View Full Version : Teevee Talk Show Guests Mostly Old, White and Republican

09-14-2010, 01:32 PM
Why is anybody surprised? The most senior people are the most likely to be on the teevee, and they're mostly white. And Republicans are there most often because they're a lot better looking on teevee than their Democrat colleagues, whose appearance is better suited for radio.

“In 2009 the talk shows told us (by their selection of Congressional guests) that the people who matter are disproportionately white, male, senior and Republican — disproportionate not just when compared to the American population overall, but also when compared to the population of Congress itself,” concluded a study published this month in The Green Bag, a quarterly journal supported by the George Mason University School of Law.

The study, of the five network Sunday shows from February to December 2009, found that while 14.6 percent of members of Congress were minorities, just 2.5 percent of the Congressional TV guests were minorities; and that while 16.9 percent of members were female, 13.5 percent of the guests were female.

A supplement to the study also singled out a group of “30 white, male U.S. senators in office six plus years” who represented 5.6 percent of the Congressional populace, but 61.4 percent of the TV guests.

More... (http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/12/seeing-a-tilt-in-sunday-talk/)