View Full Version : Why Johhny can't add

12-21-2010, 12:04 PM
Or, why children coming out of our schools can't do basic math, can't balance a checkbook and are easily misled by simple mathematic facts by politicians. In addition, watching this will help you understand why children get frustrated at math and give up. Folks, the good old fashioned basics of rote memorization of multiplication tables, basic math skills, phonic reading (except for those with hearing disabilities which we test for) and fundamental skills in persistence and rational thought are critical for us to continue to develop as a society. Look into it, teach your kids, get involved, keep an eye on what these mush headed morons are trying to do to the brains of your kids with well meaning but critically deficient text books and curricula.


12-21-2010, 12:07 PM
can't balance a checkbook
Problem solved. No one needs to know how to do this.

12-21-2010, 12:12 PM
Math rant and you said "in addition". I lol'd.

12-21-2010, 12:22 PM
Math rant and you said "in addition". I lol'd.

Glad I could entertain you while being relevant. Please don't procreate and if you already have, please, make sure your kids get a better education than this crap.

12-21-2010, 12:28 PM
I ain'ts git no learnin'. Comes out inta da bigg wurlds jus' fien.

12-21-2010, 01:11 PM
while being relevant


Some Rogue
12-21-2010, 01:14 PM
While I do believe that the standard way should be the primary method taught so that you understand the basics, the so called "cluster" method was one I figured out on my own and allows me to usually figure out a problem before most people. I see no harm in teaching that along side the standard way.

12-21-2010, 01:42 PM
Aside from kneejerk reactions to the curricula she's talking about, is there any actual research showing that children using these curricula fail to excel at math compared to traditionally-taught students? I'm just wondering, since I could only find anecdotal evidence and basically reposts of what *~Rocktar~* posted.

I'm not disagreeing, I just don't know that it's been proven that the TERC curricula (for example) is actually as ineffectual as she claims. For example, she talks about going back to school in the "late 90's" and being shocked at the lack of math and logic skills of students... however the TERC curricula she's complaining about wasn't even in existence then, and those students almost certainly didn't learn the 'novel' ways of problem solving that TERC is using.

Look into it, teach your kids, get involved, keep an eye on what these mush headed morons are trying to do to the brains of your kids with well meaning but critically deficient text books and curricula.

These are more important than almost any curriculum. I think you'll find the math skills issues in children can be traced a lot more to this rather than failings on the part of any given curricula. If I had to point another finger of blame, I'd say it's complacent teachers who follow a curriculum too closely and don't teach directly.

Also, I wish she'd learn that 'oh' is not a number. Just sayin'.

12-21-2010, 01:46 PM

12-21-2010, 01:48 PM
Nice, Showal.

12-21-2010, 01:48 PM
I figured he'd like it for his sig.

12-21-2010, 01:49 PM
Why Johhny can't add
I was also wondering why Johhny can't spell.

12-21-2010, 01:52 PM
Glad I could entertain you while being relevant. Please don't procreate and if you already have, please, make sure your kids get a better education than this crap.

If my kids do get a good education can I expect them to remember a simple user name and password to a forum? Or is that asking too much?

12-21-2010, 01:52 PM
I was also wondering why Johhny can't spell.

That's clearly the LATINO version of Johnny. This is so racist.

12-21-2010, 01:55 PM
If my kids do get a good education can I expect them to remember a simple user name and password to a forum? Or is that asking too much?

I like the new Rocktar, but I think Nien said it best

Queen Rocktar would have worked just as well as the squiggles. It's a shame you cant get sparkles in your name. That would have just been the business!

12-21-2010, 02:01 PM
That's clearly the LATINO version of Johnny. This is so racist.

12-21-2010, 02:30 PM
Just about every cell phone these days has a calculator on it, and just about everybody has a cell phone. Why would you need to know math?

12-21-2010, 02:46 PM
I can't remember the last time I needed to know how to multiply 3 digit numbers in a math class. Being able to understand why x * y = z is cool and all but it requires no thought, where as real math is mostly thought and no arithmetic.

