View Full Version : Interesting insight into FoxNews

02-11-2011, 10:59 AM
Yes, it's on MediaMatters.
Yes, it's from a "source"
Yes, FoxNews doesn't have a monopoly on media bias.


And yes, I find most of what is here as plausible.

02-11-2011, 11:20 AM

Your blind ignorance is amusing. Ask yourself this question: Why is it mediamatters is constantly going after Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc... ? Could there possibly be a motivating factor?

02-11-2011, 11:26 AM
Indeed, a former Fox News employee who recently agreed to talk with Media Matters confirmed what critics have been saying for years about Murdoch’s cable channel. Namely, that Fox News is run as a purely partisan operation, virtually every news story is actively spun by the staff, its primary goal is to prop up Republicans and knock down Democrats, and that staffers at Fox News routinely operate without the slightest regard for fairness or fact checking.

I don't understand--has there ever been a question?

02-11-2011, 11:28 AM
I don't understand--has there ever been a question?

I don't think anyone would argue with that. I also don't think anyone would argue that MSNBC does the same thing...and to a lesser extent NBC, CBS, CNN and ABC.

02-11-2011, 11:56 AM

Your blind ignorance is amusing. Ask yourself this question: Why is it mediamatters is constantly going after Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc... ? Could there possibly be a motivating factor?

Care to explain exactly where the ignorance is?
Does Media Matters going after Fox somehow invalidate what they are stating? I don't recall every suggesting MediaMatters was unbiased.
In fact, I do recall stating "Yes, FoxNews doesn't have a monopoly on media bias. "

I don't think anyone would argue with that. I also don't think anyone would argue that MSNBC does the same thing...and to a lesser extent NBC, CBS, CNN and ABC.

Unless you can point otherwise, I don't think MSNBC is on the same level of ownership level bias that Rupert Murdoc shows. Unless you can point to similar leaked memos from news executives directing the slanting of reporting and word usage that Fox shows, I don't think they are in the same boat.

Also, any organization that frequently touts itself as "Fair and Balanced" deserves extra scrutiny in my book.

02-11-2011, 12:22 PM
Care to explain exactly where the ignorance is?
Does Media Matters going after Fox somehow invalidate what they are stating? I don't recall every suggesting MediaMatters was unbiased.
In fact, I do recall stating "Yes, FoxNews doesn't have a monopoly on media bias. "

You take whatever mediamatters posts as the fact without looking at why or what motivates them to blog what they blog. It's on the same exact level as FK using "TheBlaze" as a newsource.

Unless you can point otherwise, I don't think MSNBC is on the same level of ownership level bias that Rupert Murdoc shows. Unless you can point to similar leaked memos from news executives directing the slanting of reporting and word usage that Fox shows, I don't think they are in the same boat.

Of course you don't think they are.. it's because you are blissfully ignorant and agree with everything MSNBC spoon feeds you. I wouldn't expect you to question MSNBC using Olbermann and Matthews as the anchors for political events/election coverage. I mean heck, they have had a long history of being unbiased and giving right down the middle insight.

Also, any organization that I don't agree with deserves extra scrutiny in my book.

Corrected for honesty and accuracy.

02-11-2011, 12:34 PM
You take whatever mediamatters posts as the fact without looking at why or what motivates them to blog what they blog. It's on the same exact level as FK using "TheBlaze" as a newsource.

So you think plausible and fact are the same thing, or did you miss me saying:

"And yes, I find most of what is here as plausible"
You realize acknowledging both the source of the article and dubious nature of an "inside source" is not even close to stating something as fact, right?

Why do you have such a blind allegiance to Fox?

Of course you don't think they are.. it's because you are blissfully ignorant and agree with everything MSNBC spoon feeds you.
Wow, talk about coming out of left field. Is that how you deal with a threat to your "fair and balanced" organization? Simply ignore the allegations and go on the attack? Classy.

For the record, I think Maddow is funny at times, but her partisanship is seething. I catch her show maybe once a month and don't ever watch Olberman or the others. On the whole, I dislike watching any televised news program. I hate sensationalism and most stories I'm interested in, I want more then the 20 second sound bite or listen to two ignorant twats bicker and distort the facts on both sides.
I prefer to read my news as I find it the least evil of all the available choices, and even then I prefer AP articles and try to cover whatever has the least amount of adjectives and adverbs possible.

In fairness, I do read MSNBC.com (mostly I prefer their layout) more then others, but I tend to stay out of their politics section. I get most of that from Fark and BBC.

02-11-2011, 12:57 PM
I would give the same reply to FK for using TheBlaze as I am giving you for using mediamatters. They are one in the same, just from different sides.

