a PM...

Name: Boddas Zeppha <---one of my characters!

07-02-2013, 08:08 PM
It just wasn't in the cards for Candor to get a ticket. mutter

07-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Actually went with the Methais method - guessing I am just a bit unlucky. which is not really a surprise.

07-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Honestly I think ping may be half the battle here. Where do you live, who is your ISP?And how much do you bench?

07-02-2013, 08:14 PM
And how much do you bench?

And how long is your penis?

07-02-2013, 08:16 PM
Some of you may want to check the list to see if your name is on it. I actually got the error, went back, clicked confirm, then it sent me to the sold out page. When I went to see if I knew anyone who signed up I saw my name. Praise Methias!

07-02-2013, 08:17 PM
People are buying into the bot conspiracy too much.

I had an alarm set for tickets today. Woke up an hour or two before then, and while I was taking my massive morning dump, I pretty much decided I wasn't even gonna bother with trying to get a ticket.

Then about 10 minutes before they went up, I changed my mind. Sat at my PC, opened Chrome, went to the page, spammed the BUY button and the BACKSPACE key until the list showed up, clicked the confirmation button or whatever it was, and had the #7 ticket.

It's not complicated and just requires a little bit of luck, not some script or whatever. I would have gotten a ticket for the last run too if I was aware that you could leave the character box blank, and I did that one from school on their shitty Pentium 4 PCs, and I was using F5 to refresh in Firefox instead of how I did it this time. (Hitting backspace in Firefox gave me that error page, whereas Chrome didn't, making Chrome the winner).

If I end up going myself, I'll be selling everything I win except maybe one major. If someone wants to work out an access deal or for me to try to get them a ticket tonight, PM me. If you have nice boobs, PM me also.

All that said, the system Simu set up for these tickets is still gayer than Perez Hilton.

I dunno... He's pretty gay...

07-02-2013, 08:19 PM
I have tried 3 times and gotten a ticket twice as well so it isn't that hard. The time I missed was my own fault for relying on a clock that was a little slow. I didn't do anything special but sit there and refresh and click. A lot of good it did me the first run, entered everything and won 1 thing, so you just never know how it will work out.


07-02-2013, 08:21 PM
Gay level:

Perez Hilton > simu's ticket distribution method

07-02-2013, 08:38 PM
200m is a really nice figure and I would sleep better knowing it was in my bank account..

07-02-2013, 09:19 PM
well fuck me. I tried. offering $100. Best I can do.


You are deployed right now, if you can go to the September run then I will try to get you a ticket when the next batch goes on sale. I won't charge you anything. I've done this for a couple of friends already.

Suppressed Poet
07-02-2013, 10:08 PM
Eff that...

Orbstar, send this message to Simutronics feedback:

Hey motherfuckers,

Happy fucking 4th of July from abroad in the US <insert branch of military>. Just wanted to remind you this week that while you're in your backyard wearing long socks with flip flops drinking beer and burnin' your weenies, I'll be hard at work ensuring some towel-headed Jihads don't invade your home and gangbang your wife. Oh what's that?...you want to sincerely say your welcome? Well I'm such a fan of your game that I pay you money each month for the small amount of joy I get when I'm not busy getting shot at or disarming motherfuckin' land mines that could blow up my dick into little bloody pieces. I would gladly accept a free ticket to RTCF as a token of you appreciation for big fake tiddies, Budweisers, and that right to carry your Glock. Do it for freedom. Do it for Jesus. Do it for the right to watch your favorite sports team drinking ice cold buur served by your favorite college co-ed at Hooters. MUDDAFAULKAS!!!

Your motherfuckin' freedom maker,

Lord Orbstar
(with the full support and backing of the PC)

07-02-2013, 10:24 PM
Eff that...

Orbstar, send this message to Simutronics feedback:

Hey motherfuckers,

Happy fucking 4th of July from abroad in the US <insert branch of military>. Just wanted to remind you this week that while you're in your backyard wearing long socks with flip flops drinking beer and burnin' your weenies, I'll be hard at work ensuring some towel-headed Jihads don't invade your home and gangbang your wife. Oh what's that?...you want to sincerely say your welcome? Well I'm such a fan of your game that I pay you money each month for the small amount of joy I get when I'm not busy getting shot at or disarming motherfuckin' land mines that could blow up my dick into little bloody pieces. I would gladly accept a free ticket to RTCF as a token of you appreciation for big fake tiddies, Budweisers, and that right to carry your Glock. Do it for freedom. Do it for Jesus. Do it for the right to watch your favorite sports team drinking ice cold buur served by your favorite college co-ed at Hooters. MUDDAFAULKAS!!!

