View Full Version : The Next Democratic President is...

Firestorm Killa
11-17-2010, 09:33 PM
Well in an interview on the blaze, Alvin Greene has officially declared his bid for presidency! And of course the liberals would vote this guy in, in a heart beat!


11-19-2010, 05:31 PM
....not born yet.

11-19-2010, 06:18 PM
Except they didn't even bother voting him in as Senator of NC.

Gnome Rage
11-19-2010, 06:21 PM
Another black guy. Fuck he might actually win.

Firestorm Killa
11-20-2010, 10:03 PM
Another black guy. Fuck he might actually win.

Yep black vote will be out in force just like they were for obummer.

11-21-2010, 12:12 AM
Yep black vote will be out in force just like they were for obummer.

I think you are more of an idiot than Tare. Did you know that wizards are lucky?

Firestorm Killa
11-22-2010, 09:06 AM
I think you are more of an idiot than Tare. Did you know that wizards are lucky?


Jace Solo
11-22-2010, 09:51 AM
Do you all think the novelty of the black vote has passed or will any black (liberal) candidate still snag the majority of the vote?

Firestorm Killa
11-22-2010, 10:17 AM
Do you all think the novelty of the black vote has passed or will any black (liberal) candidate still snag the majority of the vote?

I think that liberals in general will snag the majority of the black vote, and I do not know why. It confuses me how it was the liberals who fought to keep slavery, the liberals who formed the KKK, and the liberals who also voted against the civil rights acts, and yet they are seen as the party of the black people? How the fuck does that happen? Do they just wanna be slaves again or something?

11-22-2010, 11:13 AM
...the liberals who formed the KKK...????

Jace Solo
11-22-2010, 11:25 AM
Unfortunately it comes down to a "what have you done for me lately".

Despite the fact the continue to bring up slavery so long since it was abolished, they refuse to acknowledge who actually freed them from the white man (it seems they credit only themselves with it...I can't remember ever hearing a black person say anything nice about Abe Lincoln or the rest of the white people that thought it was wrong and wanted to abolish it...effectively lumping all "white people" into one category that hates "black people") and the democrats stand for "giving them" all the things that help in the continued struggle of oppression from the white man.

Basically, funding for all those babies we make them have...or the fact that they can't hold a job because the white man keeps them from being employed...or the fact racism still exists to the point that their lives are ruined...oh, and that there is no such thing as reverse racism.

Could you imagine if a college allowed students to create a "white students union". The "black students union" would have a shit fit...and wouldn't even recognize the irony/ignorance in the situation.

11-22-2010, 11:42 AM


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 11:44 AM
I refuse to believe that the majority of the black population voted for Obama solely because he was black. I'd be insulted if you said I voted for McCain because he was white.

11-22-2010, 11:47 AM
I would say the majority didn't vote for him soley because he was black. However I wouldn't be shocked if the undecided black votes swayed their decision towards him because he was black though.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 11:50 AM
Unfortunately it comes down to a "what have you done for me lately".

Despite the fact the continue to bring up slavery so long since it was abolished, they refuse to acknowledge who actually freed them from the white man (it seems they credit only themselves with it...I can't remember ever hearing a black person say anything nice about Abe Lincoln or the rest of the white people that thought it was wrong and wanted to abolish it...effectively lumping all "white people" into one category that hates "black people") and the democrats stand for "giving them" all the things that help in the continued struggle of oppression from the white man.

Basically, funding for all those babies we make them have...or the fact that they can't hold a job because the white man keeps them from being employed...or the fact racism still exists to the point that their lives are ruined...oh, and that there is no such thing as reverse racism.

Could you imagine if a college allowed students to create a "white students union". The "black students union" would have a shit fit...and wouldn't even recognize the irony/ignorance in the situation.

Your racism is overwhelming in this post. I bet you have black friends, right? There are certainly examples of everything you listed, but again, I refuse to believe the majority of the black people in the US think this way. I'd be surprised if 10% did. It's long standing stereotypes by hate mongers like you that propagate the unsubstantiated hubris.