12-21-2010, 02:51 PM
If my kids do get a good education can I expect them to remember a simple user name and password to a forum? Or is that asking too much?

Again fucknugget, how many passwords do you have?

Over the past 6 years, I have had over 400 due to work and other pursuits. I also have had something on the order of 40 e-mail addresses and accounts. Unlike you and others, I use different passwords for each and since my computer had the information, it wasn't an issue. Now, until I have the time to do the data recovery on the hard drive that melted to see if it can be recovered, you will just have to deal with me. So sorry that it distresses your dopamine addled, emo heart.

Again, you can display the common tendency of morons/Liberals to resort to ad hominem personal attacks rather than actually conduct rational thought or discourse. So please, spare us the stupidity and have a heaping helping of shut the fuck up.

And Nachos, take a look at the steady decline of our ranking in Science and Math world wide as well as the growth of remedial math and English classes in upper education over the past 30 years.

And Johhny refers to an old comedy routine about why Johhny can't read. Sorry you are too old to get the reference.

12-21-2010, 02:52 PM
Wow, your hard drive melted? You are retarded.

12-21-2010, 02:56 PM
I can't remember the last time I needed to know how to multiply 3 digit numbers in a math class. Being able to understand why x * y = z is cool and all but it requires no thought, where as real math is mostly thought and no arithmetic.

If you don't understand and can't apply the fundamentals of arithmetic then you have no foundation to reach the higher levels of thought. When you were young and being first introduced to these concepts, they required far more than "no thought". Because you mastered them so long ago, you have the foundations to build on and have reached the level where it requires "no thought" for you to put them to use. If you did not understand basic arithmetic skills you certainly would have no way to understand amortized interest or depreciation.

Someone taught you those basic skills so that you can be where you are now. We are doing a shit poor job of teaching those basic skills now days and the results are clear.

12-21-2010, 02:59 PM
And Johhny refers to an old comedy routine about why Johhny can't read. Sorry you are too old to get the reference.
I'm too old to get an old routine?

So not only are you spelling something wrong, but you are legitimately retarded.

12-21-2010, 03:01 PM
Wow, your hard drive melted? You are retarded.

Old hard drive, MB, chip and HD fried in a cascade power surge from the internal power supply. The first drive on the cable fried, the second was ok. Even had a puff of smoke, was kinda cool, reminded me of the old days in computers and electronics.

12-21-2010, 03:01 PM
Again fucknugget, how many passwords do you have?

Over the past 6 years, I have had over 400 due to work and other pursuits. I also have had something on the order of 40 e-mail addresses and accounts. Unlike you and others, I use different passwords for each and since my computer had the information, it wasn't an issue.

I have well over 400, as I also use different passwords for everything and change them every few months. I keep a notebook tucked safely away near my desk to keep all those passwords straight. You should have been smart enough to do the same.

12-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Over the past 6 years, I have had over 400 due to work and other pursuits.

Does the bolded part make anyone else giggle?

Also, if you couldn't remember those 400 passwords, maybe you didn't do so well at the rote memorization you feel is so important...

And Nachos, take a look at the steady decline of our ranking in Science and Math world wide as well as the growth of remedial math and English classes in upper education over the past 30 years.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the video that you linked, as I said. I'm not disputing your point, merely saying that the video you linked has no solid basis for claiming 'this r why kids r dumb today'.

12-21-2010, 03:15 PM
Does the bolded part make anyone else giggle?

Username: LunnWindrider
PW: HypnoLactation

Very easy to remember.

12-21-2010, 03:37 PM
Old hard drive, MB, chip and HD fried in a cascade power surge from the internal power supply. The first drive on the cable fried, the second was ok.

Being poor must suck.

12-21-2010, 03:48 PM
Again fucknugget, how many passwords do you have?

Over the past 6 years, I have had over 400 due to work and other pursuits. I also have had something on the order of 40 e-mail addresses and accounts. Unlike you and others, I use different passwords for each and since my computer had the information, it wasn't an issue. Now, until I have the time to do the data recovery on the hard drive that melted to see if it can be recovered, you will just have to deal with me. So sorry that it distresses your dopamine addled, emo heart.

