View Full Version : Wildfires and Obama

06-30-2012, 05:03 AM
So.. I noticed Obama flew to CO today to look at the destruction of the Wildfires still raging. The fires started on June 9th. Have destroyed well over 400 homes, and killed 2 people so far.

Flash back 1 year+.. When Texas had a single fire that killed 2 and destroyed 1500+ homes. And that was just one fire, there had been multiple major fires.

Did Obama visit? yes.. yes he did.. in May.. for a Fund raiser. "You got fires here, well.. sorry to hear that, but I just came for the money, cough it up" Disaster relief? Denied. Until July 1st, and then only partially. I mean.. Whats 1,645 homes burned by one fire in one month. They are only Texans. Who cares...

Wait.. a fire in CO? let me get on the plane and look important! and Look.. here is a great Quote.. After declaring a "major disaster" in the state early Friday and promising federal aid, Obama got a firsthand view of the fires and their toll on residential communities. More than 30,000 people have been evacuated in what is now the most destructive wildfire in state history.

"Whether it's fires in Colorado or flooding in the northern parts of Florida, when natural disasters like this hit, America comes together," Obama said after touring a neighborhood where the fire left some homes standing but leveled surrounding properties. "We all recognize that there but for the grace of God go I. We've got to make sure that we have each others' backs."


So.. let me get this right.. CO.. a state he won and he hopes to win, gets disaster relief right away, and a presidential photo op and visit.

Texas.. gets shit cause well, they are Red.

Does Obama even KNOW he's the President of the Entire U.S.? Not just the parts that vote for him?

06-30-2012, 05:33 AM
Dirty mexicans starting fires to cook beans I'm sure.

06-30-2012, 06:15 AM
I'm sure Obama was in no way genuinely concerned for the people of Colorado. It's statistically improbable that he went there to simply express his concern. It's much more likely that our president, who has built his career upon public service, went to Colorado to garner votes and Nothing Else.

Fuck. Jarvan. Are you just covered in tinfoil hats and surrounded by HAM radio codes in a tornado shelter somewhere?! This is how I picture you.

06-30-2012, 06:40 AM
I'm sure Obama was in no way genuinely concerned for the people of Colorado. It's statistically improbable that he went there to simply express his concern. It's much more likely that our president, who has built his career upon public service, went to Colorado to garner votes and Nothing Else.

Fuck. Jarvan. Are you just covered in tinfoil hats and surrounded by HAM radio codes in a tornado shelter somewhere?! This is how I picture you.

I am also sure he cared deeply about the people of Texas, and not the money he was getting there at the time.

As for his Career in public service, the only people who spend their entire life doing "public Service" are either power hungry -99.99% of those seeking the Presidency- or money hungry. Or in some cases, both. This is true for all of them, no single party.

But.. I am sorry.. I guess he just you know, Forgot about the suffering in Texas for the 9 months is was ravaged by wildfires. You know, he had so much on his mind, fundraiser, Golf Games the NCAA Brackets.

I Guess when Obama does something monumentally stupid, or apparently partisan, it's just a conspiracy theory. If a Repub does it, it's cause he is an asshole and should be impeached or something, huh?

Fuck Disco, I didn't know you were a Mindless zombie that follows everything their told and lights candles for the Savior of the Human race Obama. This is how I picture you.

06-30-2012, 07:46 AM
Fuck Disco, I didn't know you were a Mindless zombie that follows everything their told and lights candles for the Savior of the Human race Obama.

How the fuck did you not know this?

06-30-2012, 10:17 AM
How the fuck did you not know this?

Your right, I should have realized. 95% of the PC is mindless zombies when it comes to Obama.

06-30-2012, 10:54 AM
The first Colorado wildfire was in March, and killed three people. March to June is the same interval as April to July.


06-30-2012, 06:48 PM
The first Colorado wildfire was in March, and killed three people. March to June is the same interval as April to July.


