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09-27-2011, 11:28 AM

Awesome comment:

"Robert Stephens graduated from Carleton College (average cost: $42,942/year) in 2010 and now studies law at The George Washington University Law School (average cost: $70,449/year). His father has a Ph.D. and two master’s degrees; his mother also has a master’s degree. Only in America could a kid have been blessed with so much… and only in America could he still claim to be a victim."

09-27-2011, 11:33 AM
It was all fun and games until the Republican Congress destroyed America's economy.

09-27-2011, 11:35 AM
You mean until politicians in general (in both parties) destroyed America's economy.

09-27-2011, 11:38 AM
You mean until politicians in general (in both parties) destroyed America's economy.

Shh. This is a zone for party vs party sports only. We can't actually address this shit like a country.

09-27-2011, 11:41 AM
Black guy: "ARREST ME!!"
Cop: "ok, you're under arrest."


09-27-2011, 11:45 AM
Shh. This is a zone for party vs party sports only. We can't actually address this shit like a country.

My bad :(

09-27-2011, 11:51 AM
More comments from this video:

"There’s just one problem: Robert Stephens’ story is (surprise!) completely bogus.

Phone inquiries into the county property records & taxpayer services office reveal that the Stephens family home is not and never has been in foreclosure, that property taxes had been paid in full this year and the remaining balance on their mortgage for the half-million dollar home is less than one year’s worth of tuition+fees at their son’s law school."

That makes more sense.. the kid is just feigning outrage and wants to be part of the hippie crowd.

09-27-2011, 11:54 AM
"Occupy Wall Street" is what happens when internet nerds try to plan an "Arab Spring"-type 'uprising', assuming they know more about social networking than the citizens in the Arab countries who used it effectively. Turns out they have no cohesive message, so this is just a joke.

09-27-2011, 11:59 AM
"Occupy Wall Street" is what happens when internet nerds try to plan an "Arab Spring"-type 'uprising', assuming they know more about social networking than the citizens in the Arab countries who used it effectively. Turns out they have no cohesive message, so this is just a joke.

The current Wall Street rally isn't helping their cause either. :(

And how long has this been going on.. a week?

09-27-2011, 12:08 PM
Regardless of how I feel about why there are protesters occupying Wall Street, I am extremely shocked at how certain members of the NYPD are acting. If www.occupywallstreet.org is correct, there have been over 100 arrests, many for video taping police, and possibly up to 200. The instances yesterday (maybe 2 days ago) in which the police were kenneling protesters then macing and tackling them is horrific. Even if we disagree with why they are protesting, the way that the NYPD is responding is just going to make the situation worse.

09-27-2011, 12:22 PM
I have a difficult time believing anything from www.occupywallstreet.org They have everything to gain to promote the idea that the NYPD is abusing them and that they are only victims, peacefully protesting. When was the last time you heard of an actual peaceful protest from these types?

09-27-2011, 12:38 PM
I mean its on tape...


it definately happened.

09-27-2011, 12:38 PM
When was the last time you heard of an actual peaceful protest from these types?

The only things you hear are from the mainstream conservative media. You also won't hear them call the GOP out for ruining our country and it's economy.

09-27-2011, 12:55 PM
Much like getting that admission from Glen Beck.

09-27-2011, 01:18 PM
The only things you hear are from the mainstream conservative media. You also won't hear them call the GOP out for ruining our country and it's economy.
I love it how to the warped liberal mind the Democrats who controlled ALL OF CONGRESS from 2006-2008 have no blame, but the Republicans who have had control of just half of congress for less than a year have ruined our economy.

Or is this all still Bush's fault from pre-2006? Really Pre-2004?

After all Clinton handed Bush a roaring economy and then nothing at all bad happened that he had to deal with, right? Or did perhaps he inherit the dot-com recession from Clinton and then have to deal with 9/11, which of course had massive economic consequences?

If Bush drove us into a ditch, and the Democratic congress having nothing to do with it, fine, believe your fiction. But Obama had two full years of majorities in congress to pass the policies needed to get us out of this ditch. How is that working out for you?

This is why his poll numbers keep falling. He keeps shifting blame, but the American people aren't as stupid as he'd like to believe.

09-27-2011, 01:19 PM
I love it how to the warped liberal mind the Democrats who controlled ALL OF CONGRESS from 2006-2008 have no blame, but the Republicans who have had control of just half of congress for less than a year have ruined our economy.

Or is this all still Bush's fault from pre-2006? Really Pre-2004?

After all Clinton handed Bush a roaring economy and then nothing at all bad happened that he had to deal with, right? Or did perhaps he inherit the dot-com recession from Clinton and then have to deal with 9/11, which of course had massive economic consequences?

If Bush drove us into a ditch, and the Democratic congress having nothing to do with it, fine, believe your fiction. But Obama had two full years of majorities in congress to pass the policies needed to get us out of this ditch. How is that working out for you?

This is why his poll numbers keep falling. He keeps shifting blame, but the American people aren't as stupid as he'd like to believe.


09-27-2011, 01:20 PM
CRB must have missed the memo from the other thread.


09-27-2011, 01:21 PM
CRB must have missed the memo from the other thread.


It's all love!

To show it I'm gonna let you guys fix the budget.


09-27-2011, 01:26 PM
This is why his poll numbers keep falling. He keeps shifting blame, but the American people aren't as stupid as he'd like to believe.

Which is why more and more people are starting to listen to Ron Paul's message.

09-27-2011, 01:42 PM
I love it how to the warped liberal mind the Democrats who controlled ALL OF CONGRESS from 2006-2008 have no blame, but the Republicans who have had control of just half of congress for less than a year have ruined our economy.

Or is this all still Bush's fault from pre-2006? Really Pre-2004?

After all Clinton handed Bush a roaring economy and then nothing at all bad happened that he had to deal with, right? Or did perhaps he inherit the dot-com recession from Clinton and then have to deal with 9/11, which of course had massive economic consequences?

If Bush drove us into a ditch, and the Democratic congress having nothing to do with it, fine, believe your fiction. But Obama had two full years of majorities in congress to pass the policies needed to get us out of this ditch. How is that working out for you?

This is why his poll numbers keep falling. He keeps shifting blame, but the American people aren't as stupid as he'd like to believe.


09-27-2011, 09:59 PM
MSNBC reports on Police Brutality during the protests


09-27-2011, 10:05 PM




09-27-2011, 11:56 PM
Watched the first 3 minutes of that video and got bored after I saw absolutely nothing even remotely close to police brutality.

09-28-2011, 12:00 AM
I miss NYC. Also, the NYPD can take down commercial aircraft:


09-28-2011, 01:47 AM
Occupy the Planet!


09-28-2011, 01:48 AM
Hah! I guess this is what happens when you have so many educated young people without work.

How exciting.

09-28-2011, 09:26 AM
Hah! I guess this is what happens when you have so many educated young people without work.

How exciting.

Yes, explains why their by committee approach has not yet resulted in a tangible agenda.

09-28-2011, 09:59 AM
Yes, explains why their by committee approach has not yet resulted in a tangible agenda.

More on police brutality and the news network blackout.


09-28-2011, 10:11 AM

This is what Occupy the Planet is working towards. For those who have said BUT THEY HAVE NO DIRECTION WUT THIS 4.

09-28-2011, 10:15 AM
So, it's not to initiate a revolution in this country to make the government into something the left has desired for over a hundred years?

09-28-2011, 11:30 AM
What a retarded performance.

09-28-2011, 11:35 AM
So basically another slow news day it seems...

09-28-2011, 08:14 PM
They should realize that everyone left Wall Street a decade ago. They need to come protest in midtown

09-29-2011, 11:10 AM
If you're going to protest, don't do it near Ground Zero. The police are especially vigilant there. You can all remember how the Ground Zero Mosque protesters were treated the same exact way.

09-29-2011, 05:06 PM
I love it how to the warped liberal mind the Democrats who controlled ALL OF CONGRESS from 2006-2008 have no blame, but the Republicans who have had control of just half of congress for less than a year have ruined our economy.

Or is this all still Bush's fault from pre-2006? Really Pre-2004?

After all Clinton handed Bush a roaring economy and then nothing at all bad happened that he had to deal with, right? Or did perhaps he inherit the dot-com recession from Clinton and then have to deal with 9/11, which of course had massive economic consequences?

If Bush drove us into a ditch, and the Democratic congress having nothing to do with it, fine, believe your fiction. But Obama had two full years of majorities in congress to pass the policies needed to get us out of this ditch. How is that working out for you?

This is why his poll numbers keep falling. He keeps shifting blame, but the American people aren't as stupid as he'd like to believe.

Ok, then, if it's as simple as you're trying to make it out to be, let me pose a hypothetical: if Obama had proposed a $2 trillion stimulus in Feb. 2009 (instead of the $800+ billion he originally proposed), would you have been ok with it? yes or no? According to you, he had the majorities in Congress, so he should have been able to ram it through.

09-29-2011, 05:35 PM

New York City labor unions are preparing to back the unwieldy grassroots band occupying a park in Lower Manhattan, in a move that could mark a significant shift in the tenor of the anti-corporate Occupy Wall Street protests and send thousands more people into the streets.

The Transit Workers Union Local 100's executive committee, which oversees the organization of subway and bus workers, voted unanimously Wednesday night to support the protesters. The union claims 38,000 members. A union-backed organizing coalition, which orchestrated a large May 12 march on Wall Street before the protests, is planning a rally on Oct. 5 in explicit support. And SEIU 32BJ, which represents doormen, security guards and maintenance workers, is using its Oct. 12 rally to express solidarity with the Zuccotti Park protesters.

09-30-2011, 12:11 PM
They should start rallying to absolve my student debt. I'm too busy working to pay it off or I'd be there.

09-30-2011, 12:28 PM
They should start rallying to absolve my student debt. Haha, I'm so with you on this one.

09-30-2011, 12:36 PM
They should start rallying to absolve my student debt. I'm too busy working to pay it off or I'd be there.

They already are (bolded):

To repeal the Citizens United Supreme Court decision (through a constitutional amendment)

To remove the bull sculpture from Wall Street (as suggested to us by a man who walked by dressed as a banker but wearing a noose instead of a tie)

Some form of debt cancellation (either for everyone or just for students)

Pay-as-you-go military intervention (so that wars could not be waged without Congress agreeing to finance them immediately)

Taxes on small financial transactions (one version of this is known as a Tobin tax)

Full employment

A social wage or guaranteed income (also described as a negative income tax)

Universal care centers (for children and the elderly)

Reinstating the Glass-Steagall act (a banking reform passed in 1933 and partially repealed in 1980)

Paid sick leave for all working Americans

Greater political transparency in general


I love how it's the bank's fault that they have all these student loans.. and has nothing to do with the universities who charge outrageous prices for higher education.

09-30-2011, 01:25 PM
They already are (bolded):

To repeal the Citizens United Supreme Court decision (through a constitutional amendment)

To remove the bull sculpture from Wall Street (as suggested to us by a man who walked by dressed as a banker but wearing a noose instead of a tie)

Some form of debt cancellation (either for everyone or just for students)

Pay-as-you-go military intervention (so that wars could not be waged without Congress agreeing to finance them immediately)

Taxes on small financial transactions (one version of this is known as a Tobin tax)

Full employment

A social wage or guaranteed income (also described as a negative income tax)

Universal care centers (for children and the elderly)

Reinstating the Glass-Steagall act (a banking reform passed in 1933 and partially repealed in 1980)

Paid sick leave for all working Americans

Greater political transparency in general


I love how it's the bank's fault that they have all these student loans.. and has nothing to do with the universities who charge outrageous prices for higher education.

I'm good with the Citizens United repeal and Glass-Steagall reinstatement, and always like political transparency. Financial transaction tax, not sure about. The rest are pie in the sky or dumb.