11-22-2010, 11:52 AM
The 10% are always the loudest, which is why they get the most attention and from which most stereotypes are derived.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 11:52 AM
I call them the vocal minority.

11-22-2010, 11:53 AM

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 11:54 AM
Next election I'm voting for gun control!

11-22-2010, 11:55 AM
That's not funny!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 11:57 AM
I'd have to sell like 12 weapons. Or hide them in my nuclear fallout shelter behind my bunker, diesel generator and 36 months of c rations.

Jace Solo
11-22-2010, 03:59 PM
I love how I'm racist for pointing out the racism that is inherent in what you call the "vocal minority". I don't consider myself racist, I consider myself fair and would give yield every opportunity I have myself to someone of any other color, nationality or religious background.

It's also funny how this vocal minority is a lot bigger than 10% in our country at current. I would point out the overwhelming percentage of blacks that are on welfare or engaged in our lovely prison system but that would probably be racist too.

Get off your high horse and look at facts and trends. As we are all afforded the same rights under the consitution there is still an overwhelming majority that do nothing to contribute back to their country. Including paying taxes. I'm against anyone that is a constant drain on our great country or feels that they should be entitled to privileges, like living in the US without personal sacrifice.

I enjoy the company and free flowing thoughts of my "black friends". It is unfortunate that we stereotype and that the multiple cultures within African American groupings are lumped together. However, when "they" choose to continue to further the ideals of racism through "reverse racism" and act now that racism is fair as long as their the ones that benefit from it is atrocious and should not be supported.

The more you defend this stand point that people should be given things they do not deserve the further you will wedge the gap between all races, creeds and religions. Only by recognizing that this is a trend that all of us (no matter color) do not want to continue and squash all together all forms of racism will we really make an progress into furthering our great nation. In summary let it go, you don't still hear the Irish, the Jews or the Italians bitching about how bad they had it...because they took the opportunity to build their legacy.

And I'll remember how racist I am by wanting us all to be equal and work equally hard to deserve the nicer things in life. I've obviously got the meaning of equality all wrong.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-22-2010, 04:11 PM
I love how I'm racist for pointing out the racism that is inherent in what you call the "vocal minority". I don't consider myself racist, I consider myself fair and would give yield every opportunity I have myself to someone of any other color, nationality or religious background.

It's also funny how this vocal minority is a lot bigger than 10% in our country at current. I would point out the overwhelming percentage of blacks that are on welfare or engaged in our lovely prison system but that would probably be racist too.

Get off your high horse and look at facts and trends. As we are all afforded the same rights under the consitution there is still an overwhelming majority that do nothing to contribute back to their country. Including paying taxes. I'm against anyone that is a constant drain on our great country or feels that they should be entitled to privileges, like living in the US without personal sacrifice.

I enjoy the company and free flowing thoughts of my "black friends". It is unfortunate that we stereotype and that the multiple cultures within African American groupings are lumped together. However, when "they" choose to continue to further the ideals of racism through "reverse racism" and act now that racism is fair as long as their the ones that benefit from it is atrocious and should not be supported.

The more you defend this stand point that people should be given things they do not deserve the further you will wedge the gap between all races, creeds and religions. Only by recognizing that this is a trend that all of us (no matter color) do not want to continue and squash all together all forms of racism will we really make an progress into furthering our great nation. In summary let it go, you don't still hear the Irish, the Jews or the Italians bitching about how bad they had it...because they took the opportunity to build their legacy.

And I'll remember how racist I am by wanting us all to be equal and work equally hard to deserve the nicer things in life. I've obviously got the meaning of equality all wrong.

Yeah, you aren't racist at all!
You've totally swayed my way of thinking, where do I sign up to liberate the oppressed white man?

Jace Solo
11-22-2010, 04:35 PM
I remember that lesson in debate class. If you don't have a decent rebutle, turn to sarcasm.

In all seriousness, I'm guessing you've never lived somewhere that whites have been the minority.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

11-22-2010, 05:10 PM
I refuse to believe that the majority of the black population voted for Obama solely because he was black. I'd be insulted if you said I voted for McCain because he was white.Kerry got 88% of the black vote, while Obama got 95%. The question then becomes: did Obama get 7% more because he was black, or because Kerry was a terrible candidate? I know the answer towards which I am leaning.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-23-2010, 05:50 PM
I remember that lesson in debate class. If you don't have a decent rebutle, turn to sarcasm.

