View Full Version : Test Your Implicit Prejudice

03-25-2012, 03:52 PM
Test your implicit preference for light or dark skinned people here..


The test takes about five minutes. While discussing the Trayvon Martin case, David Brooks recommended it to the audience of Meet the Press today.

There are several tests. Brooks was referring to the one on race, which takes about five minutes to complete.

03-25-2012, 04:42 PM

Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Light Skin and Dark Skin.

The interpretation is described as 'automatic preference for Light Skin' if you responded faster when Light Skin faces and Good words were classified with the same key than when Dark Skin faces and Good words were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude of your result, your automatic preference may be described as 'slight', 'moderate', 'strong', or 'little to no preference'. Alternatively, you may have received feedback that 'there were too many errors to determine a result'.

03-25-2012, 04:46 PM
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

Like 17% of test takers.

03-25-2012, 04:49 PM
I already know I'm racist, I don't need some test to confirm it.

03-25-2012, 05:03 PM
Your data suggest a slight implicit preference for White People compared to Black People

I am apparently racist. Interesting. Also, I can see why TheE gets "light skin vs dark skin" when I get "white people vs black people" but why does Back get "European American vs African American"?

03-25-2012, 05:06 PM
When I filled out the initial questions I answered that I had a slight preference towards Europeans based on the history of my interpersonal relationships. ie. dating, social circles, living environments, work environments, etc which have all been predominantly white.

Stanley Burrell
03-25-2012, 05:27 PM
There were too many errors made to determine a result. (I guess I divided by zero because every single time some stupid word like "Love" "Wonderful" and "Flowers" popped up I just hammered the red "X" button.)

Your data suggest a moderate implicit preference for Barack Obama compared to Mitt Romney.

I'd probably've gotten a slightly implicit preference for G. W. Bush because I have eyesight had I taken this test during this time of the year four years back. Maybe. The Black vs. White dichotomy from the other images would've Stroop effected my grey matter.

03-25-2012, 05:58 PM
Your data suggest a moderate implicit preference for Barack Obama compared to Mitt Romney.
Your data suggest a slight implicit preference for White People compared to Black People.

03-25-2012, 06:20 PM
Your data suggest little to no difference in implicit preference between Barack Obama and Ron Paul.
Your data suggest a slight implicit preference for Black People compared to White People.

Damn I AM racist!

03-25-2012, 06:24 PM
Your data suggest YO DAWG, FLAVA FLAAAAAAAV.

No. Yes.

03-25-2012, 06:43 PM
This test has been around for a while. I remember when it was popular during the last presidential cycle.

One persons science is another's pseudoscience:


03-25-2012, 06:53 PM
+1 for psuedo. Demonstrative for short term memory imprinting. This in no way negates my results of BeesKnees: Flava Flav.

03-25-2012, 07:51 PM
Did I do a different test?

Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

The interpretation is described as 'automatic preference for European American' if you responded faster when European American faces and Good words were classified with the same key than when African American faces and Good words were classified with the same key.

Not to discredit the results, but it switched the sides for the races, introduced "good" as the same side as European, and then switched which side "good" was on. So I hesitated the most on the last round where "good" and "African" were together, which coincidentally was the most difficult to keep track of after conditioning during the previous rounds.

03-25-2012, 08:05 PM
Not to discredit the results, but it switched the sides for the races, introduced "good" as the same side as European, and then switched which side "good" was on. So I hesitated the most on the last round where "good" and "African" were together, which coincidentally was the most difficult to keep track of after conditioning during the previous rounds.

I took a similar test to this one a few years ago and noticed the same thing. Although this test was different in that in had multiple rounds but in the previous one it was "Okay here are GOOD words, hit K for good words." "Okay here are BAD words, hit D for BAD words." "Okay these are white people hit K for white people." "Now these are black people, hit D for black people."

Okay, you got so used to hitting K for good words and white people and D for bad words and black people then the very last round they switch the letter for black and white people and used that to determine your prejudice or whatever. As I said before the test in this thread is slightly different because it skipped that whole "Here are the goods words!" phase and it had multiple rounds instead of just one where they mixed things up. But I still think that's why tests like these fail. If they just substituted black people for mimes and white people for clowns you would probably see similar results among people.