Again, you can display the common tendency of morons/Liberals to resort to ad hominem personal attacks rather than actually conduct rational thought or discourse. So please, spare us the stupidity and have a heaping helping of shut the fuck up.

And Nachos, take a look at the steady decline of our ranking in Science and Math world wide as well as the growth of remedial math and English classes in upper education over the past 30 years.

And Johhny refers to an old comedy routine about why Johhny can't read. Sorry you are too old to get the reference.

There's the rage. Please read what you wrote, point out the pot and kettle scenarios to yourself, then get in your cage. You're about as good at this as FK. HEY GUYS WHEN YOU DO IT ITS AD HOMINEM BUT WHEN I DO IT ITS BECAUSE YOU NEED YOUR OWN MEDICINE AND IM WITTY AS FUCK. You're not, you're bad at it. With luck you'll forget this account pword too.

I'm curious as to how you know my personal security policy is you a wizard?! The fact that you stored your passwords on your computer is fail enough as it is, let alone your real life memory failure. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention in class instead of doodling bondage stick figures you'd be able to remember them.

Also, in the past 6 years I've had 3 email accounts. Old job, that's 1, current job, that's 2, and personal email address that's 3. You had 40...Gratz on running from whatever it is you're running from. Pr0n, hypno-lacto slaves, whatever it is I hope you beat those demons. I could do the math to figure up all the passwords I've had in the last 6 years (or I could make up a number like 400) but it really doesn't matter because I can remember them all, and yes they are different.

Can you explain to me why Rob would be too old to get an old comedy routine, that doesn't make sense, not that we expect you to make sense.

12-21-2010, 05:01 PM
Please read what you wrote, point out the pot and kettle scenarios to yourself, then get in your cage. You're about as good at this as FK. HEY GUYS WHEN YOU DO IT ITS AD HOMINEM BUT WHEN I DO IT ITS BECAUSE YOU NEED YOUR OWN MEDICINE AND IM WITTY AS FUCK. You're not, you're bad at it.

And how many times have you argued anything other than a personal attack? In my case, over many responses to me, you may be hard pressed to come up with 5 that aren't simply personal attacks. I can assure you you will find many more of my replies to you that involve no personal attack. You will also find very few of your posts in the politics section to anyone that aren't a personal attack. It is what you and others specialize in since you certainly can't generate a cognizant argument.

I'm curious as to how you know my personal security policy is you a wizard?! The fact that you stored your passwords on your computer is fail enough as it is, let alone your real life memory failure. Maybe if you spent more time paying attention in class instead of doodling bondage stick figures you'd be able to remember them.

The fact that all you can do is spew personal attacks fail. I find it particularly amusing that you assume that I doodle much less what I doodle. I'm curious as to how you know, or in this case, don't know my personal artistic pursuits?

Also, in the past 6 years I've had 3 email accounts. Old job, that's 1, current job, that's 2, and personal email address that's 3. You had 40...Gratz on running from whatever it is you're running from. Pr0n, hypno-lacto slaves, whatever it is I hope you beat those demons. I could do the math to figure up all the passwords I've had in the last 6 years (or I could make up a number like 400) but it really doesn't matter because I can remember them all, and yes they are different.

Not running from anything, just not as boring and flaccid as you are but thanks for commenting yet again while your head is up your ass. Oh, and for a simple review, old job at phone company, 7 systems, each needing a new password not previously used every 45 days over 5 years, Walmart, new password every 30 days, current job, 16 systems each needing a different password every 30 days, multiple boards, e-mail accounts and subscriptions like WoW. Easily over 400 so thanks for playing.

12-21-2010, 05:03 PM
Being poor must suck.

Not as much as being Liberal and/or as retarded as you. Fortunately for me, poor is a temporary condition where as your mental deficiency and dopamine addiction are chronic and likely terminal.