In all seriousness, I'm guessing you've never lived somewhere that whites have been the minority.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

I lived in Japan, on the economy, for 4 years. I lived in Panama, on the economy, for 3 years. I was the minority, in both locations.

Jace Solo
11-23-2010, 06:17 PM
You know what I mean. Asians are not nearly known for being as aggressive against Americans (minus Koreans) as the main topic of our conversation.

11-23-2010, 06:20 PM
You know what I mean. Asians are not nearly known for being as aggressive against Americans (minus Koreans) as the main topic of our conversation.

At this point you've definitely marched further into pretty racist territory.

11-23-2010, 06:21 PM
I'm not exactly sure what you mean. You asked if he has ever lived in a country where he was in the minority then when he answered yes and gives examples you say "You know what I mean." Did you mean to ask "have you ever lived in a country where the majority were blacks"?

Jace Solo
11-23-2010, 07:03 PM
Well, I actually didn't say country. I should have specified in the U.S. but felt that it was implied since Nothing else in this thread suggests another country is in question.

He purposefully tried to circumnavigate my point by naming places outside of the U.S.. Also, military bases don't really count IMO but that's debatable I suppose.

11-23-2010, 08:13 PM
What is your point? It seems to me that SHM's responses were relevant to your challenge, but I'm not sure what the challenge even had to do with anything.

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:34 PM
Kerry got 88% of the black vote, while Obama got 95%. The question then becomes: did Obama get 7% more because he was black, or because Kerry was a terrible candidate? I know the answer towards which I am leaning.

The only thing different between kerry and obama was skin color. They held all the same views and both want socialism. So yeah it was probably skin color that contributed.

11-23-2010, 08:37 PM
Really? The only difference was skin color? Nothing to do with the fact that Kerry was a total douche bag and flip flopped on his positions three or more times in a single answer to try to 'relate' to every voting demographic?

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:38 PM

Look it up CT. Republicans were the ones who freed the slaves. Liberals started the KKK when the first black senate and congress members were elected and after the south lost.

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:38 PM
Really? The only difference was skin color? Nothing to do with the fact that Kerry was a total douche bag and flip flopped on his positions three or more times in a single answer to try to 'relate' to every voting demographic?

Obama Flip flopped just as much.

11-23-2010, 08:39 PM
From what I recall Obama was pretty consistent. Sure maybe weeks later he flip flopped on some positions but no one could hold a candle to Kerry.

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:42 PM
From what I recall Obama was pretty consistent. Sure maybe weeks later he flip flopped on some positions but no one could hold a candle to Kerry.

Obama flip flops every day dude are you really trying defend him on this? Hell even alot of the black vote is falling off his band wagon because he flip flops so damn much.

11-23-2010, 08:44 PM
Honestly I haven't been paying attention very much lately but since we were talking about the amount of black votes Kerry received compared to Obama I figured we were talking about election days. But hey if you want to move the goal posts mid game go right ahead.

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:46 PM
Honestly I haven't been paying attention very much lately but since we were talking about the amount of black votes Kerry received compared to Obama I figured we were talking about election days. But hey if you want to move the goal posts mid game go right ahead.

He flip flopped every day then too. Kerry and Obama are identical in every way except one is white, and one has pubes on his head.

11-23-2010, 08:50 PM
He flip flopped every day then too. Kerry and Obama are identical in every way except one is white, and one has pubes on his head.

can you cite a source that can confirm one has pubes on his head or are you a retard? That can be taken as two questions in one or as a single question and those are your only two options.

Firestorm Killa
11-23-2010, 08:52 PM
can you cite a source that can confirm one has pubes on his head or are you a retard? That can be taken as two questions in one or as a single question and those are your only two options.

Your still a snert.

11-23-2010, 08:55 PM
it is you're, not your.