09-30-2011, 02:04 PM
Taxes on small financial transactions (one version of this is known as a Tobin tax)

I was not familiar with that one before today. Now that I've glanced over the Wikipedia article and am consequently an expert, I think it would make more sense to change "small" to "short-term."

09-30-2011, 04:04 PM
I love how it's the bank's fault that they have all these student loans.. and has nothing to do with the universities who charge outrageous prices for higher education.

How can a price be outrageous if people are paying it?

09-30-2011, 04:33 PM
How can a price be outrageous if people are paying it?

The fact that one of their demands is for their student loans to be forgiven should have been a big clue.

09-30-2011, 04:46 PM
They should add "Also we don't want to work or pay for this, thanks".

09-30-2011, 04:56 PM
Airline pilots join the protests


09-30-2011, 05:00 PM

09-30-2011, 05:40 PM
The fact that one of their demands is for their student loans to be forgiven should have been a big clue.

People accepted a future liability and now don't want to pay it? Wow, that must mean universities are charging OUTRAGEOUS prices.

Or, fuck, maybe the students are OUTRAGEOUSLY incompetent?

09-30-2011, 05:51 PM
People accepted a future liability and now don't want to pay it? Wow, that must mean universities are charging OUTRAGEOUS prices.

Or, fuck, maybe the students are OUTRAGEOUSLY incompetent?

Or they got taken advantage of by trends that started under Reagan.

09-30-2011, 05:55 PM
People accepted a future liability and now don't want to pay it? Wow, that must mean universities are charging OUTRAGEOUS prices.

Or, fuck, maybe the students are OUTRAGEOUSLY incompetent?

Let's be honest.. you don't view them as outrageous because you aren't footing the bill.

Wait until you get out and get a job.. have sex.. and someday have a kid of your own that wants to go off to college. My kid is currently applying to colleges in the 30K a year range.. something I consider outrageous.

09-30-2011, 05:57 PM
Let's be honest.. you don't view them as outrageous because you aren't footing the bill.

Wait until you get out and get a job.. have sex.. and someday have a kid of your own that wants to go off to college. My kid is currently applying to colleges in the 30K a year range.. something I consider outrageous.

Suggest your actually good state schools.

09-30-2011, 06:06 PM
Suggest your actually good state schools.

I've tried...

09-30-2011, 06:07 PM
You could always refuse to pay 30k a year for a private school when you have good public schools available to you.

09-30-2011, 06:12 PM
Thanks for the advice, Captain Obvious. I'll take it from here.

09-30-2011, 06:17 PM
Man, I hope I'm not so bitter when I'm in my golden years.

09-30-2011, 06:24 PM
How can a price be outrageous if people are paying it?

Subjective by definition.

09-30-2011, 09:37 PM
Man, I hope I'm not so bitter when I'm in my golden years.

Seriously.. you already have enough points against you as it is.

09-30-2011, 09:49 PM
The majority of employers really don't care where your degree came from and what your grades are, as long as you have one.

This is why the university of phoenix is so popular.

09-30-2011, 11:39 PM
Let's be honest.. you don't view them as outrageous because you aren't footing the bill.

Wait until you get out and get a job.. have sex.. and someday have a kid of your own that wants to go off to college. My kid is currently applying to colleges in the 30K a year range.. something I consider outrageous.

Let's be honest.. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

My school costs $55k per year, including housing but not including meals (if I had a meal plan it would be $60k, and since I do think that the meal plans are an outrageous price, I don't have one). [Before you attack these figures, no, I don't have to pay all of it. And if you would have to pay the sticker price for your kids, then they're clearly fucking stupid, so whatever.]

Let's be honest.. an outrageous price would mean no units are sold. However, I don't know of a single highly reputable college that has open spots. Economics, bro: you obviously don't have a degree in it (I do -- except for gen eds that I didn't take so that I could stay for 4 years).

If you think $30k is outrageous, don't fucking pay it; but don't tell me that "the price is outrageous" because it's very obvious that millions of people don't feel the same way.

09-30-2011, 11:41 PM
PS. I have already planned for my children to go to college, so I will be footing the bill, and gladly. I'm sorry that you didn't have the foresight to do the same, but again, I think it's correlated with one of the two of us having a degree in economics.

09-30-2011, 11:51 PM
The majority of employers really don't care where your degree came from and what your grades are, as long as you have one.

This is why the university of phoenix is so popular.

Look at the placement rates (and positions) of Ivy/MIT/Stanford grads. Sure, you can get some job with any degree, but you definitely can't get the best ones. Then again, these people are a strict minority, but they clearly show that going to a top school is almost a guarantee that you get a better job than going literally anywhere else.

10-01-2011, 12:09 AM
Seriously.. you already have enough points against you as it is.


10-01-2011, 08:14 AM
I see Bob's point from an economics standpoint but let's face it, our culture has pushed "college for everyone" to the point that schools popped up charging way more than anyone would ever pay for had the culture not made it almost shameful NOT to go to college. Thankfully I went to a state school for undergrad. My law school loans blow but I knew what I was getting into for them. If they get forgiven, I won't protest against it but I will feel like a hypocrite (gimmie some of that government teet).

10-01-2011, 08:59 AM
PS. I have already planned for my children to go to college, so I will be footing the bill, and gladly. I'm sorry that you didn't have the foresight to do the same, but again, I think it's correlated with one of the two of us having a degree in economics.

You do realize that the term "outrageous" is an opinion.. and trying to prove that my opinion of the price of college isn't outrageous is pretty stupid. You probably would have known that if it were taught to you.. but clearly, you haven't hit that lesson yet.

As far as my kid's college costs go.. I'll simply scratch a check for the full amount.. which is correlated with one of us being in the real world, having a real job, having real sex with a real woman to make real children to send to a real college.

It's highly unlikely you will ever have to worry about any of that real world stuff though.

10-01-2011, 10:26 AM
Look at the placement rates (and positions) of Ivy/MIT/Stanford grads. Sure, you can get some job with any degree, but you definitely can't get the best ones. Then again, these people are a strict minority, but they clearly show that going to a top school is almost a guarantee that you get a better job than going literally anywhere else.

It really depends on what field of interest you have. If you want to be one of the top investment bankers (or something similarly elite) in the US then yes top of your class at an Ivy league school is the way to go. this is way <1% of available jobs. Even having this education is no guarantee. You still have to be connected and have family history to even be considered.

My URS professor graduated from MIT. I go to Wright State. :shrug:

I have the potential to make 150k a year with my masters degree from Wright State, working for the government in a social field. I also live in Ohio where the cost of living is fairly low. Obviously I still have to land the job, but I promise you I wont be competing against ivy league grads.

Am I going to be filthy rich? no, but that's also a trade off for working for the government. It's not really something I'm interested in, as I'm more interested in serving our disadvantaged citizens. An Ivy league degree would only make me a novelty.

To summarize top level ridiculously over priced schools are not necessary for 99.9% of the population.

10-01-2011, 11:07 AM
I love how it's the bank's fault that they have all these student loans.. and has nothing to do with the universities who charge outrageous prices for higher education.

You do realize that the term "outrageous" is an opinion.. and trying to prove that my opinion of the price of college isn't outrageous is pretty stupid.

Thanks for admitting that your original point had absolutely no meaning. I'll be sure to throw my opinions into arguments in the future and then attack the character of anyone who thinks my argument sucks as a result.

10-01-2011, 11:42 AM
I see Bob's point from an economics standpoint but let's face it, our culture has pushed "college for everyone" to the point that schools popped up charging way more than anyone would ever pay for had the culture not made it almost shameful NOT to go to college. Thankfully I went to a state school for undergrad. My law school loans blow but I knew what I was getting into for them. If they get forgiven, I won't protest against it but I will feel like a hypocrite (gimmie some of that government teet).

Are you cashing in your LS loans for public service?

10-01-2011, 11:44 AM
Thanks for admitting that your original point had absolutely no meaning. I'll be sure to throw my opinions into arguments in the future and then attack the character of anyone who thinks my argument sucks as a result.

So, it's ok for you to attack someone:

Let's be honest.. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

but if someone returns the favor, you cry foul? You poor, little victim you. :(

Again, when someone calls something "outrageous", it's their opinion. It shouldn't be that difficult for you to grasp, yet.. you continue to have difficulty with it.

10-01-2011, 12:25 PM
You think me saying that you don't know what you're talking about when you're telling me about my own personal life is an attack on you? Get real, dickhead.

10-01-2011, 12:52 PM
You think me saying that you don't know what you're talking about when you're telling me about my own personal life is an attack on you? Get real, dickhead.

And you believe that me telling you that you wouldn't understand since you haven't had a real job, had sex with a real woman or had any real kids is an attack? That's just stating facts.

10-01-2011, 12:57 PM
Let's be honest.. you don't view them as outrageous because you aren't footing the bill.

Fuck you.

10-01-2011, 05:39 PM
You still have to be connected and have family history to even be considered.

Not true. Not saying there aren't plenty of stupid people who DO get great jobs BECAUSE they have family history or are connected, but there is certainly an opportunity for you to get there even without those things. The odds are longer, sure, but that's why America is great. Ivy League schools offer plenty of financial aid to promising young kids that can't afford college. Some of them do well in school and get great jobs at great firms.

10-01-2011, 07:55 PM
It's all love!

To show it I'm gonna let you guys fix the budget.


I win economics! (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/11/13/weekinreview/deficits-graphic.html?choices=001300jk)

10-01-2011, 08:17 PM
Also. I think the real problem is overpopulation.

We should just kill 1/5 of all americans. This would solve the unemployment problem, and... well... bullets are cheap... even 23million of them.

10-01-2011, 09:51 PM
We should just kill 1/5 of all americans. This would solve the unemployment problem, and... well... bullets are cheap... even 23million of them.

How many people do you think live in America?

10-01-2011, 10:20 PM
How many people do you think live in America?

Try not to get too worked up because my numbers don't quite sync up.

I know you're all butt-hurt because PB continues to make you look like the idiot you rightfully are.

Clearly you need to step back and put on your objectivity lenses. The post wasn't serious.

Or is the idea of killing 1/5 of americans an idea you consider worth debating?

10-01-2011, 10:41 PM

10-01-2011, 11:37 PM
PS. I have already planned for my children to go to college, so I will be footing the bill, and gladly. I'm sorry that you didn't have the foresight to do the same, but again, I think it's correlated with one of the two of us having a degree in economics.

Man... I really can't wait until life kicks you in the balls and you realize that no amount of planning can guarantee you the future you think is in store for you.

You could luck out, though- sometimes the kick never comes. Then you can just be a smug douchebag forever.

10-02-2011, 09:33 AM
Thankfully I went to a state school for undergrad. My law school loans blow but I knew what I was getting into for them. If they get forgiven, I won't protest against it but I will feel like a hypocrite (gimmie some of that government teet).Sort of a similar case for me. I have no undergrad debt to speak of; full academic scholarship, ftw. However, my grad school loans, which, I, along with millions of others, pay on time every month, can seriously eat a dick. I take full responsibility for any debt I incur, but hey, it was just the thought, albeit a fairytale that will never come to fruition, that counted.

10-02-2011, 10:22 AM
Man... I really can't wait until life kicks you in the balls and you realize that no amount of planning can guarantee you the future you think is in store for you.

You could luck out, though- sometimes the kick never comes. Then you can just be a smug douchebag forever.


10-02-2011, 11:08 AM
I still hate that the WITP fags run around with V for vendetta masks using the anon name. Douches.

10-02-2011, 11:09 AM

This place seems like it's filled with a bunch of backlash's.

10-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Let's be honest.. you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

My school costs $55k per year, including housing but not including meals (if I had a meal plan it would be $60k, and since I do think that the meal plans are an outrageous price, I don't have one). [Before you attack these figures, no, I don't have to pay all of it. And if you would have to pay the sticker price for your kids, then they're clearly fucking stupid, so whatever.]

