View Full Version : GRRM

08-14-2012, 10:48 AM
George R.R. Martin -- the screenwriter behind a popular HBO series that has also spawned interest in his books -- is dipping his toes into the waters of political commentary.

But I would be remiss if I do not at least make passing mention of how depressed, disgusted, and, yes, angry I've become as I watch the ongoing attempts at voter suppression in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Iowa, and other states where Republicans and their Teabagger allies control key seats of power.

It is one thing to attempt to win elections. But trying to do so by denying the most basic and important right of any American citizen to hundreds and thousands of people, on entirely spurious grounds... that goes beyond reprehensible. That is despicable.

It would really be nice if there were still some Republicans of conscience out there who would stand up and loudly denounce these efforts, a few men of honor and integrity for whom "win the election" does not "win the election at any cost." There were once many Republicans I admired, even I disagreed with them: men like Everett Dirksen, Clifford Case, Henry Cabot Lodge, William Scranton... yes, even Barry Goldwater, conservative as he is.

More... (http://grrm.livejournal.com/287215.html)

I've never even heard of most of those "Republicans" he says he admires. Were they from this century? Are any of them still alive?

Besides the antiquity of his point of view, there's nothing wrong with requiring people to show an ID to vote. There are a lot of people voting who don't look like they're real citizens. It's a major problem that only Republicans are willing to address.