Jace Solo
11-23-2010, 09:30 PM

Just because I point out racism from other races doesn't make me racist.
I simply mentioned the trends common to other races in the U.S. being just as racist, if not more than, white people are now. The majority of my generation (of whites in the U.S.) does not care what color you are. We care about what you are doing right now and what you plan to do in the future to support yourself because we do not believe it is our job to support you because your ancestors were treated poorly in the past. Somewhere in all our lines, someone was treated unfairly and it's very doubtful they (and especially not two to three generations removed) were ever given reparation for that treatment.

I cited prior post's occurrences based on being a victim of racism from other races in the U.S. because of things "my ancestors (who weren't mine)" did. This comes from living or visiting in places in the U.S. in which I was a minority and was treated in a very aggressive manner for the color of my skin. That was what my question for SHM was.

Furthermore, that there is little to no recognition from the other races for those, not inside their race, that liberated them from their oppression. An oppression for which they still demand special treatments.

Moreover, it's this reparation that democrats are insistent at giving regardless of whether those "other races" work for it or not just to secure the vote. Getting up to vote two to three days a year does not qualify as work.

Obama was a ploy to insure a higher black voter turn out for the democratic presidential bid. A point that is backed up by seeing both the margin of the black vote and the overwhelming increase in black voter turnout at the poles. Had the number of black voters turned out to vote for Kerry, he would have beat Bush.

Obama continually flip flops on issues, as much as most presidential candidates before him and, I would suspect, would have even more should he not have had a teleprompter in front of him nearly every time he spoke.

I am thankful that there are enough people that realize he is just as bad, albeit worse, a president than his predecessors and that his policies and time will soon run up. Unless he engages us in a war that saves his presidency. Because rarely, if ever, does an incumbent president lose during a time of war.

Finally, don't call me a racist because I point out those trends. Nothing I said was actually a racist remark. I do understand though that it is hard not to call someone a racism when they have no other way of defining a specific group than to designate by skin tone. That doesn't make you a racist.

With pretty equal footing now there is little reason for hand outs to ANY RACE (in the U.S.) or to defend blatant racism towards ANY RACE (U.S.) or to observe special allowances that would further create a divide between ANY RACE (again, since it needs to be specified, in the U.S.). I can't say I've ever heard a Jewish person call another Jew a Kike, etc. Widening the complacency for which the term "racist" can be thrown around only deludes it for situations when it is actually needed and emboldens those who would misuse it for their own personal gain.

Was that clear enough, that we are still talking about the U.S., the races inside the U.S. and locations inside the U.S.?
At no time, were we speaking of those outside of the U.S.

This is my last post. Flame away if you like. Calling me a racist will not negate the points I have made about the trends happening now in the U.S.

11-23-2010, 09:41 PM
So blacks are supposed to forget the past when it comes to reparations but at the same time they should show some gratitude to whites because whites helped free blacks from their oppression?

11-23-2010, 09:43 PM
...and Asians would never harm good decent Americans but you have to watch out for those scary black people?

Oh yeah. You're definitely not a racist, Ruty.

11-24-2010, 01:06 PM
We care about what you are doing right now and what you plan to do in the future to support yourself because we do not believe it is our job to support you because your ancestors were treated poorly in the past. Somewhere in all our lines, someone was treated unfairly and it's very doubtful they (and especially not two to three generations removed) were ever given reparation for that treatment.I would like you to consider (recognizing that you have stated this is your last post) the following concrete example: African Americans have a significantly higher risk of drowning than white Americans. One of the many, many ways African Americans were discriminated against in the past was not being allowed in public pools. Would you agree that the legacy of this (largely) extinct discrimination is worth treating directly, given that people are literally dying as a result of it? If so, is the legacy of pool discrimination fundamentally different from the legacies of employment discrimination, education discrimination, etc.?
Had the number of black voters turned out to vote for Kerry, he would have beat Bush.Had the percentage of white voters who voted for FDR voted for Kerry, he also would have beat Bush. Are we to conclude from this that white people are/were racist against Kerry?

11-24-2010, 03:51 PM
Latrin, please don't make this any more difficult than it already is for the killa. He already battles autism on a daily basis, no need to have him debate sound logic too. Also, he might ram your jaw through a brick.