Let's be honest.. an outrageous price would mean no units are sold. However, I don't know of a single highly reputable college that has open spots. Economics, bro: you obviously don't have a degree in it (I do -- except for gen eds that I didn't take so that I could stay for 4 years).

If you think $30k is outrageous, don't fucking pay it; but don't tell me that "the price is outrageous" because it's very obvious that millions of people don't feel the same way.
I would get a refund. Obviously you didn't learn anything.

What sort of price distortion happens when the cost of something is subsidized by a third party (the government) and the purchaser or consumer does not bear the full cost?

You seem pretty proud of that piece of paper you have, I wouldn't be. It obviously does not seem to correlate to any education, or learnin' to you.

I could have gone to MIT, Harvard, Yale. I wanted to go to MIT bad, then I found out how much it cost. I felt I shouldn't burden my parents so, who had 4 kids really close together. None of my three brothers had the scores to go to such schools, I thought it'd be unfair for my schooling to cost as much as them combined. I wasn't going to get any merit scholarships at those schools (not being a savant), and I'm from an upper middle class family, too rich for need based scholarships, too poor to avoid the full cost. I could have gotten loans, but not subsidized ones from the government for the same reason.

Someone who went to private school, by choice, who feels entitled to some sort of debt forgiveness. I would like to take a dump in their mouth.

Do you know what they call the guy who graduates from the top of his class at Harvard Medical School? Doctor. Do you know who they call the guy who graduates at the bottom of his class from... Eastern Tennessee Medical School? Doctor.

You can say "Look at what all the alumni have done?" And you may have a point, but again you obviously didn't learn too much for your degree because you fail to realize your observational experiment lacks just one uncontrolled variable. Going to Harvard didn't make someone exceptional, they were already exceptional before they went. Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford, these attract the cream of the crop because of their reputation.

You can't take a turd, send the turd to private school, and turn it into a diamond (you being a case in point). If you paid the tuition hoping to turn into a diamond you're the sucker, they sold you a story and you bought it.

My kids are going to go to a private high school that costs $20,000 a year. I'll pay that because it is significantly better. But after that, if they want to go to a state university, I'm cool with it. For the most part, a fancy private school degree is nothing different than a roll of socks stuffed down your pants. It may pad your ego, but it doesn't change who you are.

The only exception would be for certain scientific areas of study where different schools have different facilities. MIT has a robotics lab, and really good materials science programs, if that is what you wanted you wouldn't get it somewhere else. Here where I live Michigan State has a cyclotron, and they're building a new atom smasher called the FRIB. MSU produces something like 80% of all nuclear physicist degrees in the country because of it.

But for subjects taught everywhere where you don't need billion dollar facilities, it doesn't really matter where you go. In the real world people care little and less about the name on your degree, and if you chose to overpay for your education that is your problem, not society's.


10-02-2011, 04:10 PM
I could have gone to MIT, Harvard, Yale. I wanted to go to MIT bad, then I found out how much it cost. I felt I shouldn't burden my parents so, who had 4 kids really close together. None of my three brothers had the scores to go to such schools, I thought it'd be unfair for my schooling to cost as much as them combined. I wasn't going to get any merit scholarships at those schools (not being a savant), and I'm from an upper middle class family, too rich for need based scholarships, too poor to avoid the full cost. I could have gotten loans, but not subsidized ones from the government for the same reason.

Remember this?

Actually on college placement tests, which was the last time my intelligence was objectively measured, I placed in the 99.5 percentile. But you didn't really want that answer did you? I suppose in the years since it is possible I got really stupid. That'll just have to be a hope you can grasp. Then again I'm white, and we all know those tests are racist, so maybe I've always been stupid and was just coasting on my skin color.

I did.

Then, I lol'd. :club:

10-02-2011, 04:24 PM
I read the quote in Ceyrin's post, and MIT doesn't give merit scholarships, so I'm not going to bother reading crb's post since it's obviously bullshit. So when you don't get a response from me, crb, this is why.

10-02-2011, 04:32 PM
Remember this?

I did.

Then, I lol'd. :club:

I didn't contradict myself, dumbass.

10-02-2011, 04:49 PM
I read the quote in Ceyrin's post, and MIT doesn't give merit scholarships, so I'm not going to bother reading crb's post since it's obviously bullshit. So when you don't get a response from me, crb, this is why.

Really, Bob, throwing in the towel already?

Do I need to ask my parents for the box of all the crap from when I was in school so I can scan something and post it on the Internet so you believe me? Don't flatter yourself.

I didn't actually apply to any of those schools, like I said, tuition too high. I assumed that I wouldn't be able to get any need scholarships because my parents made too much money, and the one school where I did look into scholarships, MSU, where my older brother was going (and where I ended up). I figured I didn't have much chance. There were only like 10 pure merit based ones, for an undergraduate freshman population of 10,000+. I didn't ace my tests, I did very well. I didn't ace them. Well, I aced the reading comprehension section and the science reasoning section - but god damn grammar fucked me. Who cares what a dangling participle is? So anyways I assumed I wouldn't qualify for any at an elite school like MIT, maybe I should have and I could have found out that they didn't have any (though, you and I are not of a generation, so maybe they did back then).

I really don't give a shit if you believe me or not. It doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is on Monday morning you need to go to the Dean's office at the overpriced school you attend and ask for a refund because you never learned what subsidies and moral hazard does to pricing.

10-02-2011, 04:51 PM
I could have gone to MIT, Harvard, Yale.

I didn't actually apply to any of those schools

I could have gone to every school in the world, too. I just didn't apply.

10-02-2011, 05:03 PM
I didn't actually apply to any of those schools, like I said, tuition too high. I assumed that I wouldn't be able to get any need scholarships because my parents made too much money, and the one school where I did look into scholarships, MSU, where my older brother was going (and where I ended up). I figured I didn't have much chance. There were only like 10 pure merit based ones, for an undergraduate freshman population of 10,000+.

Placing in the 99.5 percentile means your chances were pretty good though right?

10-02-2011, 05:17 PM
I could have gone to every school in the world, too. I just didn't apply.

No, you couldn't have. (At least, I'm assuming, I don't know what your scores were - I'm just assuming they were pretty shitty, you being a turd and all).

I was saying I had the scores. I had the test scores to go any college anywhere in the world. I chose not to do it because I did not think it was worth the tuition.

Do you understand the difference?

Placing in the 99.5 percentile means your chances were pretty good though right?

Not really. 10 for 10,000 is the 99.9 percentile. I also was not the honor society volunteer pad the college application type. I was more like Val Kilmer's character in Real Genius, the brilliant goof off. I figured my chances weren't too high. I might have applied and not gotten it, or I might just have been discouraged and didn't apply. I honestly don't remember. But, my parents could very easily afford the MSU tuition so I didn't sweat it.

10-02-2011, 05:19 PM
No, you couldn't have. (At least, I'm assuming, I don't know what your scores were - I'm just assuming they were pretty shitty, you being a turd and all).

If it matters to you so much:

Math 770
Writing 690
Reading 660

Math II 790
Chemistry 770


I did apply to MIT. I was deferred in the initial round and later denied. It's also very hard to get in (and my turd test scores are within their acceptance range), but I bet you were a lock if you had just filled out the application.

10-02-2011, 05:23 PM
by the way, this whole "Forgive student loan debt" is stupid, and is in fact regressive, but the "progressives" protesting (or are they just entitlement communists?) don't get it because they are stupid.

If you had the government forgive student loan debt then any taxpayer who does not hold student loans would be subsidizing people who do hold student loans. Ergo the "dumb" poor kid who couldn't go to college and got a job in construction and now works and pays taxes, is subsidizing the "smart" rich kid who got a degree in art history.

This is wrong for the same reason why the mortgage interest tax deduction is wrong (poor apartment dwellers subsidizing rich homeowners) and the student loan interest tax deduction is wrong (same as first example).

Any special tax deduction or credit is an implicit tax on people who do not receive it. So taxing a person who did not go to college to the benefit of someone with a degree (who will earn on average a million dollars more over their lifetime) is hugely regressive.

I think we should call this generation the entitlement generation - until I realize how many older middle aged union member probably think this same way. Maybe we should just call them the entitlement class. Defined as people who think they deserve special treatment.

10-02-2011, 05:31 PM
Ergo the "dumb" poor kid who couldn't go to college and got a job in construction and now works and pays taxes, is subsidizing the "smart" rich kid who got a degree in art history.

Wouldn't he be in the 51% who don't pay taxes????

10-02-2011, 05:35 PM
If it matters to you so much:

Math 770
Writing 690
Reading 660

Math II 790
Chemistry 770


It doesn't matter to me, but I'll trust you. Because lying on the Internet is lame.

In the midwest we take the ACT. Its graded on a huge bell curve.

36/36 reading comprehension
36/36 science reasoning
27/36 language / grammar
28/36 math

When I took it they had not yet added a written portion, I think they added it since.

According to wikipedia:


If my scores averaged to a 32, that gives me a 2200 on the modern SAT.

epeens aside, I really don't care if you believe me.

10-02-2011, 05:39 PM
Wouldn't he be in the 51% who don't pay taxes????

He could be, if he was really bad at his job. But in general, contractors do pretty good. You should read "The Millionaire Next Door" sometime.

This not paying taxes split point is only around 33k in income (depending on deductions and whatnot, some who make less will pay taxes, some who make more won't). You're a college student, so you've never had to hire a contractor I'm sure, but they do pretty good. You'll realize this the first time you call a plumber to fix something.

10-02-2011, 05:46 PM
Look at the placement rates (and positions) of Ivy/MIT/Stanford grads. Sure, you can get some job with any degree, but you definitely can't get the best ones. Then again, these people are a strict minority, but they clearly show that going to a top school is almost a guarantee that you get a better job than going literally anywhere else.

Can you explain why people that go to top schools get better jobs?

Do you think it is something they learn while at college?

Do you think you could learn more about being a productive employee at my company (aerospace design and manufacture) between the ages of 18 and 22 or at an Ivy league school?

As the percentage of the population getting college degrees exploded over the last 50 years did the market value of a college degree go up or down?

Do you think the ability of the top schools to select their students is related to the career outcomes of their alumni (perhaps even the largest factor)?

What other economic transaction requires that reveal your financial resources before telling you how much the product costs? Do you think this says something about the value of a college degree?

Don't get me wrong, college can be the gateway to a great career and much higher earnings. It can also be the beginning of crushing debt and disappointment. I'm just trying to point out that the relationship between where you get your degree and its eventual value is complicated. As a matter of fact, there are numerous academic studies on the issue.

All that being said, if my son can get into one of the Ivy/MIT/Stanford schools, we will foot the bill.


10-02-2011, 05:56 PM
Can you explain why people that go to top schools get better jobs?

Do you think it is something they learn while at college?

Do you think you could learn more about being a productive employee at my company (aerospace design and manufacture) between the ages of 18 and 22 or at an Ivy league school?

As the percentage of the population getting college degrees exploded over the last 50 years did the market value of a college degree go up or down?

Do you think the ability of the top schools to select their students is related to the career outcomes of their alumni (perhaps even the largest factor)?

What other economic transaction requires that reveal your financial resources before telling you how much the product costs? Do you think this says something about the value of a college degree?

Don't get me wrong, college can be the gateway to a great career and much higher earnings. It can also be the beginning of crushing debt and disappointment. I'm just trying to point out that the relationship between where you get your degree and its eventual value is complicated. As a matter of fact, there are numerous academic studies on the issue.

All that being said, if my son can get into one of the Ivy/MIT/Stanford schools, we will foot the bill.


But he knows all this. He's an economist.

PS: I thought this was amusing.


10-02-2011, 06:17 PM
Do you think it is something they learn while at college?
No, because anyone can read wikipedia.

Do you think you could learn more about being a productive employee at my company (aerospace design and manufacture) between the ages of 18 and 22 or at an Ivy league school?