03-25-2012, 10:10 PM
I had lots of errors, but apparently I'm only 27% racist, which is nice.

03-25-2012, 10:35 PM
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

That was total bullshit, they had me doing the white/good black/bad for like 10 minutes and then when they switched it to black/good white/bad my excellent fucking motor skills were just too keyed in to make the switch. I FUCKING LOVE BLACK PEOPLE. I totally listen to rap music and the other day I went to this bar with a black disco group and remarked soon afterwards: "black people have just always been way cooler than us."

So whatever, dudes. Whatever.

03-25-2012, 10:41 PM
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

That was total bullshit, they had me doing the white/good black/bad for like 10 minutes and then when they switched it to black/good white/bad my excellent fucking motor skills were just too keyed in to make the switch. I FUCKING LOVE BLACK PEOPLE. I totally listen to rap music and the other day I went to this bar with a black disco group and remarked soon afterwards: "black people have just always been way cooler than us."

So whatever, dudes. Whatever.

Yes but do you have a black friend?

03-25-2012, 10:41 PM
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.



03-25-2012, 10:42 PM
Yes but do you have a black friend?

I had a really good one once for like six months, he was also gay. But then he started doing too much coke and had to move back to Indiana.

03-25-2012, 10:48 PM

Dude if you took this test their server would blow up and all the computer screens in their bullshit laboratory would just have David Duke's face on them and all the monkeys labeled 'unracist' would start fashioning their monkey diapers into clan hoods.


03-25-2012, 10:57 PM
Dude if you took this test their server would blow up and all the computer screens in their bullshit laboratory would just have David Duke's face on them and all the monkeys labeled 'unracist' would start fashioning their monkey diapers into clan hoods.


Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.


03-25-2012, 10:59 PM
Dude if you took this test their server would blow up and all the computer screens in their bullshit laboratory would just have David Duke's face on them and all the monkeys labeled 'unracist' would start fashioning their monkey diapers into clan hoods.


So we were walking around the LSU lakes one night. Huey Long had them put in because "black people are scared of water." This was me and several other white law school classmates of mine. I'm from Virginia and all three of them are from Louisiana. It is rather late (as we've been drinking, which is what you do in Louisiana, apart from eating) and we encounter a middle-aged (50sish?) black man in an LSU golf jacket. Immediately, like a breath of air, all three of my classmates are on the opposite side of the street. I say hello to the guy, being Virginian and drunk and through talking to him I figure out he's one of the awesome Tiger Stadium groundskeepers. All three of my classmates eventually sort of trickle back over and we walk on. All of these guys love LSU Athletics. I'm sure they would've gotten more out of the conversation than I did by far.

03-25-2012, 11:01 PM
Your data suggest a pronounced automatic preference for Linsensitivity.

03-25-2012, 11:02 PM
Your data suggest a pronounced automatic preference for Linsensitivity.

Hang in there. I am pretty sure Azns are the most racist against other Azns.

03-25-2012, 11:03 PM
Your data suggest a pronounced automatic preference for using phrases to death.


03-25-2012, 11:16 PM
If it makes you feel better, Jay, maybe you just strongly dislike (the uncanny-valley cartoonized versions of) black peoples' faces.

03-25-2012, 11:43 PM
Your results are reported below:

Your data suggest a moderate implicit preference for White People compared to Black People.
Your data suggest a slight implicit preference for Barack Obama compared to Rick Santorum.

So apparently I prefer white people, but that natural tendency doesn't overcome my hatred for rick santorum.

03-26-2012, 12:42 AM
I took a similar test to this one a few years ago and noticed the same thing. Although this test was different in that in had multiple rounds but in the previous one it was "Okay here are GOOD words, hit K for good words." "Okay here are BAD words, hit D for BAD words." "Okay these are white people hit K for white people." "Now these are black people, hit D for black people."