Your motherfuckin' freedom maker,

Lord Orbstar
(with the full support and backing of the PC)

I would love to see this happen.

07-02-2013, 10:38 PM
JihadISTS! The ISTS is important.

07-02-2013, 10:59 PM
Eff that...

Orbstar, send this message to Simutronics feedback:

Hey motherfuckers,

Happy fucking 4th of July from abroad in the US <insert branch of military>. Just wanted to remind you this week that while you're in your backyard wearing long socks with flip flops drinking beer and burnin' your weenies, I'll be hard at work ensuring some towel-headed Jihads don't invade your home and gangbang your wife. Oh what's that?...you want to sincerely say your welcome? Well I'm such a fan of your game that I pay you money each month for the small amount of joy I get when I'm not busy getting shot at or disarming motherfuckin' land mines that could blow up my dick into little bloody pieces. I would gladly accept a free ticket to RTCF as a token of you appreciation for big fake tiddies, Budweisers, and that right to carry your Glock. Do it for freedom. Do it for Jesus. Do it for the right to watch your favorite sports team drinking ice cold buur served by your favorite college co-ed at Hooters. MUDDAFAULKAS!!!

Your motherfuckin' freedom maker,

Lord Orbstar
(with the full support and backing of the PC)

We should all send that to Simu and get Orbstar a ticket.

07-02-2013, 11:44 PM
I honestly think even Orbstar would be offended by that.

07-03-2013, 12:21 AM
Notice: not characters, persons. I hope you bought implosion insurance IRL, crb.

What, why the name dropping? I have merely magical fingers, as the entire dallas cowboys cheer squad will attest, I do not use a program.

07-03-2013, 12:23 AM
If it was a 100% guarantee people like CRB wouldn't be offering a refund if they don't get it. I think someone in the previous thread posted they paid CRB to do it but he didn't get it for them or something.

It sounds to me that you are so sure this is happening because you are doing it yourself or for others.

Ya last time around I gave one refund, and another got paid back in ensorcellment.

Lord Orbstar
07-03-2013, 12:40 AM
Well, that certainly brought a laugh this mornings. I showed it to some of the other guys after explaining that yes, I play a text based game and, yes, it is serious business. lol. I am not nearly that redneck nor that filled with self-importance, but it is still funny.

Do it for freedom

07-03-2013, 02:33 AM
Do it for freedom


07-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I have a couple Major slots for the second run. I will not be using them. I'm most likely not going to be using the (majority of) minors I may or may not win as well. If you had a major you had your eye on but didn't get lucky with the Methais Method, go ahead and shoot me a PM letting me know what service you'd be interested in and at what rate. I'd rather know what I'm doing beforehand than waste the GMs time saying "Oh wait! I've got to put this up for bidding and then they have to get me their weapon and" yadda yadda.

07-03-2013, 07:36 PM
Wait, Orbstar were you trying to do this from somewhere overseas? Depending on your routing you could have over 1000ms ping. If that's the case there's essentially no way you'll ever be able to get a ticket to this from where you are.

07-03-2013, 07:42 PM
I have a couple Major slots for the second run. I will not be using them. I'm most likely not going to be using the (majority of) minors I may or may not win as well. If you had a major you had your eye on but didn't get lucky with the Methais Method, go ahead and shoot me a PM letting me know what service you'd be interested in and at what rate. I'd rather know what I'm doing beforehand than waste the GMs time saying "Oh wait! I've got to put this up for bidding and then they have to get me their weapon and" yadda yadda.

This, except I only have one ticket and won't be using anything.

07-03-2013, 07:47 PM
Wait, Orbstar were you trying to do this from somewhere overseas? Depending on your routing you could have over 1000ms ping. If that's the case there's essentially no way you'll ever be able to get a ticket to this from where you are.

That is what I was thinking. I offered to try to get him a ticket next run. I'm sure I have a better chance than he does.

07-03-2013, 08:08 PM
Not only do you have to deal with the ping of physical distance (your signal can only travel at the speed of light) but if you're somewhere over in the sandbox the routing situation there is awful which can easily double or triple your ping. If you're having a second ping each way and all the tickets are getting bought within a second then you essentially have no chance.

07-05-2013, 11:23 AM
I doubt I will will luck out and get a ticket. Not for lack of trying. I know I've told you guys I'm a techtard who can barely do more hit the power button on the computer. It's not really that much of a stretch really.

Ironically, I found a service voucher via the envelopes for a 5% discount that I will never get the chance to use because I have just one account and want one ticket and refuse to pay someone else 10,000,000 silvers to get me a ticket. Basically I just don't have 10M silvers or the $120 to spend on it.