It has zero to do with Fox News and everything to do with your stupidity for accepting their premise... that somehow Fox News is different from other news outlets.

The only difference is you don't agree with Fox News.. and you are willing to believe anything that puts them in a bad light... even if it's from a source like a mediamatters blog.

02-11-2011, 01:04 PM
I would give the same reply to FK for using TheBlaze as I am giving you for using mediamatters. They are one in the same, just from different sides.

It has zero to do with Fox News and everything to do with your stupidity for accepting their premise... that somehow Fox News is different from other news outlets.

The only difference is you don't agree with Fox News.. and you are willing to believe anything that puts them in a bad light... even if it's from a source like a mediamatters blog.

Is the only way you can make any political point to hyperbole every single point and then throw insults?

I found what an "inside source" stated about the inner workings of Fox News interesting and plausible. If this was a simple opinion piece on MediaMatters, I doubt I would have read it in the first place much less attempted to share it.

I find that it was reported on MediaMatters less plausible then if the inside source was named and if it appeared on a more mainstream and fact checking organization.

Your inability to even entertain the idea that Fox could be more biased then any other major news source shows an unwaivering loyalty to a brand rather then the truth.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-11-2011, 01:11 PM
Unless you can point to similar leaked memos from news executives directing the slanting of reporting and word usage that Fox shows, I don't think they are in the same boat.

If you are referring to the "word usage scandal" I think you posted here a few weeks back... I don't think that was a scandal at all. In my job we regularly "word smith" communications to add clarity, obscure clarity, lean one way or the other... Media probably does it a thousand times more. That's just business.

IMO there are no unbiased news outlets - everyone has bias, the writer, the publisher, the executives... everyone. You can question everything and claim bias when you don't agree, or just learn to think for yourself and form your own opinions (which are biased also).

02-11-2011, 01:50 PM
Is the only way you can make any political point to hyperbole every single point and then throw insults?

I found what an "inside source" stated about the inner workings of Fox News interesting and plausible. If this was a simple opinion piece on MediaMatters, I doubt I would have read it in the first place much less attempted to share it.

I find that it was reported on MediaMatters less plausible then if the inside source was named and if it appeared on a more mainstream and fact checking organization.

Your inability to even entertain the idea that Fox could be more biased then any other major news source shows an unwaivering loyalty to a brand rather then the truth.

If you took me comparing you using mediamatters to FK using the blaze as an insult, sorry if the truth hurts. There is no hyperbole to it at all.

Your inability to see a blog on mediamatters for what it is shows an utter and blind ignorance to anything based in reality.

But we've been down this road before... haven't we?

02-11-2011, 01:56 PM
Who is FK?

Are you talking about Crackbaby?

02-11-2011, 10:31 PM
So, if it appeared like this:

Indeed, a former CBS/NBC/ABC News employee who recently agreed to talk with Rush Limbaugh confirmed what critics have been saying for years about the mainstream media giants. Namely, that they are run as a purely partisan operation, virtually every news story is actively spun by the staff, its primary goal is to prop up Democrats and knock down Republicans, cover up any and all hints at failed Liberal or Socialist policies and that staffers at the big 3 networks routinely operate without the slightest regard for fairness or fact checking.

Would it be equally credible or just a bit of baseless mudslinging by a disgruntled ex-employee?


02-11-2011, 10:47 PM
you all forget. To anyone on the extreme right, the middle is massively biased to the left. they can cry and try and explain and cry some more, and then.... wait.... they can cry even more. But even those outlets with newscasts (not editorial shit), but just newscasts, that involve people of both sides, like say, the BBC, or CNN, are undoubtedly left leaning cesspools of corruption and spineless yadda yadda crybaby crybaby communists to these people.

and MSNBC fired Olbermann for making donations without notifying the staff. So as left learning as they might be, at least they do have SOME shred of decency. Anyone who would defend Glen Beck as being news, well, they're just stupid.

02-11-2011, 10:57 PM
If it's not patently obvious that Fox and MSNBC do this, you're not looking. Most of the other mainstream outlets are biased to corporatist Democrat (a very specific type, like Goldman Sachs bankers for the paranoid Republicans) and 99% of talk radio is biased to the wildly conservative fringe types (IE, FK + Rocktar).

02-11-2011, 11:11 PM
Yes, it's on MediaMatters.
Yes, it's from a "source"
Yes, FoxNews doesn't have a monopoly on media bias.


And yes, I find most of what is here as plausible.

The unasked question is why do you feel the need to point out the obvious? Or more accurately why do you feel the need to continuously create political attack threads against the Republicans here on the PC?

