View Full Version : Romney Should Apologize

03-17-2011, 05:29 PM
Sen. Jim DeMint got in trouble when he appeared to endorse Romney, but he quickly backtracked and said there is no way he would support Romney in 2012 unless Romney first admits that Romneycare was a "colossal mistake." I will explain it in the order it happened.

First, Romney signed Romneycare (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romneycare) into law in Massachusetts in 2006.

Second, DeMint endorsed Romney in 2008 (http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/150351-mitts-2008-supporters-romneycare-overblown), not McCain, in part because of Romney's "attempts to make private health insurance available at affordable prices."

Third, the Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/sen-jim-demint-risks-his-tea-party-standing-for-mitt-romney/2011/03/04/ABJxUok_blog.html) opinion page made a big fuss about DeMint supporting Romneycare's individual mandate in 2008 and opposing it now.

And fourth, DeMint clarified (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/150495-demint-wont-back-romney-without-repudiation-of-mass-health-law) his position today, sending his associate to say that DeMint "would never consider backing Romney again unless he admits that his Massachusetts healthcare plan was a colossal mistake."

There you have it. Romney must apologize. There's no way any Republican would ever support a candidate who does not disavow Romneycare's individual mandate. DeMint is exactly right, despite the fact that he has a French looking capital letter in the middle of his name.

You won't find politics explained better anywhere.