12-21-2010, 05:42 PM
If you don't understand and can't apply the fundamentals of arithmetic then you have no foundation to reach the higher levels of thought. When you were young and being first introduced to these concepts, they required far more than "no thought". Because you mastered them so long ago, you have the foundations to build on and have reached the level where it requires "no thought" for you to put them to use. If you did not understand basic arithmetic skills you certainly would have no way to understand amortized interest or depreciation.

Someone taught you those basic skills so that you can be where you are now. We are doing a shit poor job of teaching those basic skills now days and the results are clear.

I'm wondering when you're actually going to post peer-reviewed research on the the criticisms of the non-standard methods shown in the video. As a educational researcher, I'm just dying to know. Please pay particular attention to the success rates of students in each cohort (those taking standard math and non-standard math), additionally look at success for the cohorts in coursework outside of math. Please, indulge us.

12-22-2010, 08:22 AM


Also you can't triple stamp a double stamp Lloyd.

Why did you have the system passwords on your personal computer? Just curious.

I would agree with you though, I'd be hard pressed to find 5 posts by me directed at you that aren't making fun of how absurdly retarded you are. Question before I do my research, do I check posts directed at Rocktar or at Sparkle princess Rocktar the forgetter or passwords?

Hopefully your tandy doesn't fry I would hate for you to lose all those system passwords and not post here any more that would be tragic.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:08 AM
And how many times have you argued anything other than a personal attack? In my case, over many responses to me, you may be hard pressed to come up with 5 that aren't simply personal attacks.

Sounds like Anticor to me. But I do bite back. Anticor is nothing but another liberal trying to pretend that he is a conservative, likely to give the libtards a false sense of being bipartisan. But that is how all these fucking libtards are.

LMMFAO! I just can't believe that Anticor works. My guess is his job is just moderating these boards and working on capping his next character. Come to think about it I would bet people like Showal and Keller are the same. I would be willing to bet they all have WoW tattoos, and likely blisters on their fingers from typing all day.

12-22-2010, 10:12 AM


12-22-2010, 10:15 AM
Sounds like Anticor to me. But I do bite back. Anticor is nothing but another liberal trying to pretend that he is a conservative, likely to give the libtards a false sense of being bipartisan. But that is how all these fucking libtards are.

LMMFAO! I just can't believe that Anticor works. My guess is his job is just moderating these boards and working on capping his next character. Come to think about it I would bet people like Showal and Keller are the same. I would be willing to bet they all have WoW tattoos, and likely blisters on their fingers from typing all day.

How do you find time in your pretend secret agent life to lie about your age, profession, experience AND still mouth hug all up on Rocktar? And you still can make posts that always have libtard in them! Wow you are a marvel in time management.

And your "biting back" is laughable at best. I don't think you've had a successful retort yet. Your bland, unimaginative and unoriginal "your fat mother, gay ass slamming, coat hanger/abortion" etc comments don't win you big boy points on the internet playground. But tell yourself your winning and we might give you a participation ribbion and a certificate of I'm special.

12-22-2010, 10:18 AM
I'm so proud of you all.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:19 AM
How do you find time in your pretend secret agent life to lie about your age, profession, experience AND still mouth hug all up on Rocktar? And you still can make posts that always have libtard in them! Wow you are a marvel in time management.

Well for 1 I never claimed to be a secret agent. 2 I did not lie about my age, profession, or experience. And yes I am a marvel in time management.

12-22-2010, 10:23 AM
2 I did not lie about my age

...So what? Yeah I fudged my age a bit...

Wait, what?

12-22-2010, 10:24 AM
Well for 1 I never claimed to be a secret agent. 2 I did not lie about my age, profession, or experience. And yes I am a marvel in time management.

Yeah I fudged my age a bit big deal.


EDIT: God damn you, Anticor. I'm not removing my post.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:24 AM
And your "biting back" is laughable at best. I don't think you've had a successful retort yet. Your bland, unimaginative and unoriginal "your fat mother, gay ass slamming, coat hanger/abortion" etc comments don't win you big boy points on the internet playground. But tell yourself your winning and we might give you a participation ribbion and a certificate of I'm special.