Are you threatened? Is your viewpoint or lifestyle threatened? Does pointing this out somehow validate your existence? Did you get dumped by a Republican? Do you hope to sway someone politically on the PC? Or are you simply marking your territory? Flexing your leet liberal internet forum prowess? Have a man-crush on PB therefore gaining the aimed for and craved attention from him in response to your posts/threads?

Inquiring minds want to know.


02-11-2011, 11:32 PM
The unasked question is why do you feel the need to point out the obvious? Or more accurately why do you feel the need to continuously create political attack threads against the Republicans here on the PC?

Are you threatened? Is your viewpoint or lifestyle threatened? Does pointing this out somehow validate your existence? Did you get dumped by a Republican? Do you hope to sway someone politically on the PC? Or are you simply marking your territory? Flexing your leet liberal internet forum prowess? Have a man-crush on PB therefore gaining the aimed for and craved attention from him in response to your posts/threads?

Inquiring minds want to know.


I dunno. How many anti Democrat 'post a "news story" ' threads has PB made?

02-11-2011, 11:35 PM
I dunno. How many anti Democrat 'post a "news story" ' threads has PB made?

Why do you like answering a question with a question when the initial question was not even directed at you?

Do you feel some need to answer for or defend Rinualdo? Is there something you should tell us?

02-11-2011, 11:37 PM
Why do you like answering a question with a question when the initial question was not even directed at you?

Do you feel some need to answer for or defend Rinualdo? Is there something you should tell us?

Oooh. Let's play the projection game.

02-11-2011, 11:45 PM
Why do you like answering a question with a question when the initial question was not even directed at you?

Do you feel some need to answer for or defend Rinualdo? Is there something you should tell us?

The same question could be asked of you. Why are you continually leg humping PB?

02-11-2011, 11:49 PM
The same question could be asked of you. Why are you continually leg humping PB?

Whatever would give you that idea? You obviously have misread my initial question. I encourage you to go back and reread it again. If at first you don't succeed...

02-11-2011, 11:50 PM
Oooh. Let's play the projection game.

Haha. And here I thought you were already playing.

Silly WB.

02-11-2011, 11:54 PM
Whatever would give you that idea? You obviously have misread my initial question. I encourage you to go back and reread it again. If at first you don't succeed...

Deflection and childish, insulting insinuations. Par the course for Gan.

02-12-2011, 12:05 AM
Deflection and childish, insulting insinuations. Par the course for Gan.

Erroneous and jumping to conclusion, willful ignorance. Par for the course PBR.

02-12-2011, 10:16 AM
If it's not patently obvious that Fox and MSNBC do this, you're not looking. Most of the other mainstream outlets are biased to corporatist Democrat (a very specific type, like Goldman Sachs bankers for the paranoid Republicans) and 99% of talk radio is biased to the wildly conservative fringe types (IE, FK + Rocktar).

Fucking god dammit.... I agree.

02-12-2011, 10:18 AM
Erroneous and jumping to conclusion, willful ignorance. Par for the course PBR.

I think you were being far too kind there. Way to sugar coat it.

02-12-2011, 06:55 PM
I think you were being far too kind there. Way to sugar coat it.

You know me, I hate to offend...

02-12-2011, 09:20 PM
So, if it appeared like this:

Indeed, a former CBS/NBC/ABC News employee who recently agreed to talk with Rush Limbaugh confirmed what critics have been saying for years about the mainstream media giants. Namely, that they are run as a purely partisan operation, virtually every news story is actively spun by the staff, its primary goal is to prop up Democrats and knock down Republicans, cover up any and all hints at failed Liberal or Socialist policies and that staffers at the big 3 networks routinely operate without the slightest regard for fairness or fact checking.

Would it be equally credible or just a bit of baseless mudslinging by a disgruntled ex-employee?


Still waiting.

By the way, most talk radio is geared to somewhat conservative moderates and mainstream conservatives since that is who the advertisers pay to target. Liberal talk radio hasn't been a commercial success (Air America (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/21/AR2010012103868.html)) and in fact has required continual government support since it's inception to survive (NPR).

02-12-2011, 09:54 PM
By the way, most talk radio is geared to somewhat conservative moderates and mainstream conservatives since that is who the advertisers pay to target. Liberal talk radio hasn't been a commercial success (Air America (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/21/AR2010012103868.html)) and in fact has required continual government support since it's inception to survive (NPR).

Huh. I thought all media was mush-headed liberal garbage.

02-12-2011, 10:02 PM
Rocktar's a very moderate guy. He's a friend to everyone and just like them too.

02-12-2011, 10:13 PM
Huh. I thought . . .

You lie.

02-12-2011, 10:34 PM
You lie.


02-12-2011, 10:58 PM
Huh. I thought all media was mush-headed liberal garbage.

Who made that claim?

Oh, no one.