Pay events are a lot of fun. I wish everyone who does get the chance to go the best time ever.

07-05-2013, 02:06 PM
Ysamine, if you're willing to give me access to your account, I will try to get you a ticket for no fee. I managed to get one on my phone. I'm that good.

However, this service does not come without a price. If you choose to allow me to help you, one day, and this day may never come, I will come to you and tell you that it is time you repay your debt to me.

07-05-2013, 02:08 PM
Ysamine, if you're willing to give me access to your account, I will try to get you a ticket for no fee. I managed to get one on my phone. I'm that good.

However, this service does not come without a price. If you choose to allow me to help you, one day, and this day may never come, I will come to you and tell you that it is time you repay your debt to me.

Sounds fair to me. Surprise buttsex?

07-05-2013, 02:13 PM
Where is my free ticket help Shaft, this is bullshit.

07-05-2013, 02:15 PM
Look what they've done to my boy!

07-05-2013, 02:16 PM
Where is my free ticket help Shaft, this is bullshit.

Quiet you.

07-05-2013, 02:25 PM
Ysamine, if you're willing to give me access to your account, I will try to get you a ticket for no fee. I managed to get one on my phone. I'm that good.

However, this service does not come without a price. If you choose to allow me to help you, one day, and this day may never come, I will come to you and tell you that it is time you repay your debt to me.

I don't think I could ever be comfortable giving anyone access to my account. Nothing personal, I'm sure you are a stand up person. I'm just a rule follower is all.

07-05-2013, 02:35 PM
I don't think I could ever be comfortable giving anyone access to my account. Nothing personal, I'm sure you are a stand up person. I'm just a rule follower is all.

I'm sure you'll do very well and good luck to you. Especially if your interests don't conflict with mine. Thank you.

07-05-2013, 02:38 PM
Don't feel bad Ysamine, there are very few people I'd let have access to my account. It isn't breaking rules to do it, but you are responsible for it so you have to do what is comfortable.

Good luck on your ticket acquisition!

Pumpkin Queen
07-05-2013, 04:01 PM
Sounds fair to me. Surprise buttsex?

I did not receive such an offer.

07-05-2013, 04:17 PM
I don't think I could ever be comfortable giving anyone access to my account. Nothing personal, I'm sure you are a stand up person. I'm just a rule follower is all.

This is probably a good call, I trusted Shaft to pet sit my dog. I dropped her off a virgin, and picked her up pregnant. I'm not saying he raped my dog, but I am saying that he does not have one.....

07-05-2013, 04:24 PM
I don't think I could ever be comfortable giving anyone access to my account. Nothing personal, I'm sure you are a stand up person. I'm just a rule follower is all.The Pope - the Holy Father himself - has this very day blessed SHAFT; and you think you know better than the Pope?

07-05-2013, 04:25 PM
The Pope - the Holy Father himself - has this very day blessed SHAFT; and you think you know better than the Pope?

Quote and translation please, if it's in Latin.

07-05-2013, 04:47 PM
The Pope - the Holy Father himself - has this very day blessed SHAFT; and you think you know better than the Pope?

That must be true. I read it on the internet.

All kidding aside, I do appreciate how kind everyone has been today. You guys must really be off your game! I'll try again for the September run. Thanks everyone for the well wishes.

07-05-2013, 05:10 PM
I did not receive such an offer.

That's why it's called surprise...

07-05-2013, 05:15 PM
Quote and translation please, if it's in Latin.We're doing a Godfather thing. The Pope does not actually issue public blessings for PC members, although he does keep me abreast of the Papal Power Rankings via PM.

Fun fact: the line I quoted is one of two scenes I have seen from any Godfather movie, the other being when the one guy bites the other guy's face.

The Pope
07-05-2013, 05:34 PM
We're doing a Godfather thing. The Pope does not actually issue public blessings for PC members, although he does keep me abreast of the Papal Power Rankings via PM.

Fun fact: the line I quoted is one of two scenes I have seen from any Godfather movie, the other being when the one guy bites the other guy's face.

The Hell I don't? I would publicly like to bless half of you. The other half of you are ingrates, heathens, lechers, gays, atheists, and nihilists. Enjoy your one way ticket to Hell.

07-05-2013, 06:50 PM
Enjoy your one way ticket to Hell.

Finally! A ticket I have a shot at.

07-05-2013, 07:43 PM
Finally! A ticket I have a shot at.

Now that was funny! LOL Rep incoming!

07-05-2013, 08:08 PM
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!