Ivy league school, for the same reason that you learn how to be more productive by going to elementary school than working a paper route. Going to school teaches you how to think; working teaches you how to be good at a trade.

As the percentage of the population getting college degrees exploded over the last 50 years did the market value of a college degree go up or down?

The cost of not getting a degree has increased, which increases the value. Of course, the benefit of an undergraduate degree is less substantial than it was 50 years ago, but that's what postgrad degrees are for. You're statistically pretty screwed if you don't get a degree, and that carries a lot of value.

Do you think the ability of the top schools to select their students is related to the career outcomes of their alumni (perhaps even the largest factor)?

I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at here, but I'll say yes, and add that employers are more willing to hire graduates from top schools, ceteris paribus.

What other economic transaction requires that reveal your financial resources before telling you how much the product costs? Do you think this says something about the value of a college degree?

Here I actually don't understand your question (or, more accurately, your implied point).

10-02-2011, 07:06 PM
If it matters to you so much:

Math 770
Writing 690
Reading 660

Math II 790
Chemistry 770


I did apply to MIT. I was deferred in the initial round and later denied. It's also very hard to get in (and my turd test scores are within their acceptance range), but I bet you were a lock if you had just filled out the application.

How many times did you take each test and how many pre-tests did you take? Did you attend a test prep class of some kind?

10-02-2011, 07:23 PM
I took the SAT twice in my life - once when I was 12, and once when I was 17. I took the PSAT once at 16. I never took any self-practice exams or prep courses. The same applies for the SAT subject tests, which I also took at 17.

I studied for the GMAT by reading "GMAT For Dummies" over the 3 days preceding the exam, and I took 2 simulations that are free with registration from GMAC (one I took seriously and got a 750, the other I just tried the math section and skipped reading). I also did some additional practice problems (math only) that I found online.

10-02-2011, 07:31 PM
I never took an SAT prep class and took the SAT twice. First one was at 15 and I got a 1360 and the second at 16 and I got a 1480. This was before the reading section obviously. I think those tests are pretty subjective though. Most colleges have moved away from the GPA and SAT/ACT being the driving factor to accept people. More and more they are looking for well rounded people that play a sport, are active in a club, and maintain decent grades.

10-03-2011, 01:38 AM
I was more like Val Kilmer's character in Real Genius

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

10-03-2011, 09:42 AM
Are you cashing in your LS loans for public service?

Nah I took a private sector job. Almost went with the DA's office but with a kid and family I had to try to start earning as much as possible right away. The public service debt cancellation after 10 years is pretty awesome for people who have a public service type job they really want to do anyway.

10-03-2011, 11:20 AM
Can you imagine how badly Wall Street smells right now?

10-03-2011, 12:14 PM
I never took an SAT prep class and took the SAT twice. First one was at 15 and I got a 1360 and the second at 16 and I got a 1480. This was before the reading section obviously. I think those tests are pretty subjective though. Most colleges have moved away from the GPA and SAT/ACT being the driving factor to accept people. More and more they are looking for well rounded people that play a sport, are active in a club, and maintain decent grades.

When I applied to colleges it was the opposite.

I remember getting a presentation from U of M, which is a public school, but also the best school in my state, the most selective (unless you're a minority of course, but that is another thread).

Anyways. So this guy came to our highschool and did a presentation for students interested. And he asked "How many of you think extra curricular activities will help you get in?" Almost everyone raised their hands, especially the types who did all that shit.

The dude said "Sorry, we don't care about that. The fact is EVERYONE who applies was in NHS, or did the school Yearbook, or was in Future #Randomindustry# leaders, or whatever other club. We can't use it to differentiate students."

He said they looked at 3 times, grades & what classes you took. Test scores, and if you had a parent who was an alumni. It was funny, I didn't even want to go to U of M, but I went to this presentation to get out of class, and he started going through their requirements, and had students raise their hand who met them. I was the only one who met them all. I could see all the little NHS go-gooders seething.

I've heard that same rough story elsewhere since. Kids got so wound up in the extracurricular crap that colleges had to stop using it. It was the same deal I remember when my wife applied to medical school. They really didn't give a shit if you were involved in campus activities as an undergrad... and actually my wife wasn't involved in anything, and got into medical school her first try. My brother, was involved in everything, president of the alumni association, founder and president of some college-version of NHS that started out with like 1500 members, and more shit I can't even list. He did not get accepted his first try... and then he had a breakdown.

10-03-2011, 12:23 PM
I think you mean 3 things (but I'm not sure why you list one in that sentence and then the other 2 in the next....

Also I'd like to be the first to say "Damn those go-gooders!"

10-03-2011, 12:25 PM
Grades and test score should weigh more than the EXTRAcurriculars, they're extra.

You shouldn't be just a book nerd though, having a personality should be a requirement. But things were opposite then, luls.

10-03-2011, 12:46 PM
I think you mean 3 things (but I'm not sure why you list one in that sentence and then the other 2 in the next....

Also I'd like to be the first to say "Damn those go-gooders!"

Don't correct him, he's a genius.

10-03-2011, 12:48 PM
I'm transferring into a school as a junior for the spring semester. The only determining factor was my grades/GPA.

10-03-2011, 01:01 PM
He said they looked at 3 times, grades & what classes you took. Test scores, and if you had a parent who was an alumni.

Isn't that four things?

10-03-2011, 01:03 PM
Ivy league school, for the same reason that you learn how to be more productive by going to elementary school than working a paper route. Going to school teaches you how to think; working teaches you how to be good at a trade.

I can't tell you how far off, in my experience, you are in this answer. College does one thing for us when we evaluate a potential hire - it separates the pile between those that can get up in the morning without their mother telling them to and those that can't. This is not a trivial distinction.

After 4 years of working in accounting, or contracts, or purchasing, or HR, or even engineering college grads are using few of the skills they learned in college classrooms. I don't think we have an engineer that has used calculus in the last ten years.

Almost all of my frustration with the current higher education system comes from the way marginal students are being marketed. The pitch is that a degree will translate into higher pay. The reality is that many people end up without a degree and a pile of debt.

I agree that a first tier education is very valuable. What you may not appreciate is that a person that was offered admission to an Ivy league school and declines to attend sees very little economic difference over their career (one major exception is that students from lower income families do see a major difference in the value of an Ivy league degree relative to graduating from a state college). This has been interpreted to mean that if you are the kind of person for whom the world produces opportunities and you take advantage of those opportunities then you don't need the signaling value of education. (You may or may not be interested in either Krueger or Spence on the subject)

The cost of not getting a degree has increased, which increases the value. Of course, the benefit of an undergraduate degree is less substantial than it was 50 years ago, but that's what postgrad degrees are for. You're statistically pretty screwed if you don't get a degree, and that carries a lot of value.

Bricklayers are not used as much now as they were 100 years ago. In fact, we have less than 1/10th as many bricklayers (I just guessed that bricklayers were better off now than they were 100 years ago and spent about 15 minutes at lunch checking on my hypothesis) as we did then. But, their wage has increased relative to the median. If you are a marginal student (let's say bottom third of you high school class) and are considering either trying to get a college degree or learn how to be a plumber you will (most likely) do better in the long run as a plumber. You won't have the cost of the education, you'll start earning money right away, and if you have enough motivation (and this is really the key) you will eventually own your business. It's easy to see why people would not want to be a bricklayer, or plumber, or carpenter, or painter - those jobs are really hard work. The promise of go to college, make money appears to alleviate the pain of actually having to do anything to get the desired result. Unfortunately the reality for most people is there is no magic sauce they serve at college that ensures success.

I live in a very nice neighborhood in Williamsburg. One on side I have a lawyer and his neighbor is a local bank executive. On the other side I live next to a master electrician and his neighbor is a law professor. That's only anecdotal, but wait until you start paying for services on your home.

Here I actually don't understand your question (or, more accurately, your implied point).

All I'm trying to say is that colleges are businesses, run for the benefit of the employees (professors and administrators). They have done a fantastic job of selling their product and they have a great scheme for extracting the maximum amount of money from their customers. The best part of their business model is that the government subsidizes a huge portion of cost through student loans.

Best of luck to you,


(note that I am not saying you made the claim that going to college was a perfect solution for all high school graduates. I am trying to show that for those, unlike yourself, the equation of work or college is less clear cut.)

10-03-2011, 01:46 PM
I can't tell you how far off, in my experience, you are in this answer. College does one thing for us when we evaluate a potential hire - it separates the pile between those that can get up in the morning without their mother telling them to and those that can't. This is not a trivial distinction.

After 4 years of working in accounting, or contracts, or purchasing, or HR, or even engineering college grads are using few of the skills they learned in college classrooms. I don't think we have an engineer that has used calculus in the last ten years.

Almost all of my frustration with the current higher education system comes from the way marginal students are being marketed. The pitch is that a degree will translate into higher pay. The reality is that many people end up without a degree and a pile of debt.

I agree that a first tier education is very valuable. What you may not appreciate is that a person that was offered admission to an Ivy league school sees very little economic difference over their career (one major exception is that students from lower income families do see a major difference in the value of an Ivy league degree relative to graduating from a state college). This has been interpreted to mean that if you are the kind of person for whom the world produces opportunities and you take advantage of those opportunities then you don't need the signaling value of education. (You may or may not be interested in either Krueger or Spence on the subject)

Bricklayers are not used as much now as they were 100 years ago. In fact, we have less than 1/10th as many bricklayers (I just guessed that bricklayers were better off now than they were 100 years ago and spent about 15 minutes at lunch checking on my hypothesis) as we did then. But, their wage has increased relative to the median. If you are a marginal student (let's say bottom third of you high school class) and are considering either trying to get a college degree or learn how to be a plumber you will (most likely) do better in the long run as a plumber. You won't have the cost of the education, you'll start earning money right away, and if you have enough motivation (and this is really the key) you will eventually own your business. It's easy to see why people would not want to be a bricklayer, or plumber, or carpenter, or painter - those jobs are really hard work. The promise of go to college, make money appears to alleviate the pain of actually having to do anything to get the desired result. Unfortunately the reality for most people is there is no magic sauce they serve at college that ensures success.

I live in a very nice neighborhood in Williamsburg. One on side I have a lawyer and his neighbor is a local bank executive. On the other side I live next to a master electrician and his neighbor is a law professor. That's only anecdotal, but wait until you start paying for services on your home.

All I'm trying to say is that colleges are businesses, run for the benefit of the employees (professors and administrators). They have done a fantastic job of selling their product and they have a great scheme for extracting the maximum amount of money from their customers. The best part of their business model is that the government subsidizes a huge portion of cost through student loans.

Best of luck to you,


(note that I am not saying you made the claim that going to college was a perfect solution for all high school graduates. I am trying to show that for those, unlike yourself, the equation of work or college is less clear cut.)

I think you're pretty far separated from that world too. Apprenticeship opportunities are far less easy to obtain/obvious than college in many cases. Technical school is still school too.

10-03-2011, 03:07 PM
Isn't that four things?

No, three things.

1. Grades in what classes
2. Test Scores
3. Family ties

Obviously they don't care what your GPA is if you took all remedial classes, get it?

If you don't like the guy's speech send a letter to U of M complaining.

10-03-2011, 03:59 PM
No, three things.

1. Grades in what classes
2. Test Scores
3. Family ties

Obviously they don't care what your GPA is if you took all remedial classes, get it?

If you don't like the guy's speech send a letter to U of M complaining.

You're lucky reading wasn't on those tests back then.

Grades are a thing - a noun.

Classes are also a thing - a noun.

Test scores - thing.

Family - thing.

I know you can add, so I just filled in the reading comprehension blanks for you.

10-03-2011, 04:11 PM
You're lucky reading wasn't on those tests back then.

Grades are a thing - a noun.

Classes are also a thing - a noun.

Test scores - thing.

Family - thing.

I know you can add, so I just filled in the reading comprehension blanks for you.