02-13-2011, 01:39 AM
Who made that claim?

Oh, no one.

Squiggles did. Many, many times. And no, I'm not going to bother sifting through his posts to give you quotes. You've read his bullshit as much as anyone.

02-13-2011, 01:59 AM
The illusion-of-truth effect states that a person is more likely to believe a familiar statement than an unfamiliar one. In a 1977 experiment participants were asked to read 60 plausible statements every two weeks and to rate them based on their validity. A few of those statements (some of them true, others false) were presented more than once in different sessions. Results showed that participants were more likely to rate as true statements the ones they had previously heard (even if they didn't consciously remember having heard them), regardless of the actual validity of the statement.

As the illusion-of-truth effect occurs even without explicit knowledge, it is a direct result of implicit memory. Some participants rated previously heard sentences as true even when they were previously told that they were false.[4] The illusion-of-truth effect shows in some ways the potential dangers of implicit memory as it can lead to unconscious decisions about a statement's veracity.

For the record, this is why Fox repeatedly touts itself as fair and balanced, and also why people believe that statement.


02-13-2011, 02:04 AM
Squiggles did. Many, many times. And no, I'm not going to bother sifting through his posts to give you quotes. You've read his bullshit as much as anyone.

No I haven't, and again, you make baseless accusations without any proof and backpeddle when called on them. I have said that most mainstream media is mush headed liberal garbage and I have picked on some specific outlets.

02-13-2011, 02:06 AM
For the record, this is why Fox repeatedly touts itself as fair and balanced, and also why people believe that statement.


Probably why people also believed Obama was different from every other Socialist moron.

02-13-2011, 02:08 AM
Probably why people also believed Obama was different from every other Socialist moron.

It's a big part of the reason a lot of people believe a lot of stupid shit... like believing that your political party actually matters and isn't just a bunch of jagoffs out for money and power, like every other politician. A solid clue is generally this: if someone wants power over you, giving it to them is almost always a bad idea.

02-13-2011, 02:08 AM
No I haven't, and again, you make baseless accusations without any proof and backpeddle when called on them. I have said that most mainstream media is mush headed liberal garbage and I have picked on some specific outlets.

Yeah... you're making this too easy.

02-13-2011, 08:18 AM
Squiggles did. Many, many times. And no, I'm not going to bother sifting through his posts to give you quotes. You've read his bullshit as much as anyone.

Actually I haven't read Rocktar's bullshit as much as anyone, but I'm pretty confident that Rocktar didn't make the claim that all media is liberal.

Feel free to back your retarded assertion... but we both know you can't.

02-13-2011, 08:19 AM
Yeah... you're making this too easy.

In your mind, "most" = "all"?

You're making this too easy.

02-14-2011, 10:52 AM


02-14-2011, 12:09 PM
I just want attention!!!


02-14-2011, 12:35 PM
In your mind, "most" = "all"?

You're making this too easy.

That's the best you can do to defend Rocktar? Continue, then.

Here's your new sig:

Annoy a liberal-

Be a 70 year old WoW-playing retiree who gets his little rocks off by pounding his knuckles on the keyboard in the political folder of a text based RPG while sucking some former Walmart employee's cock in the closet.

and argue the difference between "most" and "all".

02-14-2011, 12:44 PM
You nailed it kid!

Large font.. red font...

U M-A-D!!

You contribute as much as lightwellspam does... nothing intelligent.

02-14-2011, 12:45 PM
You got the knuckles on the keyboard right, that's pretty much it. Also I haven't been paying attention to this thread but most and all very different...

02-14-2011, 01:10 PM
That's the best you can do to defend Rocktar? Continue, then.

blah blah blah

RAWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Liberal nerd rage trying to insult others

Here's a new sig:

Annoy a Liberal particularly waywardgs: Make sense.

02-14-2011, 02:31 PM
I think if you want to go for one that actually makes sense, it should be this:

"I am inconsequential."

02-14-2011, 05:26 PM
the more appropriate question is:
"Rarely is the Question asked, is our children learning" -- George W Bush

02-14-2011, 06:09 PM
the more appropriate question is:
"Rarely is the Question asked, is our children learning" -- George W Bush

I thought it would be:

"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." -- Barack H Obama

Seriously, stop being retarded... or at least attempt to show intelligent life.

02-14-2011, 06:15 PM
Care to count up the number of G.W. stupid sayings in his first campaign and first two years of office and compare and contrast?

I thought not.

02-14-2011, 06:16 PM
Care to count up the number of G.W. stupid sayings in his first campaign and first two years of office and compare and contrast?

I thought not.

Obama r a gud reder.

