View Full Version : Libya - Looking for full transcript of Saif ul-Islam Qaddafi's speech

02-21-2011, 12:34 PM
its totally nuts whats happening in Libya

BIG oil nation too.

Anyone able to find a full transcript of the speech last night by Qaddafi's son?

CNN conveniently didn't translate key parts of it, and I could only understand about 20% of the Arabic


02-21-2011, 12:39 PM
I've been saying that Libya will be the worst situation for a while. It'll be interesting to see how China responds to this, considering a Chinese company is running their oil fields and that is where China gets a large amount of their oil.

02-21-2011, 12:44 PM
I've been saying that Libya will be the worst situation for a while. It'll be interesting to see how China responds to this, considering a Chinese company is running their oil fields and that is where China gets a large amount of their oil.

This. I expect there to be many deaths in the coming weeks over there.

02-21-2011, 01:03 PM
This is what I found, not sure how accurate it is.


02-21-2011, 01:03 PM
ahhhh China owns the oil fields, now I get it.

This whole Middle Eastern revolution nonsense is just a proxy war between USA and China... with Israel set to rule the world when it ends! roflee

02-21-2011, 01:17 PM
Hardly. Though if China does start to enter Libya, it could turn into a proxy war. Couple that with the fact that Iran is testing the water in the region. There is a major power vacuum and so far only US and Iran are attempting to open relations and construct power in the region. My guess would be that China will come into play if this Libya revolt goes on for too long.

02-22-2011, 05:05 PM

All out civil war?

02-22-2011, 05:12 PM
In other news, Malta has an Air Force now.. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/21/source-libyan-pilots-defected-to-malta/?iref=allsearch

02-22-2011, 05:31 PM

All out civil war?

Libya, like much of Northern Africa and the Middle East, is not as easily explained as a Nation-State as your typical Western Country. There are many tribes which collectively consider themselves separate from each other. Three of these tribes compose the majority of the composition in Libya. It is hard to explain exactly how they consider themselves, but I'd look at the tension in Sudan, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, or the Shiite/Sunni separation among many of the Middle Eastern states. On top of that, approximately 5-10 million people in Libya are foreigners, with 2-3 million Egyptians.

As the article pointed out, without someone who is highly respected by many of the tribes, the fracturing of power is likely to spread from the east, into three separate factions. Very likely, it would be a situation similar to Iraq where the Military would be supported by one tribe, the police another...etc. While both would have legitimate authority, they would be warring within for control of power, only further weakening any attempt for a strong government to form.

Two things are slowing down any involvement by the US. First, it has been expressed time and time again by those who are revolting that they do not want Western interference. While the Anti-Gaddafi Military wants the US to enforce a no-fly zone to keep Guddafi from continued bombing, any involvement might be viewed by future regimes as a reason to not be involved with the US. Also, China has major oil investments in Libya. Any move by the US military could be viewed as a threat to Chinese Resources. Any US involvement would need to be approved by China. A US-Chinese co-op? Crazy.

02-22-2011, 05:36 PM
Hardly. Though if China does start to enter Libya, it could turn into a proxy war. Couple that with the fact that Iran is testing the water in the region. There is a major power vacuum and so far only US and Iran are attempting to open relations and construct power in the region. My guess would be that China will come into play if this Libya revolt goes on for too long.
China has no force projection capabilities.

Shitty navy, no aircraft carriers, only a handful of nuclear subs.

Big army, but no forward operating bases, supply chains, troop transports, or anything else needed for force projection.

02-22-2011, 05:37 PM
In other news, Malta has an Air Force now.. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/21/source-libyan-pilots-defected-to-malta/?iref=allsearch
I was thinking about that today, and I wondered if the pilots will get a finder's fee from Malta for delivering to them two fighter jets.

Come on, the guys just left their families and their country, give them a little scratch for bringing you some jets. Make the reward high enough and you may find more jets heading your way.

02-25-2011, 03:33 AM
Makes you wonder how well things will go there?


02-25-2011, 03:50 AM
And more comes to light, maybe:


02-27-2011, 09:28 AM
yeah its basically like Iraq without the 2 million dead

a dictator, hunkered in with plenty of loot, with rights to big oil fields, is ousted by "his people" rather than an invading force. the pentagon's dream come true. bengazi oil here we come. USA plays both sides, and as long as the oil contracts aren't given to big China or Russia, mission accomplished

02-27-2011, 12:05 PM
yeah its basically like Iraq without the 2 million dead

a dictator, hunkered in with plenty of loot, with rights to big oil fields, is ousted by "his people" rather than an invading force. the pentagon's dream come true. bengazi oil here we come. USA plays both sides, and as long as the oil contracts aren't given to big China or Russia, mission accomplished

Do you have fever with those fits?