Sounds like someone is still butt hurt.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:25 AM
Wait, what?

I never said how old I was.

12-22-2010, 10:25 AM
Also, I've been waiting for FK to weigh in on the content of this video... proof that libtards are destroying the minds of America, amirite?

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:27 AM


LMAO! Very funny considering every damn one of you libtards troll every thread or post that I post in. Fucking hypocrites.
But yeah, maybe it is time for me and Rocktar to team up and fuck you libtards up.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:30 AM
Also, I've been waiting for FK to weigh in on the content of this video... proof that libtards are destroying the minds of America, amirite?

You don't need to watch a video, just go outside Nachos and experience life outside your internet fantasy world. Maybe you would also get a job and stop leaching off your mother.

EDIT: BTW you grammar police, notice Nachos' grammar is wrong. It should be Am I right?

12-22-2010, 10:39 AM
I never said how old I was.


Sorry, but I am 23. Gah such dumbasses. hehe.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:40 AM


Yep said that like 7 years ago dude. Never told anyone my age before Showal went sniffin around.

12-22-2010, 10:41 AM

In 2003, you were 23. So now you're 30. Remember when you said you were born before abortion was legalized and lied?

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 10:43 AM

I never gave my age though, so I did not lie about my age.

12-22-2010, 11:13 AM
But you lied. Just like about your military service.

12-22-2010, 11:59 AM
I never gave my age though, so I did not lie about my age.

You did not give your exact age, correct. You said:

Too bad when I was born abortions were still illegal lmao!

Abortion became legal in the US in 1973. Using the powers of mathematics, this would mean you are at least 38.

In 2003, you said two things. First, you said your name was Donnie. Second, you said you were 23. Once again, using the powers of mathematics, this would mean you are about 30.

38 =/= 30. In fact, it's 8 years off (or roughly a minimum of 26.7% of your entire life). Let me know if I need to further explain any of these mind blowing statements.

12-22-2010, 12:00 PM
Donnie, stop lying, please.

Perhaps the title of this thread should be "Why Donnie can't add". I understand it's not based off of an old comedy routine that some people here may be too old to recognize, but it's more contemporary. I read it on theblaze.com

12-22-2010, 12:08 PM
Donnie, stop lying, please.
Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 12:21 PM
You did not give your exact age, correct. You said:

Abortion became legal in the US in 1973. Using the powers of mathematics, this would mean you are at least 38.

In 2003, you said two things. First, you said your name was Donnie. Second, you said you were 23. Once again, using the powers of mathematics, this would mean you are about 30.

38 =/= 30. In fact, it's 8 years off (or roughly a minimum of 26.7% of your entire life). Let me know if I need to further explain any of these mind blowing statements.


Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 12:21 PM
But you lied. Just like about your military service.

I did not lie about my military service.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 12:22 PM
Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


Rob = Anticor

12-22-2010, 12:22 PM
Just like you didn't lie about your age? Classy.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 12:23 PM
Just like you didn't lie about your age? Classy.

I didn't lie about my age.

12-22-2010, 12:25 PM
I didn't lie about my age.

So you were born before 1973?

(going in circles is fun!)

12-22-2010, 12:30 PM
Rob = Anticor
Rob > Anticor

12-22-2010, 12:38 PM
I didn't lie about my age.

Oh right ... you didn't!!

Wow forgot all about that. Lmao! Yeah I was a network engineer, then I joined the military. So what? Yeah I fudged my age a bit big deal. You lie about being a red ninja.

12-22-2010, 01:40 PM
LMMFAO! I just can't believe that Anticor works. My guess is his job is just moderating these boards and working on capping his next character. Come to think about it I would bet people like Showal and Keller are the same. I would be willing to bet they all have WoW tattoos, and likely blisters on their fingers from typing all day.

You realize that you average 7 posts a day, and Anticor is 5.8. Someone needs to do a little more research before posting opinions as facts. I know Rush would be proud, but C'mon man!