02-14-2011, 09:49 PM
Until Obama or any other President sits for 9 minutes while their piss dries after being told their country is under attack, any semblance of thought as to comparison is utterly and completely foolish.

02-14-2011, 09:53 PM
Until Obama or any other President sits for 9 minutes while their piss dries after being told their country is under attack, any semblance of thought as to comparison is utterly and completely foolish.


You should spend less time watching Michael Moore liberal porn.

02-14-2011, 10:05 PM
Until Obama or any other President sits for 9 minutes while their piss dries after being told their country is under attack, any semblance of thought as to comparison is utterly and completely foolish.

He wasnt sitting while his piss dried. He was consulting Jesus with little boys around him making sure he got the right answer from God before acting.

02-14-2011, 11:38 PM

You should spend less time watching Michael Moore liberal porn.

You have drunk the kool-aid.

02-15-2011, 12:25 AM

You should spend less time watching Michael Moore liberal porn.

I like liberal porn. Republican porn involves too many chin high dresses and shots of ankles peeking out beneath the hemline.

02-15-2011, 07:52 AM
You have drunk the kool-aid.

Remember when you were taken seriously in any political discussion?

Yea, neither do I.

02-15-2011, 09:44 AM
Republican porn involves too many chin high dresses and shots of ankles peeking out beneath the hemline.
I just came.

And say what you will about Bush, I thought he acted like a stone-cold badass immediately after being told about 9/11. Either that or he didn't fully comprehend what was happening.

I guess your interpretation of that situation would depend upon your party affiliation.

02-15-2011, 09:45 AM
I just came.

And say what you will about Bush, I thought he acted like a stone-cold badass immediately after being told about 9/11. Either that or he didn't fully comprehend what was happening.

I guess your interpretation of that situation would depend upon your party affiliation.

I never thought about it that way. Maybe the guy who told him used too many big words. He should have just said “building blow up non jesus people plane” and Bush woulda sprung right to action yea?

02-15-2011, 09:48 AM
I never thought about it that way. Maybe the guy who told him used too many big words. He should have just said “building blow up non jesus people plane” and Bush woulda sprung right to action yea?
Can you please explain your constant Jesus references? I'm gleaning from this and other threads that you're a tool.

Yeah, I'm going to stick with that assumption. You're a tool.

02-15-2011, 09:55 AM
Remember when you were taken seriously in any political discussion?

Yea, neither do I.

That's your defense on watching our President react to being told our country was under attack.


02-15-2011, 09:59 AM
That's your defense on watching our President react to being told our country was under attack.


And yours was lifted from a Michael Moore fantasy movie.

Not clever.

02-15-2011, 10:02 AM
And yours was lifted from a Michael Moore fantasy movie.

Not clever.

Never saw that movie, thanks though.

02-15-2011, 10:14 AM
Can you please explain your constant Jesus references? I'm gleaning from this and other threads that you're a tool.

Yeah, I'm going to stick with that assumption. You're a tool.


02-15-2011, 10:15 AM
Never saw that movie, thanks though.


02-15-2011, 11:07 AM

Because the only possible way to criticize the video of bush sitting on his ass and reading to kids is to watch a movie? And of course I'm going to lie about watching a movie, as if that somehow invalidates the video depicting what happened.

Seriously, that's your defense of Bush's reaction?

Bonus: I hate Michael Moore and haven't seen any of his films.

02-15-2011, 11:18 AM
Seriously, that's your defense of Bush's reaction?
I say this with no political motivation one way or the other--how would you have preferred he react? Can you not possibly see the benefit of maintaining a calm demeanor, at least as a show of strength?

02-15-2011, 11:39 AM
I say this with no political motivation one way or the other--how would you have preferred he react? Can you not possibly see the benefit of maintaining a calm demeanor, at least as a show of strength?

I'm pretty sure the only valid response Bush could have had would be to immediately strip off his shirt and engage in a Hulk Hogan-esque pose-down. That would have shown bin Laden who he was REALLY messing with.

02-15-2011, 11:42 AM
He could have you know, dismissed his retarded photo op's and took care of buisiness knowing full well that America was under attack.



02-15-2011, 11:50 AM
He could have you know, dismissed his retarded photo op's and took care of buisiness knowing full well that America was under attack.
I think he reacted admirably. No reason to show panic as the President of the United States. And I don't think he was there for "retarded photo op's (sic)." But again, everyone's perception is different.

I can photoshop too!!!!


02-15-2011, 11:56 AM
Vaguely related to the original topic:

(from Glenn Beck's 2/14/2011 show) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UxDAt4PpZs)

BECK: Is anybody willing to do their own homework? Because the media is not going to. Start looking at who they're connected to?

Can you just look at all of these?