Okay, you got so used to hitting K for good words and white people and D for bad words and black people then the very last round they switch the letter for black and white people and used that to determine your prejudice or whatever. As I said before the test in this thread is slightly different because it skipped that whole "Here are the goods words!" phase and it had multiple rounds instead of just one where they mixed things up. But I still think that's why tests like these fail. If they just substituted black people for mimes and white people for clowns you would probably see similar results among people.

That's part of the test though - how quickly you start to associate good with white, and bad with black, and how quickly you can re-associate black with good and white with bad. The results screen says they test them in different orders for different people (IE, white with bad might be first in one test, but white with good might be first in yours).

03-26-2012, 01:53 AM
So apparently I prefer white people, but that natural tendency doesn't overcome my hatred for rick santorum.

That's somewhat rational, Santorum is just out there.

03-26-2012, 10:17 AM
I had a really good one once for like six months, he was also gay. But then he started doing too much coke and had to move back to Indiana.

I am pretty sure I know him. Fashion designer, used to live in LA, went to Depauw for undergrad?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-26-2012, 11:10 AM
I'd argue that I got conditioned in the first part to a certain tempo, and when they swapped sides, I had to conciously think of each one. I wonder if the test started out associating european with bad and afro with good, and then swapped, if it'd say I've a strong pref for afro. In either case, I definitely do not think I'm a racist - but I can probably be more open minded. I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect.
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

The interpretation is described as 'automatic preference for European American' if you responded faster when European American faces and Good words were classified with the same key than when African American faces and Good words were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude of your result, your automatic preference may be described as 'slight', 'moderate', 'strong', or 'little to no preference'. Alternatively, you may have received feedback that 'there were too many errors to determine a result' (javascript:void window.open('/implicit/demo/background/fast.html', 'FastResults', 'SCROLLBARS=YES,RESIZABLE=YES,WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=300 ');).

Drunken Durfin
03-26-2012, 11:13 AM
Your data suggest a slight automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

White kid that grew up as a minority child in the Mississippi Delta. I don't consider myself to be prejudiced at all on the basis of skin color. I have no tolerance for lazy people though, black, brown, green, plaid, red, white, yellow...

03-26-2012, 11:36 AM
I'd argue that I got conditioned in the first part to a certain tempo, and when they swapped sides, I had to conciously think of each one. I wonder if the test started out associating european with bad and afro with good, and then swapped, if it'd say I've a strong pref for afro. In either case, I definitely do not think I'm a racist - but I can probably be more open minded. I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect.
Your data suggest a strong automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

The interpretation is described as 'automatic preference for European American' if you responded faster when European American faces and Good words were classified with the same key than when African American faces and Good words were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude of your result, your automatic preference may be described as 'slight', 'moderate', 'strong', or 'little to no preference'. Alternatively, you may have received feedback that 'there were too many errors to determine a result' (javascript:void window.open('/implicit/demo/background/fast.html', 'FastResults', 'SCROLLBARS=YES,RESIZABLE=YES,WIDTH=300,HEIGHT=300 ');).Did you grow up in Canada like Jay did? It would be interesting to me to see the results geographically.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-26-2012, 12:38 PM
Did you grow up in Canada like Jay did? It would be interesting to me to see the results geographically.

No, I grew up all over the world (Panama, Japan, Germany, Arizona, Washington DC) before I went to college. I was always around different races regularly.

03-26-2012, 02:19 PM
I have no tolerance for lazy people though, black, brown, green, plaid, red, white, yellow...

This. Among my extended family (practically grew up in my grandmas house, huge family) the word "nigger" didn't apply to black people. It applied to people who were lazy or behaved in a niggardly fashion. When they meant black people specifically they tended to say colored.

By the same token, my uncles were also friends with Eddie Clearwater and were really into the chicago blues scene.

I guess you could say that I grew up in a family that provided everyone a chance to be something other than a stereotype, but once you locked yourself into a group with some kind of stereotypical behavior, that became your identifier.

From my own perspective, I agree that every man is equal and deserves fair and equal treatment. That doesn't mean that every man is my friend... but I am also not shallow enough to determine who I will and won't associate with based on skin color. That's just stupid. I prefer to hate people as individuals rather than as groups. Most of the people I hate are white, because I know a lot more white people than black people.