View Full Version : Alex Jones vs Piers Morgan: Deport this british guy for saying guns should be banned

01-08-2013, 12:45 PM
I told myself I would stay out of politics on the PC(like smashing your head into a brick wall repeatedly, and that brick wall is covered in shards of glass, which are covered in acid), but I know there are many gun advocates here and wanted to ask:

Don't you think people like this, who are loud, ranting, incoherent half the time and make threats of physical violence are exactly the kind of people we dont want walking around with guns?

It seems to me this guy does not help your cause. Why should we arm lunatics like this? He has lost his marbles.


01-08-2013, 01:26 PM
Have you ever noticed though that the vast majority of the time after a shooting the people who knew the shooter say shit like "he was such a quiet, nice fellow who kept to himself. I never imagined he would do something like this"

So going by that only quiet, nice people shouldn't own guns. You asshole.

01-08-2013, 01:40 PM
Watched part of this, this guy is the perfect example of a raving gun nut. I wonder how many people on the fence he helped push over with that rant

01-08-2013, 01:43 PM
So an extremist is bad? MAN THIS IS SHOCKING AND NEW!!!

01-08-2013, 02:05 PM
I told myself I would stay out of politics on the PC(like smashing your head into a brick wall repeatedly, and that brick wall is covered in shards of glass, which are covered in acid), but I know there are many gun advocates here and wanted to ask:

Don't you think people like this, who are loud, ranting, incoherent half the time and make threats of physical violence are exactly the kind of people we dont want walking around with guns?

It seems to me this guy does not help your cause. Why should we arm lunatics like this? He has lost his marbles.


He is the perfect guy for Piers Morgan to bring onto his show to scare people into believing that everyone who owns a gun is just like Alex Jones.

Alex Jones is a crazy fuck.

Piers Morgan is an idiot.

Makes for great TV for all 14 members of his viewing audience.

01-08-2013, 03:27 PM
Wathed this clip of him raving about what happens when nations governments impose on people and their gun rights. He made some good points pointing out dictators that did the same to their people. Could he have toned it down about 10 notches, yes. He is making more points of how Obama and the federal government are slowly making themselves too powerfull, instead of giving the power to the states to deal with an obvious gun issue. Sad part in all of this is how America is slowly growing more and more ignorant to whats happening in Washington.