View Full Version : Michigan and Pennsylvania

09-06-2012, 08:56 PM
Republicans signaled this week that they might have given up hope in two important swing states. The Romney campaign and conservative groups like Crossroads GPS have pulled TV ads in Michigan, Romney's home state, according to the Detroit News. Nor are the campaign and super PACs running advertising in Pennsylvania, after unleashing a barrage there over the past five months.

More... (http://www.drudge.com/news/160722/romney-pulls-ads-michigan-pennsylvania)

It's quite a coincidence that Romney and the Super PACs both decided at the same time to pull their advertising from those two states.

Democrats should take little comfort from this development. Now Romney's money advantage will be concentrated in fewer states.

09-06-2012, 09:14 PM
I don't think Romney is in a position to give up on any swing state is he?

09-06-2012, 09:40 PM
There are several paths for Romney to 270 electoral votes without either Pennsylvania or Michigan. He never had much chance in those states anyway.

It's a strategic decision to spend massively in the remaining swing states.

Senior Romney-Ryan campaign officials tell Fox News the campaign will launch an enormous media offensive on Friday, the day after President Obama accepts the Democratic Party's nomination for a second term. The push will include ad buys in several states that will cost tens of millions of dollars.

More... (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/06/romney-campaign-to-carpet-bomb-airwaves-after-obama-nomination-speech)

Former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, an adviser to the Romney campaign, said this week that its strategy going forward will be to "carpet bomb" the president and vice president.

Romney-Ryan officials did not repudiate such talk; indeed, one official, in speaking to Fox News, likened the offensive that will begin Thursday to the "daisy cutter" bombs used in the Iraq war.

09-06-2012, 10:43 PM
That seems like a failed strategy - the BLU-82 "daisy cutter" was retired in 2008, replaced by the MOAB - short for MOAR OBAMA.