By the way, also, you know, I would look into all the people the State Department are working with, MSNBC, CBS, gosh, MTV? Maybe we should start watching those networks a little bit and seeing what their news coverage is like.

And -- who are these groups? Who are they? Are they right? Are they left? Are they clean? Are they dirty? Are they front groups? I don't know.

May I recommend if you're doing your own homework, don't do a Google search. It seems to me that Google is pretty deeply in bed with the government. Remember, maybe this is explaining why Google is being kicked out of all the other countries. Are they just a shill now for the United States government?

Who is Jared Cohen? Is he a private citizen or government operative? And isn't this the second Google guy we've found? This is the second Google executive now being exposed as an instigator of a revolution.

Are you comfortable with a government partnering covertly with media organizations, search engines, social networking so they can bring change that the Washington elites have designed? I don't know about you, but I am not really comfortable with that. I don't care George Washington, George Bush, Barack Obama, or Abraham Lincoln, I'm not comfortable with that. It used to be called propaganda. What do we call it now? That's right -- community organizing.

02-15-2011, 12:01 PM
I'm going to use AltaVista.


02-15-2011, 12:02 PM
I hear AskJeeves retired and became a socialist dictator in some third world country.

02-15-2011, 12:42 PM
I think he reacted admirably. No reason to show panic as the President of the United States. And I don't think he was there for "retarded photo op's (sic)." But again, everyone's perception is different.

I can photoshop too!!!!


At around 8:48am the first pictures of the WTC were broadcast on live TV. Yet at 9:03am there are pictures of him and the photo op.

I would think a world leader could excuse themselves in lieu of more important duties. Would that 15 minutes have changed anything? Probably not.

02-15-2011, 12:51 PM
I'm going to use AltaVista.



Whoa. It changed. Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

02-15-2011, 12:51 PM
I'm going to use AltaVista.


That's what I used before Google came along- was a decent search engine 8 years ago.

02-15-2011, 12:58 PM

Whoa. It changed. Maybe I'm thinking of something else.
No. I was going to put this up first. But then I saw that it drew in search results from Google, and I'm not down with that!!

Also, don't forget about Netscape!

02-15-2011, 12:59 PM
No. I was going to put this up first. But then I saw that it drew in search results from Google, and I'm not down with that!!

Yeah it used to be different. I remember using it in the mid-nineties in the computer lab to look at porn. Er research stuff.

02-15-2011, 01:03 PM
Yeah it used to be different. I remember using it in the mid-nineties in the computer lab to look at porn. Er research stuff.
And where is the fucking spider logo? This is bullshit.

02-15-2011, 01:38 PM
Working in emergency management/disaster planning and with a specific emphasis on catastrophic planning for the last two years I can say, without doubt, his reaction was in error. No executive will ever be trained to sit tight as a show of calm when his authority alone is responsible for critical response initiatives.

02-15-2011, 01:39 PM
Looks like Lycos (http://www.lycos.com/) hasn't been euthanized yet, either.

02-15-2011, 02:05 PM
Working in emergency management/disaster planning and with a specific emphasis on catastrophic planning for the last two years I can say, without doubt, his reaction was in error. No executive will ever be trained to sit tight as a show of calm when his authority alone is responsible for critical response initiatives.

So step 1 is PANIC!?

What is it that Bush didn't do that morning that would have helped the situation unfolding? Be specific.. You are the expert on here and we are all awaiting your expert analysis. What action could Bush have done in those first 10 minutes and exactly what negative impact from his non action would have been prevented.

I'll be honest, I'm very excited about this opportunity to hear from an expert. I bet you usually have to pay for this top notch analysis... and we're getting it for FREE!!

02-15-2011, 02:12 PM
So step 1 is PANIC!?

What is it that Bush didn't do that morning that would have helped the situation unfolding? Be specific.. You are the expert on here and we are all awaiting your expert analysis. What action could Bush have done in those first 10 minutes and exactly what negative impact from his non action would have been prevented.

I'll be honest, I'm very excited about this opportunity to hear from an expert. I bet you usually have to pay for this top notch analysis... and we're getting it for FREE!!

Are you really that sense as to try and say that sit there for 10 minutes and do nothing is potentially a correct answer? Even to someone who knows little about crisis management, there can be one or several correct approaches. But common sense dictates that sitting around for 10 minutes is not part of any correct path. It’s not our job to correct him, or even know what the right answer is.

You don’t always have to know the right answer to recognize a wrong one you retarded fuckstick.

02-15-2011, 02:18 PM
So step 1 is PANIC!?

What is it that Bush didn't do that morning that would have helped the situation unfolding? Be specific.. You are the expert on here and we are all awaiting your expert analysis. What action could Bush have done in those first 10 minutes and exactly what negative impact from his non action would have been prevented.