12-22-2010, 01:41 PM
You realize that you average 7 posts a day, and Anticor is 5.8. Someone needs to do a little more research before posting opinions as facts. I know Rush would be proud, but C'mon man!

Johnny can't add remember.. you expect him to know the 7 > 5.8?

12-22-2010, 02:45 PM
Rob ())===D~~~ Anticor

12-22-2010, 02:46 PM
Rob ())===D~~~ Anticor

And i would have gone with something a little more detailed:

Rob's dick--> 8====D~~~ o-: <--Anticor

12-22-2010, 02:48 PM
I would've thought the fact that it was your dick was implied, and therefore it was unnecessary to say so.


You aren't spurting in his mouth. RIGHT ON THE TITTIES!

12-22-2010, 02:48 PM
My nose is bigger than that.

12-22-2010, 07:52 PM
You realize that you average 7 posts a day, and Anticor is 5.8. Someone needs to do a little more research before posting opinions as facts. I know Rush would be proud, but C'mon man!


Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 07:55 PM
Your all hopeless idiots and I hope you rot in the festering world of liberal tyranny or a gay man's asshole, which ever comes first.

12-22-2010, 07:58 PM
Your all hopeless idiots and I hope you rot in the festering world of liberal tyranny or a gay man's asshole, which ever comes first.

you are too obsessed with politics man chill. go smoke a joint it helps.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 08:02 PM
you are too obsessed with politics man chill. go smoke a joint it helps.

And you sound like a fucking hippy.

12-22-2010, 08:21 PM
Your all hopeless idiots and I hope you rot in the festering world of liberal tyranny or a gay man's asshole, which ever comes first.


12-22-2010, 08:21 PM
Your all hopeless idiots and I hope you rot in the festering world of liberal tyranny or a gay man's asshole, which ever comes first.

Your lack of creativity bores me almost more than you do. Let me clear my throat here. I'll call this bit, "Firestorm Killa's Life Story." Ahem:

"You, you hapless little troll apprentice, are the most incomprehensible, illiterate, poorly formulated excuse for a troll that it has ever been my severe displeasure to see on a message board. Your ideas are nonsensical, your witticisms are not witty, your insults provoke only laughter, and your logic would insult the bastard offspring of Aristotle's pet rats.

The day that birthed you blushed in shame and now dawns forever after with a sunrise the color of bullshit. Your mother deeply regretted her life choices once she saw your face and devoted herself to a life of prostitution and heroin to drive it from her memory. Your father fled as fast as his feet could carry him and enlisted in a cannon-fodder regiment as expiation for the sin he had committed against the world. Your natural prognathous attitude and moribund intellectualism stymied even the best efforts of your saintly teachers who, when filling out your report cards, held only to the single tenet of, "Oh, my fucking God; get this kid out of my class."

As you reached puberty, you took what you'd learned of courtship from "Married With Children" reruns to heart and embarrassed yourself so soundly in the attempt that your name has in your town become a byword for failure. When the results came back on your career aptitude tests, your instructors hid the outcome from you out of kindness. Sadly, their charity only produced a G.E.D. "graduate" who believed the promises made by a mental mishmash of "Sesame Street" and the Army commericals, one who thought that Oscar the Grouch was being "all he could be" and would make for an excellent role-model.

Convinced by the glories of half-digested garbage and assured of the luxuries of city dumps, you've structured your life on the principle of pulchritudinous putresence. Like everyone else your age, you naturally turned to internet to record the death throes of your juvenilia, forsaking the age-old, and fortunately flammable, standard of the secret diary. Thus you come to Player's Corner. Secure in the belief of your own manifest destiny as the deepest thinker of an online message boards, yet bereft of even a modicum of humor or cleverness, you insist on bespattering us with your thoughts. Somewhere in what passes for your brain, you've convinced yourself that we think you're funny. Thus, let me clarify:

It would take no less than God himself changing the entire course of history to make you worth reading."

Best regards,

12-22-2010, 08:50 PM
Eh, I dont know that he would be old enough to have watched Married with Children, Nechtan.