I hate defending crb.. but if he wasn't clear the first time, he spelled it out pretty clearly the 2nd time.. even putting numbers next to each one.

10-03-2011, 04:16 PM
I hate defending crb.. but if he wasn't clear the first time, he spelled it out pretty clearly the 2nd time.. even putting numbers next to each one.

The second time he says grades IN a class....

First time it was grades AND classes you took....

10-03-2011, 04:31 PM
And in both cases, grades and classes are two different things. If you can separate the two (obviously you can), then they're inherently not the same. Four things.

10-03-2011, 04:40 PM
... now this is what internet arguments are all about!

10-03-2011, 04:45 PM
The second time he says grades IN a class....

First time it was grades AND classes you took....

He also said "He said they looked at 3 times, grades & what classes you took.".. I'm pretty sure he meant 3 things, not 3 times.

Regardless, he made a list, labeled it 1, 2 and 3... clearing up the 3 things.

Thanks a-hole.. now I've been forced to defend crb THREE TIMES in one thread. I feel dirty.. like I helped save Gemstone or something.

10-03-2011, 04:48 PM
And in both cases, grades and classes are two different things. If you can separate the two (obviously you can), then they're inherently not the same. Four things.

He even made mention of why he grouped those two together. See if you can figure it out for yourself...


10-03-2011, 04:48 PM
He also said "He said they looked at 3 times, grades & what classes you took.".. I'm pretty sure he meant 3 things, not 3 times.

Regardless, he made a list, labeled it 1, 2 and 3... clearing up the 3 things.

What the fuck does putting things in a list have to do with the number of factors present in the list?

10-03-2011, 04:51 PM
What the fuck does putting things in a list have to do with the number of factors present in the list?

How many numbers were in the list? Maybe the 2 items in #1 are dependent upon each other.

If I say anymore, I'll give out the answer to Bob.. who is trying to work this out on his own.

10-03-2011, 04:51 PM
He even made mention of why he grouped those two together. See if you can figure it out for yourself...


Right. So they look at

1. Grades
2. Classes
3. Test scores
4. Legacy.

crb even admits that in ADDITION to grades, they look at what classes you took. Not sure how it could be more clear that grades and classes are not the same factor.

It's easy to argue that you can combine factors, but that does not make them the same. I could say, "In determining whether an applicant is admitted to University, the applicants (i) grades and test scores and (ii) legacy are considered.

Are there two factors or three?

10-03-2011, 04:54 PM
Right. So they look at

1. Grades
2. Classes
3. Test scores
4. Legacy.

crb even admits that in ADDITION to grades, they look at what classes you took. Not sure how it could be more clear that grades and classes are not the same factor.

It's easy to argue that you can combine factors, but that does not make them the same. I could say, "In determining whether an applicant is admitted to University, the applicants (i) grades and test scores and (ii) legacy are considered.

Are there two factors or three?

If you have read crb's 2nd post about this where he clarified his previous post.. and you are still unable to figure it out.. I don't know what to tell you.

10-03-2011, 04:57 PM
How many numbers were in the list? Maybe the 2 items in #1 are dependent upon each other.

If I say anymore, I'll give out the answer to Bob.. who is trying to work this out on his own.

They are not dependent on each other. They influence each other. They give the admissions committee a more nuanced impression of the candidate.

The same can be said for grades and test scores. If someone applies with a 4.0 GPA (no weighted classes) and a 1350 SAT (out of 1600) they can tell that the kid is moderately bright and a really hard worker. If the applicant has a 3.2 GPA and a 1550 SAT, the committee can tell that the applicant is very bright, but lazy.

10-03-2011, 05:03 PM
They are not dependent on each other. They influence each other. They give the admissions committee a more nuanced impression of the candidate.

The same can be said for grades and test scores. If someone applies with a 4.0 GPA (no weighted classes) and a 1350 SAT (out of 1600) they can tell that the kid is moderately bright and a really hard worker. If the applicant has a 3.2 GPA and a 1550 SAT, the committee can tell that the applicant is very bright, but lazy.

It's pretty obvious you simply want to split hairs on a post that was explained pretty clearly...

crb did a poor job explaining what he meant in his first post... he corrected that in the 2nd post.

I guess send him a PM if you still have questions on it... most other people got it by now.


10-03-2011, 05:35 PM
Thanks a-hole.. now I've been forced to defend crb THREE TIMES in one thread. I feel dirty.. like I helped save Gemstone or something.

All part of my master plan...

PS: Thanks for the new sig.

10-03-2011, 06:06 PM
All part of my master plan...

PS: Thanks for the new sig.


10-03-2011, 06:18 PM
Your gif failed, PB...

10-03-2011, 06:37 PM
... now this is what internet arguments are all about!

Hell yes it is.

PS the above sentence has 3 words in it, just ask PB.

10-03-2011, 06:49 PM
If you have read crb's 2nd post about this where he clarified his previous post.. and you are still unable to figure it out.. I don't know what to tell you.

I know what to tell you: you can't count.

10-03-2011, 06:49 PM
Things that make me happy:

Puppies and rainbows


10-03-2011, 06:51 PM
Your gif failed, PB...

Fucking gifbin...


10-03-2011, 06:53 PM
Things that make me happy:

Puppies and rainbows


3 or 4 you just admitted you're a teenage girl.

10-03-2011, 06:54 PM
Things that make me happy:

Puppies and rainbows


Now.. replace the word "and" with the word "in"... and hopefully you can finally understand the difference.

10-03-2011, 06:55 PM
Two different arguments. Two, 2, not 3 (three, III).

10-03-2011, 06:58 PM
Two different arguments. Two, 2, not 3 (three, III).

No it's not.

Bob likes puppies in rainbows. He doesn't particularly care about puppies. He doesn't particularly care about rainbows. He loves puppies in rainbows though.

10-03-2011, 07:07 PM
Fucking gifbin...


Fucking awesome. Love you PB.

10-03-2011, 11:08 PM
In yet another side-tangent for this thread...

Is anyone noticing more readily available credit on an individual/personal basis?

Entirely ancetodal sure, but I think it shows a weak pattern... but this is in reference to those "Balance Transfer" offers you get off your credit cards... that lasts 11 or so months before shooting up in APR.

2-3 years ago, it'd be 5.99-7.99% APR with a 6% balance transfer fee
1-2 years ago, it dropped to 3.99-5.99% APR with 4% fee (minimum)
Just yesterday I got an offer for 3.99% but NO balance transfer fee.

I'm inclined to think that the American credit availability situation is improving, if these terms were steadily becoming more generous.

Anyone else experiencing similarly?

10-03-2011, 11:26 PM
2-3 years ago, it'd be 5.99-7.99% APR with a 6% balance transfer fee
1-2 years ago, it dropped to 3.99-5.99% APR with 4% fee (minimum)
Just yesterday I got an offer for 3.99% but NO balance transfer fee.

We need more than 4 examples to work with.

10-04-2011, 12:25 AM
In yet another side-tangent for this thread...

Is anyone noticing more readily available credit on an individual/personal basis?

Entirely ancetodal sure, but I think it shows a weak pattern... but this is in reference to those "Balance Transfer" offers you get off your credit cards... that lasts 11 or so months before shooting up in APR.

2-3 years ago, it'd be 5.99-7.99% APR with a 6% balance transfer fee
1-2 years ago, it dropped to 3.99-5.99% APR with 4% fee (minimum)
Just yesterday I got an offer for 3.99% but NO balance transfer fee.

I'm inclined to think that the American credit availability situation is improving, if these terms were steadily becoming more generous.

Anyone else experiencing similarly?

Part of my current research deals directly with this issue.


Take a look at that image. It measures excess reserves at depository institutions, or how much money banks are holding beyond what the law requires them to hold. Note that it's basically nonexistent until around the end of 2008, which is the start of quantitative easing. Journalists often make claims pretending that they know economics, like "the demand is obviously not there, otherwise we'd see more people getting loans." In fact, the problem is a mismatch in the economy: bank standards for issuing credit are much higher than in the past, and it's keeping all of that money lying around earning 0.25% from the Fed.

Similarly, check out the Prime rate: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/DPRIME

You would think a low rate would correspond with easily available credit, and that's right to the extent that banks would love to issue as much credit as possible and at extremely low rates. The problem, again, is that qualifying for that credit is nearly impossible now; credit lines are given much lower rates than before, but the amount of credit issued is not even close to previous levels, either. The situation is improving only in the sense that it's not getting worse. It's certainly not where we want.

10-04-2011, 10:43 AM
I got an offer for a credit card with a 12k limit my junior year of college (2005). I had only been working in summers so my yearly income was pitiful. Someone would take a dump in their pants if they got that offer with the income I had in 2005.

Edit to add: I don't even know if credit card companies look at income; I guess that would be hard for them to do. Do they just run your credit report so they see assets vs. liabilities? I had no liabilities then so I guess that helped. Also had no assets though.

10-04-2011, 11:18 AM
They took a gamble on you and other students because 1) you were in college graduating soon with full working years ahead of you; 2) enough money to make it not so risk for them; 3) probably factored in your parents own credit profiles

10-04-2011, 11:25 AM
I don't even know if credit card companies look at income

Income is self-reported on credit card applications; they have no access to this information. They have whatever is on your credit report.

Do they just run your credit report so they see assets vs. liabilities?

They don't know what assets you have. They know what debt you have, and whether it's revolving, auto, mortgage, etc.

3) probably factored in your parents own credit profiles

This is likely illegal, and if it's not, it's a bad business practice.

10-04-2011, 12:40 PM
Income is self-reported on credit card applications; they have no access to this information. They have whatever is on your credit report.

They don't know what assets you have. They know what debt you have, and whether it's revolving, auto, mortgage, etc.

This is likely illegal, and if it's not, it's a bad business practice.

Standard credit reports showed assets I thought (not bank, but reported assets like real estate).

Anyway, I just paid off the 12k I inevitably racked up on that card. Provided me with great nights out in college and helped me my first year of law school. AND I negotiated the interest rate down after I maxed it so it ended up becoming what amounted to fair loan.

10-04-2011, 12:44 PM
They don't show assets, but will show your mortgage etc.

Firestorm Killa
10-04-2011, 04:44 PM
Shouldn't the protesters be protesting at the white house, especially since Obama's administration has taken the biggest donations from wall street ever taken? I gotta agree with Anne Coulter on this one, this is how Totalitarianism begins.

10-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Standard credit reports showed assets I thought

Annualcreditreport.com, get one of your free reports. You'll find that all accounts are listed, but absolutely no assets are. Granted, there are other ways to find these (property transactions are public record) but they do not appear in the credit report.

10-04-2011, 07:37 PM
Shouldn't the protesters be protesting at the white house, especially since Obama's administration has taken the biggest donations from wall street ever taken? I gotta agree with Anne Coulter on this one, this is how Totalitarianism begins.

Welcome back!

I so missed your commentary, Crackbaby.

10-04-2011, 09:02 PM
Annualcreditreport.com, get one of your free reports. You'll find that all accounts are listed, but absolutely no assets are. Granted, there are other ways to find these (property transactions are public record) but they do not appear in the credit report.

When you get your credit run while applying for a mortgage they show assets.

10-04-2011, 09:12 PM
I don't pull credit for mortgages, but if that information is showing up they are going beyond a credit report.

10-04-2011, 09:21 PM
When you get your credit run while applying for a mortgage they show assets.

Nope. The three credit agencies don't keep track of assets. The mortgage company is using a different service that pulls civil records to look into your assets.

10-04-2011, 11:44 PM
I was amazed when I recently applied for a card and received a $1500 limit. back in the credit heyday I had a credit card with a limit of $30k and a couple reasonably close to that. Obviously they over extended to me, but $1500 is far on the other end of the spectrum it's amazing. My credit is actually better now than it was then. I guess times are tough all over.

Firestorm Killa
10-05-2011, 02:04 PM
The way the credit system is setup is a scam imho.

