View Full Version : Live by Biography, Lose by Biography

07-05-2012, 10:39 AM
The Wall Street Journal editorial board is slamming Romney for lack of policy specificity and recent political mistakes. The insight about the mixed blessing of campaigning based on a biography was particularly interesting. But is it historically true, I wonder?

All of these attacks were predictable, in particular because they go to the heart of Mr. Romney's main campaign theme—that he can create jobs as President because he is a successful businessman and manager. But candidates who live by biography typically lose by it. See President John Kerry.

The biography that voters care about is their own, and they want to know how a candidate is going to improve their future. That means offering a larger economic narrative and vision than Mr. Romney has so far provided. It means pointing out the differences with specificity on higher taxes, government-run health care, punitive regulation, and the waste of politically-driven government spending.

Mr. Romney promised Republicans he was the best man to make the case against President Obama, whom they desperately want to defeat. So far Mr. Romney is letting them down.

More... (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304141204577506652734793044.html?m od=googlenews_wsj)

The editorial comes just days after Rupert Murdoch tweeted his criticism of the Romney campaign.

Mitt Romney needs a better campaign team if he wants to defeat President Barack Obama in the U.S. election in November, News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch said on a social media network on Sunday.

"Met Romney last week," Murdoch wrote on Twitter. "Tough O Chicago pols will be hard to beat unless he drops old friends from team and hires some real pros. Doubtful."

More... (http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/murdoch-romney-replace-staff/2012/07/02/id/444198)

Of course, if tomorrow's unemployment report is bad, then all will be forgotten and everybody will exclaim what a brilliant campaign Romney is running. But if the report is good, calls will intensify for a Romney campaign shakeup. Most people lack the discipline to objectively evaluate a political campaign. It's why politics is so entertaining.