View Full Version : "The Economy Is Simply Another Front in the Culture War"

02-01-2011, 03:33 PM
In "Rise of the Teavangelicals (http://www.onenewsnow.com/Journal/editorial.aspx?id=1281490)," an editorial from the American Family News Network, we have proof from polls that evangelicals are a big part of the Tea Party, much greater than the media thought. And they recognize that the economy is a moral issue. It's a sin to have big government, government health care and high taxes.

02-01-2011, 03:41 PM
In "Rise of the Teavangelicals (http://www.onenewsnow.com/Journal/editorial.aspx?id=1281490)," an editorial from the American Family News Network, we have proof from polls that evangelicals are a big part of the Tea Party, much greater than the media thought. And they recognize that the economy is a moral issue. It's a sin to have big government, government health care and high taxes.

Yeah, because tithing is generally based on net income and government taxes come out of gross income. Less tax = more tithes and a new Rolex or Lexus for folks like Swaggart.

02-01-2011, 03:51 PM
In "Rise of the Teavangelicals (http://www.onenewsnow.com/Journal/editorial.aspx?id=1281490)," an editorial from the American Family News Network, we have proof from polls that evangelicals are a big part of the Tea Party, much greater than the media thought. And they recognize that the economy is a moral issue. It's a sin to have big government, government health care and high taxes.

It is a big moral issue. It is on the rational people of this country to get the Islamic…. I mean Christian fundmantalists out of any position by which they seek to control the economy so the country can actually grow.

02-01-2011, 04:59 PM
I think you guys need to throw FK into this mix and it'd be awesome.

02-01-2011, 05:31 PM
I think you guys need to throw FK into this mix and it'd be awesome.

Donnie is too busy traveling the world, being an FC in the Navy watching the shit get real and people killed on the ground to participate in this thread.

Oh, but shhhhh.... he can't tell you about it.

02-01-2011, 08:42 PM
The judge copied his decision from a brief submitted by the Family Research Council, which was a smart move by the judge.

Family Research Council's amicus brief, drafted by FRC's Special Counsel Ken Klukowski, argued that if the "individual mandate" is unconstitutional, then the entire law must be struck down.

Judge Vinson quoted Klukowski (pg. 32 and footnote 27 on pg. 64) in his opinion. Judge Vinson wrote that he borrowed "heavily"from FRC's amicus brief and said the brief "quite cogently and effectively sets forth the applicable standard and governing analysis of severability." FRC filed the only amicus brief focusing exclusively on how the individual mandate cannot be severed from the law.

More... (http://www.frc.org/newsroom/frc-praises-florida-judge-for-striking-down-entire-health-care-law)

This proves that the Southern Poverty Law Center was wrong to classify the FRC as a hate group.