I'll be honest, I'm very excited about this opportunity to hear from an expert. I bet you usually have to pay for this top notch analysis... and we're getting it for FREE!!

No, stand up calmly, excuse yourself, and get down to business.


Read the paragraph When Did Bush First Learn of the Attacks?

It's an essay, so I wouldn't take it as fact. It is sourced though.

If Bush wasn’t told while in his limousine, he certainly was told immediately after he got out of it. US Navy Captain Deborah Loewer, the director of the White House Situation Room, was traveling in the motorcade when she received a message from an assistant back in Washington about the first crash. Loewer said that as soon as the car arrived at Booker, she ran quickly over to Bush. “It’s a very good thing the Secret Service knows who I am,” Loewer later said. She told Bush that an aircraft had “impacted the World Trade Center. This is all we know.” [Catholic Telegraph, 12/7/01, AP, 11/26/01]

It does raise some interesting questions.

02-15-2011, 02:28 PM
Im not an expert like you Ryvicke so Ill have to defer to you but I would imagine our countries procedure in the event of an attack isnt to do absolutely nothing until the president explicitly calls the pilots to tell them to scramble the jets and individually text messages each fire fighter. I mean honestly if you think emergency response from NY and the military was just sitting by the phone tapping its foot hoping bush would call them for 10 minutes I think were underestimating our infrastructure a little.

02-15-2011, 02:36 PM
In the news today, a jet airliner crashed into the ground. After being informed that all engines were out, the pilot sat there for 10 minutes doing nothing.

Everyone: What a stupid pilot

02-15-2011, 02:38 PM
In the news today, a jet airliner crashed into the ground. After being informed that all engines were out, the pilot sat there for 10 minutes doing nothing.

Everyone: What a stupid pilot

02-15-2011, 02:41 PM

I'm starting to buy into your premise that this is a ghost poster pretending to be an inflamed liberal. No one could possibly be this retarded on accident.

02-15-2011, 02:44 PM
So step 1 is PANIC!?

What is it that Bush didn't do that morning that would have helped the situation unfolding? Be specific.. You are the expert on here and we are all awaiting your expert analysis. What action could Bush have done in those first 10 minutes and exactly what negative impact from his non action would have been prevented.

I'll be honest, I'm very excited about this opportunity to hear from an expert. I bet you usually have to pay for this top notch analysis... and we're getting it for FREE!!

Whoa you sound pumped, guy! Did you used to get this excited when you sat down at a poker table with your portable poker game buttons??

I'm not going to go into the essential directives of the Incident Command System (ICS) or the National Incident Management System (NIMS) but both clearly stress the importance of the first four hours after any disaster. Hindsight is fantastic, and in this case, we're probably all aware of what did happen and what possible actions were available (few), it doesn't change that those minutes should have been spent getting as informed as possible as quickly as possible. Even minutes spent later (when something could have been done) informing the president of the common operating picture could have cost lives, etc.

I can only imagine his deputies and handlers, standing to the side of these photos, dumbstruck watching him waste this amount of time. It's a small working insight into his inner circle to think that no one actually interrupted him and said "no, you're needed on a call." There was, undoubtedly, an executive call, bridge open, with many people doing their jobs while awaiting his voice on the line.

Anyhow, you continue to be a fucking moron for debating something as simple as this. Keep playing them pocket games, champ.

02-15-2011, 02:46 PM
Im not an expert like you Ryvicke so Ill have to defer to you but I would imagine our countries procedure in the event of an attack isnt to do absolutely nothing until the president explicitly calls the pilots to tell them to scramble the jets and individually text messages each fire fighter. I mean honestly if you think emergency response from NY and the military was just sitting by the phone tapping its foot hoping bush would call them for 10 minutes I think were underestimating our infrastructure a little.

Hi G++, no doubt people did their jobs without him.


02-15-2011, 02:47 PM
No executive will ever be trained to sit tight as a show of calm when his authority alone is responsible for critical response initiatives.

Hi Ryvicke,

Sorry I thought you meant what you actually said.


02-15-2011, 02:50 PM
So, in your extensive expert analysis.. you keep bringing up how dumb Bush was when he was told, but his inaction didn't have any negative impact on anything. You are just bringing it up to show how it COULD have been negative?

You are a real shining example of our government at work.....

02-15-2011, 02:52 PM
The President of the United States was told that a plane has crashed into the WTC, after a failed terrorist bombing of the WTC several years earlier and after he was given multiple reports of impending attacks, some stating very specifically the use of commercial airline planes as missiles and he still sat there without acting immediately.

The period of time is not in question.