12-22-2010, 08:52 PM
Eh, I dont know that he would be old enough to have watched Married with Children, Nechtan.

Reruns, Rojo, reruns.

12-22-2010, 08:53 PM
Oh ok then I agree with all of the above. Sounds like science.

12-22-2010, 09:10 PM
I'm wondering when you're actually going to post peer-reviewed research on the the criticisms of the non-standard methods shown in the video. As a educational researcher, I'm just dying to know. Please pay particular attention to the success rates of students in each cohort (those taking standard math and non-standard math), additionally look at success for the cohorts in coursework outside of math. Please, indulge us.

I'm just dying to know how you can justify supporting the notion as presented by the text book authors that children should not spend the time necessary to master basic mathematical concepts like simple algebra? I agree that the problem is certainly more diverse than one simple mathematic technique. I would suggest that 30+ years of falling test scores, rising rates of remedial classes in math and English among entering freshmen students to 4 year colleges and universities and falling ranking world wide would support the thesis that the mush headed bullshit we have been doing in schools the past 30 or so years has been less effective than what was done before.

One definition of insanity is to do something over and over and expect a different result. If we continue doing mush headed, feel good experiments in education and they continue to produce lack luster results when compared to the past, then a rational person would conclude that we should be doing what worked better. Past history is pretty clear to support that teaching basic math skills using the traditional, clear, concise and 100% effective standard methods worked better. The only problem with the traditional methods are that a student might fail and thereby be faced with the personal responsibility of not meeting a standard of achievement and that people with much of any mathematical skill might not be suckered into voting for hair brained, mush headed, Socialist spending bullshit and candidates.

So, you are really defending failed methods and the premise that students should not master basic math skills?

12-22-2010, 09:15 PM
I'm just dying to know how you can justify supporting the notion as presented by the text book authors that children should not spend the time necessary to master basic mathematical concepts like simple algebra? I agree that the problem is certainly more diverse than one simple mathematic technique. I would suggest that 30+ years of falling test scores, rising rates of remedial classes in math and English among entering freshmen students to 4 year colleges and universities and falling ranking world wide would support the thesis that the mush headed bullshit we have been doing in schools the past 30 or so years has been less effective than what was done before.

One definition of insanity is to do something over and over and expect a different result. If we continue doing mush headed, feel good experiments in education and they continue to produce lack luster results when compared to the past, then a rational person would conclude that we should be doing what worked better. Past history is pretty clear to support that teaching basic math skills using the traditional, clear, concise and 100% effective standard methods worked better. The only problem with the traditional methods are that a student might fail and thereby be faced with the personal responsibility of not meeting a standard of achievement and that people with much of any mathematical skill might not be suckered into voting for hair brained, mush headed, Socialist spending bullshit and candidates.

So, you are really defending failed methods and the premise that students should not master basic math skills?

Uh. Nobody's advocated not teaching algebra. If anything the most liberal focused 'school improvement' group (Bill Gates et al) has advocated more and earlier higher math. Then again you've never had a problem being completely detuned from reality.

12-22-2010, 10:21 PM
I'm just dying to know how you can justify supporting the notion as presented by the text book authors that children should not spend the time necessary to master basic mathematical concepts like simple algebra? I agree that the problem is certainly more diverse than one simple mathematic technique. I would suggest that 30+ years of falling test scores, rising rates of remedial classes in math and English among entering freshmen students to 4 year colleges and universities and falling ranking world wide would support the thesis that the mush headed bullshit we have been doing in schools the past 30 or so years has been less effective than what was done before.

I'm not going to question the 30 year number you're tossing out. You know what, though? The video you linked showed texts and concepts that have been taught for less than or near 10 years. How can you reconcile the fact that you're saying we have 30 years of teaching mush to our children, yet point to 10 years of mush as an example? With even basic logic, you can deduce that the last 10 years of possible mush can't be responsible for the 20 years prior, can it?