02-27-2011, 12:08 PM
im wrong you're saying?

yeah i've had a fever ever since i lost my hypno-lactation bondage virginity to an anonymous internet jedi knight known only as "Lunn"

02-27-2011, 12:36 PM
im wrong you're saying?

You posted, therefore general statistical theory says that there is a 99.99979% chance that you are wrong.

Yes, you are wrong.

And where are the big oil contracts from Iraq going to US companies, which you implied from above? Right, they didn't happen because the US companies were fine with their current contracts and new ones were not bid on because of the lack of security in the area. Stop trolling.

02-27-2011, 12:57 PM
yeah its basically like Iraq without the 2 million dead

a dictator, hunkered in with plenty of loot, with rights to big oil fields, is ousted by "his people" rather than an invading force. the pentagon's dream come true. bengazi oil here we come. USA plays both sides, and as long as the oil contracts aren't given to big China or Russia, mission accomplished

You do realize that Chinese Companies export more oil from Libya than the USA? The Chinese did the world a favor (in terms of oil prices) when they went into Libya and invested into the oil fields so that they weren't being run at 20% capacity. I never saw the official output percentage, but the goal was 90%. Do you also realize that there were almost as many Egyptians in Libya as there were Libyans? If you want to start waving your finger at someone, why don't you blame Wael Ghonib or Khalaid Said. I mean fuck, it was his fault he got tortured and people got sick of repressive regimes, low wages, food shortages, and the inability to express themselves. That last statement sounds kinda familiar......Ohh yeah, we did it.

02-27-2011, 02:17 PM
im just speculating to provoke some conversation... anyone else got anythign to add?

03-06-2011, 01:32 PM

well, looks like the stupid idiot US government fed guns to mexican drug cartels. LOTS of guns. aided by the ATF THEMSELVES!!

low and behold, the violence escalated. The United States is complicit in destablizing mexico..

and now they're giving tons of guns (just like these) to the Libyans? and then they will say "LO AND BEHOLD!! THEY'RE KILLING EACH OTHER!!"

stupid American foreign policy

edit: and stupid stupid even stupider idiots that blindly support that policy. did i mention enough stupid dumb dumb stupid?

03-06-2011, 01:44 PM
Fail troll is fail.

03-06-2011, 02:02 PM

well, looks like the stupid idiot US government fed guns to mexican drug cartels. LOTS of guns. aided by the ATF THEMSELVES!!

low and behold, the violence escalated. The United States is complicit in destablizing mexico..

and now they're giving tons of guns (just like these) to the Libyans? and then they will say "LO AND BEHOLD!! THEY'RE KILLING EACH OTHER!!"

stupid American foreign policy

edit: and stupid stupid even stupider idiots that blindly support that policy. did i mention enough stupid dumb dumb stupid?

Agreed, stupid American foreign policy. They should have trained people how to make bombs and recruited suicide bombers instead. amirite?!?!

03-06-2011, 02:04 PM
give people weapons and then cry about war crimes

stupid stupid dumb dumb stupid stupid dumb dumb

by the way, terrorist attacks 1980-2005 on US soil, according to the FBI


looks like you guys should be focusing on the anti-latino jokes instead of the anti-semitic ones

03-06-2011, 02:18 PM
looks like you guys should be focusing on the anti-latino jokes instead of the anti-semitic ones

Can't we do both? Tell you what we'll do, we'll make 6 'anti-latino' jokes for every 1 'anti-semitic' joke we make.

03-06-2011, 02:32 PM
They just need a visit from theE to help them see the wrongs they are committing as wrong and to change their ways.

Hummmm, could be payback for Mexico's pretty official and blatant policy of exporting illegal aliens and criminals across the border with nothing so much as a checkpoint. After all, one one side, you have millions of illegals with corrupt Mexican government stamp of approval exported here to wreck the economy and social systems, commit crimes by the hundreds or thousands every day and then send money home to stabilize their economy. On the other you have a few thousand firearms exported to disrupt and destabilize the socialist government of an unwelcome invader potentially leading to American intervention to stabilize and quell the escalating violence. It also provides more evidence that we need a strong border policy and implementation further shifting public opinion in a desired direction. Sounds pretty genius to me.

Nah, it's likely just short sighted ATF people trying to do what they said and it not working out all that well, our government isn't that good at long term planning.

PS:IW, You couldn't make a new thread for this? Come on, troll better.

03-06-2011, 02:45 PM
i'm trying not to piss off Anticor too badly hehe

03-14-2011, 08:05 AM
China has no force projection capabilities.

Shitty navy, no aircraft carriers, only a handful of nuclear subs.

Big army, but no forward operating bases, supply chains, troop transports, or anything else needed for force projection.

Ohh really???