Texas Governor Rick Perry declared a State of Disaster starting on December 21, 2010 and renewed the proclamation every month. On April 16, 2011 Perry asked that President Barack Obama declare 252 of 254 Texas counties as disaster areas due to wildfires and wildfire danger;[7] the request was partially approved on July 1, 2011.

So.. April to July.. when he started ASKING the President to declare it. How many months has Colorado been asking? Oh wait, they didn't have to. So.. 4 Months of Wildfires before The Governor of a state has to start asking the president, and then 2 more months for the president to act.

That means.. lets see.. July Colorado should start asking for help. Then in October Obama can partially help them out. Yeah, that sounds right.

EVEN taking that into account.. explain gain to me why Obama's only visit to Texas that entire time was for a fundraiser? I tried to find a speech he did in Texas where he said America pulls together for Americans..couldn't find one. Maybe he just doesn't consider Texans as Americans?

06-30-2012, 10:12 PM
Your right, I should have realized. 95% of the PC is mindless zombies when it comes to Obama.

They're coming to get you, Barbara.

06-30-2012, 10:54 PM
Texas Governor Rick Perry declared a State of Disaster starting on December 21, 2010 and renewed the proclamation every month. On April 16, 2011 Perry asked that President Barack Obama declare 252 of 254 Texas counties as disaster areas due to wildfires and wildfire danger;[7] the request was partially approved on July 1, 2011.

So.. April to July.. when he started ASKING the President to declare it. How many months has Colorado been asking? Oh wait, they didn't have to. So.. 4 Months of Wildfires before The Governor of a state has to start asking the president, and then 2 more months for the president to act.

That means.. lets see.. July Colorado should start asking for help. Then in October Obama can partially help them out. Yeah, that sounds right.The first (human) deaths in Texas were in April. My explanation is internally consistent.
EVEN taking that into account.. explain gain to me why Obama's only visit to Texas that entire time was for a fundraiser? I tried to find a speech he did in Texas where he said America pulls together for Americans..couldn't find one. Maybe he just doesn't consider Texans as Americans?As President, he could have had any number of other responsibilities to take care of in early 2011. Killing Osama bin Laden, the debt ceiling fiasco, a new Secretary of Defense, I'm sure plenty of other things.

I would be really happy if you revealed that this was all just a prank to make fun of Kanye.

06-30-2012, 11:22 PM
Yo Texas Ima let you finish but Colorado has the best wildfire of all time OF ALL TIME??

07-01-2012, 04:37 AM
The first (human) deaths in Texas were in April. My explanation is internally consistent.As President, he could have had any number of other responsibilities to take care of in early 2011. Killing Osama bin Laden, the debt ceiling fiasco, a new Secretary of Defense, I'm sure plenty of other things.

I would be really happy if you revealed that this was all just a prank to make fun of Kanye.

So what your saying is.. While Texas burned, it was perfectly reasonable for him to go there and ask people for Money from him, but he couldn't take the time to offer similar words to them as CO, no offer them what they needed in help. Gotcha.

As President, there is always much better things to be doing.. Fundraisers, Golf, Brackets, fundraisers.. -named twice cause that's what he is best at-

So your saying it's ONLY a disaster once someone dies, up until then the entire state could burn? If Houston it'self burned to the ground but everyone survived, I guess that wouldn't be a disaster in Your eyes, huh?

07-01-2012, 12:41 PM
If you can't see the similarities between what you're doing and what Kanye did following Hurricane Katrina, there's just no hope. Good day, sir!

07-01-2012, 12:57 PM
Obama hates white people.

07-01-2012, 01:51 PM
I think he missed a great opportunity in CO.....
mandatory FIRE INSURACE by 2013 for every american....this is NOT a tax!

07-01-2012, 01:55 PM
I think he missed a great opportunity in CO.....
mandatory FIRE INSURACE by 2013 for every american....this is NOT a tax!

This is fantastic. YOU'RE FANTASTIC.