02-15-2011, 02:57 PM
The President of the United States was told that a plane has crashed into the WTC, after a failed terrorist bombing of the WTC several years earlier and after he was given multiple reports of impending attacks, some stating very specifically the use of commercial airline planes as missiles and he still sat there without acting immediately.

The period of time is not in question.

Ryvicke is an expert. I will refer you to his expert opinion on the events of 9-11-01

02-15-2011, 03:01 PM
So, in your extensive expert analysis.. you keep bringing up how dumb Bush was when he was told, but his inaction didn't have any negative impact on anything. You are just bringing it up to show how it COULD have been negative?

You are a real shining example of our government at work.....


He had no idea at that moment whether he could help or not--whether he was needed or not. It does not matter whether his inaction caused anything to go wrong, he should not have been inactive.

02-15-2011, 03:11 PM
I'm starting to buy into your premise that this is a ghost poster pretending to be an inflamed liberal. No one could possibly be this retarded on accident.
I want to put him in my Ignore list, but I feel like I'd be missing out on way too many wtf moments.

02-15-2011, 03:19 PM

He had no idea at that moment whether he could help or not--whether he was needed or not. It does not matter whether his inaction caused anything to go wrong, he should not have been inactive.


Rule #1: Inactivity bad.

Again, you don't need to know what the right answer is to recognize one that is fucking terrible.

02-15-2011, 03:20 PM
kinda like that horse trainer he put in charge of FEMA, who did nothing short of basically inflame a situation to cause more death than it should have. But of course had Obama been in charge, Hurrican Katrina would have destroyed the entire Southeast, I know I know.

Don't have to know who the best choice would have been to know that a horse trainer wasn't it.

02-15-2011, 03:23 PM
But of course had Obama been in charge, Hurrican Katrina would have destroyed the entire Southeast, I know I know
BP oil spill

02-15-2011, 03:26 PM
This factual link with no spin shows how Obama would have handled it.


Bush was clearly better.


wow, amazing insights as usual there

02-15-2011, 03:27 PM

He had no idea at that moment whether he could help or not--whether he was needed or not. It does not matter whether his inaction caused anything to go wrong, he should not have been inactive.

In your expert opinion, what would have been the senario that he would have been required to act in those 10 minutes? I mean, wasn't he a pilot? Maybe you believe he could have been asked to fly something?

02-15-2011, 03:28 PM
In your expert opinion, what would have been the senario that he would have been required to act in those 10 minutes? I mean, wasn't he a pilot? Maybe you believe he could have been asked to fly something?

you mean scenario?

02-15-2011, 03:29 PM
you mean scenario?
Wow. Are we really going to get into a spelling thing here? Because you wouldn't win that either.

I'll start. Learn to spell "guaranteed," you dumb fuck.

02-15-2011, 03:31 PM
I take fruits and vegetables up my ass when a big cock isn't available. I'm willing to use small rodents, but would like someone to help me put them in backwards so they can crawl out by themselves and bring me to orgasm. Please PM me for more information.


02-15-2011, 03:32 PM
These are the only facts that matter


yup, you're on the dot there.

02-15-2011, 03:35 PM
I want to put him in my Ignore list, but I feel like I'd be missing out on way too many wtf moments.

He will burn himself out soon enough.. you can't go at this type of retard pace and not.

I give him 2 weeks until he either outs his real login or simply stops posting. Either way, we're going to miss him.

02-15-2011, 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by lightwellspam
I take fruits and vegetables up my ass when a big cock isn't available. I'm willing to use small rodents, but would like someone to help me put them in backwards so they can crawl out by themselves and bring me to orgasm. Please PM me for more information..

Interesting narrative. It didn't take very much of your imagination, did it?

02-15-2011, 03:38 PM
Interesting narrative. It didn't take very much of your imagination, did it?

He's the man who created Lemon Party. Why would it?

02-15-2011, 03:39 PM
He's the man who created Lemon Party. Why would it?

You can't have a lemon party without an old cocksucker.

Aka, Parkbandit.

02-15-2011, 03:40 PM
I heard a rumor you've let farm animals fuck you in the ass, then you finished them off with your mouth. Is this true?

yup, you're on the dot there.

At least you are honest.

02-15-2011, 03:41 PM
Interesting narrative. It didn't take very much of your imagination, did it?

Imagination? I just spoke to your last Dad for that story.

02-15-2011, 03:42 PM
I take fruits and vegetables up my ass when a big cock isn't available. I'm willing to use small rodents, but would like someone to help me put them in backwards so they can crawl out by themselves and bring me to orgasm. Please PM me for more information.

Parkbandit, how come you were the only one to PM me? And why would you want to know about things like that?

02-15-2011, 03:44 PM



It is factual, like an encyclopedia


We know