Firestorm Killa
10-05-2011, 02:28 PM
Donny is all about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redemption_movement guys. You should be too.

Not all about that movement. But I do believe that our money is backed by our land. If the country defaults on our debt China essentially owns America.

10-05-2011, 02:41 PM
Not all about that movement. But I do believe that our money is backed by our land. If the country defaults on our debt China essentially owns America.

Last I checked China only holds 1.1 trillion dollars of American debt. Is our land only worth 1.1 trillion dollars? :(

Can't we just give them Rhode Island and call it a day?

Firestorm Killa
10-05-2011, 02:46 PM
Last I checked China only holds 1.1 trillion dollars of American debt. Is our land only worth 1.1 trillion dollars? :(

Can't we just give them Rhode Island and call it a day?

They will own a large amount of the land I am sure. America would probably just get parceled out to our debtors.

10-05-2011, 03:09 PM
I own a couple of hundred dollars in bonds, what will that get me?

10-05-2011, 03:17 PM
The portion of ParkBandit's neighbors lawn that keeps getting shit on.

Firestorm Killa
10-05-2011, 08:53 PM
I own a couple of hundred dollars in bonds, what will that get me?

You might be able to score a stone.

10-05-2011, 09:24 PM
The portion of ParkBandit's neighbors lawn that keeps getting shit on.

Don't pick the part around the hydrant.. I've been dropping shit there all week.


10-05-2011, 11:00 PM
That lawn needs some work. and a yellow fire hydrant?

10-06-2011, 07:21 AM
That lawn needs some work. and a yellow fire hydrant?

And that picture was taken about a year ago.. when the lawn looked "good".

The hydrant is just the cherry on the "DON'T LET DOGS SHIT IN MY YARD!" sundae.

10-06-2011, 09:03 AM
And that picture was taken about a year ago.. when the lawn looked "good".

The hydrant is just the cherry on the "DON'T LET DOGS SHIT IN MY YARD!" sundae.

Chain link makes for a much cleaner yard in those cases. That and a "Beware of Landmines" warning sign.


10-10-2011, 02:39 PM

"Occupy Wall... 09-27-2011 04:23 PM wtf does this photo mean?


10-10-2011, 02:46 PM
Not all about that movement. But I do believe that our money is backed by our land. If the country defaults on our debt China essentially owns America.

I believe now that we are off the gold standard, American money only holds value because the government will accept it to pay taxes. That and legislation forcing merchants to accept it, of course. I don't think it is backed by our land. Of course, the Chinese could sell our treasuries and buy up huge tracts of land if they wanted.

They are actually buying fertile parts of Africa right now to produce food for their people.

10-10-2011, 05:04 PM
Civil rights legend John Lewis snubbed by 'Occupy Atlanta' (http://www.thegrio.com/politics/civil-rights-legend-john-lewis-snubbed-by-occupiers.php)

U.S. Congressman and civil rights icon, John Lewis (D-Ga.) may have had something profound to say at Occupy Atlanta -- but he wasn't given the chance to speak.

Friday evening, Lewis attended Atlanta's offspring of Occupy Wall Street, which has inspired similar protests around the nation.

Lewis was introduced by the Occupy Atlanta general assembly, but he ended up not saying anything at all due the assembly rules, which mandate a consensus before anyone can make a public announcement.

"John Lewis is no better than anyone else!" yells a protester off camera.

Lewis later said he was not disappointed that he was not able to address the crowd, but some of the protesters were quite upset by the public dismissal of a well-respected veteran activist.

"To #occupyatlanta general assembly. U are a bunch of d***heads. Congressman John Lewis is an American hero," hip hop mogul, Russell Simmons tweeted. "In order for #occupywallstreet to succeed we are gonna need John Lewis to write legislation," he added.

One attendant, Michelle Williams told a CBS Atlanta news reporter that the protest is no more than an "organized mob."

"I'm angry because this is not what democracy is about" Williams said.

"Occupy Wall Street is saying, 'We will not take it anymore,'" Lewis said in a statement.

"They are saying we must not forget about those in need, about those who work for starvation wages, those who bear their burden in the heat of the day and in the darkness of the night."

You know what this means right? These protests are racist!

But seriously after watching that video I can see why few people are taking these protests seriously. What's up with the crowd repeating every thing someone says? Why do they all look like college drop outs? Do they really think they are going to get anywhere with needing a 100% consensus on anything? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

10-11-2011, 02:36 AM
"Occupy Wall... 09-27-2011 04:23 PM wtf does this photo mean?



"Why am I having a gun?"

10-11-2011, 10:56 AM
What's up with the crowd repeating every thing someone says?

I believe they are doing that because they are not allowed to use megaphones. They repeat things as a means of getting the message out to everyone.

10-11-2011, 11:01 AM
I believe they are doing that because they are not allowed to use megaphones. They repeat things as a means of getting the message out to everyone.

So they repeat everything the guy with a megaphone says because they aren't allowed to use megaphones.

I think I got it now.

10-11-2011, 11:16 AM
Veterans for Peace in boston beaten and arrested at Occupy Boston protest


"Boston cops arrested about a hundred Occupy Boston protesters last night, including veterans who stood in the front to try to protect the others. There were injuries, iI'm not sure how many. A report of one young woman having her head split open on the pavement. Occupy Boston is requesting medical supplies. Tents, medicine, and personal possessions were tossed into trash trucks. The Boston Police Department has been deluged with phone complaints from all over the world." via Richard Myers


John Nilles, 74, a Marine from Medford who served in Vietnam and is a member of the group, Veterans for Peace, said he was knocked down during the arrests.

He believes he did not get arrested in the chaos because he got knocked down, and banged up his knee.

“I have absolutely no use for police anymore,” he said. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

He talked about how it reminded him of the 1960s. “This is not the world I intended to come back to,” he said in reference to Vietnam.

10-11-2011, 11:20 AM
Did I miss the beatings in that video somewhere?

10-11-2011, 11:27 AM
Veterans for Peace in boston beaten and arrested at Occupy Boston protest


"Boston cops arrested about a hundred Occupy Boston protesters last night, including veterans who stood in the front to try to protect the others. There were injuries, iI'm not sure how many. A report of one young woman having her head split open on the pavement. Occupy Boston is requesting medical supplies. Tents, medicine, and personal possessions were tossed into trash trucks. The Boston Police Department has been deluged with phone complaints from all over the world." via Richard Myers


John Nilles, 74, a Marine from Medford who served in Vietnam and is a member of the group, Veterans for Peace, said he was knocked down during the arrests.

He believes he did not get arrested in the chaos because he got knocked down, and banged up his knee.

“I have absolutely no use for police anymore,” he said. “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

He talked about how it reminded him of the 1960s. “This is not the world I intended to come back to,” he said in reference to Vietnam.

Once again, Hippies dramatize their situation (non-instances of "beatings") ... and further erode any credibility they may have.

Is it any wonder that the "lol @ Occupy xxxx" sentiment is strengthening as the American public tire hearing about it? ("oooh, did something happen?" *investigates* "nothing happened ... yawn")

10-11-2011, 11:28 AM
Did I miss the beatings in that video somewhere?

Would it matter to you even if you did? ;)


10-11-2011, 11:32 AM
Would it matter to you even if you did? ;)


If that video was supposed to highlight the beatings it didn't :p

10-11-2011, 11:36 AM
Would it matter to you even if you did? ;)


Where were the beatings in that one? I saw some pushing and grabbing, and a few people falling down.

Maybe these Protestors should go and protest in Syria and then they will know what quantifies as beatings.

10-11-2011, 11:36 AM
Once again, Hippies dramatize their situation (non-instances of "beatings") ... and further erode any credibility they may have.

Is it any wonder that the "lol @ Occupy xxxx" sentiment is strengthening as the American public tire hearing about it? ("oooh, did something happen?" *investigates* "nothing happened ... yawn")

Your too desperate to appear normal. It's not unusual really (considering what you have had to overcome) but you go too far in assuming that everything that goes against The Way (your way) is wrong. You should try a little dissent every now and then. It would make you more 'normal' than you think.

10-11-2011, 11:58 AM
So you consider "normal" to be standing around and gawking with a cellular phone up and ready to film? That seems to be the primary component of the "dissent" we are seeing.

Some Rogue
10-11-2011, 12:00 PM

10-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Your too desperate to appear normal. It's not unusual really (considering what you have had to overcome) but you go too far in assuming that everything that goes against The Way (your way) is wrong. You should try a little dissent every now and then. It would make you more 'normal' than you think.

There is a gigantic difference between a march for something you believe in and an occupation that will continue until you get your way.

It's like the difference between calling the BBB once.. and calling them so often they recognize your voice and cringe.

10-11-2011, 12:24 PM
Your way is clearly stupid PB now do it our way. You doing it our way is clearly tolerance but us doing it your way well that's just conformity.

10-11-2011, 12:28 PM
There is a gigantic difference between a march for something you believe in and an occupation that will continue until you get your way.


Are you trying to dismiss a movement by merit of its size? That's fabulous.

10-11-2011, 12:30 PM

Are you trying to dismiss a movement by merit of its size? That's fabulous.

What size? It's small because its merit is small.

Profit is not bad. People being fucking stupid is bad, these people are bad.

10-11-2011, 12:32 PM
Your way is clearly stupid PB now do it our way. You doing it our way is clearly tolerance but us doing it your way well that's just conformity.

How tolerant should we be of intolerance?

10-11-2011, 12:34 PM
What size? It's small because its merit is small.

Profit is not bad. People being fucking stupid is bad, these people are bad.

Profit you cannot spend is bad.

10-11-2011, 12:38 PM
Everyone's favorite petulant rapper and producer — he of Lanvin, many necklaces, and the mutilated Maybach — made a pilgrimage with demonstration regular Russell Simmons today to see how the other 99 percent lives. No word yet on whether or not he's covering Radiohead songs, or even performing at all, but we've seen him go without beats before. Then again, maybe that drum circle has a purpose after all.

Update: Apparently it was just a quick stroll through. After getting mobbed by crowds, he left, but not before flashing a smile.


10-11-2011, 12:51 PM
to see how the other 99 percent lives.

Little known fact: Kanye West's first beat was actually produced in utero for Grand Master Flash in 1977. Nigga was born with stacks.

10-11-2011, 01:02 PM
Having come back from Wall St, #OccupyWallSt is a huge pain in the ass because the entire financial district is barricaded.

10-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Occupy Boston has been nice and stayed out of my way, even though I walk through their tent city every morning.

10-11-2011, 01:14 PM
Occupy Boston has been nice and stayed out of my way, even though I walk through their tent city every morning.

That's because they were all arrested and beaten last night.

10-11-2011, 01:29 PM
Everyone's favorite petulant rapper and producer — he of Lanvin, many necklaces, and the mutilated Maybach — made a pilgrimage with demonstration regular Russell Simmons today to see how the other 99 percent lives. No word yet on whether or not he's covering Radiohead songs, or even performing at all, but we've seen him go without beats before. Then again, maybe that drum circle has a purpose after all.

Update: Apparently it was just a quick stroll through. After getting mobbed by crowds, he left, but not before flashing a smile.


All I got out of this link was that the new Bottega Veneta line is yummmm.

10-11-2011, 01:37 PM

Are you trying to dismiss a movement by merit of its size? That's fabulous.

Isn't that what your side did with the Tea Party?

Or do you need to have mass arrests for it to be a real movement?

10-11-2011, 01:49 PM
Tuesday's planned "Millionaires March" is expected to bring protesters to the homes (or at least the lobbies) of five of New York City's wealthiest residents: Rupert Murdoch, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, David Koch, financier Howard Milstein, and hedge-funder John Paulson. (Absent from the list is Mayor Bloomberg, which is probably for the best.) The action is part of two protests planned for Tuesday and Wednesday that aim to mimic the success of last week's union-led march, perhaps a turning point for public perception of the demonstration's legitimacy.