One definition of insanity is to do something over and over and expect a different result. If we continue doing mush headed, feel good experiments in education and they continue to produce lack luster results when compared to the past, then a rational person would conclude that we should be doing what worked better. Past history is pretty clear to support that teaching basic math skills using the traditional, clear, concise and 100% effective standard methods worked better.

Once again, you're just making shit up. History does not show that using traditional methods is better. You desperately WANT it to, but that in itself doesn't make it magically so. Just because we imagine a golden age doesn't mean it was really golden.

Take a look at the countries who are 'tops' in math in the world right now, and see how 'traditional' their methods are when compared to yours. See: Singapore, Japan, Korea.

So, you are really defending failed methods and the premise that students should not master basic math skills?

I think we all agree students should master basic math skills. The video you linked in this thread shows a meteorologist cursorily reviewing two sets of curricula geared towards teaching basic math skills, then enumerates HER issues with the programs and uses anecdotal evidence to show it doesn't work.

Here's the problem. You (and she) cannot cite any proof that said method has failed. None of us is even defending the particular method(s), you've just failed to satisfactorily produce any proof that you know what the fuck you're talking about.

Gnome Rage
12-22-2010, 10:59 PM
I started to get frustrated with this video when she pointed out that the math book didn't give children credit for "just writing 6".

When I was younger I was frustrated by math because I didn't "get" how it all added/multiplied etc. One of the best ways to figure it out was to break it down and have to really understand my methods before I put down an answer.

I think that its a good thing that text books are asking children to explain their methods. Anyways, the lady was bugging me after that so I turned it off, so thats all I have to add.

Firestorm Killa
12-22-2010, 11:10 PM
Reruns, Rojo, reruns.

Yes I watched Married with children. I am 30 you dunce if you would have payed attention through all threads you would know that by now kid.

12-22-2010, 11:27 PM

12-23-2010, 08:03 AM
Your all hopeless idiots and I hope you rot in the festering world of liberal tyranny or a gay man's asshole, which ever comes first.

you are too obsessed with politics man chill. go smoke a joint it helps.

And you sound like a fucking hippy.

Come on man even if you're a douche stick to your guns are you a bar fighter or a hippy?

12-23-2010, 08:26 AM
Depends on which alt he's on today. When he feels like being a firebrand, he gets on Firestorm Killa. When he feels like being a fucking hard core fighting maniac, he gets on Daragon.

Oh yeah? Must be for you..
One hobby that I also love doing is getting into bar fights. I doubt you could go a round with me sweet heart...

Now, apparently, he gets on Southernshine when he's in a hippy mood.

My personal favorite though is Donnie. That's the true FK/Daragon/Southernshine. Donnie is a really sweet guy. We've done a lot of things together. Here we are fishing:


Donnie taught me how to fish, because he's so much older than me! He says he was born before abortion was legal, and maaaaaaan was he lucky!

We have this picture framed above the fireplace. It's titled "Daragonian Annual Barfight, 1954"


That's actually Donnie's dad. Sir Donald "Train track murdera" Dargius.

Donnie and I usually text each other while we're flogging our respective wives from behind and thinking about each other. Sometimes we go on random forums and have conversations with ourselves by creating a few alts.

12-23-2010, 02:59 PM
Yes I watched Married with children. I am 30 you dunce if you would have payed attention through all threads you would know that by now kid.

I'm pleased to see that you agree that I've accurately summarized your life.

12-23-2010, 04:19 PM
I've read this entire thread and I still don't understand why Johhny can't add nor why I should care about Johhny.

12-27-2010, 01:33 PM
Now, apparently, he gets on Southernshine when he's in a hippy mood.

I don't know why you are attacking me man. I am not an alt anything. Just a noob checking this player's corner out. Heard it's the best place to buy gs stuff. I told this firestorm guy to smoke a joint because he is waaayy over the edge and needs to chill man. You shouldn't smoke anymore showal, you're too paranoid man.

12-27-2010, 01:35 PM
Woah Daragon dude, bro, besty, be cool bro.

12-27-2010, 03:34 PM
Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


You're out of your element.

Shomer shabbos!