The move to target rich New Yorkers is being spearheaded by the Working Families Party, New York Communities for Change, Strong Economy for All, and United NY, and will take the protesters out of their lower Manhattan headquarters and into the Upper East Side, a more residential bastion of wealth. The crowd is scheduled to travel uptown from 59th Street and Fifth Avenue at 12:30 p.m. and will call for an extension of the state millionaire's tax, which expires at the end of the year and is opposed by Governor Cuomo. "Ninety-nine percent of the residents of New York are going to suffer from this tax giveaway so the 1 percent who already live in absolute luxury can put more money in their pockets," explained one march organizer. "This is fiscally, economically and morally wrong."

The following day, the country's largest private sector union, SEIU 32BJ, will call for its workers to march to the Financial District, where they hope to be joined by those in the midst of contract negotiations, like Verizon workers and art auctioneers at Sotheby's, who are going into their third month of a lockout.

Yesterday, the protesters in Zuccotti Park hosted some bold-faced names, too, welcoming frequent visitor Russell Simmons (and guest), as well as the Reverend Al Sharpton, whose radio show was broadcast live outside. "I don't pay enough taxes, and I know it," Simmons said on the show. "I'm happy to pay a little more taxes if it means better education for our children." His house, then, will probably be safe this afternoon.


Makes these protesters seem like it's not just about money.. but the right kind of political money. Weird, Soros' house isn't being visited....

10-11-2011, 01:58 PM
Holy shit, it's bigger than we thought!


10-11-2011, 02:05 PM
Tuesday's planned "Millionaires March" is expected to bring protesters to the homes (or at least the lobbies) of five of New York City's wealthiest residents: Rupert Murdoch, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, David Koch, financier Howard Milstein, and hedge-funder John Paulson. (Absent from the list is Mayor Bloomberg, which is probably for the best.) The action is part of two protests planned for Tuesday and Wednesday that aim to mimic the success of last week's union-led march, perhaps a turning point for public perception of the demonstration's legitimacy.

The move to target rich New Yorkers is being spearheaded by the Working Families Party, New York Communities for Change, Strong Economy for All, and United NY, and will take the protesters out of their lower Manhattan headquarters and into the Upper East Side, a more residential bastion of wealth. The crowd is scheduled to travel uptown from 59th Street and Fifth Avenue at 12:30 p.m. and will call for an extension of the state millionaire's tax, which expires at the end of the year and is opposed by Governor Cuomo. "Ninety-nine percent of the residents of New York are going to suffer from this tax giveaway so the 1 percent who already live in absolute luxury can put more money in their pockets," explained one march organizer. "This is fiscally, economically and morally wrong."

Let them eat cake?


10-11-2011, 02:08 PM
Something I can get behind:

10-11-2011, 02:48 PM
Something I can get behind:

I think she beat us to the "Bring back arrested development" part. She looks like she is in serious need of a large dose of "grow the fuck up".

10-11-2011, 03:56 PM
I think she beat us to the "Bring back arrested development" part. She looks like she is in serious need of a large dose of "grow the fuck up".

Because mature people want to

Open corporate tax loopholes

Subsidize religious groups

Continue the wars

Continue the prohibition of marijuana, and

Not bring back Arrested Development.

10-11-2011, 04:21 PM
He's talking about how she looks I think. It's important to note how people look when they are living on the street to protest something important because dirty street people are dirty and they need to take a shower.

10-11-2011, 04:29 PM
If it's not lactating, ~Rocktar~ wants no part of it.

10-11-2011, 04:30 PM
He's talking about how she looks I think. It's important to note how people look when they are living on the street to protest something important because dirty street people are dirty and they need to take a shower.

Maybe it's a Shirley Temple / Wendy (from Wendy's) thing?

Maybe he's just retarded.

10-11-2011, 06:06 PM
If it's not lactating, ~Rocktar~ wants no part of it.


10-11-2011, 06:10 PM
He's talking about how she looks I think. It's important to note how people look when they are living on the street to protest something important because dirty street people are dirty and they need to take a shower.

Something important?

What exactly is the important part of these protests? The "We should eat the rich" or "Bring back the Guillotine" or the selective marches to the people they deem evil rich?

10-11-2011, 06:12 PM
Maybe it's a Shirley Temple / Wendy (from Wendy's) thing?

Maybe he's just retarded.

I would have gone with Pippi Longstocking.

10-11-2011, 06:22 PM
I would have gone with Pippi Longstocking.

Good call.

10-11-2011, 08:42 PM
For some reason, all I saw was Carrot Top.

Fucking Gingers, they all look the same anyway.


10-11-2011, 11:19 PM
you have to admire carrot tops dedication to body building... and steroids.

10-12-2011, 01:54 AM
He's talking about how she looks I think. It's important to note how people look when they are living on the street to protest something important because dirty street people are dirty and they need to take a shower.

Like she is living on the street. Really? Watch, jewelry, handbag/whatever, sweater with the sleeves pushed up, none of which suggest vagrant living. I do hope you are only this retarded on a message board.

10-12-2011, 01:57 AM
Because mature people want to

Open corporate tax loopholes

Subsidize religious groups

Continue the wars

Continue the prohibition of marijuana, and

Not bring back Arrested Development.

Nice troll Liberal Douche, you have been quiet lately, one might think you were actually working or something. Of course we all know that if you don't directly agree with everything someone writes on a sign you must obviously believe in adopting radial, diametrically opposed positions even when only addressing one topic of the sign. Amirite?

10-12-2011, 09:30 AM
Why aren't they protesting the NBA locking out for money to play a game?

10-12-2011, 09:45 AM
Why aren't they protesting the NBA locking out for money to play a game?


10-12-2011, 10:41 AM
Why aren't they protesting the NBA locking out for money to play a game?

Actually I thought it was a great sign of the times last night some basketall guy (he's probably famous) came on the screen with a reporter and pushed her out of the way/ignored her questions to say a jumble of words sounding alot like this: "The vendors!....food vendors, commisary, OUR LAUNDRY!!! thank you thank you! We support the vendors and we are sorry about this and want the best for everyone"

She was asking about their paychecks. :)

10-12-2011, 10:55 AM
Nice troll Liberal Douche, you have been quiet lately, one might think you were actually working or something. Of course we all know that if you don't directly agree with everything someone writes on a sign you must obviously believe in adopting radial, diametrically opposed positions even when only addressing one topic of the sign. Amirite?

Which of the positions do you agree with?

10-12-2011, 10:58 AM
Which of the positions do you agree with?

Radial ones, of course.

10-12-2011, 11:09 AM
Which of the positions do you agree with?

I have always been a proponent of cleaning up the tax code. I could also go with limiting the tax haven of religious organizations to the direct church/worship facility, lodging for the staff, buildings used in direct community service with free access like shelters and food banks and so on. I would extend the tax haven to church run day care facilities as well. I would like to see an end to the tax free status of things like homes and property willed to the church, warehouses, church run schools that have tuition, religious owned and run businesses and so on.

10-12-2011, 11:33 AM
Which of the positions do you agree with?

I thought it was to bring back Arrested Development...

10-12-2011, 01:58 PM
Speaking of Union greed.

A labor leader in Chicago is expected to receive pension payments of nearly $500,000 a year, while another could get about $438,000 a year, according to reports Wednesday.

The Chicago Tribune and WGN-TV, which obtained information about union pension benefits during a joint investigation, said at least eight union officials in Chicago were eligible for what were described as inflated city pensions on top of union pensions for the same period of employment.

The news organizations said this was due to "a charitable interpretation" of Illinois law by officials representing two city pension funds.

"Can you name any place in the world where someone can get two pensions for the same job?" state Rep. Tom Cross, a Republican, told the paper. "Even by our standards here in Illinois, it's beyond belief. It's insane."

Chicago and Illinois are facing financial trouble, in part due to pension shortfalls.

On Tuesday, state Sen. Mark Kirk released a report on Illinois' debt that said it had the worst credit rating of any state and that its debt was rising, NBC Chicago reported.

Kirk said the state was nearly insolvent and said he doubted there would be any help from Washington.

"It's highly unlikely that the federal government would ever bail out a spend-thrift state. Therefore, Illinois needs to fix this on its own," he said.

Amid the city's financial woes, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has reportedly proposed a budget that would see three of Chicago's oldest police stations closed. The budget was due to be unveiled Wednesday.

$9 million over lifetime?
The Tribune said the official who was expected to get about $438,000 a year would do so from three pensions covering the same work period: a city laborers fund, a union district council fund and a national union fund.

It said an analysis showed that this 59-year-old union official, Liberato "Al" Naimoli, would get a total of about $9 million if he lived to his expected lifespan.

Another official, Charles LoVerde III, a former trustee of the city laborers' pension fund, stood to receive three pensions for the same time period totaling nearly $500,000 a year, the investigation found.

The Tribune said he took leave of absence in 1998 from a job with the city's water management department, which paid $44,000 a year, to work full time for the local.

The paper said the law states that union leaders with city pensions cannot "receive credit in any pension plan established by the local labor organization based on his employment by the organization."

But pension fund officials say a union district council is not a local labor organization, the paper said.

"The Legislature never told us how to administer this thing," the city pension fund directors' attorney, Fredrick Heiss, told the paper. "They could have said 'no second pension at all,' but they didn't say that."

The Tribune said the joint investigation with WGN-TV found that Naimoli, president of Cement Workers Local 76, was receiving a city pension of about $158,000 a year. It said his city pension was based on his union salary.

Naimoli, who retired in 2010 from the $15,000-a-year city job, is also now eligible to receive a pension of about $60,000 a year, the paper said, from the Laborers' Pension Fund for Chicago and Vicinity.

He also will become eligible for payments of about $220,000 a year from a third pension, provided by the national union, LIUNA, on his 60th birthday next year.

The Tribune said he had not worked his $15,000-a-year job with the city for a quarter of a century.

Oh wait no, these protests are about corporate greed.

I wish I was eligible to get two different pensions for the same job. Also how does one go from a 15,000 dollar a year job to receiving 438,000 dollars a year in pensions?

10-12-2011, 02:29 PM
Speaking of Union greed.

Oh wait no, these protests are about corporate greed.

I wish I was eligible to get two different pensions for the same job. Also how does one go from a 15,000 dollar a year job to receiving 438,000 dollars a year in pensions?

Backpay ... and then the pension payments being conveniently figured off the last year worked.

Basically you have an underpaid laborer ... let us say he has been stiffed $5k a year ... for 20 years. The Union or whatever negotiates a back-pay settlement, so he ends up getting an extra $100k in his last year. So on his $115k salary that year, he retires, with a plush pension tied to the $115k mark, instead of $20k (15+5).

Obviously the practice tying of pension benefits to the salary earned in the last year on the job needs to be modified ... it is too vulnerable to such "exploits".

10-12-2011, 02:41 PM
Backpay ... and then the pension payments being conveniently figured off the last year worked.

Basically you have an underpaid laborer ... let us say he has been stiffed $5k a year ... for 20 years. The Union or whatever negotiates a back-pay settlement, so he ends up getting an extra $100k in his last year. So on his $115k salary that year, he retires, with a plush pension tied to the $115k mark, instead of $20k (15+5).

Obviously the practice tying of pension benefits to the salary earned in the last year on the job needs to be modified ... it is too vulnerable to such "exploits".

I don't think that's what happened in this case. It sounds like his city job paid 15k a year but his union pay was apparently much higher and his pension is going off of his union pay instead of his city pay. Either way the guy shouldn't be getting two pensions from the same job and three pensions for the exact same time period.

10-12-2011, 03:05 PM
Perhaps not exactly what happened in this case, but is certainly what happened in other similar cases. Too much silly abuse (both in the underpaying, and then getting an absurd pension).

10-12-2011, 03:08 PM
How often does that come into play? Clearly not in this case. When does it actually happeN?

10-12-2011, 03:13 PM
Illinois is hilarious. They're so fucked. That state is like a Shakespearean tragedy.

10-12-2011, 03:30 PM
How often does that come into play? Clearly not in this case. When does it actually happeN?

Examples of it happening: #2 and #3 here = http://redtape.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/10/05/6345539-20-government-workers-with-super-sized-pay

Another example: http://gothamist.com/2011/09/06/sewer_worker_paid_771k_last_year_af.php ... this doesn't mention the amount of the pension but I specifically recall reading about this case before, and how he now has a huge pension based on the $771k final year salary.

Pension Abuse : http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=45968

10-12-2011, 03:33 PM
A Message From Anonymous To The American Autumn

Hello world, hello protestors. This is a message from anonymous. This is a message to the 99 percent. This is a message to the American Autumn. It is clear that from the beginning of this movement we have been censored. Despite the fact that, massive demonstrations, were planning to occupy wallstreet, we were ignored in the media. Despite the fact that the protestors were flocking from every corner of the nation to join the protest they remained silent. However, the era of the internet is upon us. The power to circumvent the mass media has become trivial. You are paper tigers, and we are a scorching wildfire. The elites have been forced to recognize the movement, they have been forced to stand against us. And so began the campaign to mock us. We are dirty, homeless, unAmerican, stupid, voiceless, disorganized, violent. We are a mob, we are young, foolish, liberal, unemployed. We are leeches, parasites, anarchists, brainwashed. We are communists, dangerous, untrustworthy, rabble rousers, terrorists. However, despite the frantic and desparate moves by the elites to slander this movement, despite their vain efforts to curtail and skew our image, we have shattered through ther lies. The truth was spread, the lies were snuffed out. We will not be set aside by mere insults and disgusting propaganda. We are the people, and this is what democracy looks like. The elites now are being pushed up against the walls. They are resorting to their trump cards, and the strong arms have arrived. The camps of boston have been raided. The camps of San Francisco have been dispersed. The protests in New York have been violently curtailed and beaten. The protests in Seattle are on the verge of being raided by riot police. This is the final step in our strategy. A famous man once said that at first they will ignore you. Then they will mock you. Thirdly they will fight you. And then you win. There is nothing you can do. There are no more moves to make, this is checkmate. The game is over wall street. You fell into our trap, you repeated history. You planted the seeds for civil dissent, and now you will watch as what you reap is sowed, you will watch as the entire country blossoms and you are consumed. All the dominos are falling, and you will watch as one by one we prevail. The protestors have won. Stop your vain efforts, the wildfires are all around you. Stop preparing for revolution. Its upon you.

10-12-2011, 03:52 PM
A Message From Anonymous To The American Autumn

Hello world, hello protestors. This is a message from anonymous. This is a message to the 99 percent. This is a message to the American Autumn. It is clear that from the beginning of this movement we have been censored. Despite the fact that, massive demonstrations, were planning to occupy wallstreet, we were ignored in the media. Despite the fact that the protestors were flocking from every corner of the nation to join the protest they remained silent. However, the era of the internet is upon us. The power to circumvent the mass media has become trivial. You are paper tigers, and we are a scorching wildfire. The elites have been forced to recognize the movement, they have been forced to stand against us. And so began the campaign to mock us. We are dirty, homeless, unAmerican, stupid, voiceless, disorganized, violent. We are a mob, we are young, foolish, liberal, unemployed. We are leeches, parasites, anarchists, brainwashed. We are communists, dangerous, untrustworthy, rabble rousers, terrorists. However, despite the frantic and desparate moves by the elites to slander this movement, despite their vain efforts to curtail and skew our image, we have shattered through ther lies. The truth was spread, the lies were snuffed out. We will not be set aside by mere insults and disgusting propaganda. We are the people, and this is what democracy looks like. The elites now are being pushed up against the walls. They are resorting to their trump cards, and the strong arms have arrived. The camps of boston have been raided. The camps of San Francisco have been dispersed. The protests in New York have been violently curtailed and beaten. The protests in Seattle are on the verge of being raided by riot police. This is the final step in our strategy. A famous man once said that at first they will ignore you. Then they will mock you. Thirdly they will fight you. And then you win. There is nothing you can do. There are no more moves to make, this is checkmate. The game is over wall street. You fell into our trap, you repeated history. You planted the seeds for civil dissent, and now you will watch as what you reap is sowed, you will watch as the entire country blossoms and you are consumed. All the dominos are falling, and you will watch as one by one we prevail. The protestors have won. Stop your vain efforts, the wildfires are all around you. Stop preparing for revolution. Its upon you.

I'm sorry, but do these coddled people even know what violence and abuse is?

10-12-2011, 03:54 PM
I'm sorry, but do these coddled people even know what violence and abuse is?

When their parents forget to pay the internet bill.

10-12-2011, 04:00 PM
A Message From Anonymous To The American Autumn

Hello world, hello protestors. This is a message from anonymous. This is a message to the 99 percent. This is a message to the American Autumn. It is clear that from the beginning of this movement we have been censored. Despite the fact that, massive demonstrations, were planning to occupy wallstreet, we were ignored in the media. Despite the fact that the protestors were flocking from every corner of the nation to join the protest they remained silent. However, the era of the internet is upon us. The power to circumvent the mass media has become trivial. You are paper tigers, and we are a scorching wildfire. The elites have been forced to recognize the movement, they have been forced to stand against us. And so began the campaign to mock us. We are dirty, homeless, unAmerican, stupid, voiceless, disorganized, violent. We are a mob, we are young, foolish, liberal, unemployed. We are leeches, parasites, anarchists, brainwashed. We are communists, dangerous, untrustworthy, rabble rousers, terrorists. However, despite the frantic and desparate moves by the elites to slander this movement, despite their vain efforts to curtail and skew our image, we have shattered through ther lies. The truth was spread, the lies were snuffed out. We will not be set aside by mere insults and disgusting propaganda. We are the people, and this is what democracy looks like. The elites now are being pushed up against the walls. They are resorting to their trump cards, and the strong arms have arrived. The camps of boston have been raided. The camps of San Francisco have been dispersed. The protests in New York have been violently curtailed and beaten. The protests in Seattle are on the verge of being raided by riot police. This is the final step in our strategy. A famous man once said that at first they will ignore you. Then they will mock you. Thirdly they will fight you. And then you win. There is nothing you can do. There are no more moves to make, this is checkmate. The game is over wall street. You fell into our trap, you repeated history. You planted the seeds for civil dissent, and now you will watch as what you reap is sowed, you will watch as the entire country blossoms and you are consumed. All the dominos are falling, and you will watch as one by one we prevail. The protestors have won. Stop your vain efforts, the wildfires are all around you. Stop preparing for revolution. Its upon you.

Revisionist blogging. At least they didn't sign it, they don't want to actually put their name behind this so when it doesn't do shit they can claim they weren't a part of it.

Herbie Hancock at least signed his name.

Also insert something witty about if only they spent this much energy trying to not be wastes of space they wouldn't have to protest.

10-12-2011, 04:19 PM
Revisionist blogging. At least they didn't sign it, they don't want to actually put their name behind this so when it doesn't do shit they can claim they weren't a part of it.

Herbie Hancock at least signed his name.

Also insert something witty about if only they spent this much energy trying to not be wastes of space they wouldn't have to protest.

Herbie Hancock did.


As did John Hancock.


10-12-2011, 04:29 PM
I was thinking more Tommy Boy...

10-12-2011, 04:29 PM

--I have some bad news for the 99 percenters down at Occupy Boston.

Comrades, I fear you have been infiltrated by the one percent, the super rich.

I have been studying the Boston police reports, and most of these hippies, er revolutionaries, are from the ’burbs. Not the city, but the bosky dells, especially Cambridge. --

seems the 99% is not really hurting all that bad...

10-12-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm just kind of pissed these people are supposed to be representing me (since I fall into the 99%) and I didn't get to vote them into the protest. Communists.

10-12-2011, 06:11 PM
Revisionist blogging. At least they didn't sign it, they don't want to actually put their name behind this so when it doesn't do shit they can claim they weren't a part of it.

Herbie Hancock at least signed his name.

Also insert something witty about if only they spent this much energy trying to not be wastes of space they wouldn't have to protest.

I'm pretty sure "they" signed it...although this is one of the newer sects jumping on the anon name.


10-12-2011, 06:13 PM
This one cracks me up. FOX NEWS


10-12-2011, 06:52 PM
Cambridge is "the 'burbs"? How much time do you spend in Cambridge, bro?

10-12-2011, 06:56 PM
Cambridge is "the 'burbs"? How much time do you spend in Cambridge, bro?

I had to look back to see where this was referenced. lol.

Cambridge is 'the burbs' of Boston in the same way that Queens is 'the burbs' of NYC.

10-12-2011, 07:03 PM
Cambridge is "the 'burbs"? How much time do you spend in Cambridge, bro?

Taken from the article, not my words.

Carl Spackler
10-12-2011, 07:33 PM

I love when they ask the guy where he would be if he wasn't here he makes up some spiritual BS. Maybe these clowns wouldn't be so mad if they got of their asses and got real jobs.

10-12-2011, 07:35 PM

--I have some bad news for the 99 percenters down at Occupy Boston.

Comrades, I fear you have been infiltrated by the one percent, the super rich.

I have been studying the Boston police reports, and most of these hippies, er revolutionaries, are from the ’burbs. Not the city, but the bosky dells, especially Cambridge. --

seems the 99% is not really hurting all that bad...

Taken from the article, not my words.

Don't take this personally, as it's not meant to be. But the blind following of misinformation and censorship by the major news organizations is one of the points of the true Anon movement.

Either way, the WITP folks are strange and seem to think that throwing on a "V for Vendetta" mask and raging against the man is the best way to get their message out.

10-12-2011, 07:49 PM

I love when they ask the guy where he would be if he wasn't here he makes up some spiritual BS. Maybe these clowns wouldn't be so mad if they got of their asses and got real jobs.


Carl Spackler
10-12-2011, 07:49 PM

Nope, just making a suggestion.

10-12-2011, 07:51 PM

Carl Spackler
10-12-2011, 07:53 PM

.....? udumbbrah?

10-12-2011, 08:09 PM
I disagree with you. The better the corporations do (the more profitable) the more people they can afford to hire. Now, regulation generally does what? Eat in to profits, because you spend more time cutting red tape, which cuts in to time someone could be making profits.

Frankly, it's your lets hand shit out to everyone mentality that perpetuates the system of keeping the poor, poor. Why on earth would any of the people who want a handout lift a finger if they knew a government check was on it's way?


I love when they ask the guy where he would be if he wasn't here he makes up some spiritual BS. Maybe these clowns wouldn't be so mad if they got of their asses and got real jobs.

Usurunotmadbrah?corporations r jerbs! Git 1 yoself fuuls!

10-12-2011, 08:19 PM
Alfster did you get lost on your way to 4chan?

Carl Spackler
10-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Usurunotmadbrah?corporations r jerbs! Git 1 yoself fuuls!


10-12-2011, 08:36 PM
Usurunotmadbrah?corporations r jerbs! Git 1 yoself fuuls!

Its a lifestyle yo

Carl Spackler
10-12-2011, 08:39 PM
Its a lifestyle yo

Cool man, good luck with that.

10-12-2011, 08:45 PM

10-12-2011, 08:48 PM

Try harder. That made perfect sense.

10-12-2011, 10:53 PM
Don't take this personally, as it's not meant to be. But the blind following of misinformation and censorship by the major news organizations is one of the points of the true Anon movement.

Don't take this personally,cause its not meant to be, but the bullshit antics of these morons who got a Psychology or English degree instead of something marketable and are now crying about how unfair life is, is not news worthy in the first place.

10-12-2011, 10:54 PM
Psychology is fairly marketable. Most people